This project facilitates the conversion of metadata records from a CSW (Catalogue Service for the Web) to STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog) format that is comptabile for the EDITO STAC. The converter fetches records from a CSW catalog, processes the metadata, supplements metadata, finds relevant assets, and finally adds them to a STAC catalog if a data product has been found. After the local STAC is made, it is transferred to an s3 bucket. Then the STAC is ingested onto a resto instance, usually ""
Qualifications for what a data product is can be found in get_mediatype(). Assets where the role returns as ['data'] are considered data products. If the link works, this is considered a data product.
The csw catalog can be built from other CSW catalogs. But is primarily for transforming the EMODnet Geonetwork Catalog in CSW format into a STAC catalog compatible for the EDITO STAC. It does this from specific source catalogs from each of the thematic lots. Specified in
- Python 3.10
- Credentials for the 'emodnet' bucket
Install the required dependencies using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt Main script that runs other scripts and keeps track of processed records Manages assets from each CSW record. Based on media type, and if it qualifies as an asset viable for the EDITO STAC Supplements additional metadata to each CSW record if available from Geonetwork XML data. Makes the STAC Catalog based on the processed_records metadata. If a CSW record has the right qualifications it will be added into the local STAC. Each record is added under a variable family catalog, and inside a collection. Ingests the local STAC onto a resto instance, where the EDITO STAC is hosted. Various utility scripts
First setup configuration. Location of CSW catalog, title of CSW, title of STAC, local stac location, location for STAC on s3. And if digesting on resto, which instance.
"csw_catalog_title": "emodnetgeonetwork",
"csw_catalog_url": "",
"stac_id": "emodnet_geonetwork",
"STAC_title": "EMODnet Geonetwork",
"stac_dir": "../data/stac/",
"stac_s3": "geonetwork_stac",
"resto_instance": "dive",
"records_to_process": ["bf0bc42474b39b859495d4e64af4028aa2f452c1"]
You need credentials in 'data/creds/' to transfer your STAC to the s3 bucket (emods3.env) and ingest on resto (resto.env)
cd src python