A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- ActionScript
- Ada
- Arduino
- Assembly
- AutoHotkey
- Batchfile
- BitBake
- Blade
- BlitzBasic
- Boo
- C
- C#
- C++
- CMake
- Classic ASP
- Clojure
- CodeQL
- ColdFusion
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Emacs Lisp
- Erlang
- F#
- Fluent
- FreeMarker
- Go
- Groovy
- Hack
- Haskell
- Inno Setup
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- Jupyter Notebook
- Just
- KiCad Layout
- Kotlin
- Logos
- Lua
- Makefile
- Markdown
- Mask
- Max
- Mustache
- Nginx
- Nim
- Nix
- Nunjucks
- OCaml
- Objective-C
- Objective-C++
- Open Policy Agent
- Others
- Pascal
- Perl
- PostScript
- PowerShell
- Propeller Spin
- Pug
- Python
- QMake
- Rascal
- Rich Text Format
- Roff
- Ruby
- Rust
- Sage
- SaltStack
- Sass
- Scala
- Scheme
- Shell
- Smali
- Smarty
- Solidity
- SourcePawn
- Starlark
- Svelte
- Swift
- Tcl
- TeX
- TypeScript
- VBScript
- Vim Script
- Visual Basic
- Visual Basic .NET
- Vue
- Zeek
- Zig
- nesC
- templ
- postgres-cn/pgdoc-cn - PostgreSQL manual Chinese translation by China PostgreSQL Users Group
- Jean-Francois-C/Webshell-Upload-and-Web-RCE-Techniques - Classic Web shell upload techniques & Web RCE techniques
- appsecco/json-flash-csrf-poc - This repo contains the files required to perform a CSRF attack using Flash and HTTP 307 redirections.
- UnicycleDumpTruck/MissionControl - This kids' homework desk has top that flips up to reveal a space-themed control panel.
- spacehuhn/wifi_keylogger - DIY Arduino Wi-Fi Keylogger (Proof of Concept)
- enkomio/AlanFramework - A C2 post-exploitation framework
- MortenSchenk/Token-Stealing-Shellcode -
- xenoscr/SysWhispers2 - AV/EDR evasion via direct system calls.
- timwhitez/Doge-Direct-Syscall - Golang Direct Syscall
- klezVirus/inceptor - Template-Driven AV/EDR Evasion Framework
- guitmz/memrun - Small tool to run ELF binaries from memory with a given process name
- DownWithUp/DynamicKernelShellcode - An example of how x64 kernel shellcode can dynamically find and use APIs
- mai1zhi2/SysWhispers2_x86 - X86 version of syswhispers2 / x86 direct system call
- jthuraisamy/SysWhispers2 - AV/EDR evasion via direct system calls.
- Cybereason/siofra -
- mytechnotalent/Reverse-Engineering - A FREE comprehensive reverse engineering tutorial covering x86, x64, 32-bit/64-bit ARM, 8-bit AVR and 32-bit RISC-V architectures.
- jjyr/jonesforth_riscv - Jonesforth RISC-V port.
- vxunderground/MalwareSourceCode - Collection of malware source code for a variety of platforms in an array of different programming languages.
- antonioCoco/Mapping-Injection - Just another Windows Process Injection
- jthuraisamy/SysWhispers - AV/EDR evasion via direct system calls.
- tinysec/windows-syscall-table - windows syscall table from xp ~ 10 rs4
- xianyukang/MyKeymap - 一款基于 AutoHotkey 的键盘映射工具
- goreliu/runz - RunZ,专业的快速启动工具
- kookob/smpic - Windows下面的SM.MS图床上传工具
- lxgw/LxgwWenKai - An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. 一款开源中文字体,基于 FONTWORKS 出品字体 Klee One 衍生。
- gsuberland/lbfo_win10 - Re-enable NIC teaming (LBFO) in Windows 10 using components from Windows Server.
- SkyBlueEternal/jdk-change - 支持windows\linux\macOS | jdk一键切换版本\一键切换jdk版本\jdk版本更换
- 0xbinibini/emergency_response_batch - 应急响应,应急响应脚本,应急响应批处理;将Windows查看日志用户端口等命令集成在批处理脚本中。让熟练的应急人员能省去多次重复的敲击和记忆,并通过读取配置文件来调用Windows自带的命令结束进程服务等,本批处理尽量不调用任何外部的工具。任何调用的外部工具都将会存放在plugin目录下可按需使用,力图使用最原生的命令行来完成工作。
- wecooperate/iMonitorSDK - The world's most powerful System Activity Monitor Engine · 一款功能强大的终端行为采集防御开发套件 ~ 旨在帮助EDR、零信任、数据安全、审计管控等终端安全软件可以快速实现产品功能, 而不用关心底层驱动的开发、维护和兼容性问题,让其可以专注于业务开发
- SoraShu/easyconn-socks5-for-HITsz - 在服务器上运行easyconnect并建立socks5代理,实现win电脑上免安装easyconnect访问校园内网。
- r00t4dm/CVE-2020-27955 -
- swagkarna/Defeat-Defender-V1.2.0 - Powerful batch script to dismantle complete windows defender protection and even bypass tamper protection ..Disable Windows-Defender Permanently....Hack windows. POC
- wafinfo/cobaltstrike - cobaltstrike插件
- chroblert/JC-jEnv - windows java environ manage
- massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts - Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
- sagishahar/lpeworkshop - Windows / Linux Local Privilege Escalation Workshop
- maguowei/k8s-docker-desktop-for-mac - Docker Desktop for Mac 开启并使用 Kubernetes
- ihacku/winhardening - windows 加固脚本
- frizb/Windows-Privilege-Escalation - Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques and Scripts
- acgbfull/IBM_Appscan_Batch_Scan_Script - IBM AppScan批量扫描脚本
- crazywifi/RDP_SessionHijacking - Passwordless RDP Session Hijacking
- mxk/windows-secure-group-policy - Windows 11 secure group policy for standalone devices
- so87/CISSP-Study-Guide - study material used for the 2018 CISSP exam
- Tai7sy/fuckcdn - CDN真实IP扫描,易语言开发
- NextronSystems/APTSimulator - A toolset to make a system look as if it was the victim of an APT attack
- auspbro/domain-admin-crack - 🌵 入域电脑用户本地提权
- bartblaze/Disable-Intel-AMT - Tool to disable Intel AMT on Windows
- NuclearPhoenixx/fake-sandbox - 👁🗨 This script will simulate fake processes of analysis sandbox/VM software that some malware will try to avoid.
- wzulfikar/ngrok-caddy - Script to run ngrok with (optional) caddy server
- xer0times/BugBounty - Bug Bounty stuffs, payloads, scripts, profiles, tips and tricks, ...
- dbarzin/mercator - Mapping the information system / Cartographie du système d'information
- Sy3Omda/burp-bounty - Burp Bounty profiles
- six2dez/burp-bounty-profiles - Burp Bounty profiles compilation, feel free to contribute!
- PortSwigger/scan-check-builder - Burp Bounty is a extension of Burp Suite that improve an active and passive scanner by yourself. This extension requires Burp Suite Pro.
- 1N3/IntruderPayloads - A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads, BurpBounty payloads, fuzz lists, malicious file uploads and web pentesting methodologies and checklists.
- ghsec/BBProfiles - Burp Bounty (Scan Check Builder in BApp Store) is a extension of Burp Suite that improve an active and passive scanner by yourself. This extension requires Burp Suite Pro.
- byt3bl33d3r/SILENTTRINITY - An asynchronous, collaborative post-exploitation agent powered by Python and .NET's DLR
- linktools-toolkit/linktools - 记录了在移动端漏洞分析和合规扫描过程中涉及的一些常用功能,以Python库的方式提供使用
- varwara/CVE-2024-35250 - PoC for the Untrusted Pointer Dereference in the ks.sys driver
- hengyoush/kyanos - Kyanos is a networking analysis tool using eBPF. It can visualize the time packets spend in the kernel, capture requests/responses, makes troubleshooting more efficient.
- wangfly-me/LoaderFly - 助力每一位RT队员,快速生成免杀木马
- gianlucaborello/libprocesshider - Hide a process under Linux using the ld preloader (https://sysdig.com/blog/hiding-linux-processes-for-fun-and-profit/)
- paokuwansui/Antivirus_killer - 免杀主流防病毒软件
- P001water/yuze - A socksv5 proxy tool Written by CLang. 一款纯C实现的基于socks5协议的轻量内网穿透工具,支持ew的全部数据转发方式,支持跨平台使用
- OracleNep/Nday-Exploit-Plan - 历史漏洞的细节以及利用方法汇总收集
- iridium-soda/container-escape-exploits - 整理容器逃逸相关的漏洞和exploits.
- baiyies/AutoMonitor - windows自动监控截图工具。 windows automatic screenshoter.
- h4ckm310n/Container-Vulnerability-Exploit - 容器安全漏洞的分析与复现
- m0nad/Diamorphine - LKM rootkit for Linux Kernels 2.6.x/3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x (x86/x86_64 and ARM64)
- PolarPeak/NIDS - 基于Suricata简单的网络入侵检测系统,也是我的垃圾毕业设计,目前仅仅是一个demo。
- evilashz/PigScheduleTask - 添加计划任务方法集合
- kernweak/minicrypt - 基于MiniFilter和Sfilter的加解密
- esnet/iperf - iperf3: A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool
- qwqdanchun/HVNC - 基于Tinynuke修复得到的HVNC
- baidu/dperf - dperf is a 100Gbps network load tester.
- H4K6/CVE-2023-0179-PoC - 针对(CVE-2023-0179)漏洞利用 该漏洞被分配为CVE-2023-0179,影响了从5.5到6.2-rc3的所有Linux版本,该漏洞在6.1.6上被测试。 漏洞的细节和文章可以在os-security上找到。
- Impalabs/CVE-2023-27326 - VM Escape for Parallels Desktop <18.1.1
- libAudioFlux/audioFlux - A library for audio and music analysis, feature extraction.
- chompie1337/Windows_LPE_AFD_CVE-2023-21768 - LPE exploit for CVE-2023-21768
- xforcered/Windows_LPE_AFD_CVE-2023-21768 - LPE exploit for CVE-2023-21768
- Esonhugh/sshd_backdoor - /root/.ssh/authorized_keys evil file watchdog with ebpf tracepoint hook.
- brosck/Pingoor - 「🚪」Linux Backdoor based on ICMP protocol
- nelhage/reptyr - Reparent a running program to a new terminal
- itm4n/PPLdump - Dump the memory of a PPL with a userland exploit
- zh-explorer/dirtycow - exploit for dirtycow
- Coldzer0/ReverseSock5Proxy - A tiny Reverse Sock5 Proxy written in C :V
- Cerbersec/KillDefenderBOF - Beacon Object File PoC implementation of KillDefender
- seventeenman/noELF - Linux下用于远程加载可执行文件以达到内存加载的目的
- Kevin-sa/ebpf-supply-chain - 利用ebpf做pypi恶意包检测
- yukar1z0e/cloudswordtsh - 多用户版linux/freebsd/openbsd/netbsd/cygwin/sunos/irix/hpux/osf的远控tiny shell
- Octoberfest7/EventViewerUAC_BOF - Beacon Object File implementation of Event Viewer deserialization UAC bypass
- Rvn0xsy/SchtaskCreator - 远程创建任务计划工具
- Libraggbond/EventViewerBypassUacBof - EventViewer Bypass Uac Bof
- randorisec/CVE-2022-34918-LPE-PoC -
- h3xduck/TripleCross - A Linux eBPF rootkit with a backdoor, C2, library injection, execution hijacking, persistence and stealth capabilities.
- pytorch/cpuinfo - CPU INFOrmation library (x86/x86-64/ARM/ARM64, Linux/Windows/Android/macOS/iOS)
- byt3bl33d3r/BOF-Zig - Cobalt Strike BOF with Zig!
- crisprss/PetitPotam - 替代PrintBug用于本地提权的新方式,主要利用MS-EFSR协议中的接口函数 借鉴了Potitpotam中对于EFSR协议的利用,实现了本地提权的一系列方式 Drawing on the use of the EFSR protocol in Potitpotam, a series of local rights escalation methods have been realized
- Cracked5pider/Ekko - Sleep Obfuscation
- helloexp/0day - 各种CMS、各种平台、各种系统、各种软件漏洞的EXP、POC ,该项目将持续更新
- tr3ee/CVE-2022-23222 - CVE-2022-23222: Linux Kernel eBPF Local Privilege Escalation
- synacktiv/ica2tcp - A SOCKS proxy for Citrix.
- thefLink/DeepSleep - A variant of Gargoyle for x64 to hide memory artifacts using ROP only and PIC
- q77190858/CVE-2021-3156 - sudo提权漏洞CVE-2021-3156复现代码
- nsacyber/Hardware-and-Firmware-Security-Guidance - Guidance for the Spectre, Meltdown, Speculative Store Bypass, Rogue System Register Read, Lazy FP State Restore, Bounds Check Bypass Store, TLBleed, and L1TF/Foreshadow vulnerabilities as well as gene
- nemo-wq/PrintNightmare-CVE-2021-34527 - PrintNightmare - Windows Print Spooler RCE/LPE Vulnerability (CVE-2021-34527, CVE-2021-1675) proof of concept exploits
- LDrakura/Remote_ShellcodeLoader - 远程shellcode加载&权限维持+小功能
- JDArmy/RPCSCAN - RPC远程主机信息匿名扫描工具
- jituo666/AndroidEventRecorder - A recorder used for recording user actions on Android platforms.
- liudf0716/xfrpc - The xfrpc project is a lightweight implementation of the FRP client written in C language for OpenWRT and IoT systems. It is designed to provide an efficient solution for resource-constrained devices
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/WindowsDllsExport - A list of all the DLLs export in C:\windows\system32\
- trustedsec/CS-Remote-OPs-BOF -
- 3nock/OTE - OSINT Template Engine
- DataDog/security-labs-pocs - Proof of concept code for Datadog Security Labs referenced exploits.
- outflanknl/C2-Tool-Collection - A collection of tools which integrate with Cobalt Strike (and possibly other C2 frameworks) through BOF and reflective DLL loading techniques.
- chicharitomu14/AndScanner - This is the project for the paper “Large-scale Security Measurements on the Android Firmware Ecosystem” in ICSE2022
- rbsec/sslscan - sslscan tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites
- krisnova/boopkit - Linux eBPF backdoor over TCP. Spawn reverse shells, RCE, on prior privileged access. Less Honkin, More Tonkin.
- bytedance/bhook - 🔥 ByteHook is an Android PLT hook library which supports armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
- r0ysue/AndroidFridaBeginnersBook - 《安卓Frida逆向与抓包实战》随书附件
- easychen/pushdeer - 开放源码的无App推送服务,iOS14+扫码即用。亦支持快应用/iOS和Mac客户端、Android客户端、自制设备
- emptymonkey/revsh - A reverse shell with terminal support, data tunneling, and advanced pivoting capabilities.
- Bonfee/CVE-2022-0995 - CVE-2022-0995 exploit
- RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3 - Iceman Fork - Proxmark3
- gojue/ecapture - Capturing SSL/TLS plaintext without a CA certificate using eBPF. Supported on Linux/Android kernels for amd64/arm64.
- ly4k/PwnKit - Self-contained exploit for CVE-2021-4034 - Pkexec Local Privilege Escalation
- crisprss/PrintSpoofer - PrintSpoofer的反射dll实现,结合Cobalt Strike使用
- AlexisAhmed/CVE-2022-0847-DirtyPipe-Exploits - A collection of exploits and documentation that can be used to exploit the Linux Dirty Pipe vulnerability.
- mponcet/subversive - x86_64 linux rootkit using debug registers
- therealdreg/lsrootkit - Rootkit Detector for UNIX
- Arinerron/CVE-2022-0847-DirtyPipe-Exploit - A root exploit for CVE-2022-0847 (Dirty Pipe)
- Bonfee/CVE-2022-25636 - CVE-2022-25636
- bopin2020/WindowsCamp - Windows Kernel Knowledge && Collect Resources on the wire && Nothing innovation by myself &&
- Lojii/Knot - 一款iOS端基于MITM(中间人攻击技术)实现的HTTPS抓包工具,完整的App,核心代码使用SwiftNIO实现
- r4j0x00/exploits -
- SentryPeer/SentryPeer - Protect your SIP Servers from bad actors at https://sentrypeer.org
- b1n4r1b01/n-days -
- linux-lock/bpflock - bpflock - eBPF driven security for locking and auditing Linux machines
- Rvn0xsy/CVE-2021-4034 - CVE-2021-4034 Add Root User - Pkexec Local Privilege Escalation
- 0verSp4ce/CVE-2021-4034 - CVE-2021-4034, For Webshell Version.
- MichaelDim02/Narthex - Modular personalized dictionary generator.
- FlamingSpork/iptable_evil - An evil bit backdoor for iptables
- kyleavery/inject-assembly - Inject .NET assemblies into an existing process
- spieglt/whatfiles - Log what files are accessed by any Linux process
- berdav/CVE-2021-4034 - CVE-2021-4034 1day
- arthepsy/CVE-2021-4034 - PoC for PwnKit: Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in polkit’s pkexec (CVE-2021-4034)
- Ayrx/CVE-2021-4034 - Exploit for CVE-2021-4034
- xbyl1234/android_analysis - a few android analysis tools, jni trace by native hook, libc hook, write log with caller's addr in file or AndroidLog
- aaaddress1/Skrull - Skrull is a malware DRM, that prevents Automatic Sample Submission by AV/EDR and Signature Scanning from Kernel. It generates launchers that can run malware on the victim using the Process Ghosting te
- thefLink/Hunt-Sleeping-Beacons - Aims to identify sleeping beacons
- Rvn0xsy/linux_dirty - 更改后的脏牛提权代码,可以往任意文件写入任意内容,去除交互过程
- revng/pagebuster - PageBuster - dump all executable pages of packed processes.
- screetsec/TheFatRat - Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then
- f0rb1dd3n/Reptile - LKM Linux rootkit
- lcatro/qemu-fuzzer - Qemu Fuzzer.针对Qemu模拟设备的模糊测试工具,主要思路是Host生成种子Data,然后传递给Guest中转程序,由中转程序访问MMIO,以达到和模拟设备的交互,不同于qtest自带的fuzzer.
- chriskaliX/Hades - Hades is a Host-Based Intrusion Detection System based on eBPF(mainly)
- n0b0dyCN/redis-rogue-server - Redis(<=5.0.5) RCE
- wavestone-cdt/EDRSandblast -
- OALabs/BlobRunner - Quickly debug shellcode extracted during malware analysis
- SweetIceLolly/Huorong_Vulnerabilities - Huorong Internet Security vulnerabilities 火绒安全软件漏洞
- scareing/cmd2shellcode - cmd2shellcode
- securifybv/Visual-Studio-BOF-template - A Visual Studio template used to create Cobalt Strike BOFs
- HexHive/USBFuzz - A Framework for fuzzing USB Drivers by Device Emulation
- fortra/nanodump - The swiss army knife of LSASS dumping
- 0671/RedisModules-ExecuteCommand-for-Windows - 可在Windows下执行系统命令的Redis模块,可用于Redis主从复制攻击。
- Lakr233/Decrypter - An easy way to decrypt UIKit app.
- idealeer/xmap - XMap is a fast network scanner designed for performing Internet-wide IPv6 & IPv4 network research scanning.
- wolfpython/nids - 基于网络的入侵检测系统
- dismantl/ImprovedReflectiveDLLInjection - An improvement of the original reflective DLL injection technique by Stephen Fewer of Harmony Security
- aircrack-ng/mdk4 - MDK4
- boku7/injectEtwBypass - CobaltStrike BOF - Inject ETW Bypass into Remote Process via Syscalls (HellsGate|HalosGate)
- codewhitesec/HandleKatz - PIC lsass dumper using cloned handles
- gentilkiwi/kekeo - A little toolbox to play with Microsoft Kerberos in C
- EspressoCake/PPLDump_BOF - A faithful transposition of the key features/functionality of @itm4n's PPLDump project as a BOF.
- microsoft/omi - Open Management Infrastructure
- seL4/seL4 - The seL4 microkernel
- outflanknl/PrintNightmare -
- cube0x0/SharpSystemTriggers - Collection of remote authentication triggers in C#
- paranoidninja/PIC-Get-Privileges - Building and Executing Position Independent Shellcode from Object Files in Memory
- SolomonSklash/SleepyCrypt - A shellcode function to encrypt a running process image when sleeping.
- limithit/NginxExecute - The NginxExecute module executes the shell command through GET POST and HEAD to display the result.
- boku7/azureOutlookC2 - Azure Outlook Command & Control (C2) - Remotely control a compromised Windows Device from your Outlook mailbox. Threat Emulation Tool for North Korean APT InkySquid / ScarCruft / APT37. TTP: Use Micro
- cyberark/rdpfuzz - Tools for fuzzing RDP
- mprovost/NFStash - NFS client CLI toolkit
- aaaddress1/PR0CESS - some gadgets about windows process and ready to use :)
- superflexible/TGPuttyLib - An SFTP client shared library (dll/so/dylib) with bindings and classes for C++, Delphi and Free Pascal based on PuTTY
- ttdennis/fpicker - fpicker is a Frida-based fuzzing suite supporting various modes (including AFL++ in-process fuzzing)
- mgeeky/ElusiveMice - Cobalt Strike User-Defined Reflective Loader with AV/EDR Evasion in mind
- boku7/whereami - Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File (BOF) that uses handwritten shellcode to return the process Environment strings without touching any DLL's.
- frkngksl/Huan - Encrypted PE Loader Generator
- Yubico/yubico-c - YubiKey C low-level library (libyubikey)
- RUB-SysSec/Nyx - USENIX 2021 - Nyx: Greybox Hypervisor Fuzzing using Fast Snapshots and Affine Types
- glmcdona/Process-Dump - Windows tool for dumping malware PE files from memory back to disk for analysis.
- alfarom256/BOF-ForeignLsass -
- knightswd/ProcessGhosting -
- NoOne-hub/Beacon.dll - Beacon.dll reverse
- boku7/BokuLoader - A proof-of-concept Cobalt Strike Reflective Loader which aims to recreate, integrate, and enhance Cobalt Strike's evasion features!
- aqi00/advanceapp - 《Android App开发进阶与项目实战》随书源码
- horsicq/PDBRipper - PDBRipper is a utility for extract an information from PDB-files.
- Gui774ume/ebpfkit - ebpfkit is a rootkit powered by eBPF
- jrbrtsn/ban2fail - Simple & efficient log file scanning and iptable filtering
- cdpxe/NELphase - Network Environment Learning (NEL) Phase for Covert Channels (with a Feedback Channel)
- ZhangZhuoSJTU/StochFuzz - Sound and Cost-effective Fuzzing of Stripped Binaries by Incremental and Stochastic Rewriting
- connormcgarr/cThreadHijack - Beacon Object File (BOF) for remote process injection via thread hijacking
- boku7/injectAmsiBypass - Cobalt Strike BOF - Bypass AMSI in a remote process with code injection.
- LloydLabs/process-enumeration-stealth -
- hasherezade/process_ghosting - Process Ghosting - a PE injection technique, similar to Process Doppelgänging, but using a delete-pending file instead of a transacted file
- GJDuck/e9patch - A powerful static binary rewriting tool
- djkaty/Il2CppInspector - Powerful automated tool for reverse engineering Unity IL2CPP binaries
- merbanan/rtl_433 - Program to decode radio transmissions from devices on the ISM bands (and other frequencies)
- killvxk/Beacon - Lightweight, header-only C++ IPC library for Windows operating systems (Vista+) using advanced local procedure calls
- sliverarmory/COFFLoader -
- joshfaust/Alaris - A protective and Low Level Shellcode Loader that defeats modern EDR systems.
- OWASP/IoTGoat - IoTGoat is a deliberately insecure firmware created to educate software developers and security professionals with testing commonly found vulnerabilities in IoT devices.
- ndilieto/uacme - ACMEv2 client written in plain C with minimal dependencies
- client9/libinjection - SQL / SQLI tokenizer parser analyzer
- alipay/ios-malicious-bithunter - iOS Malicious Bit Hunter is a malicious plug-in detection engine for iOS applications. It can analyze the head of the macho file of the injected dylib dynamic library based on runtime. If you are inte
- xuanxuan0/TiEtwAgent - PoC memory injection detection agent based on ETW, for offensive and defensive research purposes
- antonioCoco/RemotePotato0 - Windows Privilege Escalation from User to Domain Admin.
- greenbone/gvmd - Greenbone Vulnerability Manager - The database backend for the Greenbone Community Edition
- topotam/PetitPotam - PoC tool to coerce Windows hosts to authenticate to other machines via MS-EFSRPC EfsRpcOpenFileRaw or other functions.
- CCob/BOF.NET - A .NET Runtime for Cobalt Strike's Beacon Object Files
- 0xricksanchez/dlink-decrypt - D-Link firmware decryption PoC
- boku7/spawn - Cobalt Strike BOF that spawns a sacrificial process, injects it with shellcode, and executes payload. Built to evade EDR/UserLand hooks by spawning sacrificial process with Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG),
- xforcered/InlineExecute-Assembly - InlineExecute-Assembly is a proof of concept Beacon Object File (BOF) that allows security professionals to perform in process .NET assembly execution as an alternative to Cobalt Strikes traditional f
- inspiringz/CVE-2021-3493 - CVE-2021-3493 Ubuntu OverlayFS Local Privesc (Interactive Bash Shell & Execute Command Entered)
- wbenny/injdrv - proof-of-concept Windows Driver for injecting DLL into user-mode processes using APC
- CCob/SylantStrike - Simple EDR implementation to demonstrate bypass
- jattach/jattach - JVM Dynamic Attach utility
- anthemtotheego/InlineExecute-Assembly - InlineExecute-Assembly is a proof of concept Beacon Object File (BOF) that allows security professionals to perform in process .NET assembly execution as an alternative to Cobalt Strikes traditional f
- praetorian-inc/PortBender - TCP Port Redirection Utility
- hlldz/CVE-2021-1675-LPE - Local Privilege Escalation Edition for CVE-2021-1675/CVE-2021-34527
- blackorbird/PrintNightmare -
- iqiyi/qnsm - QNSM is network security monitoring framework based on DPDK.
- Yaxser/Backstab - A tool to kill antimalware protected processes
- CaledoniaProject/rdpscan - RDP password verification tool - No external libraries required ;-P
- wonderkun/go-packer - golang打包二进制进行免杀
- cgwalters/cve-2020-14386 -
- alipay/Owfuzz - Owfuzz: a WiFi protocol fuzzing tool
- passthehashbrowns/hook-integrity-checks -
- kevmitch/win_battery_log - command line battery stats for MS Windows
- passthehashbrowns/hiding-your-syscalls - Some source code to demonstrate avoiding certain direct syscall detections by locating and JMPing to a legitimate syscall instruction within NTDLL.
- yarrick/iodine - Official git repo for iodine dns tunnel
- airbus-cyber/afl_ghidra_emu -
- ApsaraDB/PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL - A cloud-native database based on PostgreSQL developed by Alibaba Cloud.
- season-lab/fuzzolic - fuzzing + concolic = fuzzolic :)
- djhohnstein/macos_shell_memory - Execute MachO binaries in memory using CGo
- ASkyeye/Zipper - Zipper, a CobaltStrike file and folder compression utility.
- pbek/loganalyzer - LogAnalyzer is a tool that helps you to analyze your log files by reducing the content with patterns you define.
- heiher/hev-socks5-core - A simple, lightweight socks5 library. (IPv4/IPv6/TCP/UDP/Client/Server)
- orangetw/tsh - Tiny SHell is an open-source UNIX backdoor.
- waldo-irc/CVE-2021-21551 - Exploit to SYSTEM for CVE-2021-21551
- Iansus/SilentLsassDump - VisualStudio port of https://github.com/guervild/BOFs/tree/dev/SilentLsassDump
- abcz316/rwProcMem33 - Linux ARM64内核硬件进程内存读写驱动、硬件断点调试驱动。硬件级读写Linux进程内存、硬件级下断点。
- falcosecurity/pdig - ptrace-based event producer for udig
- svengong/xcubebase_riru - 基于magisk 和riru的frida持久化方案
- Al1ex/WindowsElevation - Windows Elevation(持续更新)
- Al1ex/LinuxEelvation - Linux Eelvation(持续更新)
- boazsegev/iodine - iodine - HTTP / WebSockets Server for Ruby with Pub/Sub support
- xforcered/CredBandit - Proof of concept Beacon Object File (BOF) that uses static x64 syscalls to perform a complete in memory dump of a process and send that back through your already existing Beacon communication channel
- dgoulet/kjackal - Linux Rootkit Scanner
- rsmudge/ZeroLogon-BOF -
- git-for-windows/git-sdk-64 - A Git repository mirroring the current 64-bit Git for Windows SDK
- csandker/inMemoryShellcode - A Collection of In-Memory Shellcode Execution Techniques for Windows
- pattern-f/TQ-pre-jailbreak - Hello from pattern-f.
- darvincisec/AntiDebugandMemoryDump - Anti-Debug and Anti-Memory Dump for Android
- decoder-it/juicy_2 - juicypotato for win10 > 1803 & win server 2019
- 9bie/exe2shellcode - Remote Download and Memory Execute for shellcode framework
- trustedsec/COFFLoader -
- akopytov/sysbench - Scriptable database and system performance benchmark
- mtrojnar/osslsigncode - OpenSSL based Authenticode signing for PE/MSI/Java CAB files
- jmk-foofus/medusa - Medusa is a speedy, parallel, and modular, login brute-forcer.
- rewardone/OSCPRepo - A list of commands, scripts, resources, and more that I have gathered and attempted to consolidate for use as OSCP (and more) study material. Commands in 'Usefulcommands' Keepnote. Bookmarks and readi
- aaaddress1/sakeInject - Windows PE - TLS (Thread Local Storage) Injector in C/C++
- Rvn0xsy/CVE-2021-3156-plus - CVE-2021-3156非交互式执行命令
- blasty/CVE-2021-3156 -
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/RedTeamCCode - Red Team C code repo
- lockedbyte/CVE-Exploits - PoC exploits for software vulnerabilities
- mai1zhi2/ShellCodeFramework - 绕3环的shellcode免杀框架
- ea/bosch_headunit_root - Documentation and code for rooting and extending a Bosch car head unit (lcn2kai)
- LloydLabs/Windows-API-Hashing - This is a simple example and explanation of obfuscating API resolution via hashing
- LloydLabs/delete-self-poc - A way to delete a locked file, or current running executable, on disk.
- zznop/drow - Injects code into ELF executables post-build
- neil-wu/CatFrida - CatFrida is a macOS tool for inspecting a running iOS app.
- ybdt/evasion-hub - 免杀对抗
- jsherman212/xnuspy - an iOS kernel function hooking framework for checkra1n'able devices
- rsmudge/unhook-bof - Remove API hooks from a Beacon process.
- dacade/tools - some tools
- lengjibo/FourEye - AV Evasion Tool For Red Team Ops
- AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus - The fuzzer afl++ is afl with community patches, qemu 5.1 upgrade, collision-free coverage, enhanced laf-intel & redqueen, AFLfast++ power schedules, MOpt mutators, unicorn_mode, and a lot more!
- ethereal-vx/Persistence - Recreating and reviewing the Windows persistence methods
- anantshri/Android_Security - This repository is a suplimentary material for Android Training's done by Anant Shrivastava from 2012-2017
- gtworek/PSBits - Simple (relatively) things allowing you to dig a bit deeper than usual.
- ajpc500/BOFs - Collection of Beacon Object Files
- tomcarver16/BOF-DLL-Inject - Manual Map DLL injection implemented with Cobalt Strike's Beacon Object Files.
- gnxbr/Fully-Undetectable-Techniques -
- chroblert/JC-AntiPtrace - 安卓绕过ptrace反调试
- NixOS/patchelf - A small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables
- TannerJin/AntiMSHookFunction - AntiMSHookFunction (make MSHookFunction doesn't work)
- ntop/n2n - Peer-to-peer VPN
- gaffe23/linux-inject - Tool for injecting a shared object into a Linux process
- code-scan/ssh-inject-auto-find-libdl -
- geokb/yabar - A modern and lightweight status bar for X window managers.
- cbwang505/CVE-2019-0708-EXP-Windows - CVE-2019-0708-EXP-Windows版单文件exe版,运行后直接在当前控制台反弹System权限Shell
- strongcourage/uafuzz - UAFuzz: Binary-level Directed Fuzzing for Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities
- LloydLabs/wsb-detect - wsb-detect enables you to detect if you are running in Windows Sandbox ("WSB")
- g0dA/linuxStack - Linux技术栈
- 0voice/algorithm-structure - 2021年最新总结 500个常用数据结构,算法,算法导论,面试常用,大厂高级工程师整理总结
- GeoSn0w/Blizzard-Jailbreak - An Open-Source iOS 11.0 -> 11.4.1 (soon iOS 13) Jailbreak, made for teaching purposes.
- bytecode77/r77-rootkit - Fileless ring 3 rootkit with installer and persistence that hides processes, files, network connections, etc.
- ventoy/Ventoy - A new bootable USB solution.
- SkewwG/domainTools - 内网域渗透小工具
- StarCross-Tech/heap_exploit_2.31 -
- XiphosResearch/netelf - Run executables from memory, over the network, on Windows, Linux, OpenVMS... routers... spaceships... toasters etc.
- andreafioraldi/weizz-fuzzer -
- hackerschoice/gsocket - Connect like there is no firewall. Securely.
- phra/PEzor - Open-Source Shellcode & PE Packer
- TimelifeCzy/Shell_Protect - VM一键加壳/脱壳,全压缩,反调试等
- ish-app/ish - Linux shell for iOS
- inspektor-gadget/inspektor-gadget - Inspektor Gadget is a set of tools and framework for data collection and system inspection on Kubernetes clusters and Linux hosts using eBPF
- gloxec/CrossC2 - generate CobaltStrike's cross-platform payload
- timwhitez/Cobalt-Strike-Aggressor-Scripts - Cobalt Strike Aggressor 插件包
- brendan-rius/c-jwt-cracker - JWT brute force cracker written in C
- bg6cq/whoisscanme -
- aircrack-ng/rtl8188eus - RealTek RTL8188eus WiFi driver with monitor mode & frame injection support
- dtcooper/fakehostname - Run a command and fake your hostname.
- yifengyou/learn-kvm - Qemu KVM(Kernel Virtual Machine)学习笔记
- blendin/3snake - Tool for extracting information from newly spawned processes
- 0vercl0k/sic - Enumerate user mode shared memory mappings on Windows.
- CylanceVulnResearch/ReflectiveDLLRefresher - Universal Unhooking
- DoctorWkt/acwj - A Compiler Writing Journey
- limbenjamin/LogServiceCrash - POC code to crash Windows Event Logger Service
- nil0x42/duplicut - Remove duplicates from MASSIVE wordlist, without sorting it (for dictionary-based password cracking)
- blunderbuss-wctf/wacker - A WPA3 dictionary cracker
- uf0o/CVE-2020-17382 - PoC exploits for CVE-2020-17382
- libinjection/libinjection - SQL / SQLI tokenizer parser analyzer
- blackarrowsec/redteam-research - Collection of PoC and offensive techniques used by the BlackArrow Red Team
- chompie1337/s8_2019_2215_poc - PoC 2019-2215 exploit for S8/S8 active with DAC + SELinux + Knox/RKP bypass
- DerekSelander/yacd - Decrypts FairPlay applications on iOS 13.4.1 and lower, no jb required
- jvinet/knock - A port-knocking daemon
- ThunderGunExpress/UAC-TokenDuplication -
- Ascotbe/Kernelhub - 🌴Linux、macOS、Windows Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability collection, with compilation environment, demo GIF map, vulnerability details, executable file (提权漏洞合集)
- fancycode/MemoryModule - Library to load a DLL from memory.
- reactos/reactos - A free Windows-compatible Operating System
- MobileForensicsResearch/mem - Tool used for dumping memory from Android devices
- ARM-software/CSAL - Coresight Access Library
- webview/webview_csharp - C# bindings for webview/webview - Batteries included
- gabrielrcouto/awesome-php-ffi - PHP FFI examples and use cases
- bhassani/EternalBlueC - EternalBlue suite remade in C/C++ which includes: MS17-010 Exploit, EternalBlue vulnerability detector, DoublePulsar detector and DoublePulsar Shellcode & DLL uploader
- mdsecactivebreach/firewalker -
- hzqst/VmwareHardenedLoader - Vmware Hardened VM detection mitigation loader (anti anti-vm)
- aligrudi/neatcc - A small arm/x86(-64) C compiler
- bkerler/opencl_brute - MD5,SHA1,SHA256,SHA512,HMAC,PBKDF2,SCrypt Bruteforcing tools using OpenCL (GPU, yay!) and Python
- marsyy/littl_tools -
- n0b0dyCN/RedisModules-ExecuteCommand - Tools, utilities and scripts to help you write redis modules!
- vulhub/redis-rogue-getshell - redis 4.x/5.x master/slave getshell module
- TheWover/donut - Generates x86, x64, or AMD64+x86 position-independent shellcode that loads .NET Assemblies, PE files, and other Windows payloads from memory and runs them with parameters
- google/sanitizers - AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, MemorySanitizer
- AntSwordProject/ant_php_extension - PHP 扩展, 用于 PHP-FPM、FastCGI、LD_PRELOAD等模式下突破 disabled_functions
- m57/cobaltstrike_bofs - My CobaltStrike BOFS
- anthemtotheego/C_Shot -
- sailay1996/UAC_Bypass_In_The_Wild - Windows 10 UAC bypass for all executable files which are autoelevate true .
- a0rtega/pafish - Pafish is a testing tool that uses different techniques to detect virtual machines and malware analysis environments in the same way that malware families do
- github/securitylab - Resources related to GitHub Security Lab
- qq4108863/hihttps - hihttps是一款完整源码的高性能web应用防火墙,既支持传统WAF的所有功能如SQL注入、XSS、恶意漏洞扫描、密码暴力破解、CC、DDOS等ModSecurity正则规则,又支持无监督机器学习,自主对抗未知攻击。
- rvrsh3ll/BOF_Collection - Various Cobalt Strike BOFs
- sailay1996/RpcSsImpersonator - Privilege Escalation Via RpcSs svc
- libyal/liblnk - Library and tools to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format
- NtRaiseHardError/NINA - NINA: No Injection, No Allocation x64 Process Injection Technique
- DanieleDeSensi/peafowl - High performance Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) framework to identify L7 protocols and extract and process data and metadata from network traffic.
- elfmaster/libelfmaster - Secure ELF parsing/loading library for forensics reconstruction of malware, and robust reverse engineering tools
- elfmaster/ftrace - POSIX Function tracing
- elfmaster/dsym_obfuscate - Obfuscates dynamic symbol table
- ntop/nDPI - Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit
- redplait/armpatched - clone of armadillo patched for windows
- dalvarezperez/CreateFile_based_rootkit -
- mhaskar/Shellcode-In-Memory-Decoder - A simple C implementation to decoded your shellcode and writes it directly to memory
- meme/hotwax - Coverage-guided binary fuzzing powered by Frida Stalker
- avs333/Nougat_dlfunctions -
- hack0z/byopen - 🎉A dlopen library that bypasses mobile system limitation
- titansec/OpenWAF - Web security protection system based on openresty
- ionescu007/faxhell - A Bind Shell Using the Fax Service and a DLL Hijack
- ph4ntonn/Impost3r - 👻Impost3r -- A linux password thief
- havocykp/Gh0st - 远控源码
- yangyangwithgnu/bypass_disablefunc_via_LD_PRELOAD - bypass disable_functions via LD_PRELOA (no need /usr/sbin/sendmail)
- gentilkiwi/mimikatz - A little tool to play with Windows security
- itm4n/PrintSpoofer - Abusing impersonation privileges through the "Printer Bug"
- sandboxie/sandboxie - The Sandboxie application
- can1357/NtLua - Lua in kernel-mode because why not.
- 1d8/MailJack -
- thebabush/bline - Naver LINE VoIP reversing stuff
- kingToolbox/WindTerm - A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Tmux/Serial terminal.
- nccgroup/nccfsas - Information released publicly by NCC Group's Full Spectrum Attack Simulation (FSAS) team.
- a1exdandy/checkm8-a5 - checkm8 port for S5L8940X/S5L8942X/S5L8945X
- taviso/ctftool - Interactive CTF Exploration Tool
- YutaroHayakawa/ipftrace2 - A packet oriented Linux kernel function call tracer
- hasherezade/hollows_hunter - Scans all running processes. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/implanted PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches).
- rxwx/spoolsystem - Print Spooler Named Pipe Impersonation for Cobalt Strike
- Katrovisch/KatroLogger - KeyLogger for Linux Systems
- bats3c/shad0w - A post exploitation framework designed to operate covertly on heavily monitored environments
- HyperDbg/HyperDbg - State-of-the-art native debugging tools
- AltraMayor/gatekeeper - The first open-source DDoS protection system
- V-E-O/PoC - PoC of CVE/Exploit
- vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra - hydra
- luke-goddard/enumy - Linux post exploitation privilege escalation enumeration
- oleavr/ios-inject-custom - Example showing how to use Frida for standalone injection of a custom payload
- Echocipher/AUTO-EARN - 一个利用OneForAll进行子域收集、Shodan API端口扫描、Xray漏洞Fuzz、Server酱的自动化漏洞扫描、即时通知提醒的漏洞挖掘辅助工具
- zhuotong/Android_InlineHook - Android内联hook框架
- juuso/keychaindump - A proof-of-concept tool for reading OS X keychain passwords
- prbinu/tls-scan - An Internet scale, blazing fast SSL/TLS scanner ( non-blocking, event-driven )
- a2o/snoopy - Snoopy Command Logger is a small library that logs all program executions on your Linux/BSD system.
- gentilkiwi/kirandomtpm - Get random bytes from the TPM (tool + BCrypt RNG provider)
- wonderkun/CTFENV - 为应对CTF比赛而搭建的各种环境
- antonioCoco/RoguePotato - Another Windows Local Privilege Escalation from Service Account to System
- yusufqk/SystemToken - Steal privileged token to obtain SYSTEM shell
- uknowsec/getSystem - webshell下提权执行命令 Reference:https://github.com/yusufqk/SystemToken
- NLnetLabs/ldns - LDNS is a DNS library that facilitates DNS tool programming
- noptrix/lulzbuster - A very fast and smart web directory and file enumeration tool written in C.
- danigargu/CVE-2020-0796 - CVE-2020-0796 - Windows SMBv3 LPE exploit #SMBGhost
- twelvesec/passcat - Passwords Recovery Tool
- chroblert/domainWeakPasswdCheck - 内网安全·域账号弱口令审计
- chroblert/AssetManage -
- paranoidninja/Shuriken - Offensive Android Kernel on Steroids - Shuriken is an Android kernel for Oneplus 5/5T which supports multiple features for pentesting.
- newsoft/adduser - Programmatically create an administrative user under Windows
- david378/ssocks - build static ssocks by cmake,cross build ssocks
- V-E-O/rdp2tcp - rdp2tcp: open tcp tunnel through remote desktop connection.
- redcanaryco/atomic-red-team - Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
- brainsmoke/ptrace-burrito - a friendly wrapper around ptrace
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/SCShell - Fileless lateral movement tool that relies on ChangeServiceConfigA to run command
- RITRedteam/Headshot - NGINX module to allow for RCE through a specific header
- Genymobile/scrcpy - Display and control your Android device
- bootleg/ret-sync - ret-sync is a set of plugins that helps to synchronize a debugging session (WinDbg/GDB/LLDB/OllyDbg2/x64dbg) with IDA/Ghidra/Binary Ninja disassemblers.
- pymumu/smartdns - A local DNS server to obtain the fastest website IP for the best Internet experience, support DoT, DoH. 一个本地DNS服务器,获取最快的网站IP,获得最佳上网体验,支持DoH,DoT。
- outflanknl/Dumpert - LSASS memory dumper using direct system calls and API unhooking.
- jonathanmetzman/wasm-fuzzing-demo - Demos of and walkthroughs on in-browser fuzzing using WebAssembly
- turing-technician/FastHook - Android ART Hook
- 0x25bit/darkRat_HVNC - DarkRats Standalone HVNC
- SwiftLaTeX/SwiftLaTeX - SwiftLaTeX, a WYSIWYG Browser-based LaTeX Editor
- mohuihui/antispy - AntiSpy is a free but powerful anti virus and rootkits toolkit.It offers you the ability with the highest privileges that can detect,analyze and restore various kernel modifications and hooks.With its
- OWASP/igoat - OWASP iGoat - A Learning Tool for iOS App Pentesting and Security by Swaroop Yermalkar
- OWASP/iGoat-Swift - OWASP iGoat (Swift) - A Damn Vulnerable Swift Application for iOS
- hmgle/graftcp - A flexible tool for redirecting a given program's TCP traffic to SOCKS5 or HTTP proxy.
- blechschmidt/massdns - A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance (subdomain enumeration)
- abelcheung/rifiuti2 - Windows Recycle Bin analyser
- vmonaco/kloak - Keystroke-level online anonymization kernel: obfuscates typing behavior at the device level.
- robertdavidgraham/rdpscan - A quick scanner for the CVE-2019-0708 "BlueKeep" vulnerability.
- q3k/cve-2019-5736-poc - Unweaponized Proof of Concept for CVE-2019-5736 (Docker escape)
- gurnec/HashCheck - HashCheck Shell Extension for Windows with added SHA2, SHA3, and multithreading; originally from code.kliu.org
- skeeto/endlessh - SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless banner
- Chion82/netfilter-full-cone-nat - A kernel module to turn MASQUERADE into full cone SNAT
- hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver - HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver (HEVD) - Windows & Linux
- y11en/BlockRDPBrute - [HIPS]RDP(3389)爆破防护
- klsfct/getshell - 各大平台提权工具
- Halbmond/Introduction-to-Computer-Systems - Course : Introduction to Computer Systems
- swaywm/sway - i3-compatible Wayland compositor
- ambrop72/badvpn - NCD scripting language, tun2socks proxifier, P2P VPN
- firebroo/UnixTools - 一些处理数据的Unix小工具,支持管道操作。
- meyerd/n2n - A development branch of the n2n p2p vpn software
- ValdikSS/p0f-mtu - p0f with patches to save MTU value and export it via API (for VPN detection)
- rosehgal/BinExp - Linux Binary Exploitation
- sfan5/fi6s - IPv6 network scanner designed to be fast
- silight-jp/MacType-Patch - MacType Patch for DirectWrite Hook
- andreiw/RaspberryPiPkg - DEPRECATED - DO NOT USE | Go here instead ->
- aarond10/https_dns_proxy - A lightweight DNS-over-HTTPS proxy.
- telekom-security/tpotce - 🍯 T-Pot - The All In One Multi Honeypot Platform 🐝
- lihaoyun6/axeldown-core - 基于axel-webm的优化项目. 通过webui调用axel进行下载
- suvllian/process-inject - 在Windows环境下的进程注入方法:远程线程注入、创建进程挂起注入、反射注入、APCInject、SetWindowHookEX注入
- sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf - SumatraPDF reader
- zogvm/zogvm - zogna video manager
- henkman/virgo - ♍💻💻💻💻 Virtual desktops for Windows
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- RPISEC/MBE - Course materials for Modern Binary Exploitation by RPISEC
- saaramar/execve_exploit - Hardcore corruption of my execve() vulnerability in WSL
- Nat-Lab/eoip - EoIP/EoIPv6 for *nix.
- tcp-nanqinlang/general - general mode via module loading
- 3proxy/3proxy - 3proxy - tiny free proxy server
- coolstar/electra - Electra iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2 jailbreak toolkit based on async_awake
- dyne/dnscrypt-proxy - DNSCrypt-Proxy repository, frankly maintained for what it does (no new features planned)
- agile6v/awesome-nginx - A curated list of awesome Nginx distributions, 3rd party modules, Active developers, etc.
- Chuyu-Team/MINT - Contains the definitions for the Windows Internal UserMode API from ntdll.dll, samlib.dll and winsta.dll.
- guanchao/AppProtect - 整理一些app常见的加固方法,包括java层、native层和资源文件加固等
- firmianay/CTF-All-In-One - CTF竞赛权威指南
- Wind4/vlmcsd - KMS Emulator in C (currently runs on Linux including Android, FreeBSD, Solaris, Minix, Mac OS, iOS, Windows with or without Cygwin)
- Motion-Project/motion - Motion, a software motion detector. Home page: https://motion-project.github.io/
- mpv-player/mpv - 🎥 Command line video player
- gsliepen/tinc - a VPN daemon
- hardenedlinux/linux-exploit-development-tutorial - a series tutorial for linux exploit development to newbie.
- NoahhhRyan/krackattacks-test -
- hfiref0x/UACME - Defeating Windows User Account Control
- tinyproxy/tinyproxy - tinyproxy - a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems
- mitchellkrogza/apache-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker - Apache Block Bad Bots, (Referer) Spam Referrer Blocker, Vulnerability Scanners, Malware, Adware, Ransomware, Malicious Sites, Wordpress Theme Detectors and Fail2Ban Jail for Repeat Offenders
- vanhoefm/krackattacks-scripts -
- droberson/icmp-backdoor - Backdoor that listens for specially crafted ICMP packets and spawns reverse shells.
- giltu/KernelPCC - PCC is a new approach for TCP congestion control base on real-time performance analysis. This is a kernel implementation of it.
- madeye/tcp_china - TCP China congestion control algorithm
- gatieme/AderXCoding - 介绍各类语言,库,系统编程以及算法的学习
- session-replay-tools/tcpcopy - An online request replication and TCP stream replay tool, ideal for real testing, performance testing, stability testing, stress testing, load testing, smoke testing, and more.
- sudeshnapal12/Web-Application-Firewall - Designed and Implemented a Web Application Firewall as an Apache module that "sits" in-front of a web server. The WAF is designed to stop malicious requests from known attacks such as SQL Injection, X
- 50m30n3/dsptunnel - IP over audio tunnel
- Ridter/Pentest - tools
- dosgo/ngrok-c - ngrok client for c language,Due to the use of GO ngrok language development, porting to embedded devices some inconvenience, such as openwrt, so use C language rewrite a client. Very mini, the need to
- dlundquist/sniproxy - Proxies incoming HTTP and TLS connections based on the hostname contained in the initial request of the TCP session.
- haiwen/seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features.
- WireGuard/wireguard-monolithic-historical - Historical monolithic WireGuard repository, split into wireguard-tools, wireguard-linux, and wireguard-linux-compat.
- git-hulk/tcpkit - the tcpkit was designed to make network packets programable with Lua script
- snooda/net-speeder - net-speeder 在高延迟不稳定链路上优化单线程下载速度
- rip1s/vmware_escape - VMware Escape Exploit before VMware WorkStation 12.5.5
- axel-download-accelerator/axel - Lightweight CLI download accelerator
- skywind3000/kcp - ⚡ KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol
- osqzss/gps-sdr-sim - Software-Defined GPS Signal Simulator
- magkopian/keepassxc-debian - Debian source package for the KeePassXC password manager.
- ScottyBauer/Android_Kernel_CVE_POCs - A list of my CVE's with POCs
- axi0mX/ios-kexec-utils - boot LLB/iBoot/iBSS/iBEC image from a jailbroken iOS kernel
- santoru/filewatcher - A simple auditing utility for macOS
- Cn33liz/HSEVD-ArbitraryOverwrite - HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver - ArbitraryOverwrite Exploit
- c0d3z3r0/sudo-CVE-2017-1000367 -
- Chion82/kcptun-raw - Kcptun with raw socket and fake TCP headers.
- klsecservices/Invoke-Vnc - Powershell VNC injector
- DhavalKapil/icmptunnel - Transparently tunnel your IP traffic through ICMP echo and reply packets.
- shudo/shujit - Java Just-in-Time Compiler for x86 processors
- opsxcq/exploit-CVE-2017-7494 - SambaCry exploit and vulnerable container (CVE-2017-7494)
- raminfp/linux-4.8.0-netfilter_icmp - Anatomy of a linux kernel development
- DhavalKapil/heap-exploitation - This book on heap exploitation is a guide to understanding the internals of glibc's heap and various attacks possible on the heap structure.
- ANSSI-FR/AD-control-paths - Active Directory Control Paths auditing and graphing tools
- ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPI - GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
- ufrisk/pcileech - Direct Memory Access (DMA) Attack Software
- Cybellum/DoubleAgent - Zero-Day Code Injection and Persistence Technique
- gentilkiwi/wanakiwi - Automated wanadecrypt with key recovery if lucky
- jtesta/ssh-mitm - SSH man-in-the-middle tool
- SecWiki/linux-kernel-exploits - linux-kernel-exploits Linux平台提权漏洞集合
- adafruit/Adafruit-GPIO-Halt - Press-to-halt program for headless Raspberry Pi. Similar functionality to the rpi_power_switch kernel module from the fbtft project, but easier to compile (no kernel headers needed).
- greensea/mptunnel - MPUDP Tunnel (User space MultiPath UDP)
- Keysight/Rhme-2016 - Rhme2 challenge (2016)
- leechristensen/UnmanagedPowerShell - Executes PowerShell from an unmanaged process
- peperunas/injectopi - A set of tutorials about code injection for Windows.
- hasherezade/demos - Demos of various injection techniques found in malware
- google/honggfuzz - Security oriented software fuzzer. Supports evolutionary, feedback-driven fuzzing based on code coverage (SW and HW based)
- mubix/post-exploitation - Post Exploitation Collection
- hxp2k6/smart7ec-scan-console - 基于Linux c开发的插件式扫描器(Python/lua)
- SpacehuhnTech/esp8266_deauther - Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning
- hlldz/Phant0m - Windows Event Log Killer
- s0lst1c3/eaphammer - Targeted evil twin attacks against WPA2-Enterprise networks. Indirect wireless pivots using hostile portal attacks.
- LukaSikic/Unix-Privilege-Escalation-Exploits-Pack - Exploits for getting local root on Linux, BSD, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, RHEL, SUSE etc.
- kala13x/scap - Network Sniffer (Scan and Capture Incoming Packets)
- nmap/ncrack - Ncrack network authentication tool
- SecWiki/windows-kernel-exploits - windows-kernel-exploits Windows平台提权漏洞集合
- ele7enxxh/Android-Inline-Hook - thumb16 thumb32 arm32 inlineHook in Android
- laginimaineb/cve-2015-6639 - QSEE Privilege Escalation Exploit using PRDiag* commands (CVE-2015-6639)
- deamwork/inetutils - the copy of https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/inetutils.git/ with knali support
- traviscross/mtr - Official repository for mtr, a network diagnostic tool
- kmyk/libproofofwork - Simple hash-mining c library and its python binding.
- boywhp/wifi_crack_windows - wifi crack project for windows
- zcgonvh/NTDSDumpEx - NTDS.dit offline dumper with non-elevated
- derrekr/android_security - Public Android Vulnerability Information (CVE PoCs etc)
- googleprojectzero/winafl - A fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries
- F-Stack/f-stack - F-Stack is an user space network development kit with high performance based on DPDK, FreeBSD TCP/IP stack and coroutine API.
- mrschyte/pentestkoala - Modified dropbear server which acts as a client and allows authless login
- openwall/john - John the Ripper jumbo - advanced offline password cracker, which supports hundreds of hash and cipher types, and runs on many operating systems, CPUs, GPUs, and even some FPGAs
- netblue30/firejail - Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
- Azard/SE315-OperatingSystem - SJTU-SE315 Operating System labs from MIT 6.828, by a SE12er.
- gamelinux/passivedns - A network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup
- spacehuhn/wifi_ducky - Upload, save and run keystroke injection payloads with an ESP8266 + ATMEGA32U4
- danieljiang0415/android_kernel_crash_poc -
- robertfisk/USG - The USG is Good, not Bad
- ossec/ossec-hids - OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response.
- iovisor/bcc - BCC - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
- huntergregal/mimipenguin - A tool to dump the login password from the current linux user
- SamyPesse/How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System - How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++
- nonstriater/Learn-Algorithms - 算法学习笔记
- wg/wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
- lintstar/SharpHunter - Automated Hosting Information Hunting Tool - Windows 主机信息自动化狩猎工具
- xhnbzdl/feishu-doc-export - 飞书文档导出服务
- h0ny/MobaXtermDecryptor - A simple MobaXterm password extraction tool.
- 1Remote/1Remote - One Remote Access Manager to Rule Them All
- rnchg/Apt - AI Productivity Tool - Free and open-source, enhancing user productivity while ensuring privacy and data security. Offers efficient and convenient AI solutions, including but not limited to: built-in
- decoder-it/KrbRelay-SMBServer -
- murat-exp/EDR-Antivirus-Bypass-to-Gain-Shell-Access - EDR & Antivirus Bypass to Gain Shell Access
- lypd0/DeadPotato - DeadPotato is a windows privilege escalation utility from the Potato family of exploits, leveraging the SeImpersonate right to obtain SYSTEM privileges. This script has been customized from the
- MInggongK/Penetration-mining-src - 一款集成了H3C,致远,泛微,万户,帆软,海康威视,金蝶云星空,畅捷通,Struts等多个RCE漏洞利用工具
- INotGreen/SharpScan - 内网资产收集、探测主机存活、端口扫描、域控定位、文件搜索、各种服务爆破(SSH、SMB、MsSQL等)、Socks代理,一键自动化+无文件落地扫描
- qwqdanchun/Pillager - Pillager是一个适用于后渗透期间的信息收集工具
- StarfireLab/SharpWeb - 一个浏览器数据(密码|历史记录|Cookie|书签|下载记录)的导出工具,支持主流浏览器。
- Mangofang/BypassLoad - shellcode免杀加载器,过主流杀软
- DeEpinGh0st/WindowsBaselineAssistant - Windows安全基线核查加固助手
- mabangde/winlogparser - windows 日志检测工具
- Ridter/MSSQL_CLR - MSSQL CLR for pentest.
- la00gke/DomainAuto-one - Domain penetration automation module one, domain information collection.
- 0xb11a1/yetAnotherObfuscator - C# obfuscator that bypass windows defender
- BeichenDream/GodPotato -
- WesleyWong420/RedTeamOps-Havoc-101 - Materials for the workshop "Red Team Ops: Havoc 101"
- darktohka/FlashPatch - FlashPatch! Play Adobe Flash Player games in the browser after January 12th, 2021.
- daem0nc0re/TangledWinExec - PoCs and tools for investigation of Windows process execution techniques
- sqrtZeroKnowledge/CVE-2023-23397_EXPLOIT_0DAY - Exploit for the CVE-2023-23397
- Sq00ky/csharp-portscanner - simple C# portscanner - written for playing around with Metasploit's Execute-Assembly
- zcgonvh/DCOMPotato - Some Service DCOM Object and SeImpersonatePrivilege abuse.
- zR00t1/WannaCry - 基于C#编写的WannaCry模拟病毒,通常应用于网络安全应急演练
- lele8/SharpUserIP - 获取服务器或域控登录日志
- mandiant/ADFSDump -
- rasta-mouse/SharpC2 - Command and Control Framework written in C#
- bugch3ck/SharpEfsPotato - Local privilege escalation from SeImpersonatePrivilege using EfsRpc.
- RikunjSindhwad/MSSQL-Attacker - MSSQL Database Attacker tool
- F3eev/SharkExec - 内网渗透|红队工具|C#内存加载|cobaltstrike
- BornToBeRoot/NETworkManager - A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems!
- netwrix/PingCastleCloud - Audit program for AzureAD
- BeichenDream/SharpToken - Windows Token Stealing Expert
- casbin-net/redis-adapter - Redis adapter for Casbin.NET
- pwn1sher/frostbyte - FrostByte is a POC project that combines different defense evasion techniques to build better redteam payloads
- CervantesSec/cervantes - Cervantes is an open-source, collaborative platform designed specifically for pentesters and red teams. It serves as a comprehensive management tool, streamlining the organization of projects, clients
- xpn/AppProxyC2 -
- improsec/SharpEventPersist - Persistence by writing/reading shellcode from Event Log
- EricZimmerman/evtx - C# based evtx parser with lots of extras
- Ryze-T/CNVD-2022-10270-LPE - 基于向日葵RCE的本地权限提升,无需指定端口
- Hagrid29/DuplicateDump - Dumping LSASS with a duplicated handle from custom LSA plugin
- fox-it/LDAPFragger -
- nettitude/SharpWSUS -
- SpecterOps/SharpHoundCommon - Common library used by SharpHound.
- nettitude/MalSCCM -
- Viralmaniar/DDWPasteRecon - DDWPasteRecon tool will help you identify code leak, sensitive files, plaintext passwords, password hashes. It also allow member of SOC & Blue Team to gain situational awareness of the organisation's
- Dec0ne/KrbRelayUp - KrbRelayUp - a universal no-fix local privilege escalation in windows domain environments where LDAP signing is not enforced (the default settings).
- whitesquirrell/C0deVari4nt - A variant analysis and visualisation tool that scans codebases for similar vulnerabilities
- arsium/EagleMonitorRAT - Remote Access Tool Written In C#
- onSec-fr/Http-Asynchronous-Reverse-Shell - [POC] Asynchronous reverse shell using the HTTP protocol.
- yck1509/ConfuserEx - An open-source, free protector for .NET applications
- daem0nc0re/AtomicSyscall - Tools and PoCs for Windows syscall investigation.
- scotty-kdw/ARM-Analyzer - Backward Taint Analysis (GUI) on Desktop : Analyzing trace log to determine exploitability by tracking data propagation
- RowTeam/SharpDecryptPwd - SharpDecryptPwd source, To Decrypt Navicat,Xmanager,Filezilla,Foxmail,WinSCP,etc
- Gr1mmie/AtlasC2 - C# C2 Framework centered around Stage 1 operations
- wwh1004/ExtremeDumper - .NET Assembly Dumper
- netero1010/ScheduleRunner - A C# tool with more flexibility to customize scheduled task for both persistence and lateral movement in red team operation
- Group3r/Group3r - Find vulnerabilities in AD Group Policy, but do it better than Grouper2 did.
- JDArmy/SharpXDecrypt - Xshell全版本密码恢复工具
- cube0x0/KrbRelay - Framework for Kerberos relaying
- 0xthirteen/SharpStay - .NET project for installing Persistence
- skahwah/SQLRecon - A C# MS SQL toolkit designed for offensive reconnaissance and post-exploitation.
- tothi/SharpStay - .NET project for installing Persistence
- dqcostin/SharpGetinfo - 关于工作组和域信息收集的工具
- Flangvik/CobaltBus - Cobalt Strike External C2 Integration With Azure Servicebus, C2 traffic via Azure Servicebus
- ly4k/SpoolFool - Exploit for CVE-2022-21999 - Windows Print Spooler Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (LPE)
- py7hagoras/GetSystem - This is a C# implementation of making a process/executable run as NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. This is achieved through parent ID spoofing of almost any SYSTEM process.
- mrd0x/EvilSelenium - EvilSelenium is a tool that weaponizes Selenium to attack Chromium based browsers.
- jfmaes/AmsiHooker - Hookers are cooler than patches.
- VbScrub/Rubeus-GUI - GUI alternative to the Rubeus command line tool, for all your Kerberos exploit requirements
- pengw0048/WechatExport-iOS - Save iOS WeChat history as HTML or TXT with neat layout and picture & audio support.
- snovvcrash/MirrorDump - Another LSASS dumping tool that uses a dynamically compiled LSA plugin to grab an lsass handle and API hooking for capturing the dump in memory
- mandiant/SharPersist -
- An0nySec/UserAdd - Bypass AV 用户添加
- daem0nc0re/PrivFu - Kernel mode WinDbg extension and PoCs for token privilege investigation.
- pwn1sher/WMEye - WMEye is a post exploitation tool that uses WMI Event Filter and MSBuild Execution for lateral movement
- bohops/RogueAssemblyHunter - Rogue Assembly Hunter is a utility for discovering 'interesting' .NET CLR modules in running processes.
- VollRagm/KernelBypassSharp - C# Kernel Mode Driver to read and write memory in protected processes
- punk-security/smbeagle - SMBeagle - Fileshare auditing tool.
- evi1ox/sharpNetstat -
- Jumbo-WJB/SharpAllowedToAct-Modify - resource-based constrained delegation RBCD
- Ridter/SharpAddDomainMachine - SharpAddDomainMachine
- cube0x0/noPac - CVE-2021-42287/CVE-2021-42278 Scanner & Exploiter.
- matterpreter/FindETWProviderImage - Quickly search for references to a GUID in DLLs, EXEs, and drivers
- A-D-Team/SharpMemshell - Memshell
- daem0nc0re/SharpWnfSuite - C# Utilities for Windows Notification Facility
- FDlucifer/Proxy-Attackchain - Proxylogon & Proxyshell & Proxyoracle & Proxytoken & All exchange server history vulns summarization :)
- hackthedev/teardrop - Open-Source Ransomware Project for learning purpose only written in C# (csharp). Dont use it for bad things.
- Jhangju/bypass-sandbox-antivirus-detection-using-human-interaction-technique-by-cheking-mouse-movement - This project actually checks for the mouse movement if reach to 100 pixel it will start cmd and open cmd.exe and chrome.exe. Just to give idea that some sandbox does not use mouse movements.
- DamonMohammadbagher/NativePayload_ReverseShell - This is Simple C# Source code to Bypass almost "all" AVS, (kaspersky v19, Eset v12 v13 ,Trend-Micro v16, Comodo & Windows Defender Bypassed via this method Very Simple)
- Kara-4search/MappingInjection_CSharp - MappingInjection via csharp
- tedyyu/ProcDumpEx - ProcDumpEx = ProcDump in batch mode
- rasta-mouse/ExternalC2.NET - .NET implementation of Cobalt Strike's External C2 Spec
- ldqk/Masuit.Tools - 全龄段友好的C#万能工具库,码数吐司库,包含一些常用的操作类,大都是静态类,加密解密,反射操作,权重随机筛选算法,分布式短id,表达式树,linq扩展,文件压缩,多线程下载,硬件信息,字符串扩展方法,日期时间扩展操作,中国农历,大文件拷贝,图像裁剪,验证码,断点续传,集合扩展、Excel导出等常用封装。诸多功能集一身,代码量不到2MB!
- ryhanson/ExternalC2 - A library for integrating communication channels with the Cobalt Strike External C2 server
- chr0n1k/AH2021Workshop - Malware development for red teaming workshop
- CanIPhish/Phishious - An open-source Secure Email Gateway (SEG) evaluation toolkit designed for red-teamers.
- knight0x07/ImpulsiveDLLHijack - C# based tool which automates the process of discovering and exploiting DLL Hijacks in target binaries. The Hijacked paths discovered can later be weaponized during Red Team Operations to evade EDR's.
- iomoath/PowerShx - Run Powershell without software restrictions.
- leechristensen/SpoolSample - PoC tool to coerce Windows hosts authenticate to other machines via the MS-RPRN RPC interface. This is possible via other protocols as well.
- plackyhacker/Shellcode-Injection-Techniques - A collection of C# shellcode injection techniques. All techniques use an AES encrypted meterpreter payload. I will be building this project up as I learn, discover or develop more techniques. Some tec
- p0dalirius/LDAPmonitor - Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!
- plackyhacker/Suspended-Thread-Injection - Another meterpreter injection technique using C# that attempts to bypass Defender
- 0x727/SchTask_0x727 - 创建隐藏计划任务,权限维持,Bypass AV
- 7hr0wer/ProxyValidator - 用C#开发的简单的多线程代理验证工具。
- tevora-threat/SharpView - C# implementation of harmj0y's PowerView
- pornin/paradox-compress - Paper and Demo Implementation of Paradoxical Compression with VDF
- StarZHF/Foxmail-Password-Recovery -
- zacateras/sddl-parser - Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) Parser
- pentest-tools-public/Pass-to-hash-EWS -
- GhostPack/SharpDPAPI - SharpDPAPI is a C# port of some Mimikatz DPAPI functionality.
- lassehauballe/Eternalblue - Eternalblue written in CSharp. Contains version detection, vulnerability scanner and exploit of MS17-010
- ChoiSG/SharpJfmaesWorkshop - things I learned from @jfmaes's .NET reflection workshop - thank you for the great workshop
- RiccardoAncarani/LiquidSnake - LiquidSnake is a tool that allows operators to perform fileless lateral movement using WMI Event Subscriptions and GadgetToJScript
- waf/CSharpRepl - A command line C# REPL with syntax highlighting – explore the language, libraries and nuget packages interactively.
- eladshamir/Whisker - Whisker is a C# tool for taking over Active Directory user and computer accounts by manipulating their msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute, effectively adding "Shadow Credentials" to the target account.
- evilashz/SharpADUserIP - 提取DC日志,快速获取域用户对应IP地址
- iomoath/SharpSpray - Active Directory password spraying tool. Auto fetches user list and avoids potential lockouts.
- GhostPack/RestrictedAdmin - Remotely enables Restricted Admin Mode
- X-C3LL/xlsxPoison - Just a PoC to turn xlsx (regular Excel files) into xlsm (Excel file with macro) and slipping inside a macro (vbaProject.bin)
- fozavci/WeaponisingCSharp-Fundamentals - Weaponising C# - Fundamentals Training Content
- bitsadmin/fakelogonscreen - Fake Windows logon screen to steal passwords
- YDHCUI/csload.net - 一个cobaltstrike shellcode加载器,过国内主流杀软
- EncodeGroup/UAC-SilentClean - New UAC bypass for Silent Cleanup for CobaltStrike
- deadjakk/Reg1c1de - Registry permission scanner written in C# for finding potential privesc avenues within registry
- mai1zhi2/SharpBeacon - CobaltStrike Beacon written in .Net 4 用.net重写了stager及Beacon,其中包括正常上线、文件管理、进程管理、令牌管理、结合SysCall进行注入、原生端口转发、关ETW等一系列功能
- mobdk/Upsilon - Upsilon execute shellcode with syscalls - no API like NtProtectVirtualMemory is used
- RedSiege/EDD - Enumerate Domain Data
- chvancooten/OSEP-Code-Snippets - A repository with my notable code snippets for Offensive Security's PEN-300 (OSEP) course.
- w1u0u1/smb2os - Use smb2 protocol to detect remote computer os version, support win7/server2008-win10/server2019
- iomoath/SharpStrike - A Post exploitation tool written in C# uses either CIM or WMI to query remote systems.
- gellin/bantam - A PHP backdoor management and generation tool/C2 featuring end to end encrypted payload streaming designed to bypass WAF, IDS, SIEM systems.
- cube0x0/MiniDump - C# Lsass parser
- uknowsec/SharpCryptPermute - Crypt/Decrypt Proxyshell Payload
- PwnDexter/SharpEDRChecker - Checks running processes, process metadata, Dlls loaded into your current process and the each DLLs metadata, common install directories, installed services and each service binaries metadata, install
- nettitude/SharpSocks - Tunnellable HTTP/HTTPS socks4a proxy written in C# and deployable via PowerShell
- med0x2e/SigFlip - SigFlip is a tool for patching authenticode signed PE files (exe, dll, sys ..etc) without invalidating or breaking the existing signature.
- CCob/BeaconEye - Hunts out CobaltStrike beacons and logs operator command output
- GhostPack/ForgeCert - "Golden" certificates
- GhostPack/Certify - Active Directory certificate abuse.
- Flangvik/DeployPrinterNightmare - C# tool for installing a shared network printer abusing the PrinterNightmare bug to allow other network machines easy privesc!
- GhostPack/SharpWMI - SharpWMI is a C# implementation of various WMI functionality.
- Flangvik/ADCSPwn - A tool to escalate privileges in an active directory network by coercing authenticate from machine accounts and relaying to the certificate service.
- bats3c/ADCSPwn - A tool to escalate privileges in an active directory network by coercing authenticate from machine accounts and relaying to the certificate service.
- med0x2e/GadgetToJScript - A tool for generating .NET serialized gadgets that can trigger .NET assembly load/execution when deserialized using BinaryFormatter from JS/VBS/VBA based scripts.
- zcgonvh/EfsPotato - Exploit for EfsPotato(MS-EFSR EfsRpcOpenFileRaw with SeImpersonatePrivilege local privalege escalation vulnerability).
- tuian/subTee-gits-backups - subTee gists code backups
- Inf0secRabbit/BadAssMacros - BadAssMacros - C# based automated Malicous Macro Generator.
- GhostPack/Rubeus - Trying to tame the three-headed dog.
- RedSiege/CIMplant - C# port of WMImplant which uses either CIM or WMI to query remote systems
- aniqfakhrul/Sharperner - Simple executable generator with encrypted shellcode.
- qwqdanchun/DcRat - A simple remote tool in C#.
- dotnet/roslyn - The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.
- connormcgarr/LittleCorporal - LittleCorporal: A C# Automated Maldoc Generator
- OG-Sadpanda/SharpSword - Read the contents of MS Word Documents using Cobalt Strike's Execute-Assembly
- klezVirus/CheeseTools - Self-developed tools for Lateral Movement/Code Execution
- OG-Sadpanda/SharpExcelibur - Read Excel Spreadsheets (XLS/XLSX) using Cobalt Strike's Execute-Assembly
- AnErrupTion/LoGiC.NET - A free and open-source .NET obfuscator using dnlib.
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/ADHuntTool - official repo for the AdHuntTool (part of the old RedTeamCSharpScripts repo)
- MythicAgents/Apollo - A .NET Framework 4.0 Windows Agent
- Yaxser/SharpPhish - Using outlook COM objects to create convincing phishing emails without the user noticing. This project is meant for internal phishing.
- Kara-4search/DInvoke_shellcodeload_CSharp - ShellCodeLoader via DInvoke
- Flangvik/SharpProxyLogon - C# POC for CVE-2021-26855 aka ProxyLogon, supports the classically semi-interactive web shell as well as shellcode injection
- dahall/Vanara - A set of .NET libraries for Windows implementing PInvoke calls to many native Windows APIs with supporting wrappers.
- LimerBoy/FireFox-Thief - 🦊 Decrypt gecko based browsers passwords, cookies, history, bookmarks.
- gourk/FirePwd.Net - Password reader for Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird
- BinaryScary/NET-Obfuscate - Obfuscate ECMA CIL (.NET IL) assemblies to evade Windows Defender AMSI
- sourceincite/CVE-2021-24085 -
- cube0x0/CVE-2021-1675 - C# and Impacket implementation of PrintNightmare CVE-2021-1675/CVE-2021-34527
- DamonMohammadbagher/FSWatch - File System Watcher via C# (Monitoring File Activity , Create/Delete/Change/Rename events + some Activity like Size/Attribute/Security Changes & LastAccess, LastWrite etc...)
- nettitude/RunPE - C# Reflective loader for unmanaged binaries.
- GhostPack/SharpDump - SharpDump is a C# port of PowerSploit's Out-Minidump.ps1 functionality.
- IlanKalendarov/SharpHook - SharpHook is an offensive API hooking tool designed to catch various credentials within the API call.
- improsec/ImproHound - Identify the attack paths in BloodHound breaking your AD tiering
- GetRektBoy724/SharpUnhooker - C# Based Universal API Unhooker
- rasta-mouse/AsyncSockets - Example of async client/server sockets in .NET 5
- d3adzo/shepard - In progress persistent download/upload/execution tool using Windows BITS.
- enkomio/ManagedInjector - A C# DLL injection library
- lithnet/ad-password-protection - Active Directory password filter featuring breached password checking and custom complexity rules
- dionach/NtdsAudit - An Active Directory audit utility
- AaronRobinsonMSFT/COMInterop - Example on how to consume a COM server from a .NET client and a .NET server from a COM client. Examples are for both using the Registry and for RegFree.
- AdamWhiteHat/Judge-Jury-and-Executable - A file system forensics analysis scanner and threat hunting tool. Scans file systems at the MFT and OS level and stores data in SQL, SQLite or CSV. Threats and data can be probed harnessing the power
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/SyscallAmsiScanBufferBypass - AmsiScanBufferBypass using D/Invoke
- mitchmoser/SharpShares - Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly to enumerate accessible network shares in a domain
- Dliv3/DomainBorrowing - Domain Borrowing PoC
- Cerbersec/DomainBorrowingC2 -
- marius-rothenbuecher/PentestBro - Experimental tool for Windows. PentestBro combines subdomain scans, whois, port scanning, banner grabbing and web enumeration into one tool. Uses subdomain list of SecLists. Uses nmap service probes f
- jfmaes/SharpNukeEventLog - nuke that event log using some epic dinvoke fu
- RowTeam/SharpNTLMSSPExtract - 利用 NTLMSSP 探测 Windows 信息
- xpnas/inotify - 一个简易消息通知系统,支持企业微信、电报机器人、邮件推送、内置BARK推送、钉钉群机器人、飞书群机器人,类似Server酱,支持私有Docker部署
- cyberark/Evasor - A tool to be used in post exploitation phase for blue and red teams to bypass APPLICATIONCONTROL policies
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/SharpNamedPipePTH - Pass the Hash to a named pipe for token Impersonation
- Ben0xA/DoUCMe -
- juliourena/SharpNoPSExec - Get file less command execution for lateral movement.
- TheWover/CertStealer - A .NET tool for exporting and importing certificates without touching disk.
- Hzllaga/JsLoader - js免杀shellcode,绕过杀毒添加自启
- mgeeky/SharpWebServer - Red Team oriented C# Simple HTTP & WebDAV Server with Net-NTLM hashes capture functionality
- uknowsec/SharpOSS - Quickly upload files to aliyun OSS by aliyun-oss-csharp-sdk
- checkymander/Sharp-SMBExec - SMBExec C# module
- DebugST/STPortScanner - [端口扫描器] 采用.NET开发的端口扫描器 支持端口协议探测 内置多种类型扫描器 TCP/UDP/SYN/SMB/ICMP 等 采用IOCP模型开发 性能表现不错 可视为轻量级NMAP
- dahall/TaskScheduler - Provides a .NET wrapper for the Windows Task Scheduler. It aggregates the multiple versions, provides an editor and allows for localization.
- FSecureLABS/SharpGPOAbuse - SharpGPOAbuse is a .NET application written in C# that can be used to take advantage of a user's edit rights on a Group Policy Object (GPO) in order to compromise the objects that are controlled by th
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/Sharp-HackBrowserData - C# binary with embeded golang hack-browser-data
- w1u0u1/exec - Use current thread token to execute command
- Hzllaga/RDODecrypt - Remote Desktop Organizer 密码破解
- ChoiSG/UuidShellcodeExec - PoC for UUID shellcode execution using DInvoke
- airzero24/WMIReg - PoC to interact with local/remote registry hives through WMI
- proxysu/ProxySU - Xray,V2ray,Trojan,NaiveProxy, Trojan-Go, ShadowsocksR(SSR),Shadowsocks-libev及相关插件,MTProto+TLS 一键安装工具,windows下用(一键科学上网)
- WithSecureLabs/physmem2profit - Physmem2profit can be used to create a minidump of a target hosts' LSASS process by analysing physical memory remotely
- odedshimon/BruteShark - Network Analysis Tool
- calebstewart/bypass-clm - PowerShell Constrained Language Mode Bypass
- hausec/MaliciousClickOnceMSBuild - Basic C# Project that will take an MSBuild payload and run it with MSBuild via ClickOnce.
- Aetsu/OffensivePipeline - OfensivePipeline allows you to download and build C# tools, applying certain modifications in order to improve their evasion for Red Team exercises.
- mdsecactivebreach/Farmer -
- KINGSABRI/DotNetToJScriptMini - A simplified version of DotNetToJScript to create a JScript file which loads a .NET v2 assembly from memory.
- Kevin-Robertson/Sharpmad - C# version of Powermad
- swisskyrepo/SharpLAPS - Retrieve LAPS password from LDAP
- Flangvik/AzureC2Relay - AzureC2Relay is an Azure Function that validates and relays Cobalt Strike beacon traffic by verifying the incoming requests based on a Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profile.
- FuzzySecurity/Dendrobate - Managed code hooking template.
- soufianetahiri/HttpRquestPlayer - This small utility could help you to find authorization bugs.
- rvrsh3ll/SharpSMBSpray - Spray a hash via smb to check for local administrator access
- BeichenDream/WhetherMysqlSham - 检测目标Mysql数据库是不是蜜罐
- An0nySec/ShadowUser - 影子用户 克隆
- bats3c/EvtMute - Apply a filter to the events being reported by windows event logging
- JoniRinta-Kahila/WPCracker - WordPress pentest tool
- zcgonvh/CVE-2020-0688 - Exploit and detect tools for CVE-2020-0688
- JamesCooteUK/SharpSphere - .NET Project for Attacking vCenter
- py7hagoras/CovenantTasks - Source for tasks I have used with Covenant
- RCStep/CSSG - Cobalt Strike Shellcode Generator
- srini0x00/dvta - Damn Vulnerable Thick Client App developed in C# .NET
- uknowsec/SharpSQLTools - SharpSQLTools 和@Rcoil一起写的小工具,可上传下载文件,xp_cmdshell与sp_oacreate执行命令回显和clr加载程序集执行相应操作。
- Viralmaniar/BigBountyRecon - BigBountyRecon tool utilises 58 different techniques using various Google dorks and open source tools to expedite the process of initial reconnaissance on the target organisation.
- b4rtik/SharpKatz - Porting of mimikatz sekurlsa::logonpasswords, sekurlsa::ekeys and lsadump::dcsync commands
- jnqpblc/SharpTask - SharpTask is a simple code set to interact with the Task Scheduler service api and is compatible with Cobalt Strike.
- ReverendThing/Carnivore - Microsoft External Attack Tool
- FatRodzianko/Get-RBCD-Threaded - Tool to discover Resource-Based Constrained Delegation attack paths in Active Directory environments
- FatRodzianko/SharpBypassUAC - C# tool for UAC bypasses
- GoSecure/WSuspicious - WSuspicious - A tool to abuse insecure WSUS connections for privilege escalations
- bitsadmin/nopowershell - PowerShell rebuilt in C# for Red Teaming purposes
- 05sec/Asteroid - 💫 CTF AWD 实时 3D 攻击大屏
- rasta-mouse/EWSToolkit - Abusing Exchange via EWS
- mubix/solarflare - SolarWinds Orion Account Audit / Password Dumping Utility
- zcgonvh/CVE-2020-17144 - weaponized tool for CVE-2020-17144
- Airboi/CVE-2020-17144-EXP - Exchange2010 authorized RCE
- securesean/DecryptAutoLogon - Command line tool to extract/decrypt the password that was stored in the LSA by SysInternals AutoLogon
- cube0x0/SharpMapExec -
- jas502n/SSCMS_Decrypt - sscms database decrypt
- outflanknl/EvilClippy - A cross-platform assistant for creating malicious MS Office documents. Can hide VBA macros, stomp VBA code (via P-Code) and confuse macro analysis tools. Runs on Linux, OSX and Windows.
- RcoIl/CSharp-Tools - .NET C# Tools
- Ch1ngg/SharpGetTitle - SharpGetTitle - 基于 C# 的多线程 Web Title 扫描器
- antonioCoco/RunasCs - RunasCs - Csharp and open version of windows builtin runas.exe
- rocksdanister/lively - Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3.
- huiyadanli/RevokeMsgPatcher -
A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁(我已经看到了,撤回也没用了)
- cobbr/SharpSploit - SharpSploit is a .NET post-exploitation library written in C#
- med0x2e/NoAmci - Using DInvoke to patch AMSI.dll in order to bypass AMSI detections triggered when loading .NET tradecraft via Assembly.Load().
- NVISOsecurity/DInvisibleRegistry - DInvisibleRegistry
- matterpreter/DefenderCheck - Identifies the bytes that Microsoft Defender flags on.
- 3F/DllExport - .NET DllExport with .NET Core support (aka 3F/DllExport aka DllExport.bat)
- TheWover/DInvoke - Dynamically invoke arbitrary unmanaged code from managed code without PInvoke.
- mandiant/OfficePurge -
- hayasec/360SafeBrowsergetpass - 这是一个一键辅助抓取360安全浏览器密码的CobaltStrike脚本以及解密小工具,用于节省红队工作量,通过下载浏览器数据库、记录密钥来离线解密浏览器密码。
- smartlockpicking/BLE_HackMe - Bluetooth Low Energy hardware-less HackMe
- awaescher/Fusion - 🧰 A modern alternative to the Microsoft Assembly Binding Log Viewer (FUSLOGVW.exe)
- rasta-mouse/ThreatCheck - Identifies the bytes that Microsoft Defender / AMSI Consumer flags on.
- xforcered/StandIn - StandIn is a small .NET35/45 AD post-exploitation toolkit
- EncodeGroup/AggressiveProxy - Project to enumerate proxy configurations and generate shellcode from CobaltStrike
- xiaoxiaoleo/Scan-and-Clean-Macro-Virus - Scan and clean specific Macro Virus, #C Sharp
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/RedTeamCSharpScripts - C# Script used for Red Team
- TGSAN/CMWTAT_Digital_Edition - CloudMoe Windows 10/11 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10/11 activator in GitHub. GitHub 上最棒的开源 Win10/Win11 数字权利(数字许可证)激活工具!
- wesleydekraker/xamarin-security-scanner - A tool to find security vulnerabilities in Xamarin.Android apps.
- dev-2null/KerberosRun - A little tool to play with Kerberos.
- ustayready/SharpHose - Asynchronous Password Spraying Tool in C# for Windows Environments
- tyranid/DotNetToJScript - A tool to create a JScript file which loads a .NET v2 assembly from memory.
- EncodeGroup/AggressiveGadgetToJScript - A Cobalt Strike Aggressor script to generate GadgetToJScript payloads
- EncodeGroup/Gopher - C# tool to discover low hanging fruits
- b4rtik/SharpAdidnsdump - c# implementation of Active Directory Integrated DNS dumping (authenticated user)
- mez-0/DecryptRDCManager - .NET 4.0 Remote Desktop Manager Password Gatherer
- uknowsec/SharpSQLDump - 内网渗透中快速获取数据库所有库名,表名,列名。具体判断后再去翻数据,节省时间。适用于mysql,mssql。
- Apr4h/CobaltStrikeScan - Scan files or process memory for CobaltStrike beacons and parse their configuration
- r3nhat/SharpWifiGrabber - Sharp Wifi Password Grabber retrieves in clear-text the Wi-Fi Passwords from all WLAN Profiles saved on a workstation.
- CCob/Rubeus - Trying to tame the three-headed dog.
- rasta-mouse/Fork-n-Run -
- microsoft/onefuzz - A self-hosted Fuzzing-As-A-Service platform
- checkymander/Zolom - C# Executable with embedded Python that can be used reflectively to run python code on systems without Python installed
- r3nhat/GRAT2 - We developed GRAT2 Command & Control (C2) project for learning purpose.
- Kudaes/LOLBITS - ** DISCONTINUED ** C2 framework that uses Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) as communication protocol and Direct Syscalls + Dinvoke for EDR user-mode hooking evasion.
- vivami/SauronEye - Search tool to find specific files containing specific words, i.e. files containing passwords..
- mez-0/MoveScheduler - .NET 4.0 Scheduled Job Lateral Movement
- passthehashbrowns/SharpBuster - SharpBuster is a C# implementation of a directory brute forcing tool. It's designed to be used via Cobalt Strike's execute-assembly and similar tools, when running a similar tool over a SOCKS proxy is
- G0ldenGunSec/SharpSecDump - .Net port of the remote SAM + LSA Secrets dumping functionality of impacket's secretsdump.py
- chromelyapps/Chromely - Build Cross Platform HTML Desktop Apps on .NET using native GUI, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Owin, AspNetCore (MVC, RazorPages, Blazor)
- slyd0g/LNKMod - C# project to create or modify existing LNKs
- lontivero/Open.NAT - Lightweight and easy-to-use class library to allow port forwarding in NAT devices with UPNP and/or PMP
- sf197/GetPwd - 用CSharp写的一款信息搜集工具,目前支持Navicat、TeamView、Xshell、SecureCRT产品的密码解密
- BeichenDream/MysqlT - 伪造Myslq服务端,并利用Mysql逻辑漏洞来获取客户端的任意文件反击攻击者
- rasta-mouse/MiscTools - Miscellaneous Tools
- mez-0/CSharpWinRM - .NET 4.0 WinRM API Command Execution
- RiccardoAncarani/DirSync-Poc - A PoC that uses the DirSync protocol to poll Active Directory for changes
- BloodHoundAD/SharpHound3 - C# Data Collector for the BloodHound Project, Version 3
- BloodHoundAD/SharpHound2 - The Old BloodHound C# Ingestor (Deprecated)
- WayneJLee/CsharpAmsiBypass - C# loader for msfvenom shellcode with AMSI bypass
- aduskin/AduSkin - A Beautiful WPF Control UI
- TalAloni/SMBLibrary - Free, Open Source, User-Mode SMB 1.0/CIFS, SMB 2.0, SMB 2.1 and SMB 3.0 server and client library
- rnwood/smtp4dev - smtp4dev - the fake smtp email server for development and testing
- 3xpl01tc0d3r/ProcessInjection - This program is designed to demonstrate various process injection techniques
- Flangvik/SharpAppLocker - C# port of the Get-AppLockerPolicy PS cmdlet
- netwrix/pingcastle - PingCastle - Get Active Directory Security at 80% in 20% of the time
- RythmStick/ProxyPunch - Finding SSL Blindspots for Red Teams
- Mr-B0b/SpaceRunner - This tool enables the compilation of a C# program that will execute arbitrary PowerShell code, without launching PowerShell processes through the use of runspace.
- jfmaes/GG-AESY - Hide cool stuff in images :)
- MrFooL137/WebSocketRemoteControl - Remote Control With WebSocket
- checkymander/Carbuncle - Tool for interacting with outlook interop during red team engagements
- fullmetalcache/PowerLine -
- djhohnstein/SharpSearch - Search files for extensions as well as text within.
- crawl3r/FunWithAMSI - A repo to hold any bypasses I work on/study/whatever
- Flangvik/SharpDllProxy - Retrieves exported functions from a legitimate DLL and generates a proxy DLL source code/template for DLL proxy loading or sideloading
- jfmaes/TrustJack - Yet another PoC for https://www.wietzebeukema.nl/blog/hijacking-dlls-in-windows
- Fody/Costura - Embed references as resources
- EquiFox/KsDumper - Dumping processes using the power of kernel space !
- tomcarver16/ADSearch - A tool to help query AD via the LDAP protocol
- bohops/SharpRDPHijack - A proof-of-concept Remote Desktop (RDP) session hijack utility
- mvelazc0/PurpleSharp - PurpleSharp is a C# adversary simulation tool that executes adversary techniques with the purpose of generating attack telemetry in monitored Windows environments
- git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager - Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
- SnaffCon/Snaffler - a tool for pentesters to help find delicious candy, by @l0ss and @Sh3r4 ( Twitter: @/mikeloss and @/sh3r4_hax )
- 360-Linton-Lab/Telemetry - WINDOWS TELEMETRY权限维持
- GhostPack/Seatbelt - Seatbelt is a C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive and defensive security perspectives.
- mdsecactivebreach/sitrep -
- jfmaes/Clippi-B -
- thiagomayllart/Covenant_Alternate - Covenant is a collaborative .NET C2 framework for red teamers.
- Hzllaga/ShellcodeLoader - 将shellcode用rsa加密并动态编译exe,自带几种反沙箱技术。
- SpiderLabs/SharpCompile - SharpCompile is an aggressor script for Cobalt Strike which allows you to compile and execute C# in realtime. This is a more slick approach than manually compiling an .NET assembly and loading it into
- dotnet/ILMerge - ILMerge is a static linker for .NET Assemblies.
- RedLectroid/SearchOutlook - A C# tool to search through a running instance of Outlook for keywords
- Flangvik/BetterSafetyKatz - Fork of SafetyKatz that dynamically fetches the latest pre-compiled release of Mimikatz directly from gentilkiwi GitHub repo, runtime patches signatures and uses SharpSploit DInvoke to PE-Load into me
- QAX-A-Team/sharpwmi - sharpwmi是一个基于rpc的横向移动工具,具有上传文件和执行命令功能。
- am0nsec/SharpHellsGate - C# Implementation of the Hell's Gate VX Technique
- RythmStick/AMSITrigger - The Hunt for Malicious Strings
- QAX-A-Team/BrowserGhost - 这是一个抓取浏览器密码的工具,后续会添加更多功能
- WingsOfDoom/ICU - quick 'n dirty poc based on PoC windows auth prompt in c# based on https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mayuki/339952/raw/2c36b735bc51861a37194971a5e944f22c94df7c/CredentialUI.cs
- dev-2null/ADCollector - A lightweight tool to quickly extract valuable information from the Active Directory environment for both attacking and defending.
- peass-ng/PEASS-ng - PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
- jamf/CVE-2020-1206-POC - CVE-2020-1206 Uninitialized Kernel Memory Read POC
- FuzzySecurity/Sharp-Suite - Also known by Microsoft as Knifecoat 🌶️
- jeromesegura/EKFiddle - Your Swiss Army knife to analyze malicious web traffic based on the popular Fiddler web debugger.
- 1y0n/AV_Evasion_Tool - 掩日 - 免杀执行器生成工具
- reconness/reconness - ReconNess is a platform to allow continuous recon (CR) where you can set up a pipeline of #recon tools (Agents) and trigger it base on schedule or events.
- TheKingOfDuck/MatryoshkaDollTool - MatryoshkaDollTool-程序加壳/捆绑工具
- goichot/CVE-2020-3153 - Cisco AnyConnect < 4.8.02042 privilege escalation through path traversal
- Tycx2ry/SweetPotato_CS - 修改的SweetPotato,使之可以用于CobaltStrike v4.0
- 3gstudent/SharpRDPCheck - Use to check the valid account of the Remote Desktop Protocol(Support plaintext and ntlmhash)
- Soledge/BlockEtw - .Net Assembly to block ETW telemetry in current process
- Viralmaniar/HiveJack - This tool can be used during internal penetration testing to dump Windows credentials from an already-compromised host. It allows one to dump SYSTEM, SECURITY and SAM hives and once copied to the atta
- CCob/SweetPotato - Local Service to SYSTEM privilege escalation from Windows 7 to Windows 10 / Server 2019
- djhohnstein/SharpShares - Enumerate all network shares in the current domain. Also, can resolve names to IP addresses.
- BeichenDream/BadPotato - Windows 权限提升 BadPotato
- infosecn1nja/SharpDoor - SharpDoor is alternative RDPWrap written in C# to allowed multiple RDP (Remote Desktop) sessions by patching termsrv.dll file.
- pwntester/ysoserial.net - Deserialization payload generator for a variety of .NET formatters
- uknowsec/SweetPotato - Modifying SweetPotato to support load shellcode and webshell
- uknowsec/SharpNetCheck -
- cobbr/Covenant - Covenant is a collaborative .NET C2 framework for red teamers.
- cobbr/Elite - Elite is the client-side component of the Covenant project. Covenant is a .NET command and control framework that aims to highlight the attack surface of .NET, make the use of offensive .NET tradecraf
- cyberark/zBang - zBang is a risk assessment tool that detects potential privileged account threats
- MichaelGrafnetter/DSInternals - Directory Services Internals (DSInternals) PowerShell Module and Framework
- rveldhoven/chocoProxy -
- mandiant/SilkETW -
- gerardog/gsudo - Sudo for Windows
- rasta-mouse/Watson - Enumerate missing KBs and suggest exploits for useful Privilege Escalation vulnerabilities
- k8gege/Ladon - Ladon大型内网渗透扫描器,PowerShell、Cobalt Strike插件、内存加载、无文件扫描。含端口扫描、服务识别、网络资产探测、密码审计、高危漏洞检测、漏洞利用、密码读取以及一键GetShell,支持批量A段/B段/C段以及跨网段扫描,支持URL、主机、域名列表扫描等。网络资产探测32种协议(ICMP\NBT\DNS\MAC\SMB\WMI\SSH\HTTP\HTTPS\Exchan
- gabrielxvx/zh-fiddler - Fiddler Web Debugger 中文版
- harleyQu1nn/AggressorScripts - Collection of Aggressor scripts for Cobalt Strike 3.0+ pulled from multiple sources
- guillaC/wsManager - Webshell Manager
- restran/shellcat - ⚡️ ShellCat is a Reverse Shell Manager
- uknowsec/SharpCheckInfo - 收集目标主机信息,包括最近打开文件,系统环境变量和回收站文件等等
- Cn33liz/p0wnedShell - PowerShell Runspace Post Exploitation Toolkit
- netchx/netch - A simple proxy client
- kenvix/USBCopyer - 😉 用于在插上U盘后自动按需复制该U盘的文件。”备份&偷U盘文件的神器”(写作USBCopyer,读作USBCopier)
- P1CKLES/SharpBox - SharpBox is a C# tool for compressing, encrypting, and exfiltrating data to DropBox using the DropBox API.
- Wohlstand/Destroy-Windows-10-Spying - !!!UNMAINTAINED!!! Destroy Windows Spying tool
- djhohnstein/EventLogParser - Parse PowerShell and Security event logs for sensitive information.
- samk1/IISPowershellModule - IIS Handler for *.ps1 files
- AnyListen/YaVipCore - Net Core Music Interface
- duplicati/duplicati - Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud!
- Kevin-Robertson/Inveigh - .NET IPv4/IPv6 machine-in-the-middle tool for penetration testers
- GangZhuo/kcptun-gui-windows - GUI for kcptun (https://github.com/xtaci/kcptun). (Need .NET framework 4.5)
- mo-xiaoxi/CTFtools - 本项目主要搜集一些关于信息安全攻防相关的知识与工具,便于个人的渗透工作。
- zgcwkjOpenProject/TestBaiduPassword - 百度网盘分享文件密码测试器
- greenshot/greenshot - Greenshot for Windows - Report bugs & features go here: https://greenshot.atlassian.net or look for information on:
- TheM4hd1/JCS - Joomla Vulnerability Component Scanner
- xupefei/Locale-Emulator - Yet Another System Region and Language Simulator
- ShareX/ShareX - ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of file
- bitbeans/SimpleDnsCrypt - A simple management tool for dnscrypt-proxy
- TheM4hd1/PenCrawLer - An Advanced Web Crawler and DirBuster
- yingDev/WGestures - Modern mouse gestures for Windows. (C#)
- digimezzo/knowte-windows - Note taking
- MediaPortal/MediaPortal-2 - Development of MediaPortal 2
- Rushyo/VindicateTool - LLMNR/NBNS/mDNS Spoofing Detection Toolkit
- RadioWar/NFCGUI - NFCGUI 一个万恶的无聊的Windows图形界面! GUI for libnfc
- microsoft/DbgShell - A PowerShell front-end for the Windows debugger engine.
- VahidN/GitHubFolderDownloader - It lets you to download a single folder of a repository without cloning or downloading the whole repository.
- hexadezi/adbGUI - Wrapper for Android Debug Bridge (ADB) written in C#
- mili-tan/mV2RayConfig -
- nccgroup/UPnP-Pentest-Toolkit - UPnP Pentest Toolkit for Windows
- KeeTrayTOTP/KeeTrayTOTP - Tray TOTP Plugin for KeePass2.
- JanisEst/KeePassQRCodeView - KeePass 2.x plugin which shows QR Codes for entry fields.
- securifybv/ShellLink - A .NET Class Library for processing ShellLink (LNK) files
- canton7/SyncTrayzor - Windows tray utility / filesystem watcher / launcher for Syncthing
- TkYu/ChromeUpdater - :)
- oneo-me/Arthas-WPFUI - WPF 控件库,支持 .Net 7.0 Windows Desktop
- chenjia404/ChromeAutoUpdate - 一个自动更新chrome的小工具
- thoemmi/7Zip4Powershell - Powershell module for creating and extracting 7-Zip archives
- p3nt4/PowerShdll - Run PowerShell with rundll32. Bypass software restrictions.
- tomrus88/CASCExplorer - CASCExplorer
- marx-yu/WopiHost - Office Online Server Wopi Host implement, No need Cobalt. Support DOCX, XLSX, PPTX online editing.
- zcgonvh/cve-2017-7269-tool - CVE-2017-7269 to webshell or shellcode loader
- t3ntman/Social-Engineering-Payloads - Collection of social engineering payloads
- Choudai/R10 - Lightweight Ransomware @Choudai
- thangchung/awesome-dotnet-core - 🐝 A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- nsacyber/Windows-Event-Log-Messages - Retrieves the definitions of Windows Event Log messages embedded in Windows binaries and provides them in discoverable formats. #nsacyber
- DEVSENSE/Phalanger - PHP 5.4 compiler for .NET/Mono frameworks. Predecessor to the opensource PeachPie project (www.peachpie.io).
- isukces/cs2php - C# to PHP compiler
- zcgonvh/SSMSPwd - SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) saved password dumper
- dxflatline/flatpipes - A TCP proxy over named pipes. Originally created for maintaining a meterpreter session over 445 for less network alarms.
- Kyrodan/KeeAnywhere - A cloud storage provider plugin for KeePass Password Safe
- googleprojectzero/sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools - Set of tools to analyze Windows sandboxes for exposed attack surface.
- shack2/SuperSQLInjectionV1 - 超级SQL注入工具(SSQLInjection)是一款基于HTTP协议自组包的SQL注入工具,采用C#开发,直接操作TCP会话来进行HTTP交互,支持出现在HTTP协议任意位置的SQL注入,支持各种类型的SQL注入,支持HTTPS模式注入;支持以盲注、错误显示、Union注入等方式来获取数据;支持Access/MySQL/SQLServer/Oracle/PostgreSQL/DB2/SQLite
- sacwtv/Altman - the cross platform webshell tool in .NET
- keepwn/Altman - the cross platform webshell tool in .NET
- LazoCoder/Windows-Hacks - Creative and unusual things that can be done with the Windows API.
- gaochundong/Cowboy - Cowboy.Sockets is a C# library for building sockets based services.
- magicdict/MongoCola - A MongoDB Administration Tool
- fsquirt/damnCoffee - 一款简单的后渗透免杀加载器,Bypass AV/EDR
- CBLabresearch/PhantomExecution - Self Cleanup in post-ex job
- xlccc/cyber_security_assessment - 网络安全测试平台专为系统脆弱性和安全性检测设计,支持 Ubuntu 20.04 操作系统。功能包括资产清点、安全基线检测、安全风险评估和安全等级保护测评,并输出详细的检测报告。
- daijro/camoufox - 🦊 Anti-detect browser
- deskflow/deskflow - Deskflow lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's like a software KVM (but without video).
- yinsel/BypassAV - 一款基于PE Patch技术的后渗透免杀工具,支持32位和64位
- T4y1oR/RingQ - 一款后渗透免杀工具,助力每一位像我这样的脚本小子快速实现免杀,支持bypass AV/EDR 360 火绒 Windows Defender Shellcode Loader
- efchatz/pandora - A red team tool that assists into extracting/dumping master credentials and/or entries from different password managers.
- gfdgd-xi/windows-virtual-machine-installer-for-wine-runner - Windows虚拟机安装工具
- Dec0ne/DllNotificationInjection - A POC of a new “threadless” process injection technique that works by utilizing the concept of DLL Notification Callbacks in local and remote processes.
- ZeroMemoryEx/Chaos-Rootkit - Now You See Me, Now You Don't
- 0x727/UserRegEnum_0x727 - 域内普通域用户权限查找域内所有计算机上登录的用户
- 0xHossam/Killer - Killer is a simple tool designed to bypass AV/EDR security tools using various evasive techniques.
- nomic-ai/gpt4all - GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use.
- fgfxf/HttpStageDownloader - cobaltstrike的http分阶段下载器 cpp版本;cobaltstrike stage downloader;
- TaoistBrickscarrier/WFPKit - 粗暴地枚举管理内核的WFP对象。 Manage kernel WFPs in a brutal way.
- matthieu-hackwitharts/Win32_Offensive_Cheatsheet - Win32 and Kernel abusing techniques for pentesters
- ZeroMemoryEx/Amsi-Killer - Lifetime AMSI bypass
- stealth/fraud-bridge - ICMP and DNS tunneling via IPv4 and IPv6
- Ascotbe/virus - 病毒&免杀脚本&乱七八糟的脚本
- deamwork/WinMTR - WinMTR Redux, extended fork of Appnor's WinMTR with IPv6 support and other enhancements
- capt-meelo/laZzzy - laZzzy is a shellcode loader, developed using different open-source libraries, that demonstrates different execution techniques.
- seventeenman/CallBackDump - dump lsass进程工具
- 0xJs/RedTeaming_CheatSheet - Pentesting cheatsheet with all the commands I learned during my learning journey. Will try to to keep it up-to-date.
- ADOOO/Joker - 一款基于Http.sys的利用工具
- zha0gongz1/iscsicpl_bypassUAC - UAC bypass for x64 Windows 7 - 11(无弹窗版)
- antonioCoco/JuicyPotatoNG - Another Windows Local Privilege Escalation from Service Account to System
- Tatsu-syo/noMeiryoUI - No!! MeiryoUI is Windows system font setting tool on Windows 8.1/10/11.
- ReversingID/Shellcode-Loader - Open repository for learning dynamic shellcode loading (sample in many programming languages)
- wanttobeno/AntiDebuggers - 30种方法检测程序是否被调试
- hasherezade/process_overwriting - Yet another variant of Process Hollowing
- yanghaoi/LaunchSystemCmd - 在权限足够的情况下弹出system权限的cmd命令行,包含exe和dll两种文件类型,可用于一些可能存在本地提权漏洞的测试。
- lab52io/LeakedHandlesFinder - Leaked Windows processes handles identification tool
- TUGOhost/anti_Android - Is a protect Android App anti any attacks and environments.
- webraybtl/CVE-2022-25943 - CVE-2022-25943
- trailofbits/maat - Open-source symbolic execution framework: https://maat.re
- VirtualAlllocEx/Create-Thread-Shellcode-Fetcher - This POC gives you the possibility to compile a .exe to completely avoid statically detection by AV/EPP/EDR of your C2-shellcode and download and execute your C2-shellcode which is hosted on your (C2)
- qiang/Riru-ModuleFridaGadget - 一个magisk 的模块,简化版,依赖 riru,能够简单的hook,并且加载动态库,目前用来加载 frida 的gadget 库,从而使hook脱离命令行和server,并且能够在多进程中加载
- FULLSHADE/Auto-Elevate - Escalate from a low-integrity Administrator account to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM without an LPE exploit by combining a COM UAC bypass and Token Impersonation
- midisec/BypassAnti-Virus - 免杀姿势学习、记录、复现。
- 44670/p7zip-wasm -
- LuxNoBulIshit/Smug_Fu3k -
- thiagoralves/OpenPLC_v3 - OpenPLC Runtime version 3
- zeek/zeek - Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
- HACK-THE-WORLD/IDAPluginList - IDA插件集合,含项目名称及项目地址,每日定时Clone项目。
- blackbox114/Captive_Portal_Gofishing - level:Copper 连接上就会强制弹出钓鱼页面的热点
- Fortiphyd/GRFICSv2 - Version 2 of the Graphical Realism Framework for Industrial Control Simulation (GRFICS)
- djformby/GRFICS - Graphical Realism Framework for Industrial Control Simulations
- riverar/mach2 - Windows Feature Control Multi-tool
- RedSection/printjacker - Hijack Printconfig.dll to execute shellcode
- thesecretclub/ArbitraryDirectoryDeletion - From directory deletion to SYSTEM shell
- KaLendsi/CVE-2022-21882 - win32k LPE
- notdodo/adduser-dll - Simple DLL that add a user to the local Administrators group
- cmu-sei/pharos - Automated static analysis tools for binary programs
- ytk2128/dll-merger - A simple tool for merging DLLs into executables with PEB-invisible mapping.
- pwn1sher/KillDefender - A small POC to make defender useless by removing its token privileges and lowering the token integrity
- lcatro/Source-and-Fuzzing - 一些阅读源码和Fuzzing 的经验,涵盖黑盒与白盒测试..
- APTortellini/DefenderSwitch - Stop Windows Defender using the Win32 API
- hlldz/RefleXXion - RefleXXion is a utility designed to aid in bypassing user-mode hooks utilised by AV/EPP/EDR etc. In order to bypass the user-mode hooks, it first collects the syscall numbers of the NtOpenFile, NtCrea
- StarCrossPortal/bug-hunting-101 -
- crisprss/BypassUserAdd - 通过反射DLL注入、Win API、C#、以及底层实现NetUserAdd方式实现BypassAV进行增加用户的功能,实现Cobalt Strike插件化
- Rvn0xsy/PDacl - Play Doh Windows ACL Tools
- theSecHunter/Hades-Windows - Hades HIDS/HIPS for Windows
- Ghost2097221/selfMimikatz - 自不量力的mimikatz分离计划
- abcz316/SKRoot-linuxKernelRoot - 新一代SKRoot,挑战全网root检测手段,跟面具完全不同思路,摆脱面具被检测的弱点,完美隐藏root功能,全程不需要暂停SELinux,实现真正的SELinux 0%触碰,通用性强,通杀所有内核,不需要内核源码,直接patch内核,兼容安卓APP直接JNI调用,稳定、流畅、不闪退。
- NtRaiseHardError/Antimalware-Research - Research on Anti-malware and other related security solutions
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/MultiPotato -
- hugsy/CFB - Canadian Furious Beaver is a ProcMon-style tool designed only for capturing IRPs sent to any Windows driver.
- echo-devim/fhex - A Full-Featured HexEditor compatible with Linux/Windows/MacOS
- r-richter/hyenae-ng - Hyenae NG is an advanced cross-platform network packet generator and the successor of Hyenae. It features full network layer spoofing, pattern based address randomization and flood detection breaking
- kindtime/nosferatu - Windows NTLM Authentication Backdoor
- lab52io/StopDefender - Stop Windows Defender programmatically
- lab52io/StealAllTokens - This PoC uses two diferent technics for stealing the primary token from all running processes, showing that is possible to impersonate and use whatever token present at any process
- CCob/lsarelayx - NTLM relaying for Windows made easy
- BlueMatthew/WechatExporter - Wechat Chat History Exporter 微信聊天记录导出备份程序
- qtfreet00/AntiFrida - 通过内存特征检测frida
- mgeeky/ThreadStackSpoofer - Thread Stack Spoofing - PoC for an advanced In-Memory evasion technique allowing to better hide injected shellcode's memory allocation from scanners and analysts.
- ideaslocas/aDLL -
- TonyChen56/160-Crackme - 对160个Crackme的详细分析记录
- ly4k/CallbackHell - Exploit for CVE-2021-40449 - Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (LPE)
- networkit/networkit - NetworKit is a growing open-source toolkit for large-scale network analysis.
- thewhiteninja/ntfstool - Forensics tool for NTFS (parser, mft, bitlocker, deleted files)
- magnusstubman/MagnusKatz - Research project for understanding how Mimikatz work and become better at C
- EspressoCake/Firewall_Walker_BOF - A BOF to interact with COM objects associated with the Windows software firewall.
- mgeeky/ShellcodeFluctuation - An advanced in-memory evasion technique fluctuating shellcode's memory protection between RW/NoAccess & RX and then encrypting/decrypting its contents
- aristocratos/btop - A monitor of resources
- waleedassar/SyscallNumberFinder -
- hotnops/RemoteDebugView - A DLL that serves OutputDebugString content over a TCP connection
- APTortellini/unDefender - Killing your preferred antimalware by abusing native symbolic links and NT paths.
- mez-0/winrmdll - C++ WinRM API via Reflective DLL
- airbus-cert/Yagi - Yet Another Ghidra Integration for IDA
- NoOne-hub/bypass-BeaconEye - bypass BeaconEye
- 0x727/CloneX_0x727 - 进行克隆用户、添加用户等账户防护安全检测的轻巧工具
- evilashz/RemoteMemorymodule - Load the evilDLL from socket connection without touch disk
- manyfacedllama/amsi-tracer - Leverage AMSI (Antimalware Scan Interface) technology to aid your analysis. This tool saves all buffers (scripts, .NET assemblies, etc) passed into AMSI during dynamic execution.
- kavika13/RemCom - Remote Command Executor: A OSS replacement for PsExec and RunAs - or Telnet without having to install a server. Take your pick :)
- x64dbg/ScyllaHide - Advanced usermode anti-anti-debugger. Forked from https://bitbucket.org/NtQuery/scyllahide
- ivan-sincek/keylogger - Windows OS keylogger with a hook mechanism (i.e. with a keyboard hook procedure).
- EvanMcBroom/microsocks11 - A cross-platform SOCKS5 library and server based on the microsocks project.
- rr-debugger/rr - Record and Replay Framework
- zer0fl4g/DebugDetector -
- ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit - WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/SRT server and client framework based on C++11
- 0x727/ShuiYing_0x727 - 检测域环境内,域机器的本地管理组成员是否存在弱口令和通用口令,对域用户的权限分配以及域内委派查询
- jacob-baines/concealed_position - Bring your own print driver privilege escalation tool
- aaaddress1/Windows-APT-Warfare - 著作《Windows APT Warfare:惡意程式前線戰術指南》各章節技術實作之原始碼內容
- 0x727/SqlKnife_0x727 - 适合在命令行中使用的轻巧的SQL Server数据库安全检测工具
- tpoechtrager/osxcross - Mac OS X cross toolchain for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Android (Termux)
- JohnnyZhouX/Intranet-Hacking - 内网渗透相关总结
- olliencc/WindowsPatchDetector - Experimental: Windows .text section compare - disk versus memory
- citp/BlockSci - A high-performance tool for blockchain science and exploration
- huoji120/CobaltStrikeDetected - 40行代码检测到大部分CobaltStrike的shellcode
- Cr4sh/KernelForge - A library to develop kernel level Windows payloads for post HVCI era
- hasherezade/pin_n_sieve - An experimental dynamic malware unpacker based on Intel Pin and PE-sieve
- zodiacon/TotalRegistry - Total Registry - enhanced Registry editor/viewer
- mandiant/flare-wmi -
- AzAgarampur/byeintegrity-uac - Bypass UAC by hijacking a DLL located in the Native Image Cache
- rajiv2790/FalconEye -
- BSI-Bund/RdpCacheStitcher - RdpCacheStitcher is a tool that supports forensic analysts in reconstructing useful images out of RDP cache bitmaps.
- GossiTheDog/HiveNightmare - Exploit allowing you to read registry hives as non-admin on Windows 10 and 11
- google/lyra - A Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression
- k-k-k-k-k/CVE-2021-1732 - CVE-2021-1732 Microsoft Windows 10 本地提权漏 研究及Poc/Exploit开发
- GoSSIP-SJTU/Armariris - 孤挺花(Armariris) -- 由上海交通大学密码与计算机安全实验室维护的LLVM混淆框架
- HackerDev-Felix/WechatDecrypt - 微信消息解密工具
- wh201906/Proxmark3GUI - A cross-platform GUI for Proxmark3 client | 为PM3设计的跨平台图形界面
- kkent030315/PageTableInjection - Code Injection, Inject malicious payload via pagetables pml4.
- S1ckB0y1337/TokenPlayer - Manipulating and Abusing Windows Access Tokens.
- sogou/workflow - C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Framework
- uknowsec/JuicyPotato - Modifying JuicyPotato to support load shellcode and webshell
- CodingGay/BlackDex - BlackDex is an Android unpack(dexdump) tool, it supports Android 5.0~12 and need not rely to any environment. BlackDex can run on any Android mobile phone or emulator, you can unpack APK File in sever
- KongKong20/WeChatPCHook - 微信 电脑 机器人 入门教程 基于HOOK
- uknowsec/CreateService - 创建服务持久化
- Barbarisch/forkatz - credential dump using foreshaw technique using SeTrustedCredmanAccessPrivilege
- netbiosX/AMSI-Provider - A fake AMSI Provider which can be used for persistence.
- AzAgarampur/byeintegrity5-uac - Bypass UAC at any level by abusing the Task Scheduler and environment variables
- Paulo-D2000/ShellCodeObfuscator - Simple shellcode obfuscator using PYTHON and C / C++
- dr0op/CrossNet-Beta - 红队行动中利用白利用、免杀、自动判断网络环境生成钓鱼可执行文件。
- chroblert/JCTokenUtil - Windows访问令牌查看及利用工具
- Cr4sh/MicroBackdoor - Small and convenient C2 tool for Windows targets. [ Русский -- значит нахуй! ]
- xuanxuan0/DripLoader - Evasive shellcode loader for bypassing event-based injection detection (PoC)
- vusec/collabfuzz - CollabFuzz: A Framework for Collaborative Fuzzing
- jozemberi/PE-Crypter - Simple runtime crypter in C/C++.
- klecko/kvm-fuzz - PoC of fuzzing closed-source userspace binaries with KVM
- jxy-s/herpaderping - Process Herpaderping proof of concept, tool, and technical deep dive. Process Herpaderping bypasses security products by obscuring the intentions of a process.
- L3cr0f/DccwBypassUAC - Windows 8.1 and 10 UAC bypass abusing WinSxS in "dccw.exe".
- RedCursorSecurityConsulting/PPLKiller - Tool to bypass LSA Protection (aka Protected Process Light)
- h4ms1k/samdump -
- BlackINT3/OpenArk - The Next Generation of Anti-Rookit(ARK) tool for Windows.
- 0xZ0F/Z0FCourse_ReverseEngineering - Reverse engineering focusing on x64 Windows.
- UndefinedIdentifier/LCX - 自修改免杀lcx端口转发工具
- notify-bibi/ScyllaHide-IDA7.5 - ScyllaHide for IDA7.5; ScyllaHide IDA7.5; It is a really niccccccce anti-anti-debug tool
- aahmad097/AlternativeShellcodeExec - Alternative Shellcode Execution Via Callbacks
- hasherezade/bearparser - Portable Executable parsing library (from PE-bear)
- kdrag0n/safetynet-fix - Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk
- purerosefallen/ygopro - KoishiPro
- deepinstinct/LsassSilentProcessExit - Command line interface to dump LSASS memory to disk via SilentProcessExit
- ChaitanyaHaritash/Callback_Shellcode_Injection - POCs for Shellcode Injection via Callbacks
- huoji120/DuckMemoryScan - 检测绝大部分所谓的内存免杀马
- ajayrandhawa/Keylogger - Keylogger is 100% invisible keylogger not only for users, but also undetectable by antivirus software. keylogger Monitors all keystokes, Mouse clicks. It has a seperate process which continues capture
- TimelifeCzy/kHypervisorBasic - VT Hook
- WormChickenWizard/hikvision-decrypter - A simple cross platform program written in C++ used for decrypting the configuration files created by Hikvision Security Cameras. Successor to my hikvision-xor-decrypter
- codingo/dooked - DNS and Target HTTP History Local Storage and Search
- itm4n/Perfusion - Exploit for the RpcEptMapper registry key permissions vulnerability (Windows 7 / 2088R2 / 8 / 2012)
- stealth/psc - E2E encryption for multi-hop tty sessions or portshells + TCP/UDP port forward
- fastogt/fastonosql - FastoNoSQL is a crossplatform Redis, Memcached, SSDB, LevelDB, RocksDB, UnQLite, LMDB, ForestDB, Pika, Dynomite, KeyDB GUI management tool.
- WerWolv/ImHex - 🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
- OmerYa/Invisi-Shell - Hide your Powershell script in plain sight. Bypass all Powershell security features
- ioncodes/CVE-2020-16938 - Bypassing NTFS permissions to read any files as unprivileged user.
- DockDroid/openvmi - 鹏城实验室与北弓联合开发的VMI开源版本
- 0xnobody/vmpdump - A dynamic VMP dumper and import fixer, powered by VTIL.
- bats3c/ChromeTools - A collection of tools to abuse chrome browser
- Rvn0xsy/Cooolis-ms - Cooolis-ms是一个包含了Metasploit Payload Loader、Cobalt Strike External C2 Loader、Reflective DLL injection的代码执行工具,它的定位在于能够在静态查杀上规避一些我们将要执行且含有特征的代码,帮助红队人员更方便快捷的从Web容器环境切换到C2环境进一步进行工作。
- 0x09AL/RdpThief - Extracting Clear Text Passwords from mstsc.exe using API Hooking.
- lcatro/vuln_javascript - 模拟一个存在漏洞的JavaScript 运行环境,用来学习浏览器漏洞原理和练习如何编写Shellcode (a JavaScript Execute Envirment which study browser vuln and how to write Shellcode ) ..
- ggerganov/kbd-audio - 🎤⌨️ Acoustic keyboard eavesdropping
- scanfsec/AggressorCNA - Cobalt Strike Aggressor Scripts
- googleprojectzero/Jackalope - Binary, coverage-guided fuzzer for Windows, macOS, Linux and Android
- yazhiwang/ollvm-tll - Ollvm+Armariris+LLVM 6.0.0
- m-y-mo/android_nfc_fuzzer -
- Alamot/code-snippets - Various code snippets
- miek/inspectrum - Radio signal analyser
- NytroRST/ShellcodeCompiler - Shellcode Compiler
- knownsec/shellcodeloader - shellcodeloader
- WithSecureLabs/C3 - Custom Command and Control (C3). A framework for rapid prototyping of custom C2 channels, while still providing integration with existing offensive toolkits.
- cbwang505/CVE-2020-1066-EXP - CVE-2020-1066-EXP支持Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2操作系统
- google/CTAP2-test-tool - Test tool for CTAP2 authenticators
- yardenshafir/CVE-2020-1034 - PoC demonstrating the use of cve-2020-1034 for privilege escalation
- PetoiCamp/OpenCat-Old - A programmable and highly maneuverable robotic cat for STEM education and AI-enhanced services.
- k-fire/shellcode-to-dll - shellcode 异或加密并生成dll
- Gality369/CS-Loader - CS免杀, KObfuscate is an obfuscator based on LLVM-17, utilizing LLVM's new pass to implement plug-in features, for obfuscating multiple languages and platforms.
- solemnwarning/rehex - Reverse Engineers' Hex Editor
- sensepost/rattler - Automated DLL Enumerator
- mohuihui/DingTalk_Assistant - 钉钉助手,主要功能包括:聊天消息防撤回、程序多开、屏蔽频繁升级等。
- horsicq/XAPKDetector - APK/DEX detector for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
- crossroadsfpga/pigasus - 100Gbps Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
- CheckPointSW/showstopper - ShowStopper is a tool for helping malware researchers explore and test anti-debug techniques or verify debugger plugins or other solutions that clash with standard anti-debug methods.
- ION28/BLUESPAWN - An Active Defense and EDR software to empower Blue Teams
- anhkgg/SuperDllHijack - SuperDllHijack:A general DLL hijack technology, don't need to manually export the same function interface of the DLL, so easy! 一种通用Dll劫持技术,不再需要手工导出Dll的函数接口了
- gitjdm/dumper2020 - Yet another LSASS dumper
- itm4n/FullPowers - Recover the default privilege set of a LOCAL/NETWORK SERVICE account
- tobimensch/aqemu - Official AQEMU repository - a GUI for virtual machines using QEMU as the backend
- upx/upx - UPX - the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
- vaibhavpandeyvpz/apkstudio - Open-source, cross platform Qt based IDE for reverse-engineering Android application packages.
- am0nsec/wspe - Windows System Programming Experiments
- zodiacon/ProcMonXv2 - Process Monitor X v2
- Neo23x0/Raccine - A Simple Ransomware Vaccine
- siemens/fluffi - FLUFFI (Fully Localized Utility For Fuzzing Instantaneously) - A distributed evolutionary binary fuzzer for pentesters
- binarly-io/efiXplorer - IDA plugin and loader for UEFI firmware analysis and reverse engineering automation
- mubix/netview - Netview enumerates systems using WinAPI calls
- klzgrad/naiveproxy - Make a fortune quietly
- facebook/hermes - A JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native.
- cyberark/DLLSpy - DLL Hijacking Detection Tool
- mmozeiko/aes-finder - Utility to find AES keys in running processes
- Almamu/linux-wallpaperengine - Wallpaper Engine backgrounds for Linux!
- HexHive/FuZZan - FuZZan: Efficient Sanitizer Metadata Design for Fuzzing
- illera88/Ponce - IDA 2016 plugin contest winner! Symbolic Execution just one-click away!
- webview/webview - Tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C++. Uses WebKit (GTK/Cocoa) and Edge WebView2 (Windows).
- TheWover/Manager - Library of tools and examples for loading/bootstrapping managed code from unmanaged code in .NET
- crvvdev/MasterHide - A x64 Windows Rootkit using SSDT or Hypervisor hook
- iPower/KasperskyHook - Hook system calls on Windows by using Kaspersky's hypervisor
- Soulghost/iblessing - iblessing is an iOS security exploiting toolkit, it mainly includes application information gathering, static analysis and dynamic analysis. It can be used for reverse engineering, binary analysis and
- hhlxf/USO_Info_Leak - two heap address leak bugs in
service - 0xnobody/vmpattack - A VMP to VTIL lifter.
- Cc28256/CcRemote - 这是一个基于gh0st远程控制的项目,使自己更深入了解远控的原理,采用VS2017,默认分支hijack还在修改不能执行,master分支的项目可以正常的运行的,你可以切换到该分支查看可以执行的代码
- s1kr10s/Load_DLL -
- can1357/NoVmp - A static devirtualizer for VMProtect x64 3.x. powered by VTIL.
- baidu/openrasp - 🔥Open source RASP solution
- br-sn/CheekyBlinder - Enumerating and removing kernel callbacks using signed vulnerable drivers
- D4stiny/spectre - A Windows kernel-mode rootkit that abuses legitimate communication channels to control a machine.
- snorez/srcinv - source code audit tool
- irsl/CVE-2020-1313 - Proof of concept exploit of Windows Update Orchestrator Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- k0keoyo/my_vulnerabilities -
- hlldz/dazzleUP - A tool that detects the privilege escalation vulnerabilities caused by misconfigurations and missing updates in the Windows operating systems.
- DimopoulosElias/Primitives -
- frida/cryptoshark - Self-optimizing cross-platform code tracer based on dynamic recompilation
- yeyiqun/FUPK3-hook_kill - 本分支解决部分爱加密加固应用无法脱壳成功的问题。演示视频https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HH_-TQGca1NLoSqzvOPB3Q 密码:izm3
- uknowsec/OXID_Find - OXID_Find by C++(多线程) 通过OXID解析器获取Windows远程主机上网卡地址
- Q4n/CVE-2020-1362 - writeup of CVE-2020-1362
- collin80/SavvyCAN - QT based cross platform canbus tool
- agauniyal/rang - A Minimal, Header only Modern c++ library for terminal goodies 💄✨
- hmoytx/RdpThief_tools - 窃取mstsc中的用户明文凭据
- alphaSeclab/anti-debug -
- alphaSeclab/bypass-uac -
- snort3/snort3 - Snort++
- hasherezade/exe_to_dll - Converts a EXE into DLL
- Gyoonus/deoptfuscator - Deobfuscator for Android Application
- tindy2013/subconverter - Utility to convert between various subscription format
- Rvn0xsy/Cobaltstrike-atexec - 使得Cobaltstrike支持Atexec
- tklab-tud/BSF - Botnet Simulation Framework
- itm4n/UsoDllLoader - Windows - Weaponizing privileged file writes with the Update Session Orchestrator service
- KDE/latte-dock - Replacement dock for Plasma desktops, providing an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids
- ohpe/juicy-potato - A sugared version of RottenPotatoNG, with a bit of juice, i.e. another Local Privilege Escalation tool, from a Windows Service Accounts to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
- hasherezade/tag_converter -
- hasherezade/tiny_tracer - A Pin Tool for tracing API calls etc
- ksnip/ksnip - ksnip the cross-platform screenshot and annotation tool
- A2kaid/Get-WeChat-DB - 获取目标机器的微信数据库和密钥,但是有很多bug需要解决,需要继续完善
- b4rtik/metasploit-execute-assembly - Custom Metasploit post module to executing a .NET Assembly from Meterpreter session
- ZanderChang/anti-sandbox - Windows对抗沙箱和虚拟机的方法总结
- cbwang505/CVE-2020-0787-EXP-ALL-WINDOWS-VERSION - Support ALL Windows Version
- JelinYao/HttpInterface - Windows上C++封装的HTTP库,包含三种实现模式(WinInet、WinHttp、socket)
- LDrakura/DLLhijack-ShellcodeLoader - DLLhijack winmm.dll
- idiotc4t/ReflectiveBase64DLL - This is a project to receive Base64 data and decode it in process
- idiotc4t/Mapping-injection - NO WriteProcessMemory CreateRemoteThread APIs call shellcode injection
- idiotc4t/GetSystemEarlyBird - 这是一个直接取得系统权限的项目
- HexHive/FuzzGen -
- ameenmaali/urldedupe - Pass in a list of URLs with query strings, get back a unique list of URLs and query string combinations
- anbox/anbox - Anbox is a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system
- antonioCoco/RogueWinRM - Windows Local Privilege Escalation from Service Account to System
- sailay1996/WerTrigger - Weaponizing for privileged file writes bugs with windows problem reporting
- SerenityOS/serenity - The Serenity Operating System 🐞
- ivan-sincek/invoker - Penetration testing utility and antivirus assessment tool.
- ylcangel/crack_dexhelper - 梆梆企业加固详细逆向分析过程, 包含两种对该加固的脱壳机(直接解密classes0.jar和基于frida hook)
- Bareflank/MicroV - A micro hypervisor for running micro VMs
- Qv2ray/Qv2ray - ⭐ Linux / Windows / macOS 跨平台 V2Ray 客户端 | 支持 VMess / VLESS / SSR / Trojan / Trojan-Go / NaiveProxy / HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS5 | 使用 C++ / Qt 开发 | 可拓展插件式设计 ⭐
- earthquake/Socks5Server - Windows C/C++ Socks5 Server
- nccgroup/SocksOverRDP - Socks5/4/4a Proxy support for Remote Desktop Protocol / Terminal Services / Citrix / XenApp / XenDesktop
- SongFGH/USTC-CS-Courses-Resource - ❤️中国科学技术大学计算机学院课程资源(https://mbinary.xyz/ustc-cs/)
- DayBreak-u/chineseocr_lite - 超轻量级中文ocr,支持竖排文字识别, 支持ncnn、mnn、tnn推理 ( dbnet(1.8M) + crnn(2.5M) + anglenet(378KB)) 总模型仅4.7M
- F8LEFT/FUPK3 - 演示视频https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HH_-TQGca1NLoSqzvOPB3Q 密码:izm3
- 0x09AL/IIS-Raid - A native backdoor module for Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services)
- dothook/FunnyMeterpreter - 与反病毒软件老大哥们的打闹日常
- trojan-gfw/trojan - An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW.
- lengjibo/NetUser - 使用windows api添加用户,可用于net无法使用时.分为nim版,c++版本,RDI版,BOF版。
- panda-re/lava - LAVA: Large-scale Automated Vulnerability Addition
- outflanknl/Spray-AD - A Cobalt Strike tool to audit Active Directory user accounts for weak, well known or easy guessable passwords.
- tstack/lnav - Log file navigator
- horsicq/x64dbg-Plugin-Manager - Plugin manager for x64dbg
- horsicq/XOpcodeCalc - Opcode calculator / ASM calculator
- ffffffff0x/1earn - ffffffff0x 团队维护的安全知识框架,内容包括不仅限于 web安全、工控安全、取证、应急、蓝队设施部署、后渗透、Linux安全、各类靶机writup
- binspector/binspector - A binary format analysis tool
- JaanusKaapPublic/HyperViper - Toolkit for Hyper-V security research
- rizinorg/cutter - Free and Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform powered by rizin
- decaf-project/Droidscope - A dynamic analysis platform for Android
- zmeadows/lldbg - A lightweight native GUI for LLDB.
- facebookarchive/ds2 - Debug server for lldb.
- gdbinit/ExtractMacho2 - IDA plugin to extract Mach-O binaries located in the disassembly or data
- jmpews/DobbyDrill - hook MachO file based on Dobby (NOT DONE)
- codilime/veles - Binary data analysis and visualization tool
- WrBug/dumpDex - 💯一款Android脱壳工具,需要xposed支持, 易开发已集成该项目。
- GiacomoLaw/Keylogger - A simple keylogger for Windows, Linux and Mac
- AloneMonkey/iOSREBook - 《iOS应用逆向与安全》随书源码
- martinrotter/rssguard - Feed reader (podcast player and also Gemini protocol client) which supports RSS/ATOM/JSON and many web-based feed services.
- xorrior/raven - CobaltStrike External C2 for Websockets
- yuanyuanxiang/SimpleRemoter - 基于gh0st的远程控制器:实现了终端管理、进程管理、窗口管理、远程桌面、文件管理、语音管理、视频管理、服务管理、注册表管理等功能,优化全部代码及整理排版,修复内存泄漏缺陷,程序运行稳定。项目代码仅限于学习和交流用途。
- ossrs/srs - SRS is a simple, high-efficiency, real-time media server supporting RTMP, WebRTC, HLS, HTTP-FLV, HTTP-TS, SRT, MPEG-DASH, and GB28181.
- saulty4ish/Dir_Scan_ByQT5 - qt实现仿御剑风格路径扫描工具,增加延时,代理池Bypass功能,同时支持批量扫描,附带简单whois信息搜集与端口扫描模块,界面更加美观。
- HyperSine/SdoKeyCrypt-sys-local-privilege-elevation - CVE-2019-9729. Transferred from https://github.com/DoubleLabyrinth/SdoKeyCrypt-sys-local-privilege-elevation
- deadash/pbb_crack - PBB视频解密
- KikoPlayProject/KikoPlay - KikoPlay - NOT ONLY A Full-Featured Danmu Player 不仅仅是全功能弹幕播放器
- wazuh/wazuh - Wazuh - The Open Source Security Platform. Unified XDR and SIEM protection for endpoints and cloud workloads.
- GodofMonkeys/Arma-III-Chinese-Localization-Enhanced - 武裝行動3(Arma 3)官方中文潤飾、加強、在地化翻譯模組。
- zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor - 这是一个用于显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件,并支持任务栏显示,支持更换皮肤。
- TranslucentTB/TranslucentTB - A lightweight utility that makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent.
- snowie2000/mactype - Better font rendering for Windows.
- klesh/fu - fu stands for File to URL, a utility design to help you upload images/files and produce Markdown/HTML snippets with couple of clicks.
- xdnice/PCShare - PCShare是一款强大的远程控制软件,可以监视目标机器屏幕、注册表、文件系统等。
- dekuan/VwFirewall - 微盾®VirtualWall®防火墙整套源代码
- gqrx-sdr/gqrx - Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt.
- gnuradio/gnuradio - GNU Radio – the Free and Open Software Radio Ecosystem
- zcgonvh/MS16-032 - MS16-032(CVE-2016-0099) for SERVICE ONLY
- kanryu/quickviewer - A image/comic viewer application for Windows, Mac and Linux, it can show images very fast
- oyyd/nysocks - Nysocks binds kcp and libuv to provide an aggressive tcp tunnel in nodejs.
- vnotex/vnote - A pleasant note-taking platform in native C++.
- guoming0000/BatchRunTrayTool - A tray tool under windows to open any file by system default or any executable program.
- rexdf/CommandTrayHost - A command line program monitor systray for Windows
- Gregwar/fatcat - FAT filesystems explore, extract, repair, and forensic tool
- 0x09AL/DNS-Persist - DNS-Persist is a post-exploitation agent which uses DNS for command and control.
- wangyu-/tinyfecVPN - A VPN Designed for Lossy Links, with Build-in Forward Error Correction(FEC) Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link.
- wangyu-/UDPspeeder - A Tunnel which Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link by using Forward Error Correction, possible for All Traffics(TCP/UDP/ICMP)
- cbayet/Exploit-CVE-2017-6008 - Exploits for CVE-2017-6008, a kernel pool buffer overflow leading to privilege escalation.
- apache/incubator-pagespeed-ngx - Automatic PageSpeed optimization module for Nginx
- rakshasa/rtorrent - rTorrent BitTorrent client
- qwinff/qwinff - A Qt4/5 GUI Frontend for FFmpeg
- simsong/tcpflow - TCP/IP packet demultiplexer. Download from:
- NotGlop/SysExec - [Windows] Local Privilege Escalation - WebClient
- hatRiot/token-priv - Token Privilege Research
- XhmikosR/notepad2-mod - LOOKING FOR DEVELOPERS - Notepad2-mod, a Notepad2 fork, a fast and light-weight Notepad-like text editor with syntax highlighting
- wangyu-/udp2raw - A Tunnel which Turns UDP Traffic into Encrypted UDP/FakeTCP/ICMP Traffic by using Raw Socket,helps you Bypass UDP FireWalls(or Unstable UDP Environment)
- securesocketfunneling/ssf - Secure Socket Funneling - Network tool and toolkit - TCP and UDP port forwarding, SOCKS proxy, remote shell, standalone and cross platform
- pipesocks/pipesocks - A pipe-like SOCKS5 tunnel system.
- vah13/extractTVpasswords - tool to extract passwords from TeamViewer memory using Frida
- miguelfreitas/twister-core - twister core / daemon
- wbenny/mini-tor - proof-of-concept implementation of tor protocol using Microsoft CNG/CryptoAPI
- jks-prv/Beagle_SDR_GPS - KiwiSDR: BeagleBone web-accessible shortwave receiver and software-defined GPS (archived)
- PurpleI2P/i2pd - 🛡 I2P: End-to-End encrypted and anonymous Internet
- samizzo/hexed - Windows console-based hex editor
- pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon - FastNetMon - very fast DDoS sensor with sFlow/Netflow/IPFIX/SPAN support
- gatieme/CodingInterviews - 剑指Offer——名企面试官精讲典型编程题
- oguzhaninan/Stacer - Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring - https://oguzhaninan.github.io/Stacer-Web
- sam-b/HackSysDriverExploits -
- psi-im/psi - XMPP client
- rime/librime - Rime Input Method Engine, the core library
- bee13oy/AV_Kernel_Vulns - Pocs for Antivirus Software‘s Kernel Vulnerabilities
- nladuo/captcha-break - captcha break based on opencv2, tesseract-ocr and some machine learning algorithm.
- 3gstudent/From-System-authority-to-Medium-authority - Penetration test
- owasp-modsecurity/ModSecurity - ModSecurity is an open source, cross platform web application firewall (WAF) engine for Apache, IIS and Nginx. It has a robust event-based programming language which provides protection from a range o
- secrary/InjectProc - InjectProc - Process Injection Techniques [This project is not maintained anymore]
- JLospinoso/gargoyle - A memory scanning evasion technique
- ladislav-zezula/CascLib - An open-source implementation of library for reading CASC storages from Blizzard games since 2014
- homenc/HElib - HElib is an open-source software library that implements homomorphic encryption. It supports the BGV scheme with bootstrapping and the Approximate Number CKKS scheme. HElib also includes optimizations
- aguinet/wannakey - Wannacry in-memory key recovery
- KernelMaker/rocksutil - A c++ develop toolkit
- google/security-research-pocs - Proof-of-concept codes created as part of security research done by Google Security Team.
- Dor1s/libfuzzer-workshop - Repository for materials of "Modern fuzzing of C/C++ Projects" workshop.
- whdlgp/ARMv6m_Simulator - Simple Simulator of ARMv6m instructions
- hidviz/hidviz - A tool for in-depth analysis of USB HID devices communication
- x64dbg/x64dbg - An open-source user mode debugger for Windows. Optimized for reverse engineering and malware analysis.
- steven-michaud/HookCase - Tool for reverse engineering macOS/OS X
- ele7enxxh/poc-exp - poc or exp of android vulnerability
- jackullrich/ShellcodeStdio - An extensible framework for easily writing compiler optimized position independent x86 / x64 shellcode for windows platforms.
- Deeplocal/mocktailsmixer - Make a DIY Robotic Mocktails Mixer Powered by the Google Assistant SDK
- msuiche/OPCDE - OPCDE Cybersecurity Conference Materials
- richkmeli/Richkware - Framework for building Windows malware, written in C++
- lcatro/network_backdoor_scanner - This is a backdoor about discover network device ,and it can hidden reverse connecting the hacker's server with encrypt commuication 后渗透后门程序,适合在已经攻陷的内网中做下一步的网络信息扫描..
- secrary/InfectPE - InfectPE - Inject custom code into PE file [This project is not maintained anymore]
- lcatro/SISE_Traning_CTF_RE - SNST Traning RE Project .华软网络安全小组逆向工程训练营,尝试以CTF 的形式来使大家可以动手训练快速提升自己的逆向工程水平.CTF 的训练程序又浅到深,没有使用太复杂的算法,在逆向的过程中遇到的难关都是在分析病毒和破解中遇到的实际情况,注重于实用.训练营还包含有源代码文件,训练程序和思路.希望可以帮助小伙伴们入门逆向工程这个神奇的世界..
- microsoft/CNTK - Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
- StevenHickson/PiAUISuite - Raspberry PI AUI Suite
- hteso/iaito - This project has been moved to:
- DimitriFourny/koalaOS - x86 Microkernel
- silverf0x/RpcView - RpcView is a free tool to explore and decompile Microsoft RPC interfaces
- cinience/RedisStudio - RedisStudio Redis GUI client(tool) for windows
- yanyiwu/simhash - 中文文档simhash值计算
- TheLartians/ModernCppStarter - 🚀 Kick-start your C++! A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, CI, code coverage, clang-format, reproducible dependency management and much more.
- pothosware/PothosSDR - Pothos SDR windows development environment
- SEC-CAFE/handbook - 安全手册,企业安全实践、攻防与安全研究知识库
- Qihoo360/WatchAD2.0 - WatchAD2.0是一款针对域威胁的日志分析与监控系统
- LinWin-Cloud/setool-master - SetoolMaster是一款让你入门即入狱的python3开发的进阶型社会工程学工具。包括了全球定位、Ngrok内网穿透、Seeker高精度定位、网页钓鱼、病毒攻击、恐吓勒索信、爬虫、网站克隆、物联网设备搜索等,同时拥有中文支持,内置大量钓鱼模板,设计用于组织级别红队渗透测试,用于团队组织设备型协同,经过非常多的实战演练,效果出众,远超同行产品
- paulbricman/dual-obsidian-client - A skilled virtual assistant for Obsidian.
- paranoidninja/O365-Doppelganger - A quick handy script to harvest credentials off of a user during a Red Team and get execution of a file from the user
- LimberDuck/nessus-cheat-sheet - Nessus Cheat Sheet in HTML, PDF, PNG, ADOC
- Escher1108/mailqq - 模拟QQ邮箱登录的钓鱼程序,数据实时发送到手机,能运行html 就可跑,告别PHP等环境
- dwisiswant0/nuclei-templates-dir - Nuclei Templates Directory
- Yavuzlar/VulnLab -
- P0cL4bs/Nanobrok - Web Service write in Python for control and protect your android device remotely.
- opensec-cn/conote-community - Conote 综合安全测试平台社区版。
- du33169/typora-theme-essay_cn - a theme for Typora(a markdown editor), designed for chinese essay
- primary-theme/obsidian - Comfy, playful but productive theme for Obsidian. "Primary instantly puts you in a relaxed state that opens the door to creativity and exploration. Wonderfully executed down to the smallest details,"
- lbc-team/deep_ethereum - 电子书:以太坊技术与实现
- Pithus/bazaar - Android security & privacy analysis for the masses
- abhijithb200/investigator - An online handy-recon tool
- nccgroup/Solitude - Solitude is a privacy analysis tool that enables anyone to conduct their own privacy investigations. Whether a curious novice or a more advanced researcher, Solitude makes the process of evaluating us
- admin360bug/PHP - PHP训练靶场
- hrqmonteiro/joplin-theme - My Joplin theme files, including userchrome.css and userstyles.css, as well as some markdown templates for my notes.
- pierce403/nweb - web based nmap scan collection and search
- shifa123/clickjackingpoc - A Proof of Concept for Clickjacking Attacks
- andev-software/graphql-ide - ⚡️ GraphQL IDE - An extensive IDE for exploring GraphQL API's
- m0chan/BugBounty - RepoToStoreBugBountyInfo
- Chudry/Xerror - fully automated pentesting tool
- mrtc0/container-security-book -
- elrumo/macOS_Big_Sur_icons_replacements - Replacement icons for popular apps in the style of macOS Big Sur
- EstamelGG/Nessus-EN-2-CN - 将Nessus的英文版报告处理为中文版,能够在网页上预览,并导出为中文版CSV报告。导出的报告格式为“带有BOM的UTF-8编码”,可供测评能手等软件导入。
- GoogleInside/Typora-Themes - 全部Typora主题+自定义修改
- Aneureka/push-to-kindle - 📘 A web-based tool for pushing documents to your lovely kindle.
- zseano/JS-Scan - a .js scanner, built in php. designed to scrape urls and other info
- gwen001/bugbountytips - Webapp to search tips on Twitter through #bugbountytips
- varchashva/vPrioritizer - vPrioritizer enables us to understand the contextualized risk (vPRisk) on asset-vulnerability relationship level across the organization, for teams to make more informed decision about what (vulnerabi
- mike-goodwin/owasp-threat-dragon-desktop - An installable desktop variant of OWASP Threat Dragon
- leonjza/frida-boot - Frida Boot 👢- A binary instrumentation workshop, with Frida, for beginners!
- ajinabraham/nodejsscan - nodejsscan is a static security code scanner for Node.js applications.
- yingshang/banruo -
- zsxsoft/my-ctf-challenges - My CTF Challenges
- curtbraz/PhishAPI - Comprehensive Web Based Phishing Suite for Rapid Deployment and Real-Time Alerting!
- sp4rkw/Reaper - 一款用于src资产信息收集的工具
- pythonran/Pcap_tools - 网络流量可配置嗅探,流量包解析,漏洞规则扫描
- weev3/LKWA - Lesser Known Web Attack Lab
- wultra/powerauth-docker - Docker images for PowerAuth 2.0 Software
- nowsecure/secure-mobile-development - A Collection of Secure Mobile Development Best Practices
- josherich/repo-to-pdf - repository to pdf
- varkai/hugo-theme-zozo - 🌟 A simple and beautiful theme for Hugo
- Area39/Webug4.0-Docker - Docker版本的Webug4.0
- theme-nexmoe/hexo-theme-nexmoe - 🔥 A special Hexo theme focusing on pictures and images. Images tell stories, and Nexmoe makes them more vivid.
- Wei-Xia/most-frequent-technology-english-words - 程序员工作中常见的英语词汇
- chokcoco/iCSS - 不止于 CSS
- HackerYunen/Django-XSS-Platform -
- UndeadSec/SocialFish - Phishing Tool & Information Collector
- appsecco/using-docker-kubernetes-for-automating-appsec-and-osint-workflows - Repository for all the workshop content delivered at nullcon X on 1st of March 2019
- w-digital-scanner/w12scan - 🚀 A simple asset discovery engine for cybersecurity. (网络资产发现引擎)
- LiangJunrong/document-library - jsliang 的文档库. 里面包含了个人撰写的所有前端文章,例如 Vue、React,、ECharts、微信小程序、算法、数据结构等……
- billryan/hugo-theme-even - 🚀 A super concise theme for Hugo https://blog.olowolo.com/example-site/
- ba0gu0/WebRange - 一个Web版的docker管理程序,可以用来运行各种docker漏洞环境和CTF环境。
- smartFlash/pySecurity - Python tutorials
- SukkaW/hexo-theme-suka - 🎨Modern, powerful and simple theme for Hexo.
- muzishanshi/tongleer_for_wordpress - tongleer_for_wordpress是一个Wordpress版本的WeiboForWordPress微博主题,又名TleWeiboForWordPress。
- smartping/smartping - 综合性网络质量(PING)检测工具,支持正/反向PING绘图、互PING拓扑绘图与报警、全国PING延迟地图与在线检测工具等功能
- w-digital-scanner/w11scan - 分布式WEB指纹识别平台 Distributed WEB fingerprint identification platform
- 710leo/ZVulDrill - Web漏洞演练平台
- nizarmah/tintedarc - An XFCE custom arc and tint2 auto-themer, voila you have yourself a nice theme
- luodaoyi/CloudFlarePartner - CloudFlare partner website with python and flask
- vinceliuice/Vimix-gtk-themes - Vimix is a flat Material Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell etc.
- ProgrammingFonts/ProgrammingFonts - This is a collection of programming fonts, just share this with the programmers. Now there are 108 kinds of fantastic fonts!
- FunctionClub/V2ray.Fun - 正在开发的全新 V2ray.Fun
- hashview/hashview-old - A web front-end for password cracking and analytics
- houshanren/hangzhou_house_knowledge - 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I
- rmusser01/Infosec_Reference - An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck; https://rmusser.net/git/admin-2/Infosec_Reference for non-MS Git hosted version.
- jbtronics/CrookedStyleSheets - Webpage tracking only using CSS (and no JS)
- hltj/kotlin-reference-chinese - Kotlin 官方文档(参考部分)中文版
- cheng-kang/wildfire - 🔥From a little spark may burst a flame.
- programster/Apaxy - A simple, customisable theme for your Apache directory listing.
- ronggang/transmission-web-control - 一个 Transmission 浏览器管理界面。Transmission Web Control is a custom web UI.
- caspartse/QQ-Groups-Spider - QQ Groups Spider(QQ 群爬虫)
- justdeleteme/justdelete.me - A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.
- chaynHQ/diy-online-privacy-starter - Chayn's Do It Yourself Online Safety guide helps women keep their online accounts and social profiles secure against harassment, and stalkers. This guide is open source.
- malaohu/Arukas-API - Arukas API 自动获取IP和端口,SSR服务器订阅,Arukas 监测启动
- sunnyyoung/Farbox-NexT - A hexo theme NexT for Farbox.
- zhangjikai/gitbook-use - 记录GitBook的一些配置及插件信息
- wentin/cssicon - icon set made with pure css code, no dependencies, "grab and go" icons
- Tencent/tmt-workflow - A web developer workflow used by WeChat team based on Gulp, with cross-platform supported and solutions prepared.
- PJtools/pd3 - 基于D3 v4+进行二次封装及扩展。示例来源于日常项目及客户提出的需求,转化成数据可视化。
- smartdengjie/hbase-manager - 可视化hbase数据库
- xiaopan233/AntSword-Cryption-WebShell - Some traffic encryption webshell and encoder for AntSword. 蚁剑流量加密马及编码器
- LandGrey/webshell-detect-bypass - 绕过专业工具检测的Webshell研究文章和免杀的Webshell
- eslam3kl/SQLiDetector - Simple python script supported with BurpBouty profile that helps you to detect SQL injection "Error based" by sending multiple requests with 14 payloads and checking for 152 regex patterns for differe
- ntestoc3/burp-clj - clojure实现burp插件,提供clj脚本加载环境
- Hutt0n0/CodeqlFinder - 用go语言实现的批量执行ql脚本的小工具,实现只搜索sink点或者污点利用链寻找
- webraybtl/CodeQLpy - CodeQLpy是一款基于CodeQL实现的半自动化代码审计工具,目前仅支持java语言。实现从源码反编译,数据库生成,脆弱性发现的全过程,可以辅助代码审计人员快速定位源码可能存在的漏洞。
- advanced-security/codeql-queries - [Deprecated] GitHub's Field Team's CodeQL Custom Queries, Suites, and Configurations. See GitHubSecurityLab/CodeQL-Community-Packs instead
- ice-doom/CodeQLRule - 个人使用CodeQL编写的一些规则
- synacktiv/QLinspector - Finding Java gadget chains with CodeQL
- safe6Sec/CodeqlNote - Codeql学习笔记
- cldrn/codeql-queries - My CodeQL queries collection
- pwntester/codeql_grehack_workshop - GreHack 2021 CodeQL for Java workshop
- SummerSec/LookupInterface - CodeQL 寻找 JNDI利用 Lookup接口
- zbazztian/codeql-debug -
- kanav99/github-java-ctf - Winning submission for the GitHub Security Lab CTF 4: CodeQL and Chill - The Java Edition
- foundeo/fixinator - ColdFusion / CFML Code Security Scanner
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is the AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The leading open source Notion alternative.
- LuckyLi706/flutter_mobile_command_tools - flutter写的桌面可视化操作android和ios的简单命令
- daixianceng/cron_dingding - 钉钉自动打卡
- bingoogolapple/bga_issue_blog - Flutter 或 Vue 全家桶(Vue + VueRouter + Vuex + Axios)抓取 GitHub 上的 Issues,结合 GitHub Pages 搭建个人博客站点,支持 GitHub 登录和评论
- Java-Chains/web-chains - Web 版 Java Payload 生成与利用工具,提供 Java 反序列化、Hessian 1/2 反序列化等Payload生成,以及 JNDI、Fake Mysql、JRMPListener 等利用|The web version of Java Payload generation and utilization tool provides Payload generation such
- haxqer/confluence - The simplest docker file of Confluence. Support v8.9.8(latest) v9.2.0(latest) and v8.5.18(lts)
- TunMax/canal - 一个开箱即用的 http / socks5 代理(基于 Cloudflare WARP)/ Setting Up an Out of Box HTTP/SOCKS5 Proxy with Cloudflare WARP in Docker
- dr0n1/CTF_Docker_Template - CTF docker部署模板
- akkuman/docker-awvs - 可便捷配置账号密码apikey的docker-awvs
- teamssix/twiki - T Wiki 云安全知识文库,可能是国内首个云安全知识文库?
- p0dalirius/Awesome-RCE-techniques - Awesome list of step by step techniques to achieve Remote Code Execution on various apps!
- aress31/docker_burp-enterprise - Attempt at dockerizing Burp Enterprise v2022.4.
- n0madic/nmap-vulners-vulscan - Docker image for advanced vulnerability scanning with Nmap NSE scripts
- sonnyyu/docker-nmap - Nmap is utility for network discovery and security auditing
- xiecat/sec-docker - 常用安全工具 docker镜像 自动更新仓库
- geerlingguy/docker-ubuntu2204-ansible - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
- puzzlepeaches/sneaky_proxy - Hiding your infrastructure from the boys in blue.
- RAJANAGORI/Nightingale - Nightingale Docker for Pentesters is a comprehensive Dockerized environment tailored for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. It comes preconfigured with all essential tools and utilities
- ericmjl/essays-on-data-science - In which I put together my thoughts on the practice of data science.
- Yogehi/Drozer-Docker -
- caphosra/CTFDocker - This is a docker image for Capture The Flag and many useful and famous tools are on this image.
- Cl0udG0d/AWDDocker - 标准化AWD靶场Docker
- eikendev/java-decompiler - A Docker image with four popular Java decompilers in one place (CFR, Fernflower, Krakatau, and Procyon) 🚀🔨
- phith0n/phpsrc-debug-docker - Debug environment for PHP inside a Docker container. Document waiting to be completed.
- sherifabdlnaby/elastdocker - 🐳 Elastic Stack (ELK) v8+ on Docker with Compose. Pre-configured out of the box to enable Logging, Metrics, APM, Alerting, ML, and SIEM features. Up with a Single Command.
- qeeqbox/chameleon - 19 Customizable honeypots for monitoring network traffic, bots activities and username\password credentials (DNS, HTTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, POP3, IMAP, STMP, RDP, VNC, SMB, SOCKS5, Redis, TELNET,
- mablanco/docker-reconftw - Docker image for reconftw, a simple script intended to perform a full recon on an objective with multiple subdomains
- rosehgal/k8s-In-30Mins - Learn how to set up the Kubernetes cluster in 30 mins and deploy the application inside the cluster.
- parzel/Damn-Vulnerable-WooCommerce-Plugins - This is a docker environment ready set up for multiple WooCommerce Plugin vulnerabilities.
- himazawa/bento - Bento Toolkit is a minimal fedora-based container for penetration tests and CTF with the sweet addition of GUI applications.
- lazychanger/docker-kunlun-mirror - 昆仑镜docker镜像
- Swordfish-Security/Pentest-In-Docker - Docker image to exploit RCE, try for pentest methods and test container security solutions (trivy, falco and etc.)
- evi0s/Openresty-WAF - Openresty with WAF installed
- mozilla/docker-sbt - Dockerfile for sbt (Scala build tool)
- drandin/docker-php-workspace - PHP development environment for Docker
- heroku/bheu19-attacking-cloud-builds - Slides, Cheatsheet and Resources from our Blackhat EU talk
- zjuchenyuan/dockerized_fuzzing - Run fuzzing experiments in Docker
- AlexisAhmed/BugBountyToolkit - A multi-platform bug bounty toolkit that can be installed on Debian/Ubuntu or set up with Docker.
- multiarch/crossbuild - 🌍 multiarch cross compiling environments
- madhuakula/hacker-container - The Swiss Army Container for Cloud Native Security. Container with all the list of useful tools/commands while hacking and securing Containers, Kubernetes Clusters, and Cloud Native workloads.
- masahiro331/CVE-2020-9484 -
- hexpwn/drozer-docker - Drozer (2.4.4) docker container
- hysnsec/awesome-threat-modelling - A curated list of threat modeling resources (Books, courses - free and paid, videos, tools, tutorials and workshops to practice on ) for learning Threat modeling and initial phases of security review.
- AvasDream/pentesting-dockerfiles - Pentesting/Bugbounty Dockerfiles.
- OWASP/API-Security - OWASP API Security Project
- FingerLeakers/docker-inurlbr - Advanced search in search engines, enables analysis provided to exploit GET / POST capturing emails & urls, with an internal custom validation junction for each target / url found. http://blog.inurl.c
- Xyphex/docker-mara-framework - Unofficial Docker image for MARA Framework
- OWASP/wstg - The Web Security Testing Guide is a comprehensive Open Source guide to testing the security of web applications and web services.
- Eadom/ctf_xinetd - A docker repository for deploying pwnable challenges in CTF
- ferrarimarco/docker-pxe - A virtualized implementation of PXE supported by DNSMasq
- laradock/laradock - Full PHP development environment for Docker.
- e3net/rapidscan-docker - Docker image of rapidscan
- knqyf263/CVE-2019-6467 - CVE-2019-6467 (BIND nxdomain-redirect)
- nVentiveUX/docker-ttrss - A multiarch docker image for Tiny Tiny RSS feed reader
- davevs/dvxte - Damn Vulnerable eXtensive Training Environment
- hitian/docker-shadowsocks-with-simple-obfs - shadowsocks-libev with simple-obfs
- khs1994-docker/lnmp - 💻 🐳 🐘 🐬 🐧 🚀 Start Docker LNMP(LEMP) In less than 2 minutes Powered by Docker Compose. 让 PHP 开发者快速(一键)搭建基于容器技术(Docker、Kubernetes)的开发、测试、生产(CI/CD by Drone)
- linuxserver/docker-transmission -
- diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent - Docker container with supervisor/rtorrent/nginx/ruTorrent 64/32 bit
- MyKings/docker-vulnerability-environment - Use the docker to build a vulnerability environment
- vulhub/Dockertools - Some tools based on docker
- luodaoyi/kms-server - a docker image for kms
- johackim/docker-hacklab - My personal hacklab, create your own.
- vulhub/vulhub - Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose
- mikesplain/openvas-docker - A Docker container for Openvas
- jinzhu/configure - My dot files for Emacs, Openbox, XMonad, VIM, Golang, Zsh/Bash, tmux, URXVT, ArchLinux, Git, Ruby/Rails, Xbindkey, Vrome...
- kudelskisecurity/scannerl - The modular distributed fingerprinting engine
- microsoft/rest-api-fuzz-testing - REST API Fuzz Testing (RAFT): Source code for self-hosted service developed for Azure, including the API, orchestration engine, and default set of security tools (including MSR's RESTler), that enable
- jmhickman/Fetters - Port of Seatbelt in F#
- janeczku/calibre-web - 📚 Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in a Calibre database
- API-Security/APISandbox - Pre-Built Vulnerable Multiple API Scenarios Environments Based on Docker-Compose.
- cc1a2b/JShunter - jshunter is a command-line tool designed for analyzing JavaScript files and extracting endpoints. This tool specializes in identifying sensitive data, such as API endpoints and potential security vuln
- SleepingBag945/CVE-2024-50379 - tomcat CVE-2024-50379/CVE-2024-56337 条件竞争文件上传exp
- lcvvvv/stdio - go语言GBK、UTF-8通用输出
- lcvvvv/gonmap - gonmap是一个go语言的nmap端口扫描库,使用纯go实现nmap的扫描逻辑,而非调用nmap来进行扫描。
- polite-007/Milkyway - 一款全方位扫描工具,具备高效的机器探活,端口探活,协议识别,指纹识别,漏洞扫描等功能
- yqcs/prismx - :: Prism X · Automated Enterprise Network Security Risk Detection and Vulnerability Scanning Tool / 棱镜 X · 自动化企业网络安全风险检测、漏洞扫描工具
- wjlin0/uncover - uncover( fork )
- wjlin0/pathScan - pathScan 是一个用Go编写的路径扫描、信息收集、指纹探索工具
- sensensen404/vuln-notifier - A simple Go tool to monitor Openwall oss-security mailing list
- T3nk0/CScan - CScan 是一个基于Go语言开发的网络空间资产搜索工具,支持多个主流网络空间搜索引擎:FOFA Hunter Quake,能够快速搜索IP、域名等资产信息。
- fruitbars/simple-one-api - OpenAI 接口接入适配,支持千帆大模型平台、讯飞星火大模型、腾讯混元以及MiniMax、Deep-Seek,等兼容OpenAI接口,仅单可执行文件,配置超级简单,一键部署,开箱即用. Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI and compatible APIs using a single executable for quick setup and deploy
- howmp/reality - grs内网穿透工具通过reality协议隐藏特征
- Symph0nia/CyberEdge - 互联网资产综合扫描/攻击面测绘
- wgpsec/cloudsword - 一款帮助云租户发现和测试云上风险、增强云上防护能力的综合性开源工具
- shenweiyan/WebStack-Hugo - WebStack 网址导航 Hugo 主题,无需服务器,支持导航一键配置的纯静态网址导航网站。
- pow1e/pfish - 轻量级的无害化钓鱼~
- AgonySec/fscan - fscan的魔改和一些免杀,优化了存活扫描和端口扫描的输出,更加直观舒适的使用。
- yuaotian/go-cursor-help - 解决Cursor在免费订阅期间出现以下提示的问题: You've reached your trial request limit. / Too many free trial accounts used on this machine. Please upgrade to pro. We have this limit in place to prevent abuse. Please l
- kingparks/cursor-vip - cursor IDE enjoy VIP
- projectdiscovery/urlfinder - A high-speed tool for passively gathering URLs, optimized for efficient and comprehensive web asset discovery without active scanning.
- doxx/darkflare - DarkFlare Firewall Piercing (TCP over CDN)
- Chocapikk/CVE-2024-9474 - PAN-OS auth bypass + RCE
- go-eagle/eagle - 🦅 A Go framework for the API or Microservice
- anchordotdev/cli -
- chasingboy/dirsx - dirsx 是一款能够自动化过滤扫描结果的目录扫描工具
- netuseradministrator/CVE-2024-36401 - geoserver图形化漏洞利用工具
- P001water/P1soda - 一款渗透场景下的内网漏洞自动化扫描工具
- Zjackky/CodeScan - 一款轻量级匹配Sink点的代码审计扫描器,为了帮助红队过程中快速代码审计的小工具
- chainreactors/spray - Next Generation HTTP Dir/File Fuzz Artifact
- Naturehi666/searchall - 强大的敏感信息搜索工具
- YouChenJun/CheckCdn - 精确检查IP是否为CDN节点的工具
- P001water/P1finger - P1finger - 红队行动下的重点资产指纹识别工具
- alwaystest18/hostCollision - 一款host碰撞工具,做了较多的误报优化
- BitAUR/Puff - 开源、快速、便捷、基于Go的域名监控程序。
- Seven1an/SocksHunter - 一款高效的 Socks5 代理采集与使用工具
- wa1ki0g/NoAuth - java-web 自动化鉴权绕过
- wudijun/Catcher - Catcher(捕手) 重点系统指纹漏洞验证工具,适用于外网打点,资产梳理漏洞检查。
- EgeBalci/sgn - Shikata ga nai (仕方がない) encoder ported into go with several improvements
- nodauf/Go-RouterSocks - Router socks. One port socks for all the others.
- BishopFox/sj - A tool for auditing endpoints defined in exposed (Swagger/OpenAPI) definition files.
- A7cc/Vulnerabilities_Server - 一个集合了多种语言的实战化Web靶场 | A practical Web shooting range that integrates multiple languages
- shixiaofeia/gopacket-http - 监听网卡流量, 过滤并组装HTTP请求和响应, 供旁路分析, 抓包等用途
- t94j0/gophish-notifier - Notification webhook for GoPhish
- musiclover789/luna - Luna-抗指纹浏览器|爬虫|防反爬虫框架|浏览器指纹|自动化浏览器|防识别|反识别|爬虫框架|自动化测试框架
- Night-Master/sdlc_golang - sdlc 是一个基于 Go 语言构建的安全漏洞示范平台,旨在促进 DevSecOps 和安全开发生命周期 (SDLC) 实践。它通过模拟常见漏洞来增强开发人员的安全意识,除了可以用于devsecops以外,还可以用于安全行业从事者学习漏洞知识或者渗透知识,代码审计,提供了一个实践和学习的环境。本项目采用了前后端分离的设计模式,其中后端利用了轻量级框架 Gin,而前端则使用了 Vue 3。
- adeljck/MS17-010 - MS17-010 Exploits With Original NSA Tool(only for windows)
- gtqbhksl/xcosx - XC+OS(操作系统)+X(X卫士)。面向xc操作系统的容器、镜像、文件系统扫描工具。支持扫描敏感信息、软件包漏洞、webshell、弱口令等问题
- wuxler/ruasec - RuaSec 是一个安全扫描工具,用于扫描镜像、代码、制品等中的安全漏洞。
- YouChenJun/Keydd - 从流量包匹配敏感信息的工具-可用作bp、浏览器的下游代理。0感知、无卡顿,支持https。
- berryalen02/PECracker - 针对PE文件的分离的攻防对抗工具,红队、研究者的好帮手。目前支持文件头伪装、证书区段感染。A no-kill confrontation tool for the separation of PE files, a good helper for red teams and researchers. Currently, file header spoofing and certificate s
- sspsec/Spear - 基于GO的渗透工具箱框架
- HackAllSec/hfinger - 一个用于web框架、CDN和CMS指纹识别的高性能命令行工具。A high-performance command-line tool for web framework, CDN and CMS fingerprinting.
- hanbufei/isCdn - 检查一个ip是否在cdn范围内
- bytedance/vArmor - vArmor is a cloud native container sandbox system based on AppArmor/BPF/Seccomp. It also includes multiple built-in protection rules that are ready to use out of the box.
- CodeSecurityTeam/frp - 基于frp-0.58.1魔改二开,随机化socks5账户密码及端口、钉钉上线下线通知、配置文件oss加密读取、域前置防止溯源、源码替换/编译混淆等
- Ackites/KillWxapkg - 自动化反编译微信小程序,小程序安全评估工具,发现小程序安全问题,自动解密,解包,可还原工程目录,支持Hook,小程序修改
- qwe1433223/EHole_magic_magic - 可以指定状态码和标题以排除不想要的数据,支持从管道符传入参数,根据cms类型来做总结输出
- trap-bytes/403jump - HTTP 403 bypass tool
- Mayter/mssql-command-tool - xp_cmdshell与sp_oacreate执行命令回显和clr加载程序集执行相应操作,上传,job等相应操作。
- fdx-xdf/darkPulse - darkPulse是一个用go编写的shellcode Packer,用于生成各种各样的shellcode loader,免杀火绒,360核晶等国内常见杀软。
- wgpsec/EndpointSearch - EndpointSearch 是一个探测云服务端点的扫描器。Endpoint Search is a sophisticated reconnaissance utility designed to discreetly identify and enumerate endpoints within cloud services.
- wgpsec/lc - LC(List Cloud)是一个多云攻击面资产梳理工具
- qi4L/qscan - 轻量化全方位扫描器
- SleepingBag945/dddd - dddd是一款使用简单的批量信息收集,供应链漏洞探测工具,旨在优化红队工作流,减少伤肝的机械性操作。支持从Hunter、Fofa批量拉取目标
- yhy0/Jie - Jie stands out as a comprehensive security assessment and exploitation tool meticulously crafted for web applications. Its robust suite of features encompasses vulnerability scanning, information gath
- INotGreen/XiebroC2 - 渗透测试C2、支持Lua插件扩展、域前置/CDN上线、自定义profile、前置sRDI、文件管理、进程管理、内存加载、截图、反向代理、分组管理
- r00tSe7en/URLPath - 批量处理url链接,获取多级路径并打印
- TryGOTry/AutoGeaconC2 - AutoGeaconC2: 一键读取Profile自动化生成geacon实现跨平台上线CobaltStrike
- sspsec/Scan-Spring-GO - 针对SpringBoot的渗透工具,Spring漏洞利用工具
- p1d3er/RemoteWebScreen - 本项目是一个远程控制应用,使用 Golang 开发,允许用户通过 Web 界面远程控制和屏幕监控其他计算机。主要功能包括屏幕共享、鼠标和键盘控制以及键盘记录。
- Pizz33/Qianji - 千机-红队免杀木马自动生成器 Bypass defender、火绒、360等国内主流杀软 随机加密混淆shellcode快速生成免杀马
- youki992/VscanPlus - [VscanPlus内外网漏洞扫描工具]已更新HW热门漏洞检测POC。基于veo师傅的漏扫工具vscan二次开发的版本,端口扫描、指纹检测、目录fuzz、漏洞扫描功能工具,批量快速检测网站安全隐患。An open-source, cross-platform website vulnerability scanning tool that helps you quickly detect web
- Ernket/ARL-Finger-ADD-Go - ARL(灯塔)批量添加指纹,支持新版(&&)和旧版(仅支持|| 或逻辑)
- corunb/Split_tools - 分割小工具,可分割木马,一键生成写入、合并、追加命令
- wjlin0/CVE-2024-23897 - CVE-2024-23897 - Jenkins 任意文件读取 利用工具
- ASkyeye/CVE-2023-21839 - Weblogic CVE-2023-21839 RCE (无需Java依赖一键RCE)
- Valerian7/dns_capture -
- qi4L/Struts2Scan-go - 用golang实现的Struts2扫描工具
- Pwn3rzs/HAK5-C2-License-Toolkit - Golang tool to help in forcing a license for HAK5 C2 Tool
- zan8in/pxplan - CVE-2022-2022
- ad-calcium/CVE-2023-22515 - Confluence未授权添加管理员用户(CVE-2023-22515)漏洞利用工具
- z-bool/Venom-Crawler - 毒液爬行器:专为捡洞而生的爬虫神器
- GhostTroops/ksubdomain - 子域名爆破,增加了智能爬虫功能
- Tp0t-Team/Tp0tOJ - A CTF online judge platform developed by Tp0t.
- l3yx/Choccy - GitHub项目监控 && CodeQL自动扫描 (GitHub project monitoring && CodeQL automatic analysis)
- BBD-YZZ/hvv2023check - 2023hvv期间部分爆出漏洞的辅助扫描工具
- X1r0z/ActiveMQ-RCE - ActiveMQ RCE (CVE-2023-46604) 漏洞利用工具
- qiwentaidi/Slack - 安全服务集成化工具平台,希望能帮助你少开几个应用测试
- wux1an/wxapkg - 微信小程序反编译工具,.wxapkg 文件扫描 + 解密 + 解包工具
- ttstormxx/lineadd - lineadd 渗透测试字典管理工具, 让字典管理生活轻松一点。Penetration test dictionary management tool, make dictionary management life a little easier.
- Mustard404/AceofHearts - 红桃A(AceofHearts)是一款专为渗透测试人员设计的实用工具,旨在简化渗透测试环境的搭建过程并提供便捷的部署解决方案。
- anchore/harbor-scanner-adapter - Harbor Scanner Adapter for Anchore Engine and Enterprise
- fin3ss3g0d/evilgophish - evilginx3 + gophish
- NHAS/reverse_ssh - SSH based reverse shell
- wjlab/Darksteel - 域内自动化信息搜集利用工具
- gdy666/lucky - 软硬路由公网神器,ipv6/ipv4 端口转发,反向代理,DDNS,WOL,ipv4 stun内网穿透,cron,acme,阿里云盘,ftp,webdav,filebrowser
- ZhuriLab/Yi - 项目监控工具 以及 Codeql 自动运行
- redhuntlabs/BucketLoot - BucketLoot is an automated S3-compatible bucket inspector that can help users extract assets, flag secret exposures and even search for custom keywords as well as Regular Expressions from publicly-exp
- qi4L/seeyonerExp - 致远OA利用工具
- novysodope/fupo_for_yonyou - 用友漏洞检测,持续更新漏洞检测模块
- lemonlove7/EHole_magic - EHole(棱洞)魔改。可对路径进行指纹识别;支持识别出来的重点资产进行漏洞检测(支持从hunter和fofa中提取资产)支持对ftp服务识别及爆破
- zhaoyumi/WeaverExploit_All - 泛微最近的漏洞利用工具(PS:2023)
- STRRL/cloudflare-tunnel-ingress-controller - 🚀 Expose the website directly into the internet! The Kuberntes Ingress Controller based on Cloudflare Tunnel.
- adeljck/QAX_VPN_Crack - 奇安信VPN任意用户密码重置
- chaitin/blazehttp - BlazeHTTP 是一款简单易用的 WAF 防护效果测试工具。BlazeHTTP stands as a user-friendly WAF protection efficacy evaluation tool.
- chainreactors/gogo - 面向红队的, 高度可控可拓展的自动化引擎
- yhy0/ChYing - 承影 - 一款安全工具箱,集成了目录扫描、JWT、Swagger 测试、编/解码、轻量级 BurpSuite、杀软辅助功能
- whoissecure/yaset - Yet Another Subdomain Enumeration Tool, a template based tool to enumerate subdomains passively.
- piaolin/DetectDee - DetectDee: Hunt down social media accounts by username, email or phone across social networks.
- kunwu2023/kunwu - kunwu是新一代webshell检测引擎,使用了内置了模糊规则、污点分析模拟执行、机器学习三种高效的检测策略
- yusinomy/Rpcon - 内网横向利用工具,用于ssh wmiexec等常规服务,也可以当作一个数据库执行命令工具
- Hel10-Web/Databasetools - 一款用Go语言编写的数据库自动化提权工具,支持Mysql、MSSQL、Postgresql、Oracle、Redis数据库提权、命令执行、爆破以及ssh连接
- praetorian-inc/NTLMRecon - A tool for performing light brute-forcing of HTTP servers to identify commonly accessible NTLM authentication endpoints.
- praetorian-inc/fingerprintx - Standalone utility for service discovery on open ports!
- 1dayluo/subnya - 基于go语言和subfinder实现的用配置文件自定义配置,并以数据库方式跟踪记录子域名的新增减少| A new subdomain monitor tool!
- minio/simdjson-go - Golang port of simdjson: parsing gigabytes of JSON per second
- ConnectAI-E/feishu-openai - 🎒 飞书 ×(GPT-4 + GPT-4V + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 🚀 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出 🚀
- sari3l/notify - 各端、平台快速消息通知程序,支持配置文件形式或API调用
- adminlove520/Poc-Monitor_v1.0.1 - 威胁情报-漏洞存储库
- kost/dnstun - DNS tunnel library in Go
- kost/chashell - Chashell is a Go reverse shell that communicates over DNS. It can be used to bypass firewalls or tightly restricted networks.
- zan8in/pyxis - pyxis can automatically identify http and https requests, and get response headers, status codes, response size, response time, tools for fingerprinting (favicon has, service, CMS, framework, etc.)
- xiao-zhu-zhu/noterce - 一种另辟蹊径的免杀执行系统命令的木马
- Ggasdfg321/SmallProxyPool - 一个免费高质量的小代理池,解决一些站点有WAF的情况下,进行目录扫描或者字典爆破
- chushuai/wscan - Wscan is a web security scanner that focuses on web security, dedicated to making web security accessible to everyone.
- AbelChe/evil_minio - EXP for CVE-2023-28434 MinIO unauthorized to RCE
- Kento-Sec/chatGPT-CodeReview - 这是一个调用chatGPT进行代码审计的工具
- Mob2003/rakshasa - 基于go编写的跨平台、稳定、隐秘的多级代理内网穿透工具
- zema1/watchvuln - 一个高价值漏洞采集与推送服务 | collect valueable vulnerability and push it
- nirsarkar/vscan -
- ifacker/cscan-go - cscan-go 版本,主要用于C段扫描,信息收集、红队横向渗透等...(相信我,点进来不会后悔的!)
- mmM1ku/Mscan - Mscan是一款基于go语言开发的内网资产探测工具。
- jhaddix/awsScrape - A tool to scrape the AWS ranges looking for a keyword in SSL certificate data.
- vitorfhc/queryxss - Tool for testing reflections in the HTTP responses
- corunb/Dirscan - Dirscan是一款由go编写的高性能、高并发的目录扫描器,现在已经支持GET、HEAD、递归扫描、代理、爬虫等功能功能,后续努力实现更多功能。
- taythebot/archer - Distributed network and vulnerability scanner
- qi4L/Ysoserial-go - A Go library for generating Java deserialization payloads.
- godzeo/go-gin-vul - GO语言漏洞靶场 GIN框架 支持docker一键启动
- xiaoyaochen/yscan - yscan是一款基于go写的端口扫描工具,集masscan+nmap+wappalyzer+证书于一体
- rustgopy/RGPScan - 红队渗透测试、内网资产探测、通用漏洞扫描、弱口令爆破
- XinRoom/go-portScan - High-performance port scanner. 高性能端口扫描器. syn scanner
- vitorfhc/hacks - Collection of scripts that I use while bug hunting
- SeeFlowerX/estrace - 基于eBPF的syscall追踪工具,适用于安卓平台
- kost/tty2web - Share your terminal as a web application in bind/reverse mode
- zt2/uncover-turbo - 一个简单的测绘引擎巴别塔
- SpenserCai/GoWxDump - SharpWxDump的Go语言版。微信客户端取证,获取信息(微信号、手机号、昵称),微信聊天记录分析(Top N聊天的人、统计聊天最频繁的好友排行、关键词列表搜索等)
- HZzz2/go-shellcode-loader - GO免杀shellcode加载器混淆AES加密
- Aur0ra-m/APIKiller - API Security DAST & Oprations
- WAY29/pocV - Compatible with xray and nuclei poc framework
- djun/wechatbot - 为个人微信接入ChatGPT
- ExpLangcn/EPScan - 被动收集资产并自动进行SQL注入检测(插件化 自动Bypass)、XSS检测、RCE检测、敏感信息检测
- pingc0y/go_proxy_pool - 无环境依赖开箱即用的代理IP池
- dhn/udon - A simple tool that helps to find assets/domains based on the Google Analytics ID.
- musana/mx-takeover - mx-takeover focuses DNS MX records and detects misconfigured MX records.
- google/kctf - kCTF is a Kubernetes-based infrastructure for CTF competitions. For documentation, see
- TD0U/WeaverScan - 泛微oa漏洞利用工具
- optiv/Ivy - Ivy is a payload creation framework for the execution of arbitrary VBA (macro) source code directly in memory. Ivy’s loader does this by utilizing programmatical access in the VBA object environment t
- trickest/mkpath - Make URL path combinations using a wordlist
- Goqi/Ni - Ni-nuclei二开
- niudaii/crack - 弱口令爆破工具。Weak Password Blaster Tool.
- musana/fuzzuli - fuzzuli is a url fuzzing tool that aims to find critical backup files by creating a dynamic wordlist based on the domain.
- sh1yan/Lscan - 一款内网快速打点的辅助性扫描工具,方便红队人员在内网横向移动前期的信息搜集、漏洞探测利用环节的工作开展。其工具特性主要为支持一键化三个档位的便捷式信息与漏洞扫描或每个功能模块单独式扫描探测功能。
- seventeenman/Forest - 基于frp(0.44.0)二次开发,删除不必要功能,加密配置文件,修改流量以及文件特征
- Goqi/Erfrp - Erfrp-frp二开-免杀与隐藏
- getanteon/anteon - Anteon (formerly Ddosify) - Effortless Kubernetes Monitoring and Performance Testing. Available on CLI, Self-Hosted, and Cloud
- kubesphere/kubeeye - KubeEye aims to find various problems on Kubernetes, such as application misconfiguration, unhealthy cluster components and node problems.
- rix4uni/subdog - subdog is a subdomain enumeration tools, this tool collect number of different sources to create a list of root subdomains
- edoardottt/csprecon - Discover new target domains using Content Security Policy
- wgpsec/CreateHiddenAccount - A tool for creating hidden accounts using the registry || 一个使用注册表创建隐藏帐户的工具
- hanc00l/pocGoby2Xray - 将Goby的json格式Poc转为xray的yaml格式Poc
- niudaii/zpscan - 一个有点好用的信息收集工具。A somewhat useful information gathering tool.
- ChineseSubFinder/ChineseSubFinder - 自动化中文字幕下载。字幕网站支持 shooter、xunlei、arrst、a4k、SubtitleBest 。支持 Emby、Jellyfin、Plex、Sonarr、Radarr、TMM
- sea-team/gofound - GoFound GoLang Full text search go语言全文检索引擎,毫秒级查询。 使用http接口调用,集成Admin管理界面,任何系统都可以使用。
- Lengso/iplookup - IP反查域名
- HavocFramework/Havoc - The Havoc Framework
- Ptkatz/OrcaC2 - OrcaC2是一款基于Websocket加密通信的多功能C&C框架,使用Golang实现。
- Schira4396/VcenterKiller - 一款针对Vcenter的综合利用工具,包含目前最主流的CVE-2021-21972、CVE-2021-21985以及CVE-2021-22005、One Access的CVE-2022-22954、CVE-2022-22972/31656以及log4j,提供一键上传webshell,命令执行或者上传公钥使用SSH免密连接
- ItsIgnacioPortal/hacker-scoper - Automagically filter URLs with Bug Bounty program scope rules scraped from the internet.
- ffffffff0x/gendict - 字典生成工具
- MY0723/goby-poc - 451个goby poc,是否后门及重复自行判断,来源于网络收集的Goby&POC,不定时更新。
- chenjiandongx/bpfpinger - 🚥 A high-performance ICMP ping implementation build on top of BPF technology.
- lzzbb/Adinfo - 域信息收集工具
- Ciyfly/microwaveo - 将dll exe 等转成shellcode 最后输出exe 可定制加载器模板 支持白文件的捆绑 shellcode 加密
- Peony2022/shiro_killer - 批量ShiroKey检测爆破工具
- a1phaboy/MenoyGone - Attack cobalt strike server’s FCS by DoW
- 360quake/quake_go - Quake Command-Line Application With Golang
- CTF-MissFeng/mysql-check - mysql蜜罐检查小工具,输出mysql认证及认证后交互数据
- c3l3si4n/godeclutter - Declutters URLs in a fast and flexible way, for improving input for web hacking automations such as crawlers and vulnerability scans.
- TideSec/GoBypassAV - 整理了基于Go的16种API免杀测试、8种加密测试、反沙盒测试、编译混淆、加壳、资源修改等免杀技术,并搜集汇总了一些资料和工具。
- wenxi-3000/YNM3000 - 要你命三千,集多种渗透工具于一身的终极武器霸王。
- LubyRuffy/rproxy - 自动化的代理服务器
- boy-hack/ksubdomain - Subdomain enumeration tool, asynchronous dns packets, use pcap to scan 1600,000 subdomains in 1 second
- trickest/mksub - Generate tens of thousands of subdomain combinations in a matter of seconds
- pingc0y/URLFinder - 一款快速、全面、易用的页面信息提取工具,可快速发现和提取页面中的JS、URL和敏感信息。
- RedTeamPentesting/pretender - Your MitM sidekick for relaying attacks featuring DHCPv6 DNS takeover as well as mDNS, LLMNR and NetBIOS-NS spoofing.
- redhuntlabs/HTTPLoot - An automated tool which can simultaneously crawl, fill forms, trigger error/debug pages and "loot" secrets out of the client-facing code of sites.
- j5s/accelerator - Use Golang to batch analyze class files for Java security research
- mstxq17/MoreFind - 一款用于快速导出URL、Domain和IP的小工具
- u21h2/nacs - 事件驱动的渗透测试扫描器 Event-driven pentest scanner
- safe6Sec/GolangBypassAV - 研究利用golang各种姿势bypassAV
- merlinepedra25/SCA4ALL -
- code-scan/Goal - Goal Go Red-Team 工具类
- jmoiron/sqlx - general purpose extensions to golang's database/sql
- inbug-team/SweetBabyScan - Red Tools 渗透测试
- GhostTroops/scan4all - Official repository vuls Scan: 15000+PoCs; 23 kinds of application password crack; 7000+Web fingerprints; 146 protocols and 90000+ rules Port scanning; Fuzz, HW, awesome BugBounty( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...
- daffainfo/apiguesser - Go script to guess an API key / OAuth token found during pentest. CLI version of https://github.com/daffainfo/apiguesser-web/
- 0xsha/ChainWalker - Rapid Smart Contract Crawler
- shadowabi/AutoDomain - 自动提取主域名/IP,并调用fofa、quake、hunter等网络资产测绘系统搜集子域名,可配合指纹扫描工具达到快速资产整理
- burpheart/cdnlookup - 一个使用 Edns-Client-Subnet(ECS) 遍历智能CDN节点IP地址的工具
- 779789571/rsasZipToExcel - RSAS绿盟科技漏洞扫描html报告转excel
- TryGOTry/edit-gencon - geacon:简单适配了一个profile配置文件,可直接拿来修改使用,用于cs上线linux.
- RicterZ/CVE-2021-3560-Authentication-Agent - PolicyKit CVE-2021-3560 Exploit (Authentication Agent)
- ofasgard/ungoliant - A web reconnaissance tool that proxies its results through Burp or ZAP.
- patrickhener/gonh - Nessus Parser and query tool written in go
- wikiZ/RedGuard - RedGuard is a C2 front flow control tool,Can avoid Blue Teams,AVs,EDRs check.
- alexbakker/log4shell-tools - Tool that runs a test to check whether one of your applications is affected by the recent vulnerabilities in log4j: CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046
- kubernetes/minikube - Run Kubernetes locally
- tangxiaofeng7/zsxq_notice - 知识星球提醒
- GDATASoftwareAG/vaas - Verdict-as-a-Service SDKs: Analyze files for malicious content
- zan8in/afrog - A Security Tool for Bug Bounty, Pentest and Red Teaming.
- deatil/lakego-admin - lakego-admin 是使用 gin、JWT 和 RBAC 的前后端分离的 go 后台管理系统。An admin api system with gin, JWT and RBAC.
- yarox24/EvtxHussar - Initial triage of Windows Event logs
- LubyRuffy/gofofa - fofa client in Go
- Yihsiwei/GoFileBinder - golang免杀捆绑器
- TryGOTry/xray_free_crack - xray_free_crack,通用xray白嫖高级版.
- chroblert/jishell - jishell - A powerful modern CLI and SHELL,with a msfconsole-like style
- optionalCTF/SSOh-No - User enumeration and password spraying tool for testing Azure AD
- openclarity/openclarity - OpenClarity is an open source tool built to enhance security and observability of cloud native applications and infrastructure
- 1ight-2020/GoRottenTomato - Go实现部分Rubeus功能,可执行asktgt, asktgs, s4u, describe ticket, renew ticket, asreproast等
- cloudflare/ebpf_exporter - Prometheus exporter for custom eBPF metrics
- sealerio/sealer - Build, Share and Run Both Your Kubernetes Cluster and Distributed Applications (Project under CNCF)
- redcode-labs/GoSH - Golang reverse/bind shell generator
- s4hm4d/shodanidb - Fetch data (open ports, CVEs, CPEs, ...) from shodan internetDB API
- alanEG/Gosna - Dynamic url monitor
- cycraft-corp/Prometheus-Decryptor - Prometheus-Decryptor is a project to decrypt files encrypted by Prometheus ransomware.
- sourque/louis - Linux EDR written in Golang and based on eBPF.
- snehshah22/DNS_poison_attack - On-path DNS poisoning attack tool.
- Ciyfly/woodpecker - 兼容xray nuclei yaml格式 以及go代码格式的poc验证扫描器
- ac0d3r/xssfinder - XSS discovery tool
- xwjdsh/manssh - Manage your ssh alias configs easily.
- SummerSec/SpringExploit - 🚀 一款为了学习go而诞生的漏洞利用工具
- ExpLangcn/Aopo - 内网自动化快速打点工具|资产探测|漏洞扫描|服务扫描|弱口令爆破
- hakluke/hakoriginfinder - Tool for discovering the origin host behind a reverse proxy. Useful for bypassing cloud WAFs!
- mittwald/kubernetes-replicator - Kubernetes controller for synchronizing secrets & config maps across namespaces
- AlphabugX/Alphalog - DNSLOG、httplog、rmilog、ldaplog、jndi 等都支持,完全匿名 产品(fuzz.red),Alphalog与传统DNSLog不同,更快、更安全。
- ipfs/kubo - An IPFS implementation in Go
- j3ssie/cdnstrip - Striping CDN IPs from a list of IP Addresses
- ferreiraklet/airixss - Finding XSS during recon
- chaosblade-io/chaosblade - An easy to use and powerful chaos engineering experiment toolkit.(阿里巴巴开源的一款简单易用、功能强大的混沌实验注入工具)
- fuxiaohei/pugo - a simple site generator
- hakluke/hakip2host - hakip2host takes a list of IP addresses via stdin, then does a series of checks to return associated domain names.
- yuyan-sec/RedisEXP - Redis 漏洞利用工具
- lal0ne/vulnerability - 收集、整理、修改互联网上公开的漏洞POC
- google/licensecheck - The licensecheck package classifies license files and heuristically determines how well they correspond to known open source licenses.
- step-security/secure-repo - Orchestrate GitHub Actions Security
- brokercap/Bifrost - Bifrost ---- 面向生产环境的 MySQL,MariaDB,kafka 同步到Redis,MongoDB,ClickHouse,StarRocks,Doris,Kafka等服务的异构中间件
- learnerLj/geth-analyze - go-ethereum source code analyzation under the perspective of smart contract security
- sjatsh/unwxapkg - WeChat applet .wxapkg decoding tool
- wfinn/redirex - tool that generates bypasses for open redirects
- wfinn/ucors - tool that scans for CORS bypasses
- AidenPearce369/ADReaper - A fast enumeration tool for Windows Active Directory Pentesting written in Go
- six2dez/ipcdn - Check which CDN providers an IP list belongs to
- atsud0/frp-modify - frp0.38.1 支持域前置、远程加载配置文件、配置文件自删除、流量特征修改
- threatcl/threatcl - Documenting your Threat Models with HCL
- utkusen/wholeaked - a file-sharing tool that allows you to find the responsible person in case of a leakage
- corazawaf/coraza - OWASP Coraza WAF is a golang modsecurity compatible web application firewall library
- firefart/stunner - Stunner is a tool to test and exploit STUN, TURN and TURN over TCP servers.
- common-fate/granted - The easiest way to access your cloud.
- timwhitez/gobusterdns - lite version of gobuster. Only subdomain brute. 内网轻量化子域名爆破工具
- brentp/gargs - better(?) xargs in go
- ZhuriLab/Starmap - 一个轮子融合的子域名收集小工具
- utkusen/socialhunter - crawls the website and finds broken social media links that can be hijacked
- bonjourmalware/melody - Melody is a transparent internet sensor built for threat intelligence. Supports custom tagging rules and vulnerable application simulation.
- ferreiraklet/Jeeves - Jeeves SQLI Finder
- codeyourweb/fastfinder - Incident Response - Fast suspicious file finder
- deepfence/PacketStreamer - ⭐ ⭐ Distributed tcpdump for cloud native environments ⭐ ⭐
- tmoneypenny/conspirator - An enhanced collaborator-like standalone server
- takshal/freq - This is go CLI tool for send fast Multiple get HTTP request.
- MrTuxx/OffensiveGolang - A collection of offensive Go packages inspired by different Go repositories.
- mytechnotalent/turbo-attack - A turbo traffic generator pentesting tool to generate random traffic with random MAC and IP addresses in addition to random sequence numbers to a particular IP and port.
- mitchellh/golicense - Scan and analyze OSS dependencies and licenses from compiled Go binaries
- AlistGo/alist - 🗂️A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表/WebDAV程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。
- damit5/gitdorks_go - 一款在github上发现敏感信息的自动化收集工具
- s0md3v/Smap - a drop-in replacement for Nmap powered by shodan.io
- ahhh/Ducky_Maker - A fun script to teach automation and create ducky scripts, from existing scripts or ASCII art files
- lithammer/fuzzysearch - 🐷 Tiny and fast fuzzy search in Go
- murphysecurity/murphysec - An open source tool focused on software supply chain security. 墨菲安全专注于软件供应链安全,具备专业的软件成分分析(SCA)、漏洞检测、专业漏洞库。
- pry0cc/tew - A quick ‘n dirty nmap parser written in Golang to convert nmap xml to IP:Port notation.
- binodlamsal/zerophish - Zero phish phishing simulated platform
- YaoApp/yao - ✨ Yao is an all-in-one application engine that enables developers to create web apps, REST APIs, business applications, and more, with AI as a development partner.
- Azure/AzureDefender-K8S-InClusterDefense -
- hudangwei/codemillx - codemillx is a tool for CodeQL, extract the comments in the code and generate codeql module. 强化Go开源项目安全检测(内含开源项目漏洞挖掘方法)
- zombiezen/go-sqlite - Low-level Go interface to SQLite 3
- j3ssie/sdlookup - IP Lookups for Open Ports and Vulnerabilities from internetdb.shodan.io
- wumansgy/goEncrypt - go语言封装的各种对称加密和非对称加密,可以直接使用,包括3重DES,AES的CBC和CTR模式,还有RSA非对称加密,ECC椭圆曲线的加密和数字签名
- chaitin/veinmind-tools - veinmind-tools 是由长亭科技自研,基于 veinmind-sdk 打造的容器安全工具集
- projectdiscovery/uncover - Quickly discover exposed hosts on the internet using multiple search engines.
- JustinTimperio/gomap - A fully self-contained Nmap like parallel port scanning module in pure Golang that supports SYN-ACK (Silent Scans)
- bytedance/godlp - sensitive information protection toolkit
- goreleaser/goreleaser - Release engineering, simplified
- tidwall/gjson - Get JSON values quickly - JSON parser for Go
- p7e4/dnsearch - using rapid7 open dns data search subdomain and reverse ip
- lprat/spyre - simple YARA-based IOC scanner (Forked project Spyre)
- bufsnake/aiqicha - 基于无头浏览器查询 爱企查 内的企业信息
- ffffffff0x/ones - 可用于多个网络资产测绘引擎 API 的命令行查询工具
- wagoodman/dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
- hahwul/authz0 - 🔑 Authz0 is an automated authorization test tool. Unauthorized access can be identified based on URLs and Roles & Credentials.
- Kevin-fqh/learning-k8s-source-code - k8s、docker源码分析、读书笔记
- nezhahq/nezha -
Self-hosted, lightweight server and website monitoring and O&M tool
- chroblert/JSigThief - Golang 版SigThief
- DataDog/stratus-red-team - ☁️ ⚡ Granular, Actionable Adversary Emulation for the Cloud
- trufflesecurity/driftwood - Private key usage verification
- mhmdiaa/second-order - Second-order subdomain takeover scanner
- devploit/nomore403 - Tool to bypass 403/40X response codes.
- Le0nsec/SecCrawler - 一个方便安全研究人员获取每日安全日报的爬虫和推送程序,目前爬取范围包括先知社区、安全客、Seebug Paper、跳跳糖、奇安信攻防社区、棱角社区以及绿盟、腾讯玄武、天融信、360等实验室博客,持续更新中。
- feiyu563/nbping - nbping是为解决局域网大批量IP实例或主机探活,采用go协程并发处理,可以自定义并发的协程数量和输出结果.效率远高于现有的批量ping工具.
- antonmedv/fx - Terminal JSON viewer & processor
- wallarm/gotestwaf - An open-source project in Golang to asess different API Security tools and WAF for detection logic and bypasses
- kenjoe41/goSubsWordlist - Generate wordlist from already collected subdomains for bruteforcing purposes.
- aau-network-security/riotpot - IoT and Operational Technology Honeypot
- busterb/msmailprobe - Office 365 and Exchange Enumeration
- timwhitez/Doge-Gabh - GetProcAddressByHash/remap/full dll unhooking/Tartaru's Gate/Spoofing Gate/universal/Perun's Fart/Spoofing-Gate/EGG/RecycledGate/syswhisper/RefleXXion golang implementation
- wgpsec/ENScan_GO - 一款基于各大企业信息API的工具,解决在遇到的各种针对国内企业信息收集难题。一键收集控股公司ICP备案、APP、小程序、微信公众号等信息聚合导出。
- sairson/Yasso - 强大的内网渗透辅助工具集-让Yasso像风一样 支持rdp,ssh,redis,postgres,mongodb,mssql,mysql,winrm等服务爆破,快速的端口扫描,强大的web指纹识别,各种内置服务的一键利用(包括ssh完全交互式登陆,mssql提权,redis一键利用,mysql数据库查询,winrm横向利用,多种服务利用支持socks5代理执行)
- bufsnake/blueming - 备份文件扫描,并自动进行下载
- fiatjaf/jiq - jid on jq - interactive JSON query tool using jq expressions
- phith0n/zkar - ZKar is a Java serialization protocol analysis tool implement in Go.
- shmilylty/netspy - netspy是一款快速探测内网可达网段工具(深信服深蓝实验室天威战队强力驱动)
- binganao/golang-shellcode-bypassav - 2021.12.9 使用go语言免杀360、微软、腾讯、火绒
- google/log4jscanner - A log4j vulnerability filesystem scanner and Go package for analyzing JAR files.
- xiecat/fofax - FOFAX是一个基于fofa.info的API命令行查询工具
- Hackmanit/Web-Cache-Vulnerability-Scanner - Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner is a Go-based CLI tool for testing for web cache poisoning. It is developed by Hackmanit GmbH (http://hackmanit.de/).
- ariary/TrojanSourceFinder - 🔎 Help find Trojan Source vulnerability in code 👀 . Useful for code review in project with multiple collaborators (CI/CD)
- 1ultimat3/tld-scan - Top level domain scanner in Go
- ravro-ir/log4shell-looker - log4jshell vulnerability scanner for bug bounty
- N0MoreSecr3ts/wraith - Uncover forgotten secrets and bring them back to life, haunting security and operations teams.
- panjf2000/gnet - 🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.
- freshcn/qqwry - 纯真ip库的golang服务
- wolfeidau/golang-massl - Simple examples of configuring mutual authentication (MASSL)
- LeakIX/l9fuzz - Help fuzz various protocols and waits for ping backs Integrates LDAP server and JNDI payload
- hupe1980/scan4log4shell - Scanner to send specially crafted requests and catch callbacks of systems that are impacted by log4j log4shell vulnerability and to detect vulnerable log4j versions on your local file-system
- nodauf/GoMapEnum - User enumeration and password bruteforce on Azure, ADFS, OWA, O365, Teams and gather emails on Linkedin
- ariary/fileless-xec - Stealth dropper executing remote binaries without dropping them on disk .(HTTP3 support, ICMP support, invisible tracks, cross-platform,...)
- mmcdole/gofeed - Parse RSS, Atom and JSON feeds in Go
- palantir/log4j-sniffer - A tool that scans archives to check for vulnerable log4j versions
- 0xInfection/LogMePwn - A fully automated, reliable, super-fast, mass scanning and validation toolkit for the Log4J RCE CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability.
- proferosec/log4jScanner - log4jScanner provides the ability to scan internal subnets for vulnerable log4j web services
- veo/vscan - 开源、轻量、快速、跨平台 的网站漏洞扫描工具,帮助您快速检测网站安全隐患。功能 端口扫描(port scan) 指纹识别(fingerprint) 漏洞检测(nday check) 智能爆破 (admin brute) 敏感文件扫描(file fuzz)
- 40a/go-powershell - Go wrapper for running PowerShell sessions
- containers/podman - Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
- A-D-Team/grafanaExp - A exploit tool for Grafana Unauthorized arbitrary file reading vulnerability (CVE-2021-43798), it can burst plugins / extract secret_key / decrypt data_source info automatic.
- imgproxy/imgproxy - Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images
- dvyukov/go-fuzz - Randomized testing for Go
- 0xInfection/PewSWITCH - A FreeSWITCH specific scanning and exploitation toolkit for CVE-2021-37624 and CVE-2021-41157.
- CTF-MissFeng/jsForward - 解决web及移动端H5数据加密Burp调试问题
- jas502n/Grafana-CVE-2021-43798 - Grafana Unauthorized arbitrary file reading vulnerability
- shirdonl/goWebActualCombat - 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥重磅!《Go Web编程实战派从入门到精通》随书源码开源啦,Go语言/Web开发/高并发/微服务/Gin/Redis/MongoDB/并发编程/Docker源码!欢迎star~
- krishpranav/webinfo - A web information gathering tool made in go - DNS / Subdomains / Ports / Directories enumeration
- lord3ver/gctsubdomains - Discover subdomains in Certificate Transparency logs using Google's Transparency Report
- byt3hx/gup - gup aka Get All Urls parameters to create wordlists for brute forcing parameters.
- lanyi1998/DNSlog-GO - DNSLog-GO 是一款golang编写的监控 DNS 解析记录的工具,自带WEB界面 / DNSLog-GO is a monitoring tool written in Golang that monitors DNS resolution records. It comes with a web interface.
- redtoolskobe/scaninfo - fast scan for redtools
- tomatome/grdp - pure golang rdp protocol
- code-scan/AutoSubtitles -
- zyylhn/zscan - Zscan a scan blasting tool set
- zema1/yarx - An awesome reverse engine for xray poc. | 一个自动化根据 xray poc 生成对应靶站的工具
- NyDubh3/CuiRi - 一款红队专用免杀木马生成器,基于shellcode生成绕过所有杀软的木马。
- akkuman/toolset - 免杀小小工具集
- yqcs/ZheTian - ::ZheTian / 强大的免杀生成工具,Bypass All.
- NetSPI/goddi - goddi (go dump domain info) dumps Active Directory domain information
- botherder/androidqf - androidqf (Android Quick Forensics) helps quickly gathering forensic evidence from Android devices, in order to identify potential traces of compromise.
- tanc7/EXOCET-AV-Evasion - EXOCET - AV-evading, undetectable, payload delivery tool
- box/kube-applier - kube-applier enables automated deployment and declarative configuration for your Kubernetes cluster.
- lal0ne/monitor - 监控网站目录下的文件变更,通过钉钉机器人发送告警。
- HopopOps/k8s-ldap-auth - Kubernetes webhook token authentication plugin implementation using ldap.
- mutagen-io/mutagen - Fast file synchronization and network forwarding for remote development
- p4gefau1t/trojan-go - Go实现的Trojan代理,支持多路复用/路由功能/CDN中转/Shadowsocks混淆插件,多平台,无依赖。A Trojan proxy written in Go. An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW. https://p4gefau1t.github.io/trojan-go/
- XiaoMi/soar - SQL Optimizer And Rewriter
- mainfunx/frpc_android - frpc_android 最新版本0.39.1
- lqqyt2423/go-mitmproxy - mitmproxy implemented with golang. 用 Golang 实现的中间人攻击(Man-in-the-middle),解析、监测、篡改 HTTP/HTTPS 流量。
- Maka8ka/NGLite - A major platform RAT Tool based by Blockchain/P2P.Now support Windows/Linux/MacOS
- lwch/natpass - 🔥居家办公,远程开发神器
- akkuman/gSigFlip - A SigFlip implement in golang
- IngoKl/HTTPUploadExfil - A simple HTTP server for delivering and exfiltrating files/data during, for example, CTFs.
- looCiprian/GC2-sheet - GC2 is a Command and Control application that allows an attacker to execute commands on the target machine using Google Sheet or Microsoft SharePoint List and exfiltrate files using Google Drive or Mi
- Rvn0xsy/zipcreater - ZipCreater主要应用于跨目录的文件上传漏洞的利用,它能够快速进行压缩包生成。
- Metarget/cloud-native-security-book - 《云原生安全:攻防实践与体系构建》资料仓库
- vyrus001/go-mimikatz - A wrapper around a pre-compiled version of the Mimikatz executable for the purpose of anti-virus evasion.
- cckuailong/hostscan - 自动化Host碰撞工具,帮助红队快速扩展网络边界,获取更多目标点
- R4yGM/dorkscout - DorkScout - Golang tool to automate google dork scan against the entiere internet or specific targets
- Tylous/ZipExec - A unique technique to execute binaries from a password protected zip
- akkuman/rotateproxy - 利用fofa搜索socks5开放代理进行代理池轮切的工具
- SkewwG/henggeFish - 自动化批量发送钓鱼邮件(横戈安全团队出品)
- super-l/codelines - 一款基于GO语言,支持跨平台,可以统计项目代码行数的软件(命令行软件,无界面),支持多种自定义过滤。 主要用于代码安全审计服务相关的费用评估。
- FourCoreLabs/EDRHunt - Scan installed EDRs and AVs on Windows
- openrdap/rdap - RDAP command line client
- Shu1L/avbypass - 简单go加载器实现免杀360 火绒
- glebarez/cero - Scrape domain names from SSL certificates of arbitrary hosts
- knes1/elktail - Command line utility to query, search and tail EL (elasticsearch, logstash) logs
- mhmdiaa/chronos - Wayback Machine OSINT Framework
- un4gi/fave - Search for vulnerabilities and exposures while filtering based on age, keywords, and other parameters.
- kirides/screencapture - This repository has been moved to https://github.com/kirides/go-d3d
- fuzz7j/cDogScan - 多服务口令爆破、内网常见服务未授权访问探测,端口扫描
- ariary/QueenSono - Golang binary for data exfiltration with ICMP protocol (+ ICMP bindshell, http over ICMP tunneling, ...)
- sh4hin/GoPurple - Yet another shellcode runner consists of different techniques for evaluating detection capabilities of endpoint security solutions
- raverrr/plution - Prototype pollution scanner using headless chrome
- Rvn0xsy/red-tldr - red-tldr is a lightweight text search tool, which is used to help red team staff quickly find the commands and key points they want to execute, so it is more suitable for use by red team personnel wit
- akkuman/EvilEye - A BeaconEye implement in Golang. It is used to detect the cobaltstrike beacon from memory and extract some configuration.
- galli-leo/emmutaler - A set of tools for fuzzing SecureROM. Managed to find and trigger checkm8.
- lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy - Caddy as a reverse proxy for Docker
- yunginnanet/prox5 - 🧮 SOCKS5/4/4a 🌾 validating proxy pool and upstream SOCKS5 server for 🤽 LOLXDsoRANDum connections 🎋
- BishopFox/dufflebag - Search exposed EBS volumes for secrets
- drosseau/degob - Go library/tool for viewing and reversing Go gob data [Moved to GitLab]
- 0xERR0R/blocky - Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker for local network with many features
- xjasonlyu/tun2socks - tun2socks - powered by gVisor TCP/IP stack
- o8oo8o/WebSSH - 功能强大,Go 实现的一个WebSSH,支持文件上传下载
- xiecat/goblin - 一款适用于红蓝对抗中的仿真钓鱼系统
- CasperGN/GoHead - Get interesting http headers, internal IPs, possible endpoints from target(s) and search JS files for juicy info
- harleo/knockknock - A simple reverse whois lookup tool which returns a list of domains owned by people or companies
- MPaandeey/dlevel - A tool get level of subdomain from 1....n
- i5nipe/nipejs - Simplify your life with leak detection in JavaScript. NipeJS streamlines the use of regex, making it effortless to uncover potential leaks.
- un4gi/dirtywords - A targeted word list generation tool
- FleexSecurity/fleex - Fleex makes it easy to create multiple VPS on cloud providers and use them to distribute workloads.
- 0xTeles/jsleak - a Go code to detect leaks in JS files via regex patterns
- cryonayes/GoFilter - A tool to filter URLs by parameter count or size
- thelikes/fuzznav - parse ffuf & map endpoints to wordlists
- dqcostin/fxr - 使用fscan联动Xray
- slimtoolkit/slim - Slim(toolkit): Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
- haojie06/selfhelp-iptables - 通过http api自助添加iptables白名单与黑名单的工具,防止nmap等程序的端口扫描和恶意主动探测,防止ssh、mysql等敏感服务受到攻击,并能对探测进行记录。
- darkb1rd/DarkGld - A tool for quickly generating fishing Trojan horse.
- ethicalhackingplayground/tprox - TProx is a fast reverse proxy path traversal detector and directory bruteforcer.
- jakubd/apkreport - Generate CSV Reports of MobSF Results
- pwnesia/dnstake - DNSTake — A fast tool to check missing hosted DNS zones that can lead to subdomain takeover
- neex/http2smugl -
- wrfly/gus-proxy - "打一枪换一个地方" 一个HTTP代理
- ossf/allstar - GitHub App to set and enforce security policies
- mosajjal/dnsmonster - Passive DNS Capture and Monitoring Toolkit
- j3ssie/goverview - goverview - Get an overview of the list of URLs
- alexzorin/cve-2021-34558 -
- zhzyker/dismap - Asset discovery and identification tools 快速识别 Web 指纹信息,定位资产类型。辅助红队快速定位目标资产信息,辅助蓝队发现疑似脆弱点
- JKme/cube - 内网渗透测试工具,弱密码爆破、信息收集和漏洞扫描
- 0voice/Introduction-to-Golang - 【未来服务器端编程语言】最全空降golang资料补给包(满血战斗),包含文章,书籍,作者论文,理论分析,开源框架,云原生,大佬视频,大厂实战分享ppt
- marv2097/siprocket - Fast SIP and SDP Parser
- desertbit/grumble - A powerful modern CLI and SHELL
- praetorian-inc/gokart - A static analysis tool for securing Go code
- Tylous/SourcePoint - SourcePoint is a C2 profile generator for Cobalt Strike command and control servers designed to ensure evasion.
- timwhitez/doge-getsys - An easy way to getsystem by golang.
- binwiederhier/replbot - Slack/Discord bot for running interactive REPLs and shells from a chat.
- sanity-io/litter - Litter is a pretty printer library for Go data structures to aid in debugging and testing.
- h0x0er/andromanifest - AndroidManifest.xml parser written in go
- krishpranav/sshpot - A simple ssh honey pot, fake ssh server that lets anyone to connect and monitor their activty
- ContainerSSH/ContainerSSH - ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand
- goodwithtech/dockle - Container Image Linter for Security, Helping build the Best-Practice Docker Image, Easy to start
- saferwall/saferwall - ☁️ Collaborative Malware Analysis Platform at Scale
- kube-tarian/tarian - Protect your Cloud Native Applications running on Kubernetes from malicious attacks with pre-registered source code, pre-registered runtime processes monitoring, automated actions based on configure-a
- perlogix/cmon - NIST Information Security Continuous Monitoring (ISCM) and configuration baseline data collector
- VerSprite/alpnpass - This tool will listen on a given port, strip SSL encryption, forward traffic through a plain TCP proxy, then encrypt the returning traffic again and send it to the target of your choice. Unlike most S
- antihax/gambit - GaMBiT Honeypot
- octarinesec/kube-scan - kube-scan: Octarine k8s cluster risk assessment tool
- endorama/devid - Securely manage your developer personas
- gofiber/fiber - ⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go
- iiiusky/webrtc-proxy - 反向代理+webrtc 神不知鬼不觉的获取真实IP
- EatonChips/wsh - Web shell generator and command line interface.
- k0kubun/pp - Colored pretty printer for Go language
- Rvn0xsy/goDomain - Windows活动目录中的LDAP信息收集工具
- Ne0nd0g/merlin - Merlin is a cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent written in golang.
- Dc4ts/ChangeTower - ChangeTower is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified of any changes written in Go
- Ne0nd0g/go-shellcode - A repository of Windows Shellcode runners and supporting utilities. The applications load and execute Shellcode using various API calls or techniques.
- hueristiq/xurlfind3r - A command-line utility designed to discover URLs for a given domain in a simple, efficient way. It works by gathering information from a variety of passive sources, meaning it doesn't interact directl
- capnspacehook/taskmaster - Windows Task Scheduler Library for Go
- banzaicloud/dast-operator - Dynamic Application and API Security Testing
- jeessy2/ddns-go - Simple and easy to use DDNS. Support Aliyun, Tencent Cloud, Dnspod, Cloudflare, Callback, Huawei Cloud, Baidu Cloud, Porkbun, GoDaddy, Namecheap, NameSilo...
- haochen233/socks5 - A Go library about socks5, supports all socks5 commands. That Provides server and client and easy to use. Compatible with socks4 and socks4a.
- koho/frpmgr - Windows 平台的 FRP GUI 客户端 / A user-friendly desktop GUI client for FRP on Windows.
- daffainfo/Git-Secret - Go scripts for finding sensitive data like API key / some keywords in the github repository
- benmanns/goworker - goworker is a Go-based background worker that runs 10 to 100,000* times faster than Ruby-based workers.
- fullstorydev/grpcurl - Like cURL, but for gRPC: Command-line tool for interacting with gRPC servers
- miku/esbulk - Bulk indexing command line tool for elasticsearch.
- For-ACGN/MS17-010 - An EternalBlue exploit implementation in pure go
- cockroachdb/pebble - RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go
- derekparker/delve - Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.
- m-mizutani/octovy - Trivy based vulnerability management service
- inspiringz/fofa - 一款 Go 语言编写的小巧、简洁、快速采集 fofa 数据导出到 Excel 表单的小工具。
- Li4n0/revsuit - RevSuit is a flexible and powerful reverse connection platform designed for receiving connection from target host in penetration.
- nicocha30/ligolo-ng - An advanced, yet simple, tunneling/pivoting tool that uses a TUN interface.
- fengziHK/bypass_go - bypass_go cs免杀
- Lmg66/shellcodeloading - shellcode加载器 golang 分离免杀
- TryGOTry/go-shellcode-webimg-load - golang shellcode loader 远程图片隐写加载执行 无文件落地
- projectdiscovery/simplehttpserver - Go alternative of python SimpleHTTPServer
- Josue87/roboxtractor - Extract endpoints marked as disallow in robots files to generate wordlists.
- daffainfo/Key-Checker - Go scripts for checking API key / access token validity
- lkarlslund/Adalanche - Active Directory ACL Visualizer and Explorer - who's really Domain Admin? (Commerical versions available from NetSection)
- kleiton0x00/ppmap - A scanner/exploitation tool written in GO, which leverages client-side Prototype Pollution to XSS by exploiting known gadgets.
- allyomalley/dnsobserver - A handy DNS service written in Go to aid in the detection of several types of blind vulnerabilities. It monitors a pentester's server for out-of-band DNS interactions and sends lookup notifications vi
- Ullaakut/Gorsair - Gorsair gives root access on remote docker containers that expose their APIs
- redcode-labs/neurax - A framework for constructing self-spreading binaries
- sterrasec/ipa-medit - Memory modification tool for re-signed ipa supports iOS apps running on iPhone and Apple Silicon Mac without jailbreaking.
- immunIT/TeamsUserEnum - User enumeration with Microsoft Teams API
- lesnuages/hershell - Multiplatform reverse shell generator
- txthinking/ipio - Proxy all traffic just one line command.
- ThreeDotsLabs/watermill - Building event-driven applications the easy way in Go.
- Fahrj/reverse-ssh - Statically-linked ssh server with reverse shell functionality for CTFs and such
- esrrhs/spp - A simple and powerful proxy
- daffainfo/bypass-403 - Go script for bypassing 403 forbidden
- Maka8ka/Faygo - A major platforms RAT Tools .High scalability.Now support Windows/Linux/MacOS
- xm1k3/cent - Community edition nuclei templates, a simple tool that allows you to organize all the Nuclei templates offered by the community in one place
- iammaguire/MeetC2 - Modular C2 framework aiming to ease post exploitation for red teamers.
- irsl/gcp-dhcp-takeover-code-exec - Google Compute Engine (GCE) VM takeover via DHCP flood - gain root access by getting SSH keys added by google_guest_agent
- ethicalhackingplayground/erebus - Erebus is a fast tool for parameter-based vulnerability scanning using a Yaml based template engine like nuclei.
- grines/scour -
- edoardottt/cariddi - Take a list of domains, crawl urls and scan for endpoints, secrets, api keys, file extensions, tokens and more
- wahaha1573/ByPassAVAddUser -
- seccome/Ehoney - 安全、快捷、高交互、企业级的蜜罐管理系统,护网;支持多种协议蜜罐、蜜签、诱饵等功能。A safe, fast, highly interactive and enterprise level honeypot management system, supports multiple protocol honeypots, honeytokens, baits and other functions
- KubeOperator/KubeOperator - KubeOperator 是一个开源的轻量级 Kubernetes 发行版,专注于帮助企业规划、部署和运营生产级别的 K8s 集群。
- spf13/viper - Go configuration with fangs
- ccfos/nightingale - Nightingale for monitoring and alerting, just as Grafana is for visualization.
- projectdiscovery/hmap - Hybrid memory/disk map
- SPuerBRead/mqtts - MQTT安全测试工具 (MQTT Security Tools)
- dumorewithcode/purl -
- redcode-labs/UnChain - A tool to find redirection chains in multiple URLs
- xiaobaiTech/golangFamily - 【超全golang面试题合集+golang学习指南+golang知识图谱+入门成长路线】 一份涵盖大部分golang程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。常用第三方库(mysql,mq,es,redis等)+机器学习库+算法库+游戏库+开源框架+自然语言处理nlp库+网络库+视频库+微服务框架+视频教程+音频音乐库+图形图片库+物联网库+地理位置信息+嵌入式脚本库+编译器库+数据库+金融库+电子邮件库+电子
- yumusb/DNSLog-Platform-Golang - DNSLOG平台 golang
- redcode-labs/Coldfire - Golang malware development library
- sigstore/cosign - Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries
- zu1k/proxypool - Automatically crawls proxy nodes on the public internet, de-duplicates and tests for usability and then provides a list of nodes
- tenable/terrascan - Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
- adamyi/CTFProxy - Your ultimate infrastructure to run a CTF, with a BeyondCorp-like zero-trust network and simple infrastructure-as-code configuration.
- eikendev/hackenv - Manage and access your Kali Linux or Parrot Security VM from the terminal (SSH support + file sharing, especially convenient during CTFs, Hack The Box, etc.) 🚀🔧
- togettoyou/ipashare - 🚤 苹果 IPA 应用签名内测分发系统,一键上传 .ipa 文件,快速生成下载链接和二维码
- KCarretto/paragon - Red Team engagement platform with the goal of unifying offensive tools behind a simple UI
- spyse-com/go-spyse - The official wrapper for spyse.com API, written in Go, aimed to help developers build their integrations with Spyse.
- Daybr4ak/C2ReverseProxy - 一款可以在不出网的环境下进行反向代理及cs上线的工具
- jiaocoll/GoWebBanner - Go语言web指纹识别
- niudaii/webscan - web信息收集工具。Web Information Collection Tool.
- canc3s/judas - 轻便的恶意反代
- idiotc4t/Reflective-HackBrowserData - HackBrowserData的反射模块
- marmotedu/iam - 企业级的 Go 语言实战项目:认证和授权系统(带配套课程)
- edoardottt/lit-bb-hack-tools - Little Bug Bounty & Hacking Tools⚔️
- kubecost/kubectl-cost - CLI for determining the cost of Kubernetes workloads
- ahmetak4n/radar - Scanner for misconfigured DevSecOps or Security tools on internet like SonarQube, GoPhish etc.
- TardC/fofadump - A small utility that calls fofa api to download data.
- koderover/zadig - Zadig is a cloud native, distributed, developer-oriented DevOps platform
- golang/vulndb - [mirror] The Go Vulnerability Database
- Josue87/AnalyticsRelationships - Get related domains / subdomains by looking at Google Analytics IDs
- umputun/reproxy - Simple edge server / reverse proxy
- ipinfo/cli - Official Command Line Interface for the IPinfo API (IP geolocation and other types of IP data)
- Sakurasan/scf-proxy - 云函数代理服务
- activecm/rita-legacy - Real Intelligence Threat Analytics (RITA) is a framework for detecting command and control communication through network traffic analysis.
- work-helper/command-search-alfred - alfred命令搜索workflow
- akavel/rsrc - Tool for embedding .ico & manifest resources in Go programs for Windows.
- FunnyWolf/ligolo - Ligolo : 用于内网渗透的反向隧道
- jweny/pocassist - 傻瓜式漏洞PoC测试框架
- optiv/Dent - A framework for creating COM-based bypasses utilizing vulnerabilities in Microsoft's WDAPT sensors.
- TryGOTry/multiplexing_port_socks5 - 一款golang写的支持http与socks5的端口复用小工具,并且可以开启socks5代理。
- superfashi/pwnlib - A Go rewrite of pwntools.
- yonyoucloud/install_k8s - 一键安装kubernets(k8s)系统,采用RBAC模式运行(证书安全认证模式),既可以单台安装、也可以集群安装,并且完全是生产环境的安装标准。有疑问大家可以加我微信沟通:bsh888
- projectdiscovery/interactsh - An OOB interaction gathering server and client library
- 4dogs-cn/TXPortMap - Port Scanner & Banner Identify From TianXiang
- chenjia404/p2ptunnel - A p2p-based tcp, udp intranet penetration tunneling tool
- vugu/vugu - Vugu: A modern UI library for Go+WebAssembly (experimental)
- 1340691923/ElasticView - This is a simple and user-friendly data source management platform. Currently, the official plugin supports management of ElasticSearch versions 6, 7, and 8
- binyoucai/sec -
- redcode-labs/GodSpeed - Fast and intuitive manager for multiple reverse shells
- 0xrawsec/whids - Open Source EDR for Windows
- k3s-io/kine - Run Kubernetes on MySQL, Postgres, sqlite, dqlite, not etcd.
- yunxu1/dnsub - dnsub一款好用且强大的子域名扫描工具
- Matrix86/flowdownloader - Simple software to download HLS encrypted files used by FlowPlayer video player
- charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- inbug-team/InScan - 边界打点后的自动化渗透工具
- assetnote/kiterunner - Contextual Content Discovery Tool
- Alaa-abdulridha/SerpScan - Serpscan is a powerfull php script designed to allow you to leverage the power of dorking straight from the comfort of your command line.
- cyberark/kubesploit - Kubesploit is a cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent written in Golang, focused on containerized environments.
- redcode-labs/SNOWCRASH - A polyglot payload generator
- nyancrimew/goop - Yet another tool to dump a git repository from a website, focused on as-complete-as-possible dumps and handling weird edge-cases.
- glitchedgitz/cook - A wordlist framework to fullfill your kinks with your wordlists. For security researchers, bug bounty and hackers.
- rootklt/snowball - fofa+xray vul scan golang
- d3mondev/puredns - Puredns is a fast domain resolver and subdomain bruteforcing tool that can accurately filter out wildcard subdomains and DNS poisoned entries.
- genkiroid/cert - Cert is the Go tool to get TLS certificate information.
- kgoins/ldsview -
- Tylous/Limelighter - A tool for generating fake code signing certificates or signing real ones
- riptl/cve-2021-3449 - CVE-2021-3449 OpenSSL denial-of-service exploit 👨🏻💻
- sw33tLie/bbscope - Scope gathering tool for HackerOne, Bugcrowd, Intigriti, YesWeHack, and Immunefi!
- kgretzky/evilginx2 - Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication
- muraenateam/muraena - Muraena is an almost-transparent reverse proxy aimed at automating phishing and post-phishing activities.
- hakluke/haktrails - Golang client for querying SecurityTrails API data
- evilsocket/stork - A small utility that aims to automate and simplify some tasks related to software release cycles.
- LearnGolang/365Golang - 《365天深入理解Go语言》Deep understanding of Golang.
- daehee/mildew - Dotmil subdomain discovery tool that scrapes domains from official DoD website directories and certificate transparency logs
- canc3s/cIPR - 将域名转为ip段权重
- staaldraad/turner - SOCKS5 and HTTP over TURN/STUN proxy
- joanbono/gap - Google Maps API checker
- AdguardTeam/dnsproxy - Simple DNS proxy with DoH, DoT, DoQ and DNSCrypt support
- canc3s/cSubsidiary - 利用天眼查查询企业子公司
- flavio/kube-image-bouncer - Simple endpoint for the ImagePolicyWebhook and the GenericAdmissionWebhook Kubernetes admission controllers
- canc3s/cDomain - 利用天眼查查询企业备案
- EgeBalci/amber - Reflective PE packer.
- ZupIT/horusec - Horusec is an open source tool that improves identification of vulnerabilities in your project with just one command.
- mubeng/mubeng - An incredibly fast proxy checker & IP rotator with ease.
- rakyll/hey - HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement
- 1ight-2020/Struts2Scanner - 一款Golang编写的Struts2漏洞检测和利用工具,支持并发批量检测
- M4DM0e/DirDar - DirDar is a tool that searches for (403-Forbidden) directories to break it and get dir listing on it
- lcvvvv/kscan - Kscan是一款纯go开发的全方位扫描器,具备端口扫描、协议检测、指纹识别,暴力破解等功能。支持协议1200+,协议指纹10000+,应用指纹20000+,暴力破解协议10余种。
- gustavorobertux/gcs -
- Rvn0xsy/Pricking - 基于反向代理的水坑部署工具
- optiv/CVE-2020-15931 - Netwrix Account Lockout Examiner 4.1 Domain Admin Account Credential Disclosure Vulnerability
- kost/revsocks - Reverse SOCKS5 implementation in Go
- kuriv/civil-service-exam - 公务员考试知识思维导图,我们岸上见!
- liamg/traitor - ⬆️ ☠️ 🔥 Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins, pwnkit, dirty pipe, +w docker.sock
- deepfence/SecretScanner - 🔓 🔓 Find secrets and passwords in container images and file systems 🔓 🔓
- hahwul/backbomb - 💣 Dockerized penetration-testing/bugbounty/app-sec testing environment
- hahwul/gee - 🏵 Gee is tool of stdin to each files and stdout. It is similar to the tee command, but there are more functions for convenience. In addition, it was written as go
- ryandamour/ssrfuzz - SSRFuzz is a tool to find Server Side Request Forgery vulnerabilities, with CRLF chaining capabilities
- gustavorobertux/goshock - SonicWall VPN-SSL Exploit* using Golang ( * and other targets vulnerable to shellshock ).
- jaswdr/faker - 🚀 Ultimate fake data generator for Go with zero dependencies
- mehrdadrad/tcpdog - eBPF based TCP observability.
- R0X4R/ssrf-tool - An SSRF detector tool written in golang. I have fixed some errors and added some more payloads to it. But the tool credits go to z0idsec.
- runZeroInc/recog-go - Recog-Go: Pattern Recognition using Rapid7 Recog
- seventh-letter/DictGenerate - 使用Go语言编写的社工字典生成器(The social engineering dictionary generator written by Go)
- evilsocket/uroboros - A GNU/Linux monitoring and profiling tool focused on single processes.
- cyal1/host_scan - 这是一个用于IP和域名碰撞匹配访问的小工具,旨意用来匹配出渗透过程中需要绑定hosts才能访问的弱主机或内部系统。https://github.com/fofapro/Hosts_scan implement in Go
- optiv/ScareCrow - ScareCrow - Payload creation framework designed around EDR bypass.
- evilsocket/ditto - A tool for IDN homograph attacks and detection.
- tehmoon/http-fuzzer -
- n9e/k8s-mon - 滴滴夜莺Kubernetes monitor
- EdgeSecurityTeam/EHole - EHole(棱洞)3.0 重构版-红队重点攻击系统指纹探测工具
- juicedata/juicefs - JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
- doitintl/kubeip - Assign static public IPs to Kubernetes nodes (GKE, EKS)
- thibmaek/go-volumio-mqtt-proxy -
- JavierOlmedo/ipdiscover - 🔍 A simple tool to obtain long lists of ips from domains using goroutines
- bytedance/Elkeid - Elkeid is an open source solution that can meet the security requirements of various workloads such as hosts, containers and K8s, and serverless. It is derived from ByteDance's internal best practices
- hahwul/MobileHackersWeapons - Mobile Hacker's Weapons / A collection of cool tools used by Mobile hackers. Happy hacking , Happy bug-hunting
- C4o/FBI-Analyzer - A Flexible Log Analysis System Based on Golang and Lua-Plugins. 插件化的准实时日志分析系统。
- clevercoder91/Subanser - A simple Golang Script where you provide list of domains you want to check if webserver is running on that port or not . Give it a Try !!
- moloch--/denim - Automated compiler obfuscation for nim
- alltom/dirgui - turn a directory into a GUI, slash example of VNC-based GUI
- gomodules/notify - Send notification via Email, SMS, Chat etc.
- 0xsapra/fuzzparam -
- Charlie-belmer/nosqli - NoSql Injection CLI tool, for finding vulnerable websites using MongoDB.
- acme-dns/acme-dns-client - A client software for https://github.com/joohoi/acme-dns
- goretk/redress - Redress - A tool for analyzing stripped Go binaries
- riza/gigger - Git folder digger, I'm sure it's worthwhile stuff.
- alpkeskin/mosint - An automated e-mail OSINT tool
- nytr0gen/deduplicate - Remove duplicate urls from input
- edoardottt/scilla - Information Gathering tool - DNS / Subdomains / Ports / Directories enumeration
- m7shapan/querycsv - QueryCSV enables you to load CSV files and manipulate them using SQL queries then after you finish you can export the new values to a CSV file
- tomnomnom/meg - Fetch many paths for many hosts - without killing the hosts
- michenriksen/Amass - In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery
- jm33-m0/emp3r0r - Linux/Windows post-exploitation framework made by linux user
- assetnote/commonspeak2 - Leverages publicly available datasets from Google BigQuery to generate content discovery and subdomain wordlists
- CTF-MissFeng/GoScan - GoScan是采用Golang语言编写的一款分布式综合资产管理系统,适合红队、SRC等使用
- posener/h2conn - HTTP2 client-server full-duplex connection
- Ridter/p12tool - A simple Go script to brute force or parse a password-protected PKCS#12 (PFX/P12) file.
- ranon-rat/sayBruh - its a rebuild of saycheese with golang
- mlcsec/headi - Customisable and automated HTTP header injection
- bp0lr/linkz -
- netxfly/sec-dev-in-action-src - 《白帽子安全开发实战》配套代码
- pelaohxc/postMessageFinder -
- C-Sto/GoGitDumper - Dump exposed HTTP .git fast
- sudosammy/knary - A simple HTTP(S) and DNS Canary bot with Slack/Discord/MS Teams/Lark/Telegram & Pushover support
- ameenmaali/qsfuzz - qsfuzz (Query String Fuzz) allows you to build your own rules to fuzz query strings and easily identify vulnerabilities.
- hahwul/mzap - ⚡️ Multiple target ZAP Scanning
- ezekg/git-hound - Git plugin that prevents sensitive data from being committed.
- root4loot/rescope - Bugbounty scope tool
- awgh/madns - DNS server for pentesters
- braaaax/gfz -
- gen2brain/url2img - HTTP server with API for capturing screenshots of websites
- arkrz/v2sub - 用于 linux 下订阅 v2ray 的小工具。
- jimareed/casbin-auth0-rbac-backend - Example RBAC implementation with Casbin and Auth0
- Hackl0us/GeoIP2-CN - 小巧精悍、准确、实用 GeoIP2 数据库
- bp0lr/dmut - A tool to perform permutations, mutations and alteration of subdomains in golang.
- tismayil/rsdl - Subdomain Scan With Ping Method.
- projectdiscovery/proxify - A versatile and portable proxy for capturing, manipulating, and replaying HTTP/HTTPS traffic on the go.
- rmb122/rogue_mysql_server - A rouge mysql server supports reading files from most mysql libraries of multiple programming languages.
- bp0lr/dnsfaster - Test the speed and reliability of a list of DNS servers
- projectdiscovery/cloudlist - Cloudlist is a tool for listing Assets from multiple Cloud Providers.
- mehrdadrad/tcpprobe - Modern TCP tool and service for network performance observability.
- ReddyyZ/urlbrute - Directory/Subdomain scanner developed in GoLang.
- sneakerhax/C2PE - Red Team C2 and Post Exploitation Code
- fzakaria/autopatchelf -
- dwisiswant0/galer - A fast tool to fetch URLs from HTML attributes by crawl-in.
- denandz/sourcemapper - Extract JavaScript source trees from Sourcemap files
- cloudquery/cloudquery - The open source high performance ELT framework powered by Apache Arrow
- FairwindsOps/nova - Find outdated or deprecated Helm charts running in your cluster.
- matryer/xbar - Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot)
- gorse-io/gorse - Gorse open source recommender system engine
- ribbybibby/ssl_exporter - Exports Prometheus metrics for TLS certificates
- sysdream/chashell - Chashell is a Go reverse shell that communicates over DNS. It can be used to bypass firewalls or tightly restricted networks.
- utkusen/urlhunter - a recon tool that allows searching on URLs that are exposed via shortener services
- lobuhi/byp4xx - 40X/HTTP bypasser in Go. Features: Verb tampering, headers, #bugbountytips, User-Agents, extensions, default credentials...
- Cgboal/exclude-cdn - Wraps projectdiscovery's cdncheck library to exclude CDN hosts from input passed over stdin
- ipipdotnet/ipdb-go - IPIP.net officially supported IP database ipdb format parsing library
- idoubi/goz - A fantastic HTTP request libarary used in Golang.
- MaxSecurity/BurpSuite-MacOS-Crack -
- projectdiscovery/collaborator - BurpSuite Standard/Private Collaborator Library
- digininja/GitHunter - A tool for searching a Git repository for interesting content
- cdk-team/CDK - 📦 Make security testing of K8s, Docker, and Containerd easier.
- rvrsh3ll/RendezvousRAT - Self-healing RAT utilizing libp2p
- shadow1ng/fscan - 一款内网综合扫描工具,方便一键自动化、全方位漏扫扫描。
- xo/xo - Command line tool to generate idiomatic Go code for SQL databases supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server
- PaddlePaddle/PaddleCloud - PaddlePaddle Docker images and K8s operators for PaddleOCR/Detection developers to use on public/private cloud.
- tomnomnom/gron - Make JSON greppable!
- uknowsec/keylogger - 键盘记录,支持定时回传
- aquasecurity/starboard - Moved to https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy-operator
- ossf/scorecard - OpenSSF Scorecard - Security health metrics for Open Source
- k8gege/LadonGo - Ladon for Kali 全平台开源内网渗透扫描器,Windows/Linux/Mac/路由器内网渗透,使用它可轻松一键批量探测C段、B段、A段存活主机、高危漏洞检测MS17010、SmbGhost,远程执行SSH/Winrm,密码爆破SMB/SSH/FTP/Mysql/Mssql/Oracle/Winrm/HttpBasic/Redis,端口扫描服务识别PortScan指纹识别/HttpBa
- yolossn/Prometheus-Basics - Prometheus-Basics is part of Prometheus Docs now, checkout 👇
- RedTeamPentesting/CVE-2020-13935 - Exploit for WebSocket Vulnerability in Apache Tomcat
- projectdiscovery/notify - Notify is a Go-based assistance package that enables you to stream the output of several tools (or read from a file) and publish it to a variety of supported platforms.
- ExploitBox/git-lfs-RCE-exploit-CVE-2020-27955-Go -
- teler-sh/teler - Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
- iiiusky/alicloud-tools - 阿里云ECS、策略组辅助小工具
- anchore/grype - A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems
- Ridter/DomainHiding - external c2 use domainhiding.
- timwhitez/Doge-Loader - 🐶Cobalt Strike Shellcode Loader by Golang
- ThreatUnknown/jsubfinder - jsubfinder searches webpages for javascript & analyzes them for hidden subdomains and secrets (wip).
- Shivangx01b/BountyIt - A fuzzer made in golang for finding issues like xss, lfi, rce, ssti...that detects issues using change in content length and verify it using signatures
- StamusNetworks/gophercap - Accurate, modular, scalable PCAP manipulation tool written in Go.
- C-Sto/recursebuster - rapid content discovery tool for recursively querying webservers, handy in pentesting and web application assessments
- facebookincubator/nvdtools - A set of tools to work with the feeds (vulnerabilities, CPE dictionary etc.) distributed by National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
- hashicorp/waypoint - A tool to build, deploy, and release any application on any platform.
- nscuro/fdnssearch - Swiftly search FDNS datasets from Rapid7 Open Data
- jimen0/fdns - Concurrent Rapid7 FDNS dataset parser
- rootless-containers/bypass4netns - [Experimental] Accelerates slirp4netns using SECCOMP_IOCTL_NOTIF_ADDFD. As fast as
. - mzfr/takeover - A tool for testing subdomain takeover possibilities at a mass scale.
- vsec7/urlive - Check url is live (HTTP status code "200 ok" only).
- valyala/fasthttp - Fast HTTP package for Go. Tuned for high performance. Zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 10x faster than net/http
- gwen001/github-subdomains - Find subdomains on GitHub.
- aquasecurity/tfsec - Tfsec is now part of Trivy
- tstillz/webshell-analyzer - Web shell scanner and analyzer.
- falcosecurity/kilt - Kilt is a project that defines how to inject foreign apps into containers
- C-Sto/gosecretsdump - Dump ntds.dit really fast
- kptdev/kpt - Automate Kubernetes Configuration Editing
- PentestPad/subzy - Subdomain takeover vulnerability checker
- liamg/scout - 🔭 Lightweight URL fuzzer and spider: Discover a web server's undisclosed files, directories and VHOSTs
- OWASP/Go-SCP - Golang Secure Coding Practices guide
- bp0lr/wurl - A tool to test working urls.
- mergestat/mergestat-lite - Query git repositories with SQL. Generate reports, perform status checks, analyze codebases. 🔍 📊
- nkanaev/yarr - yet another rss reader
- sw33tLie/bcscope - Get the scope of your bugcrowd programs
- dstotijn/hetty - An HTTP toolkit for security research.
- liamg/gitjacker - 🔪
Leak git repositories from misconfigured websites
- code-scan/s5_server -
- dwisiswant0/go-stare - A fast & light web screenshot without headless browser but Chrome DevTools Protocol!
- crowdsecurity/crowdsec - CrowdSec - the open-source and participative security solution offering crowdsourced protection against malicious IPs and access to the most advanced real-world CTI.
- incogbyte/quickpress - Small tool to automate SSRF wordpress and XMLRPC finder
- RedTeamPentesting/monsoon - Fast HTTP enumerator
- harleo/asnip - ASN target organization IP range attack surface mapping for reconnaissance, fast and lightweight
- projectdiscovery/mapcidr - Utility program to perform multiple operations for a given subnet/CIDR ranges.
- Shpota/goxygen - Generate a modern Web project with Go and Angular, React, or Vue in seconds 🎲
- EddieIvan01/gld - Go shellcode LoaDer
- theblackturtle/wildcheck - A simple tool to detect wildcards domain based on Amass's wildcards detector.
- dwisiswant0/unew - A tool for append URLs, skipping duplicates/paths & combine parameters.
- 0xsha/CloudBrute - Awesome cloud enumerator
- Becivells/iconhash - fofa shodan favicon.ico hash icon ico 计算器
- shenwei356/rush - A cross-platform command-line tool for executing jobs in parallel
- awake1t/linglong - 一款甲方资产巡航扫描系统。系统定位是发现资产,进行端口爆破。帮助企业更快发现弱口令问题。主要功能包括: 资产探测、端口爆破、定时任务、管理后台识别、报表展示
- mingrammer/go-web-framework-stars - ⭐ Web frameworks for Go, most starred on GitHub
- imroc/req - Simple Go HTTP client with Black Magic
- arminc/clair-scanner - Docker containers vulnerability scan
- FiloSottile/age - A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
- schollz/croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another 🐊 📦
- Ladicle/kubectl-rolesum - Summarize Kubernetes RBAC roles for the specified subjects.
- kalmhq/kalm - Kalm | Kubernetes AppLication Manager
- lamoda/gonkey - Gonkey - a testing automation tool
- jcatala/gqm - Go quick message
- fanjq99/dnslog - dnslog reverse vul-verify 反连平台 漏洞验证
- chennqqi/godnslog - An exquisite dns&http log server for verify SSRF/XXE/RFI/RCE vulnerability
- ArturSS7/TukTuk - Tool for catching and logging different types of requests.
- ethicalhackingplayground/wordlistgen - Generates target specific word lists for Fuzzing with fuff
- BishopFox/smogcloud - Find cloud assets that no one wants exposed 🔎 ☁️
- containerd/stargz-snapshotter - Fast container image distribution plugin with lazy pulling
- ethicalhackingplayground/ssrf-tool -
- chroblert/JCRandomProxy - 随机代理
- hahwul/jwt-hack - 🔩 jwt-hack is tool for hacking / security testing to JWT. Supported for En/decoding JWT, Generate payload for JWT attack and very fast cracking(dict/brutefoce)
- ethicalhackingplayground/dorkX - Pipe different tools with google dork Scanner
- ethicalhackingplayground/linkJS -
- KathanP19/Gxss - A tool to check a bunch of URLs that contain reflecting params.
- mhewedy/vermin - The smart virtual machines manager. A modern CLI for Vagrant Boxes.
- dwisiswant0/wadl-dumper - Dump all available paths and/or endpoints on WADL file.
- alfarom256/ExternalC2Go -
- qq431169079/PortScanner-3 - golang 版本的分布式端口扫描器,可快速方便部署,扫描核心基于 masscan & nmap
- KingOfBugbounty/KingOfBugBountyTips - Our main goal is to share tips from some well-known bughunters. Using recon methodology, we are able to find subdomains, apis, and tokens that are already exploitable, so we can report them. We wish t
- FunnyWolf/TFirewall - 防火墙出网探测工具,内网穿透型socks5代理
- mitchellh/gox - A dead simple, no frills Go cross compile tool
- projectcalico/calico - Cloud native networking and network security
- awake1t/PortBrute - 一款跨平台小巧的端口爆破工具,支持爆破FTP/SSH/SMB/MSSQL/MYSQL/POSTGRESQL/MONGOD / A cross-platform compact port blasting tool that supports blasting FTP/SSH/SMB/MSSQL/MYSQL/POSTGRESQL/MONGOD
- prometheus-community/yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter - Prometheus exporter for AWS CloudWatch - Discovers services through AWS tags, gets CloudWatch metrics data and provides them as Prometheus metrics with AWS tags as labels
- codingo/bbr - An open source tool to aid in command line driven generation of bug bounty reports based on user provided templates.
- dwisiswant0/slackcat - A simple way of sending messages from the CLI output to your Slack with webhook.
- alexellis/registry-creds - Replicate Kubernetes ImagePullSecrets to all namespaces
- Threagile/threagile - Agile Threat Modeling Toolkit
- knownsec/ksubdomain - 无状态子域名爆破工具
- pkujhd/goloader - load and run golang code at runtime.
- inguardians/peirates - Peirates - Kubernetes Penetration Testing tool
- hirochachacha/go-smb2 - SMB2/3 client library written in Go.
- capnspacehook/rose -
- burrowers/garble - Obfuscate Go builds
- dalconan/NaviPassRead - Read Navicat 12 Password
- thought-machine/dracon - Security scanning & static analysis tool
- optiv/Go365 - An Office365 User Attack Tool
- dwisiswant0/crlfuzz - A fast tool to scan CRLF vulnerability written in Go
- halfrost/LeetCode-Go - ✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
- MilindPurswani/whoxyrm - A reverse whois tool based on Whoxy API.
- ameenmaali/wordlistgen - Quickly generate context-specific wordlists for content discovery from lists of URLs or paths
- openservicemesh/osm - Open Service Mesh (OSM) is a lightweight, extensible, cloud native service mesh that allows users to uniformly manage, secure, and get out-of-the-box observability features for highly dynamic microser
- Masterminds/sprig - Useful template functions for Go templates.
- C4o/Juggler - A system that may trick hackers. 针对黑客的拟态欺骗系统。
- zu1k/nali - An offline tool for querying IP geographic information and CDN provider. 一个查询IP地理信息和CDN服务提供商的离线终端工具.
- hasura/gitkube - Build and deploy docker images to Kubernetes using git push
- xct/xc - A small reverse shell for Linux & Windows
- impost0r/Misc-Tools - Miscellaneous tools I've developed over the years for help in infosec.
- ayoul3/reflect-pe - Reflectively load PE
- vmware-archive/octant - Highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters.
- CloudyKit/jet - Jet template engine
- moonD4rk/HackBrowserData - Extract and decrypt browser data, supporting multiple data types, runnable on various operating systems (macOS, Windows, Linux).
- lunixbochs/usercorn - dynamic binary analysis via platform emulation
- he1m4n6a/cve-db - 一个用于生成cve数据库的程序并提供简单的http协议查询接口
- sourcegraph/sourcegraph-public-snapshot - Code AI platform with Code Search & Cody
- jpillora/chisel - A fast TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP
- paranoidninja/Boomerang - Boomerang is a tool to expose multiple internal servers to web/cloud. Agent & Server are pretty stable and can be used in Red Team for Multiple levels of Pivoting and exposing multiple internal servic
- ropnop/kerbrute - A tool to perform Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing
- dwisiswant0/go-dork - The fastest dork scanner written in Go.
- hakluke/hakq - A basic golang server/client for distributing tasks over multiple systems.
- ctoyan/ponieproxy - Simple proxy which applies filters (default or custom) to your requests and responses, while you browse a website.
- greyireland/algorithm-pattern - 算法模板,最科学的刷题方式,最快速的刷题路径,你值得拥有~
- optiv/Talon - A password guessing tool that targets the Kerberos and LDAP services within the Windows Active Directory environment.
- CTF-MissFeng/NmapTools - Go语言练习,第一个小工具,nmaptools解析xml导出xlsx结果、进行web服务探测、进行socket数据探测等
- lifei6671/interview-go - golang面试题集合
- hsiafan/httpdump - Capture and parse http traffics
- moloch--/leakdb - Web-Scale NoSQL Idempotent Cloud-Native Big-Data Serverless Plaintext Credential Search
- cybercdh/kitphishr - A tool designed to hunt for Phishing Kit source code
- gokrazy/gokrazy - turn your Go program(s) into an appliance running on the Raspberry Pi 3, Pi 4, Pi 5, Pi Zero 2 W, or amd64 PCs!
- sterrasec/apk-medit - memory search and patch tool on debuggable apk without root & ndk
- sysdream/ligolo - Reverse Tunneling made easy for pentesters, by pentesters https://sysdream.com/
- kubernetes-sigs/kustomize - Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
- Static-Flow/gofingerprint - GoFingerprint is a Go tool for taking a list of target web servers and matching their HTTP responses against a user defined list of fingerprints.
- aquasecurity/kube-bench - Checks whether Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices as defined in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark
- D00MFist/Go4aRun - Shellcode runner in GO that incorporates shellcode encryption, remote process injection, block dlls, and spoofed parent process
- riza/medusa - Fastest recursive HTTP fuzzer, like a Ferrari.
- sunshinev/go-sword - 【Go-sword】可视化CRUD管理后台生成工具
- jckuester/awsls - A list command for AWS resources
- go-rod/rod - A Chrome DevTools Protocol driver for web automation and scraping.
- mailhog/MailHog - Web and API based SMTP testing
- kinvolk/lokomotive - 🪦 DISCONTINUED Further Lokomotive development has been discontinued. Lokomotive is a 100% open-source, easy to use and secure Kubernetes distribution from the volks at Kinvolk
- stefanoj3/dirstalk - Modern alternative to dirbuster/dirb
- sethvargo/go-envconfig - A Go library for parsing struct tags from environment variables.
- apache/incubator-seata-go - Go Implementation For Seata
- ncarlier/feedpushr - A simple feed aggregator daemon with sugar on top.
- michelin/ChopChop - ChopChop is a CLI to help developers scanning endpoints and identifying exposition of sensitive services/files/folders.
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
- lesnuages/go-execute-assembly - Allow a Go process to dynamically load .NET assemblies
- EddieIvan01/iox - Tool for port forwarding & intranet proxy
- TheMMMdev/addSome - Simple Go script to check if found domains in a file are already saved in your Findomain database
- fuzzitdev/fuzzit - CLI to integrate continuous fuzzing with Fuzzit (no longer available)
- 1ndianl33t/1ndiList - Recon Custom WordList Ganerator
- smallstep/autocert - ⚓ A kubernetes add-on that automatically injects TLS/HTTPS certificates into your containers
- ameenmaali/whoareyou - whoareyou is a tool to find the underlying technology/software used in a list of websites passed through stdin (using Wappalyzer dataset)
- ethicalhackingplayground/Zin - A Payload Injector for bugbounties written in go
- hakluke/haktldextract - Extract domains/subdomains from URLs en masse
- ngrok/sqlmw - Interceptors for database/sql
- hwholiday/gid - Golang 分布式ID生成系统,高性能、高可用、易扩展的id生成服务
- BishopFox/sliver - Adversary Emulation Framework
- projectdiscovery/chaos-client - Go client to communicate with Chaos DB API.
- projectdiscovery/naabu - A fast port scanner written in go with a focus on reliability and simplicity. Designed to be used in combination with other tools for attack surface discovery in bug bounties and pentests
- dwisiswant0/cf-check - CloudFlare Checker written in Go
- 05sec/Cardinal - CTF🚩 AWD (Attack with Defense) 线下赛平台 / AWD platform - 欢迎 Star~ ✨
- wunderwuzzi23/KoiPhish - A simple yet beautiful phishing proxy.
- caddyserver/forwardproxy - Forward proxy plugin for the Caddy web server
- Binject/backdoorfactory - A from-scratch rewrite of The Backdoor Factory - a MitM tool for inserting shellcode into all types of binaries on the wire.
- go-vgo/robotgo - RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform RPA and GUI automation @vcaesar
- erbbysam/DNSGrep - Quickly Search Large DNS Datasets
- random-robbie/ssrf-finder - Pass list of urls with FUZZ in and it will check if it has found a potential SSRF.
- 1ndianl33t/1ndi-hacks - Bug Bounty Tools
- gobysec/GobyVuls - Vulnerabilities of Goby supported with exploitation.
- projectdiscovery/public-bugbounty-programs - Community curated list of public bug bounty and responsible disclosure programs.
- xluohome/phonedata - 手机号码归属地信息库、手机号归属地查询 phone.dat 最后更新:2023年02月
- tomnomnom/fff - The Fairly Fast Fetcher. Requests a bunch of URLs provided on stdin fairly quickly.
- praetorian-inc/slack-c2bot - Slack C2bot that executes commands and returns the output.
- esrrhs/pingtunnel - Pingtunnel is a tool that send TCP/UDP traffic over ICMP
- pry0cc/subgen - A really simple utility to concate wordlists to a domain name - to pipe into your favourite resolver!
- ctoyan/waybackcollector - Fetch wayback machine historical content for a given url
- cruise-automation/rbacsync - Automatically sync groups into Kubernetes RBAC
- uber-go/ratelimit - A Go blocking leaky-bucket rate limit implementation
- Shivangx01b/CorsMe - Cross Origin Resource Sharing MisConfiguration Scanner
- leobeosab/sharingan - Offensive Security recon tool
- Sh1Yo/rate-limit-checker - Check whether the domain has a rate limit enabled.
- asciimoo/wuzz - Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection
- zmap/zgrab2 - Fast Application Layer Scanner
- ndelphit/apkurlgrep - Extract endpoints from APK files
- heroku/terrier - Terrier is a Image and Container analysis tool that can be used to scan Images and Containers to identify and verify the presence of specific files according to their hashes.
- xfhg/intercept - INTERCEPT / Policy as Code Auditing & Compliance
- chai2010/go-ast-book - 📚 《Go语言定制指南》(原名:Go语法树入门/开源免费图书/Go语言进阶/掌握抽象语法树/Go语言AST)
- tillson/git-hound - Reconnaissance tool for GitHub code search. Scans for exposed API keys across all of GitHub, not just known repos and orgs.
- ihaiker/sudis - Sudis !! Distributed supervisor process control system
- tailscale/tailscale - The easiest, most secure way to use WireGuard and 2FA.
- QSoloX/whoisyou - Take a list of domains and output the hostname and ip.
- virink/xray-weblisten-ui - Xray 被动扫描管理
- Dliv3/Venom - Venom - A Multi-hop Proxy for Penetration Testers
- jjf012/gopoc - 用cel-go重现了长亭xray的poc检测功能的轮子
- go-admin-team/go-admin - 基于Gin + Vue + Element UI & Arco Design & Ant Design 的前后端分离权限管理系统脚手架(包含了:多租户的支持,基础用户管理功能,jwt鉴权,代码生成器,RBAC资源控制,表单构建,定时任务等)3分钟构建自己的中后台项目;项目文档》:https://www.go-admin.pro V2 Demo: https://vue2.go-admin.d
- tismayil/ohmybackup - Scan Victim Backup Directories & Backup Files
- drk1wi/Modlishka - Modlishka. Reverse Proxy.
- joanbono/Gurp - Burp Commander written in Go
- projectdiscovery/dnsprobe - DNSProb is a tool built on top of retryabledns that allows you to perform multiple dns queries of your choice with a list of user supplied resolvers.
- zmap/zdns - Fast DNS Lookup Library and CLI Tool
- jaeles-project/jaeles - The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing
- hahwul/dalfox - 🌙🦊 Dalfox is a powerful open-source XSS scanner and utility focused on automation.
- shomali11/go-interview - Collection of Technical Interview Questions solved with Go
- lc/gau - Fetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl.
- gudegg/yunSpider - 百度云网盘爬虫
- master-coder-ll/v2ray-web-manager - v2ray-web-manager 是一个v2ray的面板,也是一个集群的解决方案;同时增加了流量控制/账号管理/限速等功能。key: admin , panel ,web,cluster,集群,proxy
- tuxotron/docker-image-generator - Customized docker images generation toolkit
- Adminisme/ServerScan - ServerScan一款使用Golang开发的高并发网络扫描、服务探测工具。
- projectdiscovery/nuclei - Nuclei is a fast, customizable vulnerability scanner powered by the global security community and built on a simple YAML-based DSL, enabling collaboration to tackle trending vulnerabilities on the int
- argoproj/argo-workflows - Workflow Engine for Kubernetes
- theblackturtle/fprobe - Take a list of domains/subdomains and probe for working http/https server.
- madneal/gshark - Scan for sensitive information easily and effectively.
- ATpiu/asset-scan - asset-scan是一款适用甲方企业的外网资产周期性扫描监控系统
- jesseduffield/lazydocker - The lazier way to manage everything docker
- parsiya/Hacking-with-Go - Golang for Security Professionals
- juice-shop/multi-juicer - Host and manage multiple Juice Shop instances for security trainings and Capture The Flags
- projectdiscovery/shuffledns - MassDNS wrapper written in go to enumerate valid subdomains using active bruteforce as well as resolve subdomains with wildcard filtering and easy input-output support.
- rhaidiz/broxy - An HTTP/HTTPS intercept proxy written in Go.
- TheKingOfDuck/ReverseGoShell - A Golang Reverse Shell Tool With AES Dynamic Encryption
- darkr4y/geacon - Practice Go programming and implement CobaltStrike's Beacon in Go
- kozlice/slack-webm-sentinel - A bot that tracks .webm links and converts them to .mp4
- Go-zh/tour - 【已弃用】新版移至 website 代码仓库
- gophish/gophish - Open-Source Phishing Toolkit
- sensepost/gowitness - 🔍 gowitness - a golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless
- xfiftyone/STS2G - Struts2漏洞扫描利用工具 - Golang版. Struts2 Scanner Written in Golang
- ZeroDream-CN/SakuraFrp - 基于 Frp 二次开发定制的版本,可实现多用户管理、限速等商业化功能
- phil-fly/goWeakPass - 使用golang编写的服务弱口令检测
- ph4ntonn/Stowaway - 👻Stowaway -- Multi-hop Proxy Tool for pentesters
- geph-official/geph2 - (ARCHIVED) Geph (迷霧通) is a modular Internet censorship circumvention system designed specifically to deal with national filtering.
- tomnomnom/hacks - A collection of hacks and one-off scripts
- tomnomnom/qsreplace - Accept URLs on stdin, replace all query string values with a user-supplied value
- phuslu/iploc - Fastest IP To Country Library
- ac0d3r/Hyuga - Hyuga 是一个用来监控带外(Out-of-Band)流量的工具。🪤
- hakluke/hakrevdns - Small, fast tool for performing reverse DNS lookups en masse.
- runZeroInc/runzero-tools - Open source tools, libraries, and datasets related to the runZero product and associated research
- hakluke/hakrawler - Simple, fast web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets within a web application
- yuxiaokui/gohtran - 反向socks5代理, 关键词: go htran 重复造轮子 ssocks ew
- sundowndev/phoneinfoga - Information gathering framework for phone numbers
- 40t/go-sniffer - 🔎Sniffing and parsing mysql,redis,http,mongodb etc protocol. 抓包截取项目中的数据库请求并解析成相应的语句。
- aquasecurity/trivy - Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
- xxjwxc/gowp - golang worker pool , Concurrency limiting goroutine pool
- Qianlitp/crawlergo - A powerful browser crawler for web vulnerability scanners
- dreamans/syncd - syncd是一款开源的代码部署工具,它具有简单、高效、易用等特点,可以提高团队的工作效率.
- insidersec/insider - Static Application Security Testing (SAST) engine focused on covering the OWASP Top 10, to make source code analysis to find vulnerabilities right in the source code, focused on a agile and easy to im
- naughtygopher/verifier - A minimal, customizable Go package for Email & Mobile number verification
- ahhh/nmap-to-netscan - A helper utility for turning nmap xml files into target lists for go-netscan
- openkruise/kruise - Automated management of large-scale applications on Kubernetes (incubating project under CNCF)
- guonaihong/gout - gout to become the Swiss Army Knife of the http client @^^@---> gout 是http client领域的瑞士军刀,小巧,强大,犀利。具体用法可看文档,如使用迷惑或者API用得不爽都可提issues
- wxbool/video-srt-windows - 这是一个可以识别视频语音自动生成字幕SRT文件的开源 Windows-GUI 软件工具。
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- crawlab-team/crawlab - Distributed web crawler admin platform for spiders management regardless of languages and frameworks. 分布式爬虫管理平台,支持任何语言和框架
- yakumioto/alkaid - Alkaid is a BaaS(Blockchan as a Service) service based on Hyperledger Fabric.
- TNK-Studio/gortal - 🚪A super lightweight jumpserver service developed using the Go language. 一个使用 Go 语言开发的,超级轻量的跳板机服务。
- kerbyj/goLazagne - Go library for credentials recovery
- squat/kilo - Kilo is a multi-cloud network overlay built on WireGuard and designed for Kubernetes (k8s + wg = kg)
- filebrowser/filebrowser - 📂 Web File Browser
- derailed/k9s - 🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
- flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin - 🚀Vite+Vue3+Gin拥有AI辅助的基础开发平台,支持TS和JS混用。它集成了JWT鉴权、权限管理、动态路由、显隐可控组件、分页封装、多点登录拦截、资源权限、上传下载、代码生成器、表单生成器和可配置的导入导出等开发必备功能。
- aquasecurity/tracee - Linux Runtime Security and Forensics using eBPF
- cbeuw/Cloak - A censorship circumvention tool to evade detection by authoritarian state adversaries
- gin-gonic/gin - Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
- kataras/iris - The fastest HTTP/2 Go Web Framework. New, modern and easy to learn. Fast development with Code you control. Unbeatable cost-performance ratio 🚀
- github/gh-ost - GitHub's Online Schema-migration Tool for MySQL
- mehrdadrad/radvpn - Decentralized VPN
- LyricTian/gin-admin - A lightweight, flexible, elegant and full-featured RBAC scaffolding based on GIN + GORM 2.0 + Casbin 2.0 + Wire DI.基于 Golang + Gin + GORM 2.0 + Casbin 2.0 + Wire DI 的轻量级、灵活、优雅且功能齐全的 RBAC 脚手架。
- TruthHun/BookStack - BookStack,基于MinDoc,使用Beego开发的在线文档管理系统,功能类似Gitbook和看云。
- thinkeridea/go-extend - go语言扩展包,收集一些常用的操作函数,辅助更快的完成开发工作,并减少重复代码
- xinliangnote/go-gin-api - 基于 Gin 进行模块化设计的 API 框架,封装了常用功能,使用简单,致力于进行快速的业务研发。比如,支持 cors 跨域、jwt 签名验证、zap 日志收集、panic 异常捕获、trace 链路追踪、prometheus 监控指标、swagger 文档生成、viper 配置文件解析、gorm 数据库组件、gormgen 代码生成工具、graphql 查询语言、errno 统一定义错误码、gR
- eolinker/goku_lite - A Powerful HTTP API Gateway in pure golang!Goku API Gateway (中文名:悟空 API 网关)是一个基于 Golang开发的微服务网关,能够实现高性能 HTTP API 转发、服务编排、多租户管理、API 访问权限控制等目的,拥有强大的自定义插件系统可以自行扩展,并且提供友好的图形化配置界面,能够快速帮助企业进行 API 服务治理、提高 AP
- yangwenmai/learning-golang - Go 学习之路:Go 开发者博客、Go 微信公众号、Go 学习资料(文档、书籍、视频)
- defenxor/dsiem - Security event correlation engine for ELK stack
- TeaWeb/build - TeaWeb-可视化的Web代理服务。DEMO: http://teaos.cn:7777
- gourouting/singo - Gin+Gorm开发Golang API快速开发脚手架
- nntaoli-project/goex - Cryptocurrency Exchange REST API SDK Wrapper Implemented With the golang, Supporting OKX, Huobi, Binance
- sqshq/sampler - Tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting. Configured with a simple YAML file.
- mdsecactivebreach/o365-attack-toolkit - A toolkit to attack Office365
- OJ/gobuster - Directory/File, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go
- netevert/delator - Golang-based subdomain miner leveraging certificate transparency logs
- tomnomnom/assetfinder - Find domains and subdomains related to a given domain
- mlogclub/bbs-go - 基于Golang的开源社区系统。简洁对话,高效互动,社区新体验!
- astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang - A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
- myrual/mixin-network-snapshot-golang - crypto currency gateway plugin for web store
- aceld/zinx - A lightweight concurrent server framework based on Golang.
- hanxi/lemonade - Lemonade is a remote utility tool. (copy, paste and open browser) over TCP.
- txthinking/zoro - zoro can help you expose local server to external network. Support both TCP/UDP, of course support HTTP. Zero-Configuration.
- az0ne/Finder - 一款Go语言实现的端口扫描器.
- Virus-V/arpZebra - ARP+DNS欺骗工具,网络安全第三次实验,课堂演示用,严禁非法用途。ARPSpoof,wifi hijack,dns spoof
- rancher/k3os - Purpose-built OS for Kubernetes, fully managed by Kubernetes.
- gcla/termshark - A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
- RickGray/vscan-go - golang version for nmap service and application version detection (without nmap installation)
- ffuf/ffuf - Fast web fuzzer written in Go
- lis912/CapOS - 等级保护测评windows工具源码
- netxfly/x-crack - x-crack - Weak password scanner, Support: FTP/SSH/SNMP/MSSQL/MYSQL/PostGreSQL/REDIS/ElasticSearch/MONGODB
- ice-ice/dnstunnel - dns tunnel backdoor DNS隧道后门
- future-architect/vuls - Agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices
- milo2012/pathbrute - Pathbrute
- l3m0n/whatweb - 更快速的进行Web应用指纹识别
- boy-hack/goWhatweb - [学习GO] go语言写的web指纹识别 - Identify websites by go language
- gwuhaolin/livego - live video streaming server in golang
- ffhelicopter/Go42 - 《Go语言四十二章经》详细讲述Go语言规范与语法细节及开发中常见的误区,通过研读标准库等经典代码设计模式,启发读者深刻理解Go语言的核心思维,进入Go语言开发的更高阶段。
- meshbird/meshbird - Distributed private networking
- Q2h1Cg/dnsbrute - a fast domain brute tool
- marco-lancini/goscan - Interactive Network Scanner
- tair-opensource/RedisShake - RedisShake is a Redis data processing and migration tool.
- knownsec/gsm - 使用树莓派配合硬件来进行短信转发
- WangYihang/Platypus - 🔨 A modern multiple reverse shell sessions manager written in go
- jmpews/goscan - golang的扫描框架, 支持协程池和自动调节协程个数.
- coyim/coyim - coyim - a safe and secure chat client
- golang-china/awesome-go-zh - 📚 Go资源精选中文版(含中文图书大全)
- securego/gosec - Go security checker
- ehang-io/nps - 一款轻量级、高性能、功能强大的内网穿透代理服务器。支持tcp、udp、socks5、http等几乎所有流量转发,可用来访问内网网站、本地支付接口调试、ssh访问、远程桌面,内网dns解析、内网socks5代理等等……,并带有功能强大的web管理端。a lightweight, high-performance, powerful intranet penetration proxy server,
- opensec-cn/kunpeng - kunpeng是一个Golang编写的开源POC框架/库,以动态链接库的形式提供各种语言调用,通过此项目可快速开发漏洞检测类的系统。
- j3ssie/osmedeus - A Workflow Engine for Offensive Security
- rockstar2046/cmus-lyric - cmus lyric viewer
- maxmcd/webtty - Share a terminal session over WebRTC
- 0xDkd/auxpi - 🍭 集合多家 API 的新一代图床
- root-gg/plik - Plik is a temporary file upload system (Wetransfer like) in Go.
- sensepost/godoh - 🕳 godoh - A DNS-over-HTTPS C2
- mkchoi212/fac - Easy-to-use CUI for fixing git conflicts
- gogs/gogs - Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service
- iwannay/jiacrontab - 简单可信赖的任务管理工具
- Releasel0ck/Blind-SQL-Injector - 手工盲注辅助注入工具
- netxfly/docker_ssh_honeypot - 安全开发教学 - 用Docker制作一个高交互ssh蜜罐
- jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
- go-gitea/gitea - Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD
- sipt/shuttle - A web proxy in Golang with amazing features.
- lixiangzhong/dnsutil - dns dig for golang
- TruthHun/DocHub - 参考百度文库,使用Beego(Golang)开发的开源文库系统
- TimothyYe/godns - A dynamic DNS client tool that supports AliDNS, Cloudflare, Google Domains, DNSPod, HE.net & DuckDNS & DreamHost, etc, written in Go.
- cloverstd/tcping - ping over a tcp connection
- google/subcommands - Go subcommand library.
- fanpei91/torsniff - torsniff - a sniffer that sniffs torrents from BitTorrent network
- anshumanbh/merge-nmap-masscan - Merge results from NMAP and Masscan into one CSV file
- anoshop/BAT_Check_DomainName -
- helloxz/zdir - A multifunctional private storage program that integrates file indexing, online preview, and sharing, supporting both WebDAV and cloud download.
- jimeh/tmux-themepack - A pack of various Tmux themes.
- xo/usql - Universal command-line interface for SQL databases
- miniflux/v2 - Minimalist and opinionated feed reader
- AmyangXYZ/DNSSniffer - DNSQuery Sniffer in Golang
- OpenBazaar/go-onion-transport - Tor onion transport for IPFS
- snail007/goproxy - 🔥 Proxy is a high performance HTTP(S) proxies, SOCKS5 proxies,WEBSOCKET, TCP, UDP proxy server implemented by golang. Now, it supports chain-style proxies,nat forwarding in different lan,TCP/UDP port
- shawn1m/overture - A customized DNS relay server
- projectdiscovery/subfinder - Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool.
- baidu-security/app-env-docker - 基于 Docker 的真实应用测试环境
- claudiodangelis/qrcp - ⚡ Transfer files over wifi from your computer to your mobile device by scanning a QR code without leaving the terminal.
- dsopas/rfd-checker - RFD Checker - security CLI tool to test Reflected File Download issues
- gilbertchen/duplicacy - A new generation cloud backup tool
- tiagorlampert/CHAOS - 🔥 CHAOS is a free and open-source Remote Administration Tool that allow generate binaries to control remote operating systems.
- cointop-sh/cointop - A fast and lightweight interactive terminal based UI application for tracking cryptocurrencies 🚀
- lyyyuna/godht -
- shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go - go port of shadowsocks (Deprecated)
- mritd/idgen - 一个使用 golang 编写的大陆身份证生成器
- cbeuw/GoQuiet - A Shadowsocks obfuscation plugin utilising domain fronting to evade deep packet inspection
- haccer/subjack - Subdomain Takeover tool written in Go
- qax-os/ElasticHD - Elasticsearch 可视化DashBoard, 支持Es监控、实时搜索,Index template快捷替换修改,索引列表信息查看, SQL converts to DSL等
- gitleaks/gitleaks - Find secrets with Gitleaks 🔑
- cloudreve/Cloudreve - 🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (Self-hosted file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers)
- Ice3man543/SubOver - A Powerful Subdomain Takeover Tool
- MiSecurity/x-patrol - github泄露扫描系统
- ginuerzh/gost - GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang
- avast/apkverifier - APK Signature verification in Go. Supports scheme v1, v2 and v3 and passes Google apksig's testing suite.
- dzonerzy/goWAPT - Go Web Application Penetration Test
- rgburke/grv - GRV is a terminal interface for viewing git repositories
- jiajunhuang/guard - NOT MAINTAINED! A generic high performance circuit breaker & proxy server written in Go
- random-robbie/AWS-Scanner - Scans a list of websites for Cloudfront or S3 Buckets
- DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy - dnscrypt-proxy 2 - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.
- malfunkt/hyperfox - HTTP/HTTPS MITM proxy and recorder.
- LubyRuffy/tcptunnel - 将本地内网服务器映射到公网。
- ghostunnel/ghostunnel - A simple SSL/TLS proxy with mutual authentication for securing non-TLS services.
- mmatczuk/go-http-tunnel - Fast and secure tunnels over HTTP/2
- mattn/ft - File Transferer
- ethereum/go-ethereum - Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
- cookieY/Yearning - 🐳 A most popular sql audit platform for mysql
- crabkun/switcher - 一个多功能的端口转发/端口复用工具,支持转发本地或远程地址的端口,支持正则表达式转发(实现端口复用)。
- fardog/secureoperator - A DNS-protocol proxy for DNS-over-HTTPS providers, such as Google and Cloudflare
- drish/ben - Your benchmark assistant, written in Go.
- Nhoya/gOSINT - OSINT Swiss Army Knife
- cw1997/NATBypass - 一款lcx.exe在golang下的实现, 可用于内网穿透, 建立TCP反弹隧道用以绕过防火墙入站限制等, This tool is used to establish reverse tunnel in NAT network environment, it can bypass firewall inbound restriction, support all functions of lcx
- sa7mon/S3Scanner - Scan for misconfigured S3 buckets across S3-compatible APIs!
- netxfly/xsec-proxy-scanner - xsec-proxy-scanner是一款速度超快、小巧的代理扫描器
- go-ignite/ignite - A SS(R) panel for managing multiple users, powered by Go & Docker.
- yinqiwen/gsnova - Private proxy solution & network troubleshooting tool.
- timest/goscan - goscan is a simple and efficient IPv4 network scanner that discovers all active devices on local subnet.
- tam7t/hpkp - golang hpkp client library
- twitchyliquid64/subnet - Simple, auditable & elegant VPN, built with TLS mutual authentication and TUN.
- dreddsa5dies/goHackTools - Hacker tools on Go (Golang)
- rclone/rclone - "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files
- moul/assh - 💻 make your ssh client smarter
- yangxuan8282/docker-image -
- averagesecurityguy/searchscan - Search Nmap and Metasploit scanning scripts.
- netxfly/xsec-ip-database - xsec-ip-database为一个恶意IP和域名库(Malicious ip database)
- bynil/sov2ex - A site search for V2EX
- coyove/goflyway - An encrypted HTTP server
- junegunn/fzf - 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder
- flynaj/kcptun - A Secure Tunnel Based On KCP with N:M Multiplexing
- inconshreveable/slt - A TLS reverse proxy with SNI multiplexing in Go
- diamondyuan-achieve/frp -
- inconshreveable/ngrok - Unified ingress for developers
- moby/moby - The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
- gohugoio/hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- jpillora/cloud-torrent - ☁️ Cloud Torrent: a self-hosted remote torrent client
- yeasy/docker_practice - Learn and understand Docker&Container technologies, with real DevOps practice!
- shyiko/kubesec - Secure Secret management for Kubernetes (with gpg, Google Cloud KMS and AWS KMS backends)
- netxfly/xsec-dns-proxy - DNS代理服务器,可以记录log到数据库中
- shiyanhui/dht - BitTorrent DHT Protocol && DHT Spider.
- btcsuite/btcd - An alternative full node bitcoin implementation written in Go (golang)
- ARwMq9b6/dnsproxy - 防 DNS 缓存污染,兼顾查询质量与速度
- yinghuocho/firefly-proxy - A proxy software to help circumventing the Great Firewall.
- Kisesy/gscan_quic - Google Quic 扫描工具
- IDrinkMoreWater/fetchserver - phuslu删掉了fetchserver,我重新传一个
- nadoo/glider - glider is a forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features(like dnsmasq).
- txthinking/brook - A cross-platform programmable network tool
- avelino/awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
- caddyserver/caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
- evilsocket/xray - XRay is a tool for recon, mapping and OSINT gathering from public networks.
- huacnlee/flora-kit - 💐 基于 shadowsocks-go 做的完善实现,自动网络分流,完全兼容 Surge 的配置文件。
- apex/gh-polls - Polls for user feedback in GitHub issues
- x90skysn3k/brutespray - Bruteforcing from various scanner output - Automatically attempts default creds on found services.
- rabbitstack/fibratus - Adversary tradecraft detection, protection, and hunting
- crazy-max/WindowsSpyBlocker - Block spying and tracking on Windows
- evilsocket/dnssearch - A subdomain enumeration tool.
- zmap/zgrab - DEPRECATED This project has been replaced by https://github.com/zmap/zgrab2
- evilsocket/brutemachine - A Go library which main purpose is giving an interface to loop over a dictionary and use those words/lines as input for some custom logic such as HTTP file bruteforcing, DNS bruteforcing, etc.
- monperrus/crawler-user-agents - Syntactic patterns of HTTP user-agents used by bots / robots / crawlers / scrapers / spiders. pull-request welcome ⭐
- rqlite/rqlite - The lightweight, user-friendly, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
- michenriksen/aquatone - A Tool for Domain Flyovers
- anshumanbh/git-all-secrets - A tool to capture all the git secrets by leveraging multiple open source git searching tools
- quay/clair - Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers
- InsZVA/tap0901 - Go语言虚拟网卡库,可用于制作对战平台、加速器、防火墙、VPN等
- techjacker/repo-security-scanner - CLI tool that finds secrets accidentally committed to a git repo, eg passwords, private keys
- netxfly/crack_ssh - go写的协程版的ssh\redis\mongodb弱口令破解工具
- shunfei/cronsun - A Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Cron-Style Job System.
- kashav/fsql - Search for files using a fun query language
- yeasy/blockchain_guide - Introduce blockchain related technologies, from theory to practice with bitcoin, ethereum and hyperledger.
- mysteriumnetwork/node - Mysterium Network Node - official implementation of distributed VPN network (dVPN) protocol
- early-return/ebreader - 一个让你可以在浏览器中阅读Epub电子书的CLI程序,使用Golang编写
- FeatureBaseDB/featurebase - A crazy fast analytical database, built on bitmaps. Perfect for ML applications. Learn more at: http://docs.featurebase.com/. Start a Docker instance: https://hub.docker.com/r/featurebasedb/featurebas
- kryptco/kr - DEPRECATED A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
- c0nrad/go-mbf - MongoDB Login Brute Forcer
- coreybutler/nvm-windows - A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
- Shopify/toxiproxy - ⏰ 🔥 A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials
- duolatech/xapimanager - XAPI MANAGER -专业实用的开源接口管理平台,为程序开发者提供一个灵活,方便,快捷的API管理工具,让API管理变的更加清晰、明朗。如果你觉得xApi对你有用的话,别忘了给我们点个赞哦^_^ !
- fatedier/frp - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
- cilium/cilium - eBPF-based Networking, Security, and Observability
- linuxkit/linuxkit - A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers
- weaveworks/scope - Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes
- prasmussen/gdrive - Google Drive CLI Client
- StackExchange/dnscontrol - Infrastructure as code for DNS!
- sensepost/ruler - A tool to abuse Exchange services
- 0x4D31/honeybits - A PoC tool designed to enhance the effectiveness of your traps by spreading breadcrumbs & honeytokens across your systems to lure the attacker toward your honeypots
- qiniu/qshell - Shell Tools for Qiniu Cloud
- gonet2/geoip - query geo-locations of ips
- lionsoul2014/ip2region - Ip2region (2.0 - xdb) is a offline IP address manager framework and locator, support billions of data segments, ten microsecond searching performance. xdb engine implementation for many programming la
- michenriksen/gitrob - Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
- huichen/wukong - 高度可定制的全文搜索引擎
- beego/beego - beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
- xtaci/kcptun - A Quantum-Safe Secure Tunnel based on QPP, KCP, FEC, and N:M multiplexing.
- unknwon/the-way-to-go_ZH_CN - 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》
- urfave/negroni - Idiomatic HTTP Middleware for Golang
- ajermakovics/jvm-mon - Console-based JVM monitoring tool
- flike/kingshard - A high-performance MySQL proxy
- ankushs92/geolocation-useragent-parser-rest-api - A very fast geolocation and user-agent analysis REST API. Written in Groovy on top of Vert.x platform.
- bridgecrewio/terragoat - TerraGoat is Bridgecrew's "Vulnerable by Design" Terraform repository. TerraGoat is a learning and training project that demonstrates how common configuration errors can find their way into production
- HuskyHacks/PMAT-labs - Labs for Practical Malware Analysis & Triage
- christophetd/Adaz - 🔧 Deploy customizable Active Directory labs in Azure - automatically.
- nozaq/terraform-aws-secure-baseline - Terraform module to set up your AWS account with the secure baseline configuration based on CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations and AWS Foundational Security Best Practices.
- ralphte/devops_4_hackers - DevOps for Hackers with Hands-On Labs w/ Ralph May (4-Hour Workshop)
- cfalta/activedirectory-lab - Terraform config to spin up a domain controller and some member servers in azure
- easttimor/aws-incident-response -
- stackrox/Kubernetes_Security_Specialist_Study_Guide -
- anshumanbh/terraform-burp-collaborator - Terraform configuration to build a Burp Private Collaborator Server
- SlimKQL/Hunting-Queries-Detection-Rules - KQL Queries. Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Sentinel
- nicekate/AI-ContentCraft - AI ContentCraft is an all-in-one content creation suite that helps creators generate stories, podcast scripts, and multimedia content using AI-powered text generation, speech synthesis, and image gene
- dqzboy/Docker-Proxy - 🔥 🔥 🔥 自建Docker镜像加速服务,基于官方Docker Registry 一键部署Docker、K8s、Quay、Ghcr、Mcr、Nvcr等镜像加速\管理服务。支持免服务器部署到Render\Koyeb
- aigem/cursor-pro-trial - 安全又简便快捷地换标识码,for cursor pro trial。
- kbtxwer/IELTS - 剑桥雅思
- qiye45/wechatDownload - 微信公众号文章批量下载工具,支持图片、评论、合集下载,支持保存html/mhtml/md/pdf/docx文件
- A10ha/EmailSender - 钓鱼邮件便捷发送工具(GUI)
- 2740908911/Pilot-Web - Pilot-Web:一款基于PythonFlask框架开发的前后端分离式渗透测试&漏洞挖掘Web靶场,内置WP与知识库的集成式教学靶场。
- BambiZombie/QRPhish - 二维码钓鱼
- ch3nnn/webstack-go - 基于 Gin 框架的网址导航项目,具备完整的前后台。您可以拿来制作自己平日收藏的网址导航。
- gerosecurity/gerobug - The First Open Source Bug Bounty Platform
- Clouditera/Clouditera.github.io - 塑造未来的安全领域智能革命
- FY036/BurpGCR - burp的Decoder遇到汉字会出现乱码,此工具用来修复这个乱码
- ybdt/pentest-hub - Web打点
- quahac/Azure-AD-Password-Checker - Azure AD Password Checker
- SexyBeast233/SecBooks - 安全类各家文库大乱斗
- Potato-py/ExportReport - 本项目用于自动化生成报告。可根据项目需求,通过简单的提取变量来自定义报告模板。内附常见扫描器API/原报告(awvs、xray、goby)数据提取模块,可直接生成全新的自定义报告。 对有复杂的功能需求时,适用于有Python基础的人使用。 本项目内附二次开发所用的资料文档,欢迎各位提Pull Request
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
- dark-kingA/superSearchPlus - superSearchPlus是聚合型信息收集插件,支持综合查询,资产测绘查询,信息收集 敏感信息提取 js资源扫描 目录扫描 vue组件扫描 整合了目前常见的资产测绘平台 专为白帽子提供快速侦测目标。
- karthi-the-hacker/Gh0stR3c0n - All in one web Recon app
- code-scan/LoginFish - 通用登录页面安全控件钓鱼
- Phuong39/PoC-CVE-2021-30632 - PoC CVE-2021-30632 - Out of bounds write in V8
- Wrong-pixel/inforgation -
- trickest/cve - Gather and update all available and newest CVEs with their PoC.
- theori-io/CVE-2022-26717-Safari-WebGL-Exploit -
- mahp/jQuery-with-XSS - jQuery with XSS, Testing and Secure Version
- alufers/mitmproxy2swagger - Automagically reverse-engineer REST APIs via capturing traffic
- KhronosGroup/glTF - glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
- Threekiii/Vulnerability-Wiki - 基于 docsify 快速部署 Awesome-POC 中的漏洞文档
- shengshengli/SecExample - java漏洞靶场
- satan1a/TheRoadOfSO - 学习安全运营的记录 | The knowledge base of security operation
- lovechoudoufu/baselinecheck_cdf - Security check of system baseline.服务器基线检查工具。基于python3造的对linux、windows服务器做基线核查的轮子。
- kagancapar/CVE-2022-29072 - 7-Zip through 21.07 on Windows allows privilege escalation and command execution when a file with the .7z extension is dragged to the Help>Contents area.
- ultrasecurity/Storm-Breaker - Social engineering tool [Access Webcam & Microphone & Location Finder] With {Py,JS,PHP}
- lijiejie/eyes.sh - Optimized DNS/HTTP Log Tool for pentesters, faster and easy to use.
- jatinkalwar/fisher - New phishing tool with 30+ templates updated tool
- JDArmy/RTASS - 红蓝对抗量化评估系统(Red Team Assessment Scoring System)
- reconmap/pentest-reports-static - Collection of penetration test reports and pentest report templates. Published by the the best security companies in the world.
- redteamwiki/redteamwiki -
- etlownoise/xolo - Tool to crawl, visualize and interact with SQL server links in a d3 graph to help in your red/blue/purple/.../risk assessments pentest hacking team exercises.
- Rvn0xsy/SMTP-NC - SMTP Netcat , test SMTP protocol
- jgamblin/CPEData - NVD CPE Data
- orleven/Celestion - Celestion 是一个无回显漏洞测试辅助平台,平台使用flask编写,提供DNSLOG,HTTPLOG等功能。 (界面懒得弄,后续有需要再说)。
- terryvogelsang/PentestFTW - Penetration Testing tips & tricks
- roottusk/vapi - vAPI is Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface which is Self-Hostable API that mimics OWASP API Top 10 scenarios through Exercises.
- tb0hdan/domains - World’s single largest Internet domains dataset
- xsscx/Commodity-Injection-Signatures - Commodity Injection Signatures, Malicious Inputs, XSS, HTTP Header Injection, XXE, RCE, Javascript, XSLT
- Ed1s0nZ/cool - Golang-Gin 框架写的免杀平台,内置分离、捆绑等多种BypassAV方式。
- ybdt/post-hub - 后渗透
- chroblert/Flash-Pop2 - Flash-Pop升级版
- EdOverflow/bugbountyguide - Bug Bounty Guide is a launchpad for bug bounty programs and bug bounty hunters.
- tombstoneghost/TIWAP - Totally Insecure Web Application Project (TIWAP)
- mpast/mobileAudit - Django application that performs SAST and Malware Analysis for Android APKs
- klezVirus/CVE-2021-40444 - CVE-2021-40444 - Fully Weaponized Microsoft Office Word RCE Exploit
- OWASP/Top10 - Official OWASP Top 10 Document Repository
- lockedbyte/CVE-2021-40444 - CVE-2021-40444 PoC
- ybdt/fish-hub - 社工钓鱼
- HangZhouCat/ReaverAPKTools - 逆向APK工具
- cckuailong/vulbase - 各大漏洞文库合集
- techchipnet/CamPhish - Grab cam shots from target's phone front camera or PC webcam just sending a link.
- Accruent/owasp-zap-historic - Store ZAP reports historically and compare current ZAP results against the most recent for changes in alerts.
- OtherDevOpsGene/zap-sonar-plugin - Integrates OWASP Zed Attack Proxy reports into SonarQube
- IQTLabs/AuraBorealisApp - Do You Know What's In Your Python Packages? A Tool for Visualizing Python Package Registry Security Audit Data
- r00tk1ts/binary-security-tutorial - Resource assembly of 'Binary Security Tutorial' online course of mine. Video link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ltcHIehhLFVFMvru6tGQ8A Passwd:axje
- OWASP/NodeGoat - The OWASP NodeGoat project provides an environment to learn how OWASP Top 10 security risks apply to web applications developed using Node.js and how to effectively address them.
- tangxiaofeng7/SecExample - JAVA 漏洞靶场 (Vulnerability Environment For Java)
- iknowjason/BlueCloud - Cyber Range including Velociraptor + HELK system with a Windows VM for security testing and R&D. Azure and AWS terraform support.
- The-Login/DNS-Reset-Checker - Tools to assess the DNS security of web applications
- rpetrich/deciduous - App that simplifies building decision trees to model adverse scenarios
- M4tir/M-Scan - Optical Chain Scanner 光链安全扫描器
- chainflag/ctfd-neon-theme -
- ctf-wiki/ctf-challenges -
- Cl0udG0d/pppXray - Xray批量化自动扫描
- woj-ciech/Shomap - Create visualization from Shodan query
- TomAPU/schemeflood - schemeflood demo
- satan1a/awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam-cn - 网络安全 · 攻防对抗 · 蓝队清单,中文版
- HacktivistRO/Bug-Bounty-Wordlists - This repository contains some of the most exhaustive wordlists for enumeration, gathered from a lot of wordlists available on the Internet.
- s7ckTeam/sWebScanner - 作为一个网络安全从业人员,在测试网站目录时,常用的就是御剑,7kb等几款,使用下来始终觉得缺少了什么东西,于是重复造了一个轮子,此版本支持自定义字典,返回大小,代理IP模式,爆破模式
- ripienaar/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- Puliczek/CVE-2021-21123-PoC-Google-Chrome - 🐱💻 👍 Google Chrome - File System Access API - vulnerabilities reported by Maciej Pulikowski | Total Bug Bounty Reward: $5.000 | CVE-2021-21123 and 5 more...
- ustayready/CredSniper - CredSniper is a phishing framework written with the Python micro-framework Flask and Jinja2 templating which supports capturing 2FA tokens.
- M-Kings/BypassAv-web - nim一键免杀
- collabnix/kubetools - Kubetools - Curated List of Kubernetes Tools
- jonasstrehle/supercookie -
⚠️ Browser fingerprinting via favicon! - zwc456baby/file-proxy - 文件代下载服务,github文件加速下载,支持任意文件格式。支持命令行代下,支持子节点权重负载均衡。
- alivx/CIS-Ubuntu-20.04-Ansible - Ansible Role to Automate CIS v1.1.0 Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS Remediation
- WADComs/WADComs.github.io - WADComs is an interactive cheat sheet, containing a curated list of offensive security tools and their respective commands, to be used against Windows/AD environments.
- xsleaks/wiki - XS-Leaks Wiki
- ethicalhackingplayground/SubNuke - Subdomain Takeover tool with web UI
- Ap0k4L1p5/Ap0k4L1p5.github.io - Portfolio website.
- madhuakula/security-automation-with-ansible-2 - Ansible Playbooks for Security Automation with Ansible2 book
- gh0stkey/Web-Fuzzing-Box - Web Fuzzing Box - Web 模糊测试字典与一些Payloads
- ybdt/exp-hub - 漏洞复现
- Cl0udG0d/HXnineTails - python3实现的集成了github上多个扫描工具的命令行WEB扫描工具
- jas502n/Security_Article - scrapy website Article and link ...
- Wileysec/adobe-flash-phishing-page - Adobe Flash Phishing Page(Adobe Flash钓鱼页面)
- ericchiang/pup - Parsing HTML at the command line
- ffffffff0x/AboutSecurity - Everything for pentest. | 用于渗透测试的 payload 和 bypass 字典.
- doocop/Flash_Xss - Flash最新钓鱼源码对接官方API实现跟随官方升级而升级
- fwonggh/Bthub - Bthub最新地址发布页
- qkqpttgf/OneManager-php - An index & manager of Onedrive based on serverless. Can be deployed to Heroku/Glitch/Vercel/Replit/SCF/FG/FC/CFC/PHP web hosting/VPS.
- sense-of-security/ADRecon - ADRecon is a tool which gathers information about the Active Directory and generates a report which can provide a holistic picture of the current state of the target AD environment.
- BaizeSec/bylibrary - 白阁文库是白泽Sec安全团队维护的一个漏洞POC和EXP公开项目
- hunzaboy/CodedMailsFree - Ready to use 50+ responsive HTML email templates - Codedmails Free
- DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo - DevSecOps, ASPM, Vulnerability Management. All on one platform.
- MS-WEB-BN/c41n - Automated rogue access point setup tool.
- wgpsec/VulnRange - 漏洞靶场-快速搭建Web安全漏洞和第三方组件漏洞环境,用于漏洞复现和研究
- zgjx6/SocialEngineeringDictionaryGenerator - 社会工程学密码生成器,是一个利用个人信息生成密码的工具
- sbousseaden/EVTX-ATTACK-SAMPLES - Windows Events Attack Samples
- r00tSe7en/Flash-Pop - Flash钓鱼弹窗优化版
- EtherDream/js-port-knocking - Web 端口敲门的奇思妙想
- SummerSec/JavaLearnVulnerability - Java漏洞学习笔记 Deserialization Vulnerability
- Humoud/apksneeze-lab - Analyze Android APK files from a browser.
- OWASP/www-project-integration-standards - OWASP Foundation Web Respository
- DasSecurity-HatLab/HatLab_IOT_Wiki - 海特实验室物联网安全知识库
- KnightSec-Official/Phlexish - Advanced Spear Phishing tool for Facebook with 2 factor authentication bypass! May contain minor bugs due to...idk
- math1as/Windows-GDI-fuzzer - Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI+) fuzzer
- sayaanalam/CORS-EXPLOIT -
- mixmark-io/turndown - 🛏 An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
- yogeshojha/rengine - reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework for web applications with a focus on highly configurable streamlined recon process via Engines, recon data correlation and organization, continuous mon
- dongfangyuxiao/BurpExtend - 基于Burp插件开发打造渗透测试自动化
- FeeiCN/Security-PPT - Security-related Slide Presentation & Security Research Report(大安全各领域各公司各会议分享的PPT以及各类安全研究报告)
- madhuakula/kubernetes-goat - Kubernetes Goat is a "Vulnerable by Design" cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security using an interactive hands-on playground 🚀
- momenbasel/keyFinder - Keyfinder🔑 is a tool that let you find keys while surfing the web!
- Arryboom/Language - Some dirty tricks to learn different programming language.
- humblelad/Needle - Instant access to you bug bounty submission dashboard on various platforms + publicly disclosed reports + #bugbountytip
- UnkL4b/BabyShark - Basic C2 Server
- Cl0udG0d/SZhe_Scan - 碎遮SZhe_Scan Web漏洞扫描器,基于python Flask框架,对输入的域名/IP进行全面的信息搜集,漏洞扫描,可自主添加POC
- guhe120/Windows-EoP - Windows EoP Bugs
- subspacecommunity/subspace - A fork of the simple WireGuard VPN server GUI community maintained
- mubix/post-exploitation-wiki - Post Exploitation Wiki
- nccgroup/autochrome - This tool downloads, installs, and configures a shiny new copy of Chromium.
- MindPatch/hacking-lab - Small Vulnerable Web App
- Mr-xn/BurpSuite-collections - 有关burpsuite的插件(非商店),文章以及使用技巧的收集(此项目不再提供burpsuite破解文件,如需要请在博客mrxn.net下载)---Collection of burpsuite plugins (non-stores), articles and tips for using Burpsuite, no crack version file
- hackxc/xss_flash - Xss之Flash钓鱼
- proabiral/inception - A highly configurable Framework for easy automated web scanning
- vavkamil/bugbountytip.com - Flask powered website to display tweets with a hashtag #bugbountytip
- bb1nfosec/Information-Security-Tasks - This repository is created only for infosec professionals whom work day to day basis to equip ourself with uptodate skillset, We can daily contribute daily one hour for day to day tasks and work on pr
- si9int/Subra - A Web-UI for subdomain enumeration (subfinder)
- clong/DetectionLab - Automate the creation of a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices
- drduh/YubiKey-Guide - Guide to using YubiKey for GnuPG and SSH
- nu11secur1ty/Windows10Exploits - Microsoft » Windows 10 : Security Vulnerabilities
- myvyang/chromium_for_spider - dynamic crawler for web vulnerability scanner
- mewcoder/SharedCourses - 大学课程共享计划整理
- Mr-xn/Penetration_Testing_POC - 渗透测试有关的POC、EXP、脚本、提权、小工具等---About penetration-testing python-script poc getshell csrf xss cms php-getshell domainmod-xss csrf-webshell cobub-razor cve rce sql sql-poc poc-exp bypass oa-getshell cve-cm
- Coq-zh/SF-zh - 《软件基础》中译版 Software Foundations Chinese Translation
- forecho/hugo-theme-echo - A super concise theme for Hugo
- nshalabi/ATTACK-Tools - Utilities for MITRE™ ATT&CK
- HiddenStrawberry/Crawler_Illegal_Cases_In_China - Collection of China illegal cases about web crawler 本项目用来整理所有中国大陆爬虫开发者涉诉与违规相关的新闻、资料与法律法规。致力于帮助在中国大陆工作的爬虫行业从业者了解我国相关法律,避免触碰数据合规红线。 [AD]中文知识图谱门户
- shubhamshubhankar/DumpTheGit - DumpTheGit searches through public repositories to find sensitive information uploaded to the Github repositories.
- xfirefly/Airplay-SDK - The Best Airplay SDK supports Airplay Mirroring and AirPlay Casting to a receiver device.
- wangweianger/APubPlat - Devops自动化部署、堡垒机开源项目、Web Terminal
- ColorlibHQ/gentelella - Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
- decal/werdlists - ⌨️ Wordlists, Dictionaries and Other Data Sets for Writing Software Security Test Cases
- r00t-3xp10it/morpheus - Morpheus - Automating Ettercap TCP/IP (MITM-hijacking Tool)
- maaaaz/androwarn - Yet another static code analyzer for malicious Android applications
- cch123/golang-notes - Go source code analysis(zh-cn)
- xazlsec/APT_Sample-Weapoon - Pull some collected APT group related samples, ransomware, remote control and other malicious programs for security researchers to use.
- rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp - A collection of resources on modern C++
- yzhu798/CodingInterviewsNotes - 涵盖C++ Primer 5th、 effective C++ 、 STL api和demos C++ 基础知识与理论、 智能指针、C++11、 Git教程 Linux命令 Unix操作系统(进程、线程、内存管理、信号)计算机网络、 数据结构(排序、查找)、数据库、、C++对象模型、 设计模式、算法(《剑指offer》、leetcode、lintcode、hihocoder、《王道程序员求职宝典》
- Ebryx/Nessus_Map - Parse .nessus file(s) and shows output in interactive UI
- yaseng/iot-security-wiki - IOT security wiki
- LangziFun/LangNetworkTopologys - 主机资产自动化扫描绘测
- gh0stkey/RGPerson - RGPerson - Randomly generate identity information
- cncf/tag-security - 🔐CNCF Security Technical Advisory Group -- secure access, policy control, privacy, auditing, explainability and more!
- RomanEmelyanov/CobaltStrikeForensic - Toolset for research malware and Cobalt Strike beacons
- biggerwing/nsfocus-rsas-knowledge-base - 绿盟科技漏洞扫描器(RSAS)漏洞库
- helloxz/ccaa - 此项目不再维护,推荐使用Zdir替代!
- ningbonb/HTML5 - HTML5学习、总结、实践
- go101/go101 - An up-to-date (unofficial) knowledge base for Go programming self learning
- JeffXue/web-log-parser - An open source analysis web log tool
- honze-net/nmap-bootstrap-xsl - A Nmap XSL implementation with Bootstrap.
- sisoc-tokyo/Real-timeDetectionAD_ver2 -
- tanjiti/sec_profile - 爬取secwiki和xuanwu.github.io/sec.today,分析安全信息站点、安全趋势、提取安全工作者账号(twitter,weixin,github等)
- chg122345/mall - ssm小商城
- zaiyunduan123/springboot-manage - 基于SpringBoot + Mybatis + Thymeleaf + Redis + MongoDB + MySQL开发的商品管理系统
- hookmaster/frida-all-in-one - 《FRIDA操作手册》by @hluwa @r0ysue
- buyingfei/live - 完整搭建直播平台实例
- QSCTech/zju-icicles - 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划
- cainiaocome/xssgun - xss payloads generator
- Ridter/cs_custom_404 - Cobalt strike custom 404 page
- M4cs/BabySploit - 👶 BabySploit Beginner Pentesting Toolkit/Framework Written in Python 🐍
- ym2011/SecurityMind - share experience towards for information management, brainstorming and so on.
- Raul1718/sec_profile - 安全行业信息趋势分析
- gdufeZLYL/springboot-penguin - 🐧Online Examination System 基于SpringBoot+Mybatis+Thymeleaf+SemanticUI+Bootstrap的在线考试系统(低仿牛客网)
- micyo202/yan-demo - 本项目是基于 SpringMVC+Spring+MyBatis (SSM) 架构的高效率便捷开发框架
- C4o/ChineseDarkWebCrawler - 中文暗网爬虫
- 2024baibai/flask_multi_uploader - flask+webuploader实现多文件上传
- posclegom/programthink - for 热心读者
- Igglybuff/awesome-piracy - A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
- TgeaUs/Weak-password - 字典大全 dictionary
- nsacyber/Windows-Secure-Host-Baseline - Configuration guidance for implementing the Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 DoD Secure Host Baseline settings. #nsacyber
- fate0/proxylist - proxylist, generate by fate0/getproxy project in every 15 minute
- salesforce/vulnreport - Open-source pentesting management and automation platform by Salesforce Product Security
- anquanquantao/pentraining - 一个网络安全基础知识的教程。内容比较杂,好在都是实验视频和工具提供,可以自行动手完成实验。
- NetSPI/SQLInjectionWiki - A wiki focusing on aggregating and documenting various SQL injection methods
- davideuler/architecture.of.internet-product - 互联网公司技术架构,微信/淘宝/微博/腾讯/阿里/美团点评/百度/OpenAI/Google/Facebook/Amazon/eBay的架构,欢迎PR补充
- iwannarun/JavaWiki - 不定期收集与JAVA有关书籍或文章
- zhangkaitao/shiro-example - 跟我学Shiro(我的公众号:kaitao-1234567,我的新书:《亿级流量网站架构核心技术》)
- tennc/fuzzdb - Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection and resource discovery.
- skulltech/wordpress-vulscan - WordPress vulnerability scanner
- intezer/linux-explorer - Easy-to-use live forensics toolbox for Linux endpoints
- Wscats/CV - 🙈Front End Engineer Curriculum Vitae - 面试宝典和简历生成器
- securitytxt/security-txt - A proposed standard that allows websites to define security policies.
- Xyntax/Campus-FakeAP - 针对校园网的wifi钓鱼工具
- Ph0en1x-XMU/Awesome-CTF-Book - Study CTF, study security
- CHYbeta/WAF-Bypass - WAF Bypass Cheatsheet
- leizongmin/js-xss - Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a Whitelist
- pingfangx/TranslatorX - JetBrains 系列软件汉化包 关键字: Android Studio 3.5 汉化包 CLion 2019.3 汉化包 DataGrip 2019.3 汉化包 GoLand 2019.3 汉化包 IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 汉化包 PhpStorm 2019.3 汉化包 PyCharm 2019.3 汉化包 Rider 2019.3 汉化包 RubyMine 2019.3 汉化
- ewen0930/PyCharm-Chinese - PyCharm Chinese Language Pack(中文语言包)
- rootclay/Powershell-Attack-Guide - Powershell攻击指南----黑客后渗透之道
- vanhoefm/krackattacks -
- al3xLvs/seedbox-manager - [UNMAINTAINED] Web app for manage your seedbox
- vl0ms/docker-armhf-torrentbox - Docker image with nginx + php5-fpm + rtorrent + rutorrent(web ui) started with supervisord
- xuechiyaobai/CVE-2017-7092-PoC - This is the Pwn2Own 2017 Safari backup vul's exploit.
- CHYbeta/Software-Security-Learning - Software-Security-Learning
- CHYbeta/Web-Security-Learning - Web-Security-Learning
- me115/linuxtools_rst - Linux工具快速教程
- pointbiz/bitaddress.org - JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator
- HACK-BLOSSOM/DIY-Cybersecurity-For-Domestic-Violence - Abuse adapts to technology. You deserve privacy and compassion.
- twngo/privacytools-zh - privacytool.io -Traditional Chinese version
- privacytools/privacytools.io - 🛡🛠 You are being watched. Protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.
- l3m0n/wooyun-wiki - wiki.wooyun.org的部分快照网页
- odin1314/skills - Linux、WAF、正则、web安全等一些知识点的总结
- rdkmaster/jigsaw - Jigsaw七巧板 provides a set of web components based on Angular5/8/9+. The main purpose of Jigsaw is to help the application developers to construct complex & intensive interacting & user friendly web pag
- burpsuite/Manual -
- sukeesh/Music-Downloader - Download any music from web
- chrisallenlane/drek - A static-code-analysis tool for performing security-focused code reviews. It enables an auditor to swiftly map the attack-surface of a large application, with an emphasis on identifying development an
- ihebski/angryFuzzer - Tools for information gathering
- bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook - Mastering Bitcoin 3rd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain
- wisec/domxsswiki - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/domxsswiki
- byoungd/English-level-up-tips - An advanced guide to learn English which might benefit you a lot 🎉 . 离谱的英语学习指南/英语学习教程。
- SecWiki/ipot - Honeypot Research Blog 蜜罐技术研究小组
- keithjjones/visualize_logs - A Python library and command line tools to provide interactive log visualization.
- ITI/ICS-Security-Tools - Tools, tips, tricks, and more for exploring ICS Security.
- bitdust/WamaCry - a fake WannaCry
- juliocesarfort/public-pentesting-reports - A list of public penetration test reports published by several consulting firms and academic security groups.
- cure53/HTTPLeaks - HTTPLeaks - All possible ways, a website can leak HTTP requests
- SamJoan/droopescan - A plugin-based scanner that aids security researchers in identifying issues with several CMSs, mainly Drupal & Silverstripe.
- SuperKieran/WooyunDrops - Wooyun知识库,乌云知识库,https://wooyun.kieran.top
- FluxionNetwork/fluxion - Fluxion is a remake of linset by vk496 with enhanced functionality.
- ZJU-NewMirrors/OldMirrorsFrontend - mirrors.zju.edu.cn
- beckyricha/Broadlink-RM-SmartThings-Alexa - Control RF and Ir devices using SmartThings and Alexa.
- sbehrens/sleepy-puppy - Deprecated please use https://github.com/Netflix/sleepy-puppy
- phodal/fe - 《我的职业是前端工程师》 - Ebook:I'm a FrontEnd Developer
- n0tr00t/Sreg - Sreg可对使用者通过输入email、phone、username的返回用户注册的所有互联网护照信息。
- Xyntax/1000php - 1000个PHP代码审计案例(2016.7以前乌云公开漏洞)
- chromium/badssl.com - 🔒 Memorable site for testing clients against bad SSL configs.
- solid/solid - Solid - Re-decentralizing the web (project directory)
- cloudtracer/ThreatPinchLookup - Documentation and Sharing Repository for ThreatPinch Lookup Chrome & Firefox Extension
- SebastianElvis/ElvisProjs -
- exploitprotocol/material-blog -
- keeweb/keeweb - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
- ubuntu/ubuntu-make - Easy setup of common tools for developers on Ubuntu.
- elasticsearch-cn/elasticsearch-definitive-guide - 欢迎加QQ群:109764489,贡献力量!
- iros/d3-v4-whats-new -
- yiminghe/learning-react - materials about learning react
- HT524/500LineorLess_CN - 500 line or less 中文翻译计划。
- suhanyujie/php_webDataMining - php_webDataMining,PHP网络数据挖掘,第一个应用是爬取并分析和(草)谐(榴)论坛的一个版块数据并作可视化分析
- yoghurtjia/Zhihu_bigdata - 使用scrapy和pandas完成对知乎300w用户的数据分析。首先使用scrapy爬取知乎网的300w,用户资料,最后使用pandas对数据进行过滤,找出想要的知乎大牛,并用图表的形式可视化。
- ProbiusOfficial/RCE-labs - 【Hello-CTF labs】一个想帮你收集所有RCE技巧的靶场。
- justid/InlineAMP - InlineAMP is an AMP ready WordPress theme.
- dapphub/dapptools - Dapp, Seth, Hevm, and more
- jekor/gressgraph - visualize your iptables firewall
- github/semantic - Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
- digitallyinduced/ihp - 🔥 The fastest way to build type safe web apps. IHP is a new batteries-included web framework optimized for longterm productivity and programmer happiness
- iostreamer-X/FuncShell - Improve your shell by making it functional through Haskell! (An update to Awkward)
- huangzworks/real-world-haskell-cn - 《Real World Haskell》中文翻译项目
- mentebinaria/retoolkit - Reverse Engineer's Toolkit
- Bohemiana/godzilla_erkai -
- AgonySec/ThinkPHPGUI - 使用JAVAFX写了一个Thinkphp的GUI漏洞检测利用工具
- H4cking2theGate/ysogate - Java反序列化/JNDI注入/恶意类生成工具,支持多种高版本bypass,支持回显/内存马等多种扩展利用。
- PennyJoly/linktre.cc - linktre.cc节点导航站的开源版本。一个基于WebStack-Guns的二次开发加工的开源的网址导航网站项目,具备完整的前后台,可以拿来制作自己的网址导航。
- ZCShou/GoGoGo - 一个基于 Android 调试 API + 百度地图实现的虚拟定位工具,并且同时实现了一个可以自由移动的摇杆
- 0ofo/Deswing - 图形化Java反序列化利用工具,集成Ysoserial
- 4ra1n/java-swing-gui-stater - java-swing-gui-stater | Java Swing GUI Maven 项目模板 | 简单的教程
- saoshao/DetSql - Burp插件,快速探测可能存在SQL注入的请求并标记,提高测试效率
- nu0l/Send_Email - 一款轻量化可定制模板的邮件批量发送工具 | 可用于攻防钓鱼或其他邮件个性化的场景 | 可启动JavaFX或SpringWeb环境
- ReaJason/MemShellParty - Java 内存马开聚会 🎉
- jar-analyzer/jar-analyzer - Jar Analyzer - 一个JAR包分析工具,批量分析,SCA漏洞分析,方法调用关系搜索,字符串搜索,Spring组件分析,信息泄露检查,CFG程序分析,JVM栈帧分析,进阶表达式搜索,字节码指令级的动态调试分析,反编译JAR包一键导出,一键提取序列化数据恶意代码,一键分析BCEL字节码
- Lotus6/AutoRepeater - Burp插件,自动化挖掘SSRF,Redirect,Sqli漏洞,自定义匹配参数
- JingMatrix/LSPosed - LSPosed Framework resuscitated
- CloudExplorer-Dev/CloudExplorer-Lite - 开源的轻量级云管平台
- lokerxx/JavaVul - JAVA 安全靶场,IAST 测试用例,JAVA漏洞复现,代码审计,SAST测试用例,安全扫描(主动和被动),JAVA漏洞靶场,RASP测试用例 ; Java Security Testbed, IAST Test Cases, Java Vulnerability Reproduction, Code Auditing, SAST Test Cases, Security Scanning
- wh1t3zer/SpringBootVul-GUI - 一个半自动化springboot打点工具,内置目前springboot所有漏洞
- Chave0v0/YONYOU-TOOL - 用友漏洞综合利用工具
- tangxiaofeng7/dbsyncer-expolitplugin - (0day)DBSyncer后台自定义插件上传-注入内存马
- Hutt0n0/ActiveMqRCE - 用java实现构造openwire协议,利用activeMQ < 5.18.3 RCE 回显利用 内存马注入
- suizhibo/MemShellGene - 一款Java内存马生成、测试工具,搭配@ax1sX的MemShell食用。
- outlaws-bai/Galaxy - 一个想让你测试加密流量像测试明文一样简单高效的 Burp 插件。 A Burp plugin that makes testing encrypted traffic as simple and efficient as testing plaintext.
- winezer0/passive-scan-client-plus - burpsuite passive-scan-client 插件持续维护分支 v2024
- keven1z/simpleIAST - simpleIAST- 基于污点追踪的灰盒漏洞扫描工具。
- X1r0z/Godzilla-Suo5MemShell - 使用 Godzilla 一键注入 Suo5 内存马
- shuanx/BurpAPIFinder - 攻防演练过程中,我们通常会用浏览器访问一些资产,但很多未授权/敏感信息/越权隐匿在已访问接口过html、JS文件等,该插件能让我们发现未授权/敏感信息/越权/登陆接口等。
- R4gd0ll/LazyAnFuZai - 安服吗喽化工具
- MInggongK/jeecg- - jeecg综合漏洞利用工具
- sma11new/Pyke-Shiro - 复杂请求下的Shiro反序列化利用工具
- 10cks/fofaEX - FOFA EX 是一款基于fofa api(也可导入鹰图、夸克文件)实现的红队综合利用工具,可基于模板把工具作为插件进行集成,自动化进行资产探测,目前提供的插件功能如下:探活、 nuclei 模板扫描、IP反查域名、域名反查 ICP 备案、dismap 指纹扫描
- jdr2021/OSSFileBrowse - 存储桶遍历漏洞利用工具
- whocansee/FilelessAgentMemShell - 无需文件落地Agent内存马生成器
- KimJun1010/inspector - IDEA代码审计辅助插件(深信服深蓝实验室天威战队强力驱动)
- novysodope/javaeasyscan - javaeasyscanner - 富婆系列,代码审计辅助工具,致力于解放大脑,方便双手
- sincere9/Apache-ActiveMQ-RCE - Apache ActiveMQ远程代码执行(RCE)利用工具
- pascal-lab/Tai-e - An easy-to-learn/use static analysis framework for Java
- hldfight/Tai-e-WebPlugin - Tai-e的Web插件
- P4r4d1se/heapdump_shiro_vuln - A heapdump leaks Shiro key causing RCE vulnerability environment.
- veo/vagent - 多功能 java agent 内存马
- Getshell/Mshell - Memshell-攻防内存马研究
- pykiller/API-T00L - 互联网厂商API利用工具。
- F6JO/JsRouteScan - Burpsuite - Js Route Scan 正则匹配获取响应中的路由进行被动探测与递归目录探测的burp插件
- shuanx/BurpFingerPrint - BurpSuite插件集成Ehole指纹库并进行常见OA弱口令爆破插件
- hanbufei/findUriInjs - 一个既可主动,又可被动提取链接的burp插件
- 0xf4n9x/CDGXStreamDeserRCE - 亿赛通电子文档安全管理系统XStream反序列化漏洞任意文件上传利用
- 0x7eTeam/0x7eTeamTools - javafx练习,JS接口提取,漏洞检测
- pen4uin/java-echo-generator - 一款支持自定义的 Java 回显载荷生成工具|A customizable Java echo payload generation tool.
- yutianqaq/BypassAV-Online - An online AV evasion platform written in Springboot (Golang, Nim, C) supports inline, local and remote loading of Shellocde methods.
- 1101439360/License - 软件产品License控制简单实现
- RKQF-JVS/jvs-teamwork - 任务管理是企业内部事务协同的重要工具【参考teamwork、worktile、trello等多种产品对项目的管理理念】。包含项目管理(任务看板)、个人待办(to do list)、目标管理(OKR)三大核心功能。通过项目-任务的管理方式,在公开透明的任务看板,随时掌握项目进展,多级任务分配到人,知道「谁」在「何时」「做什么」。
- Yong-An-Dang/nuclei-plus - Functional enhancement based on nuclei
- sleeyax/burp-awesome-tls - Burp extension to evade TLS fingerprinting. Bypass WAF, spoof any browser.
- pacemrc/VulDebug - Java漏洞调试分析集合
- bcvgh/daydayEXP - 支持自定义Poc文件的图形化漏洞利用工具
- Whoopsunix/JavaRce - Common Exploitation Techniques for Java RCE Vulnerabilities in Real-World Scenarios | 实战场景较通用的 Java Rce 相关漏洞的利用方式
- Peakmain/AsmActualCombat - AsmActual利用ASM技术将合规插件会侵入到编译流程中, 插件会把App中所有系统敏感API或属性替换为SDK的收口方法 , 从而解决直接使用系统方法时面临的隐私合规问题
- StarfireLab/wsMemShell - WebSocket 内存马/Webshell,一种新型内存马/WebShell技术
- charonlight/NacosExploitGUI - Nacos漏洞综合利用GUI工具,集成了默认口令漏洞、SQL注入漏洞、身份认证绕过漏洞、反序列化漏洞的检测及其利用
- Drun1baby/JavaSecurityLearning - 记录一下 Java 安全学习历程,也算是半条学习路线了
- luelueking/ClazzSearcher - 一款使用Yaml定义搜索规则来搜索Class的工具
- kN6jq/gatherBurp - 一款强大的 burp 安全测试插件,集成多种安全测试功能,支持自动化扫描和手动测试。
- pen4uin/java-memshell-generator - 一款支持自定义的 Java 内存马生成工具|A customizable Java in-memory webshell generation tool.
- HummerRisk/HummerRisk - HummerRisk 是云原生安全平台,包括混合云安全治理和云原生安全检测。
- vaycore/OneScan - OneScan 是一款用于递归目录扫描的 BurpSuite 插件
- makejavas/EasyCode - 基于IntelliJ IDEA开发的代码生成插件,支持自定义任意模板(Java,html,js,xml)。只要是与数据库相关的代码都可以通过自定义模板来生成。支持数据库类型与java类型映射关系配置。支持同时生成生成多张表的代码。每张表有独立的配置信息。完全的个性化定义,规则由你设置。
- c0olw/NacosRce - Nacos JRaft Hessian 反序列化 RCE 加载字节码 注入内存马 不出网利用
- kyo-w/router-router - Java web路由内存分析工具
- r0ysue/MobileCTF - 体系化、实战化、step by step、目标清晰且具体的一个打怪升级、成长路径规划图
- 4ra1n/mysql-fake-server - MySQL Fake Server (纯Java实现,支持GUI版和命令行版,提供Dockerfile,支持多种常见JDBC利用)
- savior-only/Spring_All_Reachable - Spring漏洞综合利用工具
- YYHYlh/Apache-Dubbo-CVE-2023-23638-exp - Apache Dubbo (CVE-2023-23638)漏洞利用的工程化实践
- libaibaia/cloudSec - 云安全利用工具-云平台AK/SK-WEB利用工具,添加AK/SK自动检测资源,无需手动执行,支持云服务器、存储桶、数据库操作
- altEr1125/ShiroAttack2 - 一款针对Shiro550漏洞进行快速漏洞利用工具。 对 @SummerSec 大佬的项目https://github.com/SummerSec/ShiroAttack2 进行了一些改进。
- TonyD0g/JSPHunter - 基于污点分析和模拟栈帧技术的JSP Webshell检测
- vulhub/JNDIExploit - A malicious LDAP server for JNDI injection attacks
- zfile-dev/zfile - 在线云盘、网盘、OneDrive、云存储、私有云、对象存储、h5ai、上传、下载
- Janhsu/oday - javafx编写的poc管理工具和漏洞扫描的小工具
- Armandhe-China/ApacheDubboSerialVuln - Apache Dubbo系列漏洞
- b4zinga/VulnerableJava - 常见漏洞示例代码、修复方案、白盒检测误报案例. SAST test case.
- passer-W/FinalShell-Decoder - FinallShell 密码解密GUI工具
- codewatchorg/Burp-UserAgent - Automatically modify the User-Agent header in all Burp requests
- 0x727/BypassPro - 对权限绕过自动化bypass的burpsuite插件
- aress31/burpgpt - A Burp Suite extension that integrates OpenAI's GPT to perform an additional passive scan for discovering highly bespoke vulnerabilities and enables running traffic-based analysis of any type.
- Roboterh/JNDI-injector -
- d3mondev/burp-vps-proxy - This Burp Suite extension allows for the automatic creation and deletion of an upstream SOCKS5 proxy on popular cloud services.
- dqzg12300/MikRom - ROM逆向工具
- qi4L/JYso - JNDIExploit or a ysoserial.
- LaurieWired/JADXecute - JADX-gui scripting plugin for dynamic decompiler manipulation
- 1150037361/SpringScan - 一个扫描Spring的常见敏感目录的burp suite插件
- base64linqi/COPXposed - 基于Xposed的Android App隐私合规检测辅助工具
- webraybtl/ysoserialbtl - 基于ysoserial扩展命令执行结果回显,生成冰蝎内存马
- asmjmp0/AndroidRunnableJadx - run java method of Android in Jadx without Android device.
- sityck/RedosScanTool - Redos漏洞代码扫描器(基于RegexStaticAnalysis)
- NicolaasWeideman/RegexStaticAnalysis - A tool to perform static analysis on regexes to determine whether they are vulnerable to ReDoS.
- davinci1012/pinduoduo_backdoor_unpacker - Samples and Unpacker of malicious backdoors and exploits developed and used by Pinduoduo
- WithSecureLabs/drozer-agent - The Android Agent for the Drozer Security Assessment Framework.
- MaliciousErection/drozer-agent-maliciouserection - Slightly modified version of the Drozer Agent application.
- zema1/suo5 - 一款高性能 HTTP 代理隧道工具 | A high-performance http proxy tunneling tool
- KrystianLi/ExchangeOWA - 一款OutLook信息收集工具
- ffffffff0x/burp_nu_te_gen - nuclei模版生成插件
- MaskCyberSecurityTeam/BurpHttpHelper - BurpHttpHelper是一款Burpsuite插件,主要用于简化和解决Burpsuite对Http的一些操作.
- White-hua/Apt_t00ls - 高危漏洞利用工具
- f0ng/captcha-killer-modified - captcha-killer的修改版,支持关键词识别base64编码的图片,添加免费ocr库,用于验证码爆破,适配新版Burpsuite
- Yuuu99/FridaRpcTool - BurpSuite Rpc 算法转发插件
- M1k0er/SSRF-SCAN - 一款被动扫描ssrf的burpsuite插件
- 4ra1n/code-inspector - JavaWeb漏洞审计工具,构建方法调用链并模拟栈帧进行分析
- LinWin-Cloud/Setool-Main - (入门不当可能导致入狱) 基于linux的企业级别社会工程学渗透测试、轻量级别Web渗透辅助。内置的钓鱼网站可以获取主要的个人信息账户;网站克隆模块可以把白宫网站给克隆下来;内置的各种Web终端完全可以群体性的攻击和对社会工程学的测试;破坏性脚本和半自动编写勒索信完美辅助了社工等等。使用Java开发,参考了大大小小的企业级别社会工程学案例,定制出的一款适用于企业级别的社工测试和攻击的高级命令行工具
- jar-analyzer/jar-analyzer-v1-gui - 建议使用新版:https://github.com/jar-analyzer/jar-analyzer
- 4ra1n/super-xray - Web漏洞扫描工具XRAY的GUI启动器
- loveinsky100/goanno - Auto generate comment for golang/golang自动生成函数注释插件
- HHa1ey/TKHunter - 一个基于JavaFX写的一个Hunter资产测绘平台的图形化工具
- f0ng/autoDecoder - Burp插件,根据自定义来达到对数据包的处理(适用于加解密、爆破等),类似mitmproxy,不同点在于经过了burp中转,在自动加解密的基础上,不影响APP、网站加解密正常逻辑等。
- corener/JavaPassDump - JavaPassDump
- z2p/sweetPotato - 基于burpsuite的资产分析工具
- ax1sX/SpringSecurity - A list for Spring Security
- safe6Sec/ShiroAndFastJson - shiro加fastjson环境
- whwlsfb/SpringSpider - Spring Actuator端点的BurpSuite被动扫描插件。
- NewBeginning6/Subdir-vul-find -
- 0xrumble/BytecodeScreen -
- safe6Sec/MemoryShell - 内存马学习
- Zhuoyuan1/navicat_password_decrypt - 忘记navicat密码时,此工具可以帮您查看密码
- pandening/Java-debug-tool - Java dynamic debug tool
- cckuailong/JNDI-Injection-Exploit-Plus - 80+ Gadgets(30 More than ysoserial). JNDI-Injection-Exploit-Plus is a tool for generating workable JNDI links and provide background services by starting RMI server,LDAP server and HTTP server.
- burpheart/CVE-2022-39197-patch - CVE-2022-39197 漏洞补丁. CVE-2022-39197 Vulnerability Patch.
- Lonely-night/fastjsonVul - fastjson 80 远程代码执行漏洞复现
- kyxiaxiang/CrackSleeve4.7 -
- smxiazi/xia_Liao - xia Liao(瞎料)burp插件 用于Windows在线进程/杀软识别 与 web渗透注册时,快速生成需要的资料用来填写,资料包含:姓名、手机号、身份证、统一社会信用代码、组织机构代码、银行卡,以及各类web语言的hello world输出和生成弱口令字典等。
- R17a-17/JavaVulnSummary - Java漏洞分析汇合
- xyy-ws/NoAgent-memshell-scanner -
- veo/wsMemShell - WebSocket 内存马/Webshell,一种新型内存马/WebShell技术
- kezibei/yongyou_nc_poc -
- keven1z/DHook - DHook是一个支持动态debug,动态修改java程序的web应用.
- safe6Sec/proxyServer - 本项目其实就是个简单的代理服务器,把代理池集成进来来了。
- F6JO/RouteVulScan - Burpsuite - Route Vulnerable Scanning 递归式被动检测脆弱路径的burp插件
- achuna33/MYExploit - OAExploit一款基于产品的一键扫描工具。
- RASSec/BinAbsInspector - BinAbsInspector: Vulnerability Scanner for Binaries
- BeichenDream/CVE-2022-26134-Godzilla-MEMSHELL -
- Weik1/Artillery - JAVA 插件化漏洞扫描器,Gui基于javafx。POC 目前集成 Weblogic、Tomcat、Shiro、Spring等。
- javahongxi/whatsmars - Java生态研究(Spring Boot + Redis + Dubbo + RocketMQ + Elasticsearch)🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- kezibei/fastjson_payload -
- tauh33dkhan/fastjson-1.2.80-test-lab -
- fade03/EZ-JNDI - 一键启动JNDI测试/利用环境。
- meltingscales/JNDI-Exploit-Server - JNDI Exploit Server
- winnpixie/log4noshell - A Java Agent that disables Apache Log4J's JNDI Lookup to mitigate CVE-2021-44228 ("Log4Shell").
- topicusonderwijs/naming-kubernetes - Java naming context (JNDI) for WildFly using Kubernetes as backend.
- 0xJDow/rogue-rmi-server - Rogue RMI Registry PoC for https://www.veracode.com/blog/research/exploiting-jndi-injections-java. All credit to artsploit.
- Bl0omZ/JNDIEXP - JNDI在java高版本的利用工具,FUZZ利用链
- Like0x/0xagent - CobaltStrike 4.0 - 4.5 Patch
- elkokc/reflector - Burp plugin able to find reflected XSS on page in real-time while browsing on site
- jweny/shiro-cve-2020-17523 - shiro-cve-2020-17523 漏洞的两种绕过姿势分析 以及配套的漏洞环境
- ce-automne/TomcatMemShell - 拿来即用的Tomcat7/8/9/10版本Listener/Filter/Servlet内存马,支持注入CMD内存马和冰蝎内存马
- ballcat-projects/ballcat - 😸一个快速开发脚手架,快速搭建企业级后台管理系统,并提供多种便捷starter进行功能扩展。主要功能包括前后台用户分离,菜单权限,数据权限,定时任务,访问日志,操作日志,异常日志,统一异常处理,XSS过滤,SQL防注入,国际化 等多种功能
- metaStor/SpringScan - SpringScan 漏洞检测 Burp插件
- pnpninja/nsetools - A Java Implementation of nse-tools package in Python
- wh1t3p1g/tabby-path-finder - A neo4j procedure for tabby
- ca3tie1/CrackSleeve - 破解CS4.0
- KeenSecurityLab/BinAbsInspector - BinAbsInspector: Vulnerability Scanner for Binaries
- doocs/jvm - 🤗 JVM 底层原理最全知识总结
- alibaba/DataX - DataX是阿里云DataWorks数据集成的开源版本。
- ChrisM09/KNX-Bus-Dump - A tool to listen on a KNX bus via TPUART and the Calimero Project suite and to dump the data from the packets into a Wireshark-Compatible file hex dump.
- billyJoePiano/TenaPull - TenaPull is a configurable Java application which fetches and processes the data from one or more Nessus APIs, and converts it into JSON ouputs that are usable by Splunk
- Y4er/ysoserial - ysoserial修改版,着重修改ysoserial.payloads.util.Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl使其可以通过引入自定义class的形式来执行命令、内存马、反序列化回显。
- Adrninistrator/java-all-call-graph - Generate all call graph for Java Code.
- jorgectf/spring-cloud-function-spel -
- lz520520/tabby - A CAT called tabby ( Code Analysis Tool )
- smxiazi/xia_sql - xia SQL (瞎注) burp 插件 ,在每个参数后面填加一个单引号,两个单引号,一个简单的判断注入小插件。
- RASSec/BurpFastJsonScan - 一款基于BurpSuite的被动式FastJson检测插件
- 33time/captcha-killer-5h6m - 原插件在新版本burpsuite无法使用,对插件jdk版本进行升级,引用jdk8、base64包
- projectdiscovery/nuclei-burp-plugin - Nuclei plugin for BurpSuite
- tangxiaofeng7/Spring-Cloud-Function-Spel - Spring Cloud Function Spel命令执行漏洞
- xxDark/JavaShellcodeInjector - Java utility that allows to inject shell code and execute it
- czz1233/GBByPass - 冰蝎 哥斯拉 WebShell bypass
- Endava/cats - CATS is a REST API Fuzzer and negative testing tool for OpenAPI endpoints. CATS automatically generates, runs and reports tests with minimum configuration and no coding effort. Tests are self-healing
- lovechoudoufu/GoogleCSAgent_cdf - CSAgent 与 GoogleAuth 的缝合体,cobalt strike的破解+otp动态口令的agent
- SummerSec/AgentInjectTool - 改造BeichenDream/InjectJDBC加入shiro获取key和修改key功能
- nsacyber/GRASSMARLIN - Provides situational awareness of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks in support of network security assessments. #nsacyber
- BeichenDream/InjectJDBC - 注入JVM进程 动态获取目标进程连接的数据库
- Y4tacker/JavaSec - a rep for documenting my study, may be from 0 to 0.1
- ultimate-pa/ultimate - The Ultimate program analysis framework.
- whwlsfb/JDumpSpider - HeapDump敏感信息提取工具
- Retsamer/java_vuln_code - 基于SpringBoot编写的常见Web漏洞安全开发学习平台
- alibaba/cobar - a proxy for sharding databases and tables
- SummerSec/SPATool - 静态程序分析工具 主要生成方法的CFG和.java文件的AST
- rajasoun/log4j-zero-day-exploit - Log4j Zero-Day Exploit
- bitterzzZZ/CVE-2021-43297-POC - CVE-2021-43297 POC,Apache Dubbo<= 2.7.13时可以实现RCE
- theonedev/onedev - Git Server with CI/CD, Kanban, and Packages. Seamless integration. Unparalleled experience.
- mtxiaowangzi/CAFJE - 又一个Java Web代码审计工具
- woodpecker-appstore/springboot-vuldb -
- f0ng/poc2jar - Java编写,Python作为辅助依赖的漏洞验证、利用工具,添加了进程查找模块、编码模块、命令模块、常见漏洞利用GUI模块、shiro rememberMe解密模块,加快测试效率
- Peithon/JustC2file - Burp插件,Malleable C2 Profiles生成器;可以通过Burp代理选中请求,生成Cobalt Strike的profile文件(CSprofile)
- kezibei/Urldns -
- sunilpaulmathew/NFSManager - The source code of NFS Manager: An application to control NFS Injector
- jboss-javassist/javassist - Java bytecode engineering toolkit
- 981011512/-- - 停车场系统源码,新能源充电桩系统,停车场小程序,智能停车,Parking system,【功能介绍】:①兼容市面上主流的多家相机,理论上兼容所有硬件,可灵活扩展,②相机识别后数据自动上传到云端并记录,校验相机唯一id和硬件序列号,防止非法数据录入,③用户手机查询停车记录详情可自主缴费(支持微信,支付宝,银行接口支付,支持每个停车场指定不同的商户进行收款),支付后出场在免费时间内会自动抬杆。④支持a
- opengoofy/hippo4j - 📌 异步线程池框架,支持线程池动态变更&监控&报警,无需修改代码轻松引入。Asynchronous thread pool framework, support Thread Pool Dynamic Change & monitoring & Alarm, no need to modify the code easily introduced.
- LeadroyaL/dex-finder - 快速寻找一个类所在 dex 的小工具
- exp1orer/JNDI-Inject-Exploit - 解决FastJson、Jackson、Log4j2、原生JNDI注入漏洞的高版本JDKBypass利用,探测本地可用反序列化gadget达到命令执行、回显命令执行、内存马注入
- evi1hack/LandrayExploit - 蓝凌OA漏洞利用工具/前台无条件RCE/文件写入
- pmiaowu/RMITest - 就是一个练习RMI反序列化的最简单环境
- Acmesec/Sylas - 新一代子域名主/被动收集工具 - Subdomain automatic/passive collection tool
- bit4woo/Fiora - Fiora:漏洞PoC框架Nuclei的图形版。快捷搜索PoC、一键运行Nuclei。即可作为独立程序运行,也可作为burp插件使用。
- Jesse505/PrivacyMonitorAndroid - Android 隐私合规检测方案,基于ASM编译期插桩,将隐私api调用的堆栈信息保存到本地Excel文件中
- simplepeng/HeGuiChecker - 🔥🔥🔥 基于Hook方案的合规化检测器
- LGH1996/TapClick - Android史上最好用的自动点击工具
- six2dez/wahh_extras - The Web Application Hacker's Handbook - Extra Content
- whwlsfb/Log4j2Scan - Log4j2 RCE Passive Scanner plugin for BurpSuite
- Ovi3/010Editor-Template - 010Editor Templates
- Firebasky/Java - 关于学习java安全的一些知识,正在学习中ing,欢迎fork and star
- f0ng/log4j2burpscanner - CVE-2021-44228 Log4j2 BurpSuite Scanner,Customize ceye.io api or other apis,including internal networks
- cryptomator/cryptomator - Cryptomator for Windows, macOS, and Linux: Secure client-side encryption for your cloud storage, ensuring privacy and control over your data.
- r00tSe7en/JNDIMonitor - 一个LDAP请求监听器,摆脱dnslog平台
- twseptian/spring-boot-log4j-cve-2021-44228-docker-lab - Spring Boot Log4j - CVE-2021-44228 Docker Lab
- Contrast-Security-OSS/safelog4j - Safelog4j is an instrumentation-based security tool to help teams discover, verify, and solve log4shell vulnerabilities without scanning or upgrading
- theque5t/Detect4j - Runnable jar that detects if a specific class(es) is in use within existing JVMs
- lz2y/yaml-payload-for-ruoyi - A memory shell for ruoyi
- madCdan/JndiLookup - Some tools to help mitigating Apache Log4j 2 CVE-2021-44228
- christophetd/log4shell-vulnerable-app - Spring Boot web application vulnerable to Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228).
- back2root/log4shell-rex - PCRE RegEx matching Log4Shell CVE-2021-44228 IOC in your logs
- Cybereason/Logout4Shell - Use Log4Shell vulnerability to vaccinate a victim server against Log4Shell
- nccgroup/log4j-jndi-be-gone - A Byte Buddy Java agent-based fix for CVE-2021-44228, the log4j 2.x "JNDI LDAP" vulnerability.
- javaweb-sec/javaweb-sec -
- albinowax/ActiveScanPlusPlus - ActiveScan++ Burp Suite Plugin
- woodpecker-appstore/log4j-payload-generator - Log4j jndi injects the Payload generator
- CodeShield-Security/Log4JShell-Bytecode-Detector - Local Bytecode Scanner for the Log4JShell Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)
- javasec/log4j-patch - log4j-patch 修改字节码实现补丁防御
- qingtengyun/cve-2021-44228-qingteng-online-patch - Hot-patch CVE-2021-44228 by exploiting the vulnerability itself.
- Puliczek/CVE-2021-44228-PoC-log4j-bypass-words - 🐱💻 ✂️ 🤬 CVE-2021-44228 - LOG4J Java exploit - WAF bypass tricks
- welk1n/JNDI-Injection-Bypass - Some payloads of JNDI Injection in JDK 1.8.0_191+
- numanturle/Log4jNuclei - Log4j for nuclei
- code-scan/log4j-rce-demo - log4j rce测试项目
- l4yn3/micro_service_seclab - Java漏洞靶场
- bkfish/yaml-payload-for-Win - 用于windows反弹shell的yaml-payload
- Barro/java-afl - Binary rewriting approach with fork server support to fuzz Java applications with afl-fuzz.
- xiaoliangli1128/SpringBootFinder - Springboot detection
- ax/burp-logs - Logs is a Burp Suite extension to work with log files.
- CompassSecurity/burp-copy-request-response - Burp extension for quickly copying request/response data.
- p0desta/AutoBypass403-BurpSuite - 一个自动化bypass 403/auth的Burpsuite插件
- skylot/jadx - Dex to Java decompiler
- dyc87112/SpringBoot-Learning - 《Spring Boot基础教程》,2.x版本持续连载中!点击下方链接直达教程目录!
- OneSourceCat/YonyouNC-EXP - YonyouNC RCE
- gzu-liyujiang/Android_CN_OAID - 安卓设备唯一标识解决方案,可替代移动安全联盟(MSA)统一 SDK 闭源方案。包括国内手机厂商的开放匿名标识(OAID)、海外手机平台的安卓广告标识(AAID),另外也提供了 IMEI/MEID、AndroidID、WidevineID、PseudoID、GUID 等常见的设备标识的获取方法。
- jas502n/FinalShellDecodePass - FinalShellDecodePass 加密解密
- SummerSec/ShiroAttack2 - shiro反序列化漏洞综合利用,包含(回显执行命令/注入内存马)修复原版中NoCC的问题 https://github.com/j1anFen/shiro_attack
- puhaiyang/easyHttpProxy - support http/https proxy.类似于finddler,由java编写,代码简单便于理解。支持http/https代理!
- w568w/XposedChecker - [Deprecated] Check whether your xposed has been enabled.
- ElivenLZY/AndroidSafeCheck - APP过等保要用到的安全检测,支持调试检测/签名校验/Root检测/网络代理检测等,功能高度灵活可定制。
- depycode/fastjson-local-echo - 基于dbcp的fastjson rce 回显
- API-Security/APIKit - APIKit:Discovery, Scan and Audit APIs Toolkit All In One.
- smxiazi/NEW_xp_CAPTCHA - xp_CAPTCHA(瞎跑 白嫖版) burp 验证码 识别 burp插件
- ssssssss-team/spider-flow - 新一代爬虫平台,以图形化方式定义爬虫流程,不写代码即可完成爬虫。
- potats0/CasExp - Apereo CAS exploit tool
- ixrjog/opscloud4 - 云上运维
- artsploit/yaml-payload - A tiny project for generating SnakeYAML deserialization payloads
- ba0gu0/520apkhook - 将安卓远控Apk附加进普通的App中,运行新生成的App时,普通App正常运行,远控正常上线。Attach the Android remote control APK to a regular app. When the newly generated app is launched, the regular app operates as normal while the remote con
- hamibot/hamibot - 安卓平台自动化工具,无需 root。
- OakChen/ApkShelling - 脱Apk使用360加固、梆梆加固、腾讯乐固、百度加固免费版加的壳
- ftmtshuashua/AndroidMonitor - Android监控器(Activity异常destroy , 隐私政策合规)
- yanerchuang/PrivacyPolicyComplianceCheck - Android 隐私政策合规检查方案
- gh0stkey/CaA - CaA - Collector and Analyzer, Insight into information, exploring with intelligence in a thousand ways.
- fa1c0n1/rmi-attack-demo - 在学习Java反序列化漏洞的过程中,用来理解Java RMI程序的执行流程,演示如何攻击Java RMI程序的几个示例。
- CodeShield-Security/SPDS - Efficient and Precise Pointer-Tracking Data-Flow Framework
- BeichenDream/Chunk-Proxy -
- tkmru/lazyCSRF - A more useful CSRF PoC generator on Burp Suite
- 0x727/SpringBootExploit - 项目是根据LandGrey/SpringBootVulExploit清单编写,目的hvv期间快速利用漏洞、降低漏洞利用门槛。
- pmiaowu/HostCollision - 用于host碰撞而生的小工具,专门检测渗透中需要绑定hosts才能访问的主机或内部系统
- yetingli/ReDoSHunter - ReDoSHunter: A Combined Static and Dynamic Approach for Regular Expression DoS Detection
- ChenJunsen/Hegui3.0 - 工信部合规检测Xposed模块源码
- jas502n/database-spring-ENC - sprint encode (plan text) get enc password
- Netflix/EVCache - A distributed in-memory data store for the cloud
- NeoTheCapt/PowerScanner - 面向HW的红队半自动扫描器
- shwenzhang/AndResGuard - proguard resource for Android by wechat team
- lqs1848/AllatoriCrack - 破解 Java 混淆工具 Allatori
- jmockit/jmockit1 - Advanced Java library for integration testing, mocking, faking, and code coverage
- durkworf/spring-boot-webshell -
- sec-it/BFAC-Burp-Extension - Burp Extension for BFAC (Advanced Backup-File Artifacts Testing for Web-Applications)
- ethushiroha/JavaAgentTools - 用Java agent实现内存马等功能
- su18/JDBC-Attack - JDBC Connection URL Attack
- gfbjngjibn/JustTrustMe - An xposed module that disables SSL certificate checking for the purposes of auditing an app with cert pinning
- yhy0/ExpDemo-JavaFX - 图形化漏洞利用Demo-JavaFX版
- LeadroyaL/drozer-agent - The Android Agent for the Mercury Security Assessment Framework.
- makeloveandroid/XpRoot - 描述
- CTF-MissFeng/Ecloud - Ecloud是一款基于http/1.1协议传输TCP流量工具,适用于内网不出网时通过web代理脚本转发tcp流量
- Static-Flow/RepeaterSearch - This extension adds a search bar to the Repeater tab that can be used to highlight all repeater tabs where the request and/or response matches a query via simple text matching or Regex.
- rbmonster/learning-note - Java开发及面试(个人面试、工作总结、资料收集站)
- shrinkwrap/resolver - ShrinkWrap Resolvers
- PortSwigger/php-object-injection-check - PHP Unserialize Check - Burp Scanner Extension
- dipjyotimetia/HybridTestFramework - End to End testing of Web, API, Cloud, Events and Security
- j3ers3/Hello-Java-Sec - ☕️ Java Security,安全编码和代码审计
- hengyunabc/dumpclass - Dump classes from running JVM process.
- karma9874/AndroRAT - A Simple android remote administration tool using sockets. It uses java on the client side and python on the server side
- sqlancer/sqlancer - Automated testing to find logic and performance bugs in database systems
- jsnjfz/WebStack-Guns - 一个开源的网址导航网站项目,后台基于Guns和Springboot
- songxiaomo1997/ScanStation - 一个可以自定规则的动扫描器,支持主动和被动扫描
- StringCare/AndroidLibrary - Android library to reveal or obfuscate strings and assets at runtime
- SasanLabs/owasp-zap-fileupload-addon - OWASP ZAP add-on for finding vulnerabilities in File Upload functionality.
- jenkinsci/contrast-continuous-application-security-plugin - Jenkins Plugin from Contrast Security
- gdgd009xcd/RequestRecorder - A ZAPROXY Add-on that allows testing of web application vulnerabilities by recording complex multi-step sequences. You can test applications that need to access pages in a specific order, such as sh
- jenkinsci/fortify-plugin - Fortify Jenkins plugin
- openraven/magpie - A Cloud Security Posture Manager or CSPM with a focus on security analysis for the modern cloud stack and a focus on the emerging threat landscape such as cloud ransomware and supply chain attacks.
- pt-tools/rmi_bypass_jep290 -
- trung/InMemoryJavaCompiler - Utility class to compile java source code in memory
- rufherg/WebLogic_Basic_Poc - 用于WebLogic poc及exp测试的基础脚本,后续将集成各版本poc库
- raphw/byte-buddy - Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine.
- neykov/extract-tls-secrets - Decrypt HTTPS/TLS connections on the fly with Wireshark
- grpc/grpc-java - The Java gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC
- spotbugs/sonar-findbugs - SpotBugs plugin for SonarQube
- woodpecker-appstore/xmldecoder-payload-generator - Java XMLDecoder payload generator
- sepinf-inc/IPED - IPED Digital Forensic Tool. It is an open source software that can be used to process and analyze digital evidence, often seized at crime scenes by law enforcement or in a corporate investigation by p
- cmu-sei/kaiju - CERT Kaiju is a binary analysis framework extension for the Ghidra software reverse engineering suite. This repository is a "mirror" -- please file tickets, bug reports, or pull requests at the upstre
- Mr-xn/RedTeam_BlueTeam_HW - 红蓝对抗以及护网相关工具和资料,内存shellcode(cs+msf)和内存马查杀工具
- doocs/source-code-hunter - 😱 从源码层面,剖析挖掘互联网行业主流技术的底层实现原理,为广大开发者 “提升技术深度” 提供便利。目前开放 Spring 全家桶,Mybatis、Netty、Dubbo 框架,及 Redis、Tomcat 中间件等
- zifeihan/friday - java runtime decompiler (java实时反编译工具)
- qtc-de/beanshooter - JMX enumeration and attacking tool.
- Lotus6/ThinkphpGUI - Thinkphp(GUI)漏洞利用工具,支持各版本TP漏洞检测,命令执行,getshell。
- LSPosed/LSPosed - LSPosed Framework
- ggg4566/BurpBountyPlus - BurpBounty 魔改版本
- fit2cloud/riskscanner - RiskScanner 是开源的多云安全合规扫描平台,基于 Cloud Custodian 和 Nuclei 引擎,实现对主流公(私)有云资源的安全合规扫描和漏洞扫描。
- Dor-Tumarkin/CVE-2021-25641-Proof-of-Concept - Apache/Alibaba Dubbo <= 2.7.3 PoC Code for CVE-2021-25641 RCE via Deserialization of Untrusted Data; Affects Versions <= 2.7.6 With Different Gadgets
- JunGe-Y/JustTrustMePP -
- su18/MemoryShell - JavaWeb MemoryShell Inject/Scan/Killer/Protect Research & Exploring
- 20200629/openfire_shells - 后台插件getshell
- certmichelin/Redscan -
- dushitaoyuan/javaweb_security_handle - web常见漏洞处理,xss,sql注入,跨域,文件上传,接口暴力,限流实现
- mprunet/burp-scripting -
- duckstroms/xss-reflector - XSS reflector vulnerabilities exploitation extended.
- 5wimming/gadgetinspector - 利用链、漏洞检测工具
- fynch3r/Gadgets - Java反序列化漏洞利用链补全计划,仅用于个人归纳总结。
- didi/KnowStreaming - 一站式云原生实时流数据平台,通过0侵入、插件化构建企业级Kafka服务,极大降低操作、存储和管理实时流数据门槛
- bitterzzZZ/MemoryShellLearn - 分享几个直接可用的内存马,记录一下学习过程中看过的文章
- woodpecker-framework/ysoserial-for-woodpecker - 给woodpecker框架量身定制的ysoserial
- wgpsec/fofa_viewer - A simple FOFA client written in JavaFX. Made by WgpSec, Maintained by f1ashine.
- jweny/MemShellDemo - 内存马Demo合集 memshell demo for java / php / python
- woodpecker-appstore/rmi-deserialization-vuldb - Java RMI反序列化漏洞插件
- Hakky54/mutual-tls-ssl - 🔐 Tutorial of setting up Security for your API with one way authentication with TLS/SSL and mutual authentication for a java based web server and a client with both Spring Boot. Different clients are
- xxux11/http-methods-discloser -
- durkworf/BCELconvert - bcel转码
- synacktiv/HopLa - HopLa Burp Suite Extender plugin - Adds autocompletion support and useful payloads in Burp Suite
- wh1t3p1g/tabby - A CAT called tabby ( Code Analysis Tool )
- Ramos-dev/graph4code - 超硬核!使用图数据技术发现软件漏洞
- java-deobfuscator/deobfuscator-gui - An awesome GUI for an awesome deobfuscator
- raise-isayan/FakeCert - Burp suite Certificate modification tool
- bailsong/BurpDecoder - This is a Burpsuite Extension that will be able to Auto-Decode intercepted request message by PROXY TOOL before the message was shown in PROXY Panel ,and Auto-Encode request message after it forwarde
- Ebryx/SRePlay - Burpsuite Plugin to bypass strict RePlay protection
- LSPosed/AndroidHiddenApiBypass - LSPass: Bypass restrictions on non-SDK interfaces
- ThexXTURBOXx/bytecode-viewer - A Java 8+ Jar & Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite (Decompiler, Editor, Debugger & More)
- Y4er/yaml-payload - Spring Cloud SnakeYAML 反序列化一键注入cmdshell和reGeorg
- LandGrey/spring-boot-upload-file-lead-to-rce-tricks - spring boot Fat Jar 任意写文件漏洞到稳定 RCE 利用技巧
- bwcxljsm/Fofa-collect - Fofa采集工具
- safeYYY/easyHook - 直接指定hook目标,无需重新编写hook代码
- HXSecurity/DongTai-agent-java - Java Agent is a Java application probe of DongTai IAST, which collects method invocation data during runtime of Java application by dynamic hooks.
- keven1z/weblogic_memshell - 适用于weblogic和Tomcat的无文件的内存马(memshell)
- rebeyond/memShell - a webshell resides in the memory of java web server
- threedr3am/ZhouYu - (周瑜)Java - SpringBoot 持久化 WebShell 学习demo(不仅仅是SpringBoot,适合任何符合JavaEE规范的服务)
- tlamb96/kgb_messenger - An Android CTF practice challenge
- espduino/Hegui2.0 - 检测用户在同意授权前是否有获取隐私信息的Xposed插件
- jas502n/Burp_AES_Plugin - Burpsuite Plugin For AES Crack
- wfh45678/radar - 实时风控引擎(Risk Engine),自定义规则引擎(Rule Script),完美支持中文,适用于反欺诈(Anti-fraud)应用场景,开箱即用!!!移动互联网时代的风险管理利器,你 Get 到了吗?
- vran-dev/PrettyZoo - 😉 Pretty nice Zookeeper GUI, Support Win / Mac / Linux Platform
- AntSwordProject/AwesomeScript - AntSword Shell 脚本分享/示例
- xinyu2428/TDOA_RCE - 通达OA综合利用工具
- doyensec/ajpfuzzer - A command-line fuzzer for the Apache JServ Protocol (ajp13)
- OneSourceCat/BcelPayloadGenerator - A fastjson payload generator
- GraxCode/JByteMod-Beta - Java bytecode editor
- LandGrey/copagent - java memory web shell extracting tool
- jas502n/BurpSuiteAutoCompletion - This exention enables autocompletion within BurpSuite Repeater/Intruder tabs.
- sanfengAndroid/FakeXposed - Hide xposed, root, file redirection, etc.
- bit4woo/domain_hunter_pro - domain_hunter的高级版本,SRC挖洞、HW打点之必备!自动化资产收集;快速Title获取;外部工具联动;等等
- dunwu/java-tutorial - ☕ 老司机在 Java 技术领域的十年积累。
- Meshall/flutter_fp -
- CyberScions/Digitalbank - Android Digital Bank Vulnerable Mobile App
- qtc-de/remote-method-guesser - Java RMI Vulnerability Scanner
- elki-project/elki - ELKI Data Mining Toolkit
- baidu-security/openrasp-testcases - OpenRASP 漏洞测试环境
- mdsecresearch/BurpSuiteSharpener -
- 0Chencc/DaE - CTFCrackTools 's BurpSuite Plugin - Decode and Encode
- ffffffff0x/BerylEnigma - ffffffff0x team toolset for penetration testing, cryptography research, CTF and daily use. | ffffffff0x 团队工具集,用来进行渗透测试,密码学研究,CTF和日常使用。
- Josue87/BurpMetaFinder - Burp Suite extension for extracting metadata from files
- gdgd009xcd/AutoMacroBuilder - A BurpSuite Add-on that allows testing of web application vulnerabilities by recording complex multi-step sequences. You can test applications that need to access pages in a specific order, such as s
- jcasbin/shiro-casbin - Apache Shiro's authorization middleware based on Casbin
- TheKingOfDuck/Loki - 一个轻量级Web蜜罐 - A Little Web Honeypot.🍯🍯🍯🐝🐝🐝
- wizos/loread - RSS Android client,support Inoreader, Feedly, TinyTinyRSS, Fever。
- SecureSkyTechnology/burpextender-proxyhistory-webui - Burp Extender : Proxy History viewer in Web UI
- nscuro/bradamsa-ng - Burp Suite extension for Radamsa-powered fuzzing with Intruder
- hvqzao/burp-wildcard - Burp extension intended to compact Burp extension tabs by hijacking them to own tab.
- BitTheByte/BitTraversal - Burpsuite Plugin to detect Directory Traversal vulnerabilities
- raise-isayan/ViewStateDecoder - Burpsuite extension. Supports ASP.NET ViewStateDecoder
- simioni87/auth_analyzer - Burp Extension for testing authorization issues. Automated request repeating and parameter value extraction on the fly.
- wagiro/BurpBounty - Burp Bounty (Scan Check Builder in BApp Store) is a extension of Burp Suite that allows you, in a quick and simple way, to improve the active and passive scanner by means of personalized rules through
- Ppsoft1991/CodeReviewTools - 通过正则搜索、批量反编译特定Jar包中的class名称
- aau-network-security/HosTaGe - Low Interaction Mobile Honeypot
- TimelineSec/ATTCK-Tools-library - TimelineSec ATT&CK 工具库
- SecUSo/privacy-friendly-pedometer - Privacy Friendly App that counts your steps on Android devices.
- JackyTsuuuy/UnicodeDecoder4burp - burpsuite Unicode解码插件
- superblaubeere27/obfuscator - A java obfuscator (GUI)
- ethicalhackingplayground/ssrf-king - SSRF plugin for burp Automates SSRF Detection in all of the Request
- CoreyD97/BurpCustomizer - Because just a dark theme wasn't enough!
- bytebutcher/burp-send-to - Adds a customizable "Send to..."-context-menu to your BurpSuite.
- SafeGroceryStore/MDUT - MDUT - Multiple Database Utilization Tools
- hs-vae/java-load - 记录自己从零开始学习Java SE的道路
- TheKingOfDuck/burpJsEncrypter - More Easier Burp Extension To Solve Javascript Front End Encryption,一款更易使用的解决前端加密问题的Burp插件。
- t0thkr1s/allsafe - Intentionally vulnerable Android application.
- zhutougg/LandrayDES - 蓝凌OA的前后台密码的加解密工具
- pmiaowu/BurpFastJsonScan - 一款基于BurpSuite的被动式FastJson检测插件
- jas502n/OpenFire_Decrypt - OpenFire 管理后台账号密码解密
- pimps/ysoserial-modified - That repository contains my updates to the well know java deserialization exploitation tool ysoserial.
- jas502n/CVE-2020-26259 - CVE-2020-26259: XStream is vulnerable to an Arbitrary File Deletion on the local host when unmarshalling as long as the executing process has sufficient rights.
- lwierzbicki/RegexFinder - RegexFinder - Burp Suite extension to passively scan responses for occurrence of regular expression patterns.
- aress31/openapi-parser - Parse OpenAPI documents into Burp Suite for automating OpenAPI-based APIs security assessments (approved by PortSwigger for inclusion in their official BApp Store).
- augustd/burp-suite-utils - Utilities for creating Burp Suite Extensions.
- pimps/JNDI-Exploit-Kit - JNDI-Exploitation-Kit(A modified version of the great JNDI-Injection-Exploit created by @welk1n. This tool can be used to start an HTTP Server, RMI Server and LDAP Server to exploit java web apps vuln
- dschadow/JavaSecurity - Java web and command line applications demonstrating various security topics
- w296488320/XposedAppium - 基于Xposed自动化框架
- w296488320/XposedOkHttpCat -
- WindySha/Xpatch - This is a tool to repackage apk file, then the apk can load any xposed modules installed in the device. It is another way to hook an app without root device.
- framgia/android-emulator-detector - Easy to detect android emulator
- jas502n/publiccms_decrypt - publiccms_decrypt
- lenve/javaboy-code-samples -
- yongyecc/dexshellerInMemory - android APK一键DEX加固脚本(内存加载DEX)
- xkzhangsan/xk-time - xk-time 是时间转换,时间计算,时间格式化,时间解析,日历,时间cron表达式和时间NLP等的工具,使用Java8(JSR-310),线程安全,简单易用,多达70几种常用日期格式化模板,支持Java8时间类和Date,轻量级,无第三方依赖。
- PortSwigger/freddy-deserialization-bug-finder -
- Leoid/Burp2Slack - Push notifications to Slack channel or to custom server based on BurpSuite response conditions.
- theLSA/burp-info-extractor - burpsuite extension for extract information from data
- SasanLabs/VulnerableApp - OWASP VulnerableApp Project: For Security Enthusiasts by Security Enthusiasts.
- yangchong211/YCAndroidTool - 用于项目测试,崩溃重启操作,崩溃记录日志【可以查看,分享】和重启【多种重启app方式】;网路拦截查看的工具小助手,拦截请求和响应数据,统计接口请求次数,流量消耗,以及统计网络链接/dns解析/request请求/respond响应等时间。提高开发效率……
- pkilller/super-jadx - Add new features for reverse engineering, such as: renaming of classes, fields, methods, variables, reference graphs and more.
- AutohomeCorp/frostmourne - Frostmourne(霜之哀伤监控平台)是基于Elasticsearch, Prometheus, SkyWalking, InfluxDB,Mysql/TiDB,ClickHouse, SqlServer, IoTDB数据的分布式监控报警系统. Monitor & alert & alarm for Elasticsearch,Prometheus data。主要使用springboot2 +
- gdelmas/IntelliJDashPlugin - A smart and simple plugin that provides keyboard shortcut access for Dash, Velocity or Zeal in IntelliJ IDEA, RubyMine, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm and Android Studio.
- rewanthtammana/Damn-Vulnerable-Bank - Damn Vulnerable Bank is designed to be an intentionally vulnerable android application. This provides an interface to assess your android application security hacking skills.
- jeremylong/DependencyCheck - OWASP dependency-check is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies.
- Freakboy/jgraphx - jgraphx 4.0.4 build for cs project
- monkeyWie/proxyee - HTTP proxy server,support HTTPS&websocket.MITM impl,intercept and tamper HTTPS traffic.
- geekxh/hello-algorithm - 🌍 针对小白的算法训练 | 包括四部分:①.大厂面经 ②.力扣图解 ③.千本开源电子书 ④.百张技术思维导图(项目花了上百小时,希望可以点 star 支持,🌹感谢~)推荐免费ChatGPT使用网站
- xiaoxiaoleo/BurpSuite-Exclude-From-Scope -
- L-JINBIN/ApkSignatureKiller - 一键破解APK签名校验
- OneSourceCat/XxlJob-Hessian-RCE - XxlJob<=2.1.2配置不当情况下反序列化RCE
- it-gorillaz/lnk2pwn - Malicious Shortcut(.lnk) Generator
- Nicky213Zhang/WeChatAssist - 一款基于Android AccessibilityService(辅助服务)的自动操作微信的app,实现的功能有,附近的人自动打招呼,通讯录自动发消息,自动加好友,自动点赞评论,自定发漂流瓶,自动加群好友,自动推广公众号等等,同时,使用hook模块进行了微信的模拟定位,附近的人位置随意切换。
- xiaoxiaoleo/Burp-Auto-Do-Intercept - Burp Suite Extender can auto intercept response for specify URL.
- EXALAB/AnLinux-App - AnLinux allow you to run Linux on Android without root access.
- doyensec/burpdeveltraining - Material for the training "Developing Burp Suite Extensions – From Manual Testing to Security Automation"
- luoyesiqiu/DexRepair - Android dex文件修复程序
- bit4woo/burp-api-drops - burp插件开发指南
- rohanpadhye/JQF - JQF + Zest: Coverage-guided semantic fuzzing for Java.
- hakistan/Lokiboard-Mod - Just Mod Version of lokiboard with remote reporting via Gmail
- moloch--/burp-multiplayer - Burp with Friends
- c0ny1/java-memshell-scanner - 通过jsp脚本扫描java web Filter/Servlet型内存马
- DependencyTrack/dependency-track - Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain.
- motikan2010/CVE-2020-5398 - CVE-2020-5398 - RFD(Reflected File Download) Attack for Spring MVC
- momosecurity/momo-code-sec-inspector-java - IDEA静态代码安全审计及漏洞一键修复插件
- Ramos-dev/OSSTunnel - 基于亚马逊S3\阿里云OSS\腾讯COS通信隧道的远程管理工具
- noidsirius/SootTutorial - A step-by-step tutorial for Soot (a Java static analysis framework)
- f1tz/BCELCodeman - BCEL encode/decode manager for fastjson payloads
- redtimmy/Richsploit - Exploitation toolkit for RichFaces
- J0hnWalker/MysqlMonitor - Mysql 语句执行记录监控
- 0x10f2c/Mini-Android-Challenges - A small Android CTF challenge
- MountCloud/BehinderClientSource - ❄️冰蝎客户端源码-V4.0.6🔞
- Y4er/CVE-2020-2551 - Weblogic IIOP CVE-2020-2551
- waderwu/attackRmi - attackRmi
- ydnzol/memshell - Tomcat 冰蝎内存马。
- woodpecker-appstore/BCELConverter - BCEL class转换插件
- Daybr4ak/ShiroScan - burp插件 ShiroScan 主要用于框架、无dnslog key检测
- Conanjun/passive-scan-client-and-sendto - burp被动扫描自动转发和手动重发插件
- veracode-research/spring-view-manipulation - When MVC magic turns black
- z1Ro0/tomcat_nofile_webshell - Tomcat基于动态注册Filter的无文件Webshell
- Maskhe/FastjsonScan - 一个简单的Fastjson反序列化检测burp插件
- zhisheng17/flink-learning - flink learning blog. http://www.54tianzhisheng.cn/ 含 Flink 入门、概念、原理、实战、性能调优、源码解析等内容。涉及 Flink Connector、Metrics、Library、DataStream API、Table API & SQL 等内容的学习案例,还有 Flink 落地应用的大型项目案例(PVUV、日志存储、百亿数据实时去重、
- Y4er/fastjson-bypass-autotype-1.2.68 - fastjson bypass autotype 1.2.68 with Throwable and AutoCloseable.
- nutzam/nutz - Nutz -- Web Framework(Mvc/Ioc/Aop/Dao/Json) for ALL Java developer
- ozzi-/JWT4B - JWT Support for Burp
- LuckyC4t/shiro-urldns - shiro反序列化检测(只是个玩具23333)
- 0x141/ShiroRce-Burp -
- wultra/powerauth-push-server - PowerAuth Push Server repository
- xhycccc/Struts2-Vuln-Demo - Struts2漏洞实例源码
- Y4er/WebLogic-Shiro-shell - WebLogic利用CVE-2020-2883打Shiro rememberMe反序列化漏洞,一键注册蚁剑filter内存shell
- leibnitz27/cfr - This is the public repository for the CFR Java decompiler
- alibaba/jvm-sandbox - Real - time non-invasive AOP framework container based on JVM
- 5up3rc/weblogic_cmd - weblogic t3 deserialization rce
- longofo/rmi-jndi-ldap-jrmp-jmx-jms - rmi、jndi、ldap、jrmp、jmx、jms一些demo测试
- Afant1/RemoteObjectInvocationHandler - bypass JEP290 RaspHook code
- Y4er/CVE-2020-2555 - Weblogic com.tangosol.util.extractor.ReflectionExtractor RCE
- cdaller/security_taint_propagation - Java taint propagation for java. Define tainted sources, sanitizer methods and sinks via aspects.
- javaparser/javaparser - Java 1-21 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java with advanced analysis functionalities.
- JackOfMostTrades/gadgetinspector - A byte code analyzer for finding deserialization gadget chains in Java applications
- 0Kee-Team/JavaProbe - A Java runtime information-gathering tool which uses the Java Attach API for information acquisition
- soot-oss/soot - Soot - A Java optimization framework
- GraxCode/cafecompare - Java code comparison tool (jar / class)
- threedr3am/fastjson-blacklist - 打CTF实在厌倦了找利用链,就知道一个fastjson的版本,一堆依赖找啊找,头都疼。为了解决这个烦恼,用了卓卓师傅的fastjson黑名单工具和库,自己改造了一下。
- Ramos-dev/R9000 -
- threedr3am/log-agent - 利用agent hock指定的class,在jar运行周期内,用于跟踪被执行的方法,辅助做一些事情,比如挖洞啊
- feihong-cs/Java-Rce-Echo - Java RCE 回显测试代码
- topjohnwu/libsu - A complete solution for apps using root permissions
- fluency03/leetcode-java - 🎓🎓🎓 Leetcode solution in Java - 536/921 Solved. https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/
- potats0/cve_2020_14644 -
- oversecured/ovaa - Oversecured Vulnerable Android App
- metersphere/metersphere - MeterSphere 是新一代的开源持续测试工具,让软件测试工作更简单、更高效,不再成为持续交付的瓶颈。
- pyn3rd/Apache-Tomcat-Redis-Remote-Code-Execution - Apache-Tomcat-Redis-Remote-Code-Execution
- Wh0ale/CAS_Execution_decode - Apereo CAS payload AES解密
- iqiyi/Lens - 功能简介:一种开发帮助产品研发的效率工具。主要提供了:页面分析、任务分析、网络分析、DataDump、自定义hook 、Data Explorer 等功能。以帮助开发、测试、UI 等同学更便捷的排查和定位问题,提升开发效率。
- pmiaowu/BurpShiroPassiveScan - 一款基于BurpSuite的被动式shiro检测插件
- momosecurity/oxpecker - oxpecker是一款用于从IDE提取开发项目仓库地址、当前分支、三方组件等信息用于安全分析的JetBrains家族IDE插件。
- momosecurity/mosec-maven-plugin - 用于检测maven项目的第三方依赖组件是否存在安全漏洞。
- momosecurity/mosec-gradle-plugin - 用于检测gradle项目的第三方依赖组件是否存在安全漏洞。
- snyk/snyk-maven-plugin - Test and monitor your projects for vulnerabilities with Maven. This plugin is officially maintained by Snyk.
- thatcherclough/BetterBackdoor - A backdoor with a multitude of features.
- ThisIsLibra/AndroidProjectCreator - Convert an APK to an Android Studio Project using multiple open-source decompilers
- pwntester/StaticInitializerPayload -
- shuzijun/leetcode-editor - Do Leetcode exercises in IDE, support leetcode.com and leetcode-cn.com, to meet the basic needs of doing exercises.Support theoretically: IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm WebStorm PyCharm RubyMine AppCode CLion
- stevespringett/threatmodel-sdk - A Java library for parsing and programmatically using threat models
- potats0/shiroPoc -
- fupinglee/ShiroScan - Shiro RememberMe 1.2.4 反序列化漏洞图形化检测工具(Shiro-550)
- tangxiaofeng7/Fofa-collect - Fofa平台采集工具
- wh1t3p1g/ysoserial - forked from frohoff/ysoserial and added my own payloads.
- huanzi-qch/base-admin - Base Admin一套简单通用的后台管理系统,主要功能有:权限管理、菜单管理、用户管理,系统设置、实时日志,实时监控,API加密,以及登录用户修改密码、配置个性菜单等
- NickstaDB/SerializationDumper - A tool to dump Java serialization streams in a more human readable form.
- [Y4er/CVE-2020-14645](https://github.c