During a project for Nedap Healtcare I wanted to use the Web Notification API.
So I decided that I would write a jQuery plugin that could be used to use the Web Notification.
HTML5 Notification uses the W3C Web Notification API
At the moment FireFox and Safari uses the current version of the W3C Notification.
Chrome still uses an older version on webkitNotification.
Internet Explorer is still not supporting Notification. (Will implement this when available)
Link for more information about browser support click here.
initializing is really easy html5Notification.init();
But if you want some configuration options you can use the current configuration list below:
The default settings
display_message: true,
message: {
supported_browser: 'Your browser does support the Notification API.',
notsupported_browser: 'Your browser does not support the Notification API.',
permission_denied: 'You have denied access to display notifications.',
permission_button: 'Grant permission to display notifications',
field: {
container: $('body'),
browser_support: $('<div id="message" /></div>'),
button: $('<button />')
A little explanation about what everything does.
display_message: true OR false, On false no notification will be displayed.
message: {
supported_browser: Message for a supported browser of the Notification API,
notsupported_browser: Message for a not supported browser of the Notification API.,
permission_denied: Message if the user denied the use of the Notifications API,
permission_button: Message that will be on the button to request permission
field: {
container: Can be any jquery object,
browser_support: Can also be any jquery object,
button: the button where the user has to click on
Short type
html5Notification.create_message('Short version')
With some extra options
title: 'The Longer version',
body: 'A cool message with Nedap\'s logo',
icon: 'http://www.studiokluif.nl/sites/default/files/Nedap_huisstijl_asterisk.jpg'
- Internet Explorer compatibility
This is my first plugin for jQuery. So if you have suggestions what I could fix or improve please
notify me about that!