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程序员延寿指南 | A programmer's guide to live longer
loveuav / Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python
Forked from rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python《学习卡尔曼与贝叶斯滤波器——基于Python实践》 这是一本循序渐进、内容详实、实例丰富的互动式卡尔曼教程,极其适合基础浅薄的初学者! 仍在翻译中......
🔥 🔥 🔥 一个充满设计感的WanAndroid APP,采用Kotlin 语言,组件化,MVVM+JetPack架构设计,Arouter、LiveData、ViewModel、Hilt、Room、Retrofit2、协程Coroutines、Flow等流行技术。
Custom firmware for Yi 1080p camera based on MStar platform
Keyword Spotting model for Hisi Neural Network Inference Engine
A KWS model trained on SpeechCommands dataset, written in PyTorch.
Alternative IP Camera firmware from an open community
七牛推出了一款适用于嵌入式 IP Camera 设备进行 RTMP 推流的 SDK 开发套件
🔥 A awesome android expert interview questions and answers(continuous updating ...)
EDK2 UEFI firmware for Qualcomm platforms 835 platforms
多设备 OpenWrt Aciton 固件云编译——X86、竞斗云、极路由 B70、K2T、K2P、K3、N1、红米 AC2100、Newifi D2、树莓派、小娱 C5、R2S、R4S、小米 R3G、小米 R3P、小米 Mini、网件 R7800、星际宝盒 CM520、Amlogic S905X3、OrangePi Zero Plus、网件 3800、Linksys Wrt1900acs…
JFFS2 is a log file system implemented on MTD devices
A multi-process software framework for hisilicon (海思) ipc/dvr/nvr/ebox
Based on the connection-oriented, reliable and byte throttle-based UDP transmission layer communication protocol, it abandons the redundant function of TCP when rapidly transmitting short data pack…