Latest addition:sparkles: GranularSynth - building an ATmega328 granular synth module in an Altoids can.
Just my collection of electronics projects, many involving an Arduino in one way or another. Some are full builds like The FretBoard (a multi-project build status indicator), while most are quite trivial breadboard kata, intended to test or explore a single idea.
Many are variations of things found wild on the net, or inspired by ideas from the sources such as:
- Boldport Club
- Nuts & Volts magazine
- Silicon Chip magazine
- Electrical Engineering StackExchange
- Arduino StackExchange
- Arduino Playground
- and books from my electronics bookshelf
Feel free to borrow liberally, and if you spot any issues do let me know. See the individual projects for credits where due.
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Some projects require additional libraries including FastLED, FlexiTimer2, RadioHead. A set of such libraries are included as submodules of this repository, see the libraries/ page for more information on the included libraries and submodule management.
For Arduino projects, I have the Arduino IDE sketchbook location (in preferences) set to the root of this repository. This makes all the projects available to me in the IDE, and automatically includes libraries that are linked as git submodules in the libraries/ folder.
If you don't have the Arduino IDE setup this way, libraries can be retrieved with git, or you can just install them separately as you would any other library.
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$ git submodule update --init
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$ git submodule foreach git pull
Still up to date, but try the catalog site instead...
Project | Category/Description |
#148 AD9833/BasicDemoCycle | Arduino, Oscillators run a basic waveform demo with an AD9833 module |
#184 AdjustablePulseGenerator | 555 Timer, Oscillators widely-adjustable square wave generator using the 555 timer |
#131 AMFMRadioKit | RF notes on an AM/FM radio kit build |
#143 AM/OpAmpTransmitter | RF, OpAmp simple AM transmitter with OpAmp carrier/mixer |
#132 AMTransmitter/555 | RF, 555 Timer a simple 555-based AM transmitter |
#139 AnalogComparator | Arduino, Sensor, OpAmp test the Atmega328 built-in analog comparator |
#020 Arduino Internals | Arduino report on Arduino Board internals |
#100 ArdWinVaders | Arduino, OLED an Arduino & OLED version of a classic game |
#186 AsyncJKCounter | CMOS/TTL, Digital Logic an asynchronous 4-bit counter built with JK Flip-Flops |
#014 AsyncLedStripEffects | LED Array, Timing, Arduino demo effects on the LED strip driven using timer interrupt |
#069 ATmegaBreadboard | Arduino, ATmel running an ATMEGA328P-PU on a breadboard |
#099 ATmegaISPShield | Arduino, ATmel a DIY ATmega programming shield for using an Arduino as ISP |
#068 ATmegaViaArduinoISP | Arduino, ATmel Programming an ATMEGA328P-PU on a breadboard with Arduino ISP |
#275 ATtiny8MHz | Arduino, ATmel how to run an ATtiny85 microprocessor at 8MHz using the internal clock |
#126 ATtinyHardwareInterrupt | Arduino, ATmel test hardware interrupts with an ATtiny85 processor on a breadboard |
#070 ATtinyWithArduinoISP | Arduino, ATmel Programming an ATTINY85-20PU on a breadboard with Arduino ISP |
#253 ATtinyProgrammingShield | Arduino, ATmel a custom ATtiny programming shield for Arduino ISP |
#127 ATtinySleep | Arduino, ATmel test sleep mode with an ATtiny85 processor on a breadboard |
#128 ATtinyTotalSleep | Arduino, ATmel test a total power shutdown with an ATtiny85 processor on a breadboard |
#210 AudioAmps/TDA7297Kit | Audio testing a TDA7297 audio amplifier kit (pump up the jam) |
#309 AudioConnectors | Audio, Connectors notes on miscellaneous audio connectors |
#235 AudioDSP | Audio, Arduino, DSP, OpAmp build and test an arduino DSP circuit based on the pedalSHIELD by electrosmash |
#236 AudioDSP/Boost | Audio, Arduino, DSP, OpAmp arduino DSP boost effect based on the pedalSHIELD by electrosmash |
#238 AudioDSP/Crunch | Audio, Arduino, DSP, OpAmp arduino DSP crunchy distortion effect based on the pedalSHIELD by electrosmash |
#237 AudioDSP/Distortion | Audio, Arduino, DSP, OpAmp arduino DSP simple distortion effect based on the pedalSHIELD by electrosmash |
#239 AudioDSP/SuperCrunch | Audio, Arduino, DSP, OpAmp arduino DSP crunchy symmetrical Schetzen distortion effect based on the pedalSHIELD by electrosmash |
#359 AudioEffectsChips/HS088 | Audio, Music Chips figuring out the HS088 "Ding Dong" audio effects chip |
#292 AudioEffectsChips/H823 | Audio, Music Chips figuring out how to use the H823 "Happy Birthday" music chip |
#362 AudioEffectsChips/H83A | Audio, Music Chips figuring out how to use the H-83A "12 songs" music chip |
#356 AudioEffectsChips/PX088A | Audio, Music Chips figuring out how to use the PX088A "Für Elise" music chip |
#202 AudioLevelIndicatorKit | LM3915, Audio an audio level indicator kit based on the LM3915 |
#254 AvrHardwarePWM | ATmega, ATmel, Arduino, PWM all about hardware PWM and demonstrating the modes with the Arduino UNO/ATmega328 |
#255 AvrHardwarePWM/ATtiny | ATtiny, ATmel, Arduino, PWM all about hardware PWM and demonstrating the modes with the ATtiny85 |
#217 BasicBuckAvrControl | Power, Arduino a simple buck converter circuit from first principles |
#288 BasicInvertingBuckBoostAvrControl | Power, ATtiny, Arduino build and test an inverting buck-boost converter controlled by an ATtiny85 |
#262 BazzFuss | Guitar Effects, Audio the Bazz Fuss "chocolate noisette" - a super-minimalist overdrive/distortion/fuzz effect circuit |
#133 BidirectionalLevelShifter | FET test a basic bi-directional 5/3.3V level shifter circuit |
#134 BidirectionalLevelShifterModule | FET test a bi-directional 5/3.3V level shifter module |
#318 Bistable | 555 Timer using the 555 timer as a bistable latch and button debouncer |
#093 BJTCurrentSink | BJT, Power test a BJT constant current sink circuit |
#094 BJTLongTailPair | BJT, OpAmp test the basic BJT "long-tail" differential amplifier circuit |
#138 BJTMonostable | BJT, RC test a 2-transistor monostable multivibrator |
#105 BJTSawTooth | BJT, Oscillators testing a simple BJT saw-tooth oscillator |
#140 BJTZenerModeEffects | BJT, Zener, Oscillators playing around with some zener-mode sound effects |
#009 Blink | LED, Arduino the simplest blinking LED, with some electrical measurements thrown in |
#030 BlinkPrecision | LED, Timing, Arduino use a timer to perform a function on a precise schedule |
#363 BoldportClub/binco | Boldport, PCB Design, LED, CMOS/TTL BINCO is a little up or down "fidget" counter, Project #19 of the Boldport Club |
#269 BoldportClub/cordwood | Boldport, PCB Design, LED the Cordwood Puzzle evokes an era of stuffing massive components into small spaces without a clear idea of where this is all heading! Introducing the Boldport Club Project #3 |
#270 BoldportClub/cordwood/aanimate | Boldport, Cordwood, Arduino run a demo animation using aaronjasso's Cordwood library |
#271 BoldportClub/cordwood/tuner | Boldport, Cordwood, Arduino, Audio use the Boldport Cuttle & Cordwood as a guitar tuner, with a custom input preamp |
#321 BoldportClub/cordwood-too | Boldport, PCB Design, LED the Cordwood Puzzle returns! Boldport Club Project #13, May 2017 |
#322 BoldportClub/cordwood-too/FidgetCube | Boldport, Sensors, LED making a Fidget Cube controller for the Boldport Cordwood Too |
#257 BoldportClub/Emergency | Boldport, PCB Design, Oscillators pimp the Boldport Club Emergency kit (Project #2) .. now a LED blinky with 3 passives and a transistor (Esaki Effect) |
#340 BoldportClub/IxpandO | Boldport, PCB Design, Port Expander an input/output expansion board based on Microchip's MCP23017, BoldportClub Project #16. Demo program covers digital output and interrupt-driven input |
#311 BoldportClub/Juice | Boldport, PCB Design, Power building the Boldport Juice battery replacement kit (Project #12) |
#263 BoldportClub/ligemdio | Boldport, PCB Design, LED, BJT an LED tester kit featureing a classic BJT constant current source. From The Boldport Club (Project #8) |
#345 BoldportClub/mostap | Boldport, CMOS upgrading the tap to modern CMOS and MOSFET technology, circa 1975 - another Boldport Club retro classic. The mostap is a touch sensor using NAND-gate flip-flops and FET output drivers. |
#256 BoldportClub/Pease | Boldport, PCB Design, LM331 a Bob Pease tribute, LM331 voltage-to-frequency kit from The Boldport Club (Project #1) |
#290 BoldportClub/PissOff | Boldport, PCB Design, NXP an angry barking blue-in-the-face mad proximity sensor - Boldport Club Project #9, November 2016 |
#316 BoldportClub/QSOPBreakout | Boldport, Soldering all about soldering and the Boldport Club QSOP breakout board |
#325 BoldportClub/spoolt | Boldport, Soldering pimp my spoolt - the Boldport Club solder dispenser (Project #15, July 2017) |
#323 BoldportClub/stringy | Boldport, PIC, Audio building and playing (mainly playing) the Boldport Club Stringy (Project #14) |
#285 BoldportClub/tap | Boldport, PCB Design, CMOS/TTL Harking back to an old Boldport project, which harks back to a 1974 Elektor article .. and the main IC (7400 NAND gate) is still available! |
#266 BoldportClub/TheCuttle | Boldport, PCB Design, ATmega, ATmel, Arduino the most beautiful Arduino-compatible board you will ever see. Another soldering kit from The Boldport Club (Project #6) |
#284 BoldportClub/TheGent | Boldport, PCB Design, Bugs The Gent is Boldport Club Project #10 - a simple circuit on a beautiful board |
#251 BoldportClub/TheLady | Boldport, PCB Design, Bugs a ladybird soldering and display kit from The Boldport Club (Project #4) |
#299 BoldportClub/TheMatrix | Boldport, PCB Design, LED, AS1130 building The Matrix (Boldport Club project #11) is an I²C-controlled 24x5 LED matrix display, powered by an AMS AS1130 LED driver |
#357 BoldportClub/TheMonarch | Boldport, PCB Design, Bugs, LFSR the third in a series of beautiful electronic "bug" boards from the Boldport Club, Project #18 October 2017 |
#277 BoldportClub/Touchy | Boldport, EFM8, Sensors Touchy is a capacitive touch input device with on-board Sleepy Bee microcontroller (Boldport Club Project #7) |
#162 BoostBuckConverterModule | Power quick test of an LM2577S/LM2596S Boost/Buck Converter Module |
#280 BreadboardTransmitter | FM build a simple 3-stage FM transmitter on a breadboard from a design by dazaro3 |
#089 BreatheLamp | OpAmp, LED build and test a common LED visual effect circuit |
#211 BuckConverterModules | Power test a range of low-cost buck converter modules, often using LM2596 |
#057 CapacitanceTester | LCD, RC, Arduino capacitor tester with LCD output |
#012 Capacitorial | RC graphing capacitor discharge with Processing |
#206 CD4047/AstableOscillator | CMOS/TTL, Oscillators test the astable operating mode of the CD4047 |
#294 CD4060/CrystalOscillator | CMOS/TTL, Oscillators exploring the behaviour of the CD4060 ripple counter driven by a crystal oscillator |
#291 CD4060/MusicLightKit | CMOS learning how to use the CD4060 14-Stage Ripple Carry Binary Counter by building a music/LED-effects kit |
#293 CD4060/RCOscillator | CMOS, Oscillators exploring the behaviour of the CD4060 ripple counter driven by an RC oscillator |
#297 CD4070/Oscillator | CMOS, Oscillators examine a classic CD4070 oscillator design and variations |
#268 ChainBlocks | Arduino testing some "Chain Blocks" and demonstrate an XY Plotter block (with an MCP42010 digital potentiometer) by drawing the PrexLab logo on an Oscilloscope |
#170 ClapSwitchKit | Oscillators, BJT, Logic Gates build and analyse a simple clap switch circuit available as a kit |
#258 ClapSwitchKit2 | Oscillators, BJT, Logic Gates practice some Boldport-style soldering on yet-another clap switch kit |
#364 ClassicNokia | Audio, Arduino just a quick transcription of the classic Nokia 3310 ringtone for Arduino |
#234 CMOSInverterOscillator | CMOS, Oscillators use a CD4096 to generate an oscillating waveform and plot the results |
#246 CMOSOscillators | CMOS, Oscillators testing a 4-pin CMOS oscillator component |
#180 ColpittsOscillator | LC, Oscillators testing a basic Colpitts Oscillator circuit |
#052 Comparator741 | OpAmp demo LM741 OpAmp comparator mode (with PWM-to-analog side-topic) |
#278 ComponentTesterKit | Tools, Test Equipment, ATmega build and evaluate a popular ATMEAG328-based component tester kit |
#136 CounterModule | CMOS, Arduino a general-purpose CD4017 counter module |
#141 CrystalTester | RF, Oscillators a Colpitts Oscillator circuit for testing crystal oscillators with a frequency counter |
#168 CurrentSensorModule | Sensors, Arduino test an ACS712 current sensor module with display on a 5110 LCD |
#130 DarlingtonTouchSwitch | Sensors, BJT test a Darlington-pair touch switch |
#352 Decoding ACARS | SDR, Radio, RF decoding ACARS with rtl_acars_ng and a R820T2+RTL2832U dongle on MacOSX |
#339 DelayKit | Guitar, Audio build and test a PT2399-based analogue delay pedal kit |
#353 DFlipFlop | Logic Gates, CMOS/TTL building a clocked D Flip-flop with 74LS00 NAND gates |
#301 DHT11/Basics | Sensors, Arduino test basic temperature and humidity readings with the DHT11 sensor |
#229 Dice | 555 Timer, CMOS a 555/4017-based dice circuit with slow-down and auto power-off |
#240 DigitalInputWithAnalogPins | Arduino demonstrate how analog pins can also be used as a digital GPIO |
#319 DigitalLogicClock | 555 Timer, CMOS/TTL build a flexible, low-frequency digital logic clock module |
#259 DigitalPots/M62429 | Arduino, Digital Pot, M62429 control the M62429 dual channel volume control with an Arduino |
#261 DigitalPots/MCP4017 | Arduino, Digital Pot, MCP4017 control the MCP4017 single 7-Bit I²C digital potentiometer with an Arduino |
#264 DigitalPots/MCP42010 | Arduino, Digital Pot, MCP42010 control the MCP42010 dual 10kΩ digital potentiometer with an Arduino and hardware SPI |
#110 DiodeLogic/AND | Diode, Logic Gates test the basic diode-logic AND gate |
#109 DiodeLogic/OR | Diode, Logic Gates test the basic diode-logic OR gate |
#348 DLatch | Logic Gates, CMOS/TTL building a D Latch with 74LS00 NAND gates |
#201 DoorbellKit | 555 Timer, Oscillators another two-tone doorbell using a 555 timer oscillator |
#219 DS18S20/OneWireReading | Sensors, Arduino basic interrogation of a DS18S20 using 1-wire protocol |
#166 DS3231RTC/TimeDemo | RTC, Arduino prints the system time synced from the RTC to the serial output |
#188 EEPROM/AT24C02/BasicReadWrite | EEPROM, Arduino basic read/write operations to external EEPROM (AT24C02) with the Wire library |
#314 EEPROM/AT28C16/PEProgrammer | EEPROM, Arduino programming an AT28C16 64k EEPROM with an Arduino and MCP23S17 16-bit port expander |
#051 El Jarabe Tapatío | Audio, Arduino play The Mexican Hat Dance on a piezo buzzer with LM 386 amplification |
#038 ElectretADC | Audio, Arduino convert electret signal to a full range analog input with an LM324 preamp and plot the raw and aplified signals |
#037 ElectretTrigger | Sensors, Audio, OpAmp, Arduino uses an electret microphone and LM324 amplifier to trigger action when over audio threshold |
#088 ElectronicClockKit | LCD, Kit build and investigate a commercially available "electronic clock" kit |
#194 ESP8266/DIYDevBoard | ESP8266 a DIY devboard for an ESP-01 ESP8266 |
#344 ESP8266/micropython/GettingStarted | ESP8266, MicroPython getting MicroPython up and running with an ESP-01 ESP8266 |
#342 ESP8266/MorseBlinky | ESP8266 building code for an ESP-01 with the ESP8266 core for Arduino and demonstrate with a simple morse code blinker |
#343 ESP8266/Sensors/DHT11 | ESP8266, Sensors reading temperature and humidity with a DHT11 sensor and ESP-01, coding with ESP8266 core for Arduino |
#154 ESP8266/SerialTest | ESP8266 first test of an ESP8266 module - serial communication to the SoC |
#155 ESP8266/SerialTest/ruby | ESP8266, ruby exercising ESP8266 serial communications with Ruby |
#274 FY3200S | Tools, Test Equipment testing out the Feeltech FY3200S digital function generator |
#310 FM/TEA5767 | FM, Arduino controlling the TEA5767 low-power FM stereo radio chip with an Arduino |
#225 FQ777-954/TearDown | Drones, RF teardown an FQ777-954 nano drone and figure out as much of the technical design as possible |
#223 Fritzing Parts | EDA my collection of custom Fritzing Parts |
#207 FrequencyCounter | CMOS, Oscillators test a CMOS frequency counter circuit with 100Hz - 5MHz range |
#295 FrequencyCounterKit | PIC, Equipment, Oscillators build and test a common PIC-based frequency counter kit |
#018 FretBoard | LED Array, Arduino a multi-project build status indicator, that pulls software build status from the net and animates the status of up to 24 projects with an LED array |
#053 FunctionGenerator324 | OpAmp, Oscillators LM324 configured as a low-frequency square, triangle, sine, and cosine function generator |
#282 FunctionGeneratorKit | Oscillators, Tools, XR2206 build and test a function generator kit based on the XR-2206 monolithic function generator |
#220 GccToolchain | avr-lib, avrdude programming an Arduino with C and a command line |
#245 GeneralCurveTracer | BJT, Oscillators test a DC-powered general curve tracer circuit |
#241 GeneralPurpose358 | OpAmp, Audio test a general-purpose LM358 amplifier circuit |
#050 Girabot | Sensors, OpAmp, Arduino EE40LX Electronic Interfaces robot project |
#338 GlowBall | LED, Oscillators, Power building LED effects for a Glass Eye Studio Celestial Planet Weight |
#298 GoldenHind | Kraft building a mini metal model of the Golden Hind |
#368 GranularSynth | Audio, Arduino building an ATmega328 granular synth module in an Altoids can |
#098 GuitarHeadphoneAmp | OpAmp, Audio an LM386 fixed-gain guitar headphone amp |
#249 GuitarPracticeAmp | OpAmp, Audio single-channel 10W guitar practice amplifier based on the TDA2050 |
#198 HallEffectSwitch | Sensors testing a Hall effect switch |
#005 HeartQuotes | LCD, Ethernet, Arduino press a button to get a quote from the net and display on an LCD |
#142 HighFrequencyOpAmpOscillators | OpAmp, Oscillators how fast can you push an Op-Amp oscillator? |
#043 HitTheLights | LCD, Human Input, Arduino simple LED game with LCD output and interrupt-driven button input |
#203 HomopolarMotor | Kinetics build a basic homopolar motor |
#146 InvertingChargePump | 555 Timer, Power test an inverting charge pump circuit based on a 555 timer |
#006 It's Better With Bacon | LCD, Arduino simple LCD test |
#056 JoystickServoControl | Human Input, Arduino controlling two servos with a joystick |
#303 KeyboardMatrixModule | Arduino, LED, Human Input demo a simple pushbutton/LED matrix module |
#304 KeyboardMatrixModule/KeyMatrixInput | Arduino, Human Input demo multiplexed key input on a simple pushbutton/LED matrix module and how to use INPUT_PULLUP |
#305 KeyboardMatrixModule/LedControl | Arduino, LED demo controlling the LEDs on a simple pushbutton/LED matrix module |
#306 KeyboardMatrixModule/SwitchInterrupts | Arduino, Human Input demo interrupt-driven switch input on a simple pushbutton/LED matrix module and how to use the EnableInterrupt library |
#227 KnightRider | 555 Timer, CMOS, LED the familiar "Knight-Rider" LED circuit using a 555 and 4017 |
#324 Labrador | Tools first look at the EspoTek Labrador USB "lab-on-a-board" hardware and software |
#365 Lcd5110/AdafruitHardwareSPI | LCD, Arduino a quick Nokia 5110 LCD test using hardware SPI and the Adafruit PCD8544 library |
#366 Lcd5110/AdafruitSoftwareSPI | LCD, Arduino a quick Nokia 5110 LCD test using software SPI and the Adafruit PCD8544 library |
#085 Lcd5110/BareBack | LCD, Arduino driving a Nokia 5110 LCD Display with an Arduino and the raw command set |
#149 Lcd5110/JuliansU8glibDemo | LCD, Arduino quick test drive of Julian Ilett's 5110 LCD demo with the u8glib library |
#195 LCResonator | Oscillators, LC measure the resonant frequency of an LC circuit or inductance of an inductor |
#034 LDRComparator | Sensors, OpAmp, Arduino low-light/proximity Trip Detector demonstration using LM324 and LDR/Wheatstone Bridge sensor |
#047 LDRStereoTripDetector | OpAmp demo LM324 OpAmp as threshold trigger for stereo LDR/Wheatstone Bridge sensor |
#058 Led4Digit7Segment | 7-Segment, Arduino overview of driving a 4-digit 7-segment display |
#080 Led4Digit7Segment/DoubleShift | 7-Segment, CMOS/TTL, Arduino driving a 4-Digit 7-Segment display with only 3 pins, using two 74HC595 shift registers and some NPN BJTs |
#081 Led4Digit7Segment/DoubleShiftWithFETs | 7-Segment, CMOS/TTL, Arduino driving a 4-Digit 7-Segment display with only 3 pins, using two 74HC595 shift registers and some n-channel FETs |
#078 Led4Digit7Segment/SingleShift | 7-Segment, CMOS/TTL, Arduino driving a 4-digit 7-segment display with a shift register and a few BJTs |
#199 LED7Segment/CD4026BucketBrigade | 7-Segment, CMOS, Arduino a CD4026 bucket-brigade for driving multiple 7-segment displays |
#196 LED7Segment/CD4026Drive | 7-Segment, CMOS, Arduino driving a 7-segment display with CD4026 Counter |
#308 LED7Segment/CombinationalLogicDriver | 7-Segment, CMOS/TTL, Arduino - dust off some combinational logic methods and build a 8421-BCD to 7-segment LED driver with 7400 series logic |
#001 LED7Segment/DirectDrive | 7-Segment, Arduino test a 7-segment common cathode display |
#177 LED7Segment/ShiftDrive | 7-Segment, CMOS/TTL, Arduino test control of a 7-segment display via a 74HC595 shift register |
#178 LED7Segment/ShiftDriveModule | 7-Segment, CMOS/TTL, Arduino, PCB a custom 7-segment display module PCB with 74HC595 shift register interface |
#189 LED7Segment/ShiftDriveSPI | 7-Segment, CMOS/TTL, Arduino, SPI using SPI to control a 7-segment display via a 74HC595 shift register |
#007 LEDArrayDemos | LED Array, Arduino Intro and Setup.. I bought some WS2811-based LED Strips with a specific project in mind. But first, need to get them working... |
#003 LEDChaser | LED, Arduino blinks a series of 12 LEDs in a coninuous loop |
#103 LedControlDemo | 8x8 LED, Arduino test driving and LED matrix with the LedControl library |
#173 LEDCubes/Mini4 | LED, CMOS/TTL, Arduino a mini 64 LED cube with an Atmel328 and 3 x 74HC595 register interface |
#231 LEDDimmer/CurrentRegulator | LED, Power test a current-regulator style LED dimmer circuit |
#232 LEDDimmer/555PWM | LED, Power, 555 Timer test a PWM LED dimmer circuit using a 555 timer |
#067 LEDLamp | Power, LED build and analyse a commercial LED lamp kit with capacitive power supply |
#209 LedPanelDisplay72R02 | LED, Arduino test a 7-digit & 7-status indicator LED display |
#224 LEDStrobeKit | LED, 555 Timer, CMOS build and analyse a common LED strobe kit |
#079 LedTemperatureDisplay | Sensors, LM35, 7-Segment, Arduino measure ambient temperature using LM35 and display with a 4-digit 7-segment LED unit |
#179 LEDx16Module | CMOS/TTL, SMD, Arduino a custom 16 LED SMD PCB with 74HC595 shift register interface |
#065 LevelIndicatorLM3915 | LM3915, Arduino Driving an LM3915 10-segment display with a single Arduino pin |
#010 LightOrNot | Sensors, Arduino uses an LDR to adjust the blink rate of an LED |
#350 LiteWings | Conductive Ink learning about conductive ink with the CircuitScribe LiteWings kit |
#095 LittleGem/A386 | OpAmp, Audio a basic Smokey-inspired LM386 guitar power amp |
#191 LowVoltageGlowingLEDs | BJT, LED, Oscillators, Power a dual-LED "glowing" oscillator from a 1.5V supply |
#160 LM324/SplitterBuffer | OpAmp demonstrate load-independance of an LM324 buffer and signal splitter |
#101 MaxRawDemo | 8x8 LED, Arduino drive an 8x8 LED Matrix with a MAX7219 chip an raw SPI commands |
#358 MC34063/ModuleKit | Power build and test an MC34063-based boost converter |
#335 MCP2200/Chaser | UART, USB, LED using the MCP2200 GPIO from MacOSX. With great power comes great responsibility to blink LEDs |
#334 MCP2200/DevKit | UART, USB exploring the capabilities of the MCP2200 USB-to-UART and program it from a MacOSX host |
#313 MCP23S17 | Arduino, Port Expander investigate and test the MCP23S17 16-Bit I/O Expander with serial interface |
#040 MeLEDy | Audio use an electret microphone to light a series of LEDs in proportion to volume |
#252 MessageWaiting | LED, 555 Timer two-LED flasher with a 555 and minimal components - turned into a "message waiting" indicator with some free-wired SMD construction |
#230 MinimalLCOscillator | LC, Oscillators test an LC oscillator of just 5 components |
#326 Mixers | RF, Mixers all about frequency mixers |
#327 Mixers/RFDiodeRing | RF, Mixers a diode ring double-balanced frequency mixer |
#150 ML741 | OpAmp an LM741-style OpAmp built with discrete components |
#151 ML741/Comparator | OpAmp test a comparator circuit with the ML741 discrete component opamp |
#158 ML741/Inverter | OpAmp test an inverter circuit using the ML741 discrete component opamp |
#159 ML741/InvertingAmplifier | OpAmp test an inverting amplifier circuit using the ML741 discrete component opamp |
#161 ML741/NonInvertingAmplifier | OpAmp test a non-inverting amplifier circuit using the ML741 discrete component opamp |
#157 ML741/VoltageFollower | OpAmp test a voltage follower/buffer circuit with the ML741 discrete component opamp |
#082 MobileRFDetectorKit | RF build and investigate a commercially available "mobile phone signal" detector kit |
#017 Monostable | 555 Timer basic monostable mode using an Arduino and processing to plot the output |
#075 Monostable122 | CMOS/TTL simple pulse trigger using 74LS122 monostable with external timing configuration |
#076 MonostablePulseExtender | CMOS/TTL, Arduino test the behaviour of a 74LS122 monostable with external timing configuration and plot the results with an Arduino |
#046 MotorControlPWM | Motors, Arduino tests PWM speed control of a DC motor driven by an Arduino |
#218 MPU6050/AccelGyroTest | Sensors, MPU-6050, Arduino first test of an Invensense MPU-6050 3-Axes Accelerometer Gyroscope Module |
#315 MT3608/VariableBoost | Power testing the canonical variable boost circuit using the MT3608 High Efficiency 1.2MHz 2A Step Up Converter |
#190 MultiSlaveSPI | SPI, Arduino using SPI to control multiple devices that support an SPIish interface |
#226 MusicBoxKit | Music, Arduino build and test a Music Box kit, and run a demonstration under Arduino control |
#156 MSO5074FG_unboxing | Tools, Test Equipment, Oscilloscope unboxing and first tests of a Hantek MSO5074FG oscilloscope |
#036 NonInverting324 | OpAmp demo LM324 OpAmp non-inverting DC gain mode |
#072 NOR7402 | CMOS/TTL, Arduino demo the 74LS02 Quad 2-input NOR gate with an Arduino |
#114 NORGateOscillator | CMOS/TTL, Oscillators, Arduino test a low-speed square wave oscillator using NOR gates |
#176 nRF24Breakout | nRF24, PCB a simple PCB breadboard adapter for 8-pin nRF24 modules |
#187 nRF24/PingPong | nRF24, Arduino two Arduino's entertaining themselves with a game of "ping pong" over nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz RF |
#367 nRF24/Scanner | nRF24, Arduino a 2.4GHz channel scanner for the nRF24l01+ with Nokia 5110 LCD display |
#087 OLED/SSD1306BareBack | OLED, Arduino driving a monochrome 128x64 OLED Display with an Arduino and the raw command set |
#086 OLED/SSD1306WithAdaFruitLibraries | OLED, Arduino running the AdaFruit example program with a monochrome 128x64 OLED Display |
#122 OpAmpTimer | OpAmp, Timer testing an OpAmp timer switch |
#336 Oscillators/ComparatorRelaxation | OpAmp, Oscillators test a classic comparator-based relaxation oscillator, modified for single-supply LM358 OpAmp |
#213 OSHChip/blinky | ARM, OSHChip first tests of the OSHChip nRF51822-CFAC-A0 in DIP16 packaging |
#214 OSHChip/GccToolchain | ARM, gcc, OSHChip can I build a program for the OSHChip using the gcc toolchain and Nordic Semi SDK on MacOSX? |
#216 OSHChip/LEDx16Module | OSHChip, SPI driving an SPI LED module with the OSHChip |
#215 OSHChip/YottaToolchain | ARM, gcc, yotta, OSHChip build a simple program using the Official Yotta target for OSHChip and gcc on MacOSX |
#121 PeakDetector | OpAmp, RC test an OpAmp-based peak detector circuit |
#247 pedalShieldUno | DSP, Guitar, Arduino build and test a genuine pedalSHIELD UNO Arduino-based guitar effects pedal |
#250 pedalShieldUno/AudioDSP | DSP, Guitar, Arduino test and develop the AudioDSP library for programming the pedalSHIELD Uno |
#331 PIC/GettingBlinky | PIC, LED getting up and running building a PIC assembler project on MacOSX with a PIC12F675 development board. Let's get Blinky! |
#248 PierceGateOscillator | Oscillators, Crystal build and test a 4.27 MHz Pierce Gate Oscillator circuit using a 74LS14 schmitt inverter |
#242 PierceOscillator | Oscillators, Crystal test a Pierce Oscillator made with a minimum of components |
#090 PlotNValues | Arduino, Processing generic script to sample up to 6 analog inputs and stream the data to serial in ASCII format for plotting with Processing |
#183 PolarityTester | Inverter, CMOS demonstrate a polarity-testing circuit |
#193 PovShakeStickKit | 8051, LED build and investigate an AT89S52-based "shake stick" kit |
#330 Power/Any2AnyPowerPack | Power a 2.1mm DC adapter pack with battery bypass and any-polarity to any-polarity connectors |
#165 Power2662Inverter | Power test a negative 5V power supply using the LM2662 Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter |
#026 Power317 | Power test/graph an adjustable voltage supply built with the LM317 Adjustable Regulator |
#092 Power317CC | Power test a constant current power supply built with the LM317 |
#027 Power7805 | Power test and graph a voltage supply built with an LM7805 5V Regulated Supply |
#153 PowerAMS1117 | Power test an AMS1117 3.3V linear regulator |
#060 PowerBreadboard5V | Power custom regulated 5V power supply module for standard breadboard |
#329 PowerConnectors | Power obsessing over all manner of DC power connectors |
#152 PowerLD1117 | Power test an LD1117 3.3V linear regulator |
#028 PowerMB102 | Power demo and test a commercial 3.3/5V MB102 breadboard power supply unit |
#182 PowerSupply317Kit | Power build and test a mains-powered 1.25V-12V DC LM317 power supply kit |
#029 PowerZener | Power test and graph a power supply regulated with a 1N4733 zener diode |
#019 Popcorn | Audio, Arduino How to make a piezo buzzer even more annoying? Make it play popcorn! |
#004 Pushbutton LED switch | LED, Arduino Momentary push button switch is used to toggle the LED on and off |
#233 PWM/GeneralPurposeHighSideController | PWM, 555 Timer, Oscillators, Power build and test a general-purpose high-side PWM controller |
#025 Quad Latch | CMOS/TTL graph the basic operation of the 74LS75 4-bit bistable latch |
#073 QuadNOR | CMOS/TTL, Arduino demo simple cascading NOR gate logic with the 74LS02 and an Arduino |
#115 R2RDAC | Arduino build and test a 16-bit R2R-ladder digital to analog converter with shift register interface |
#035 RangeFinder | Sensors, Arduino proximity/distance measurement with an HC-SR04 untrasonic ranging module |
#049 RCOscillator | BJT, RC, Oscillators simple RC/transistor multistable vibrator |
#332 RCPhaseShiftBJT | BJT, RC, Oscillators testing an RC phase-shift oscillator using a BJT amplifier |
#129 RelaxationJouleThief | Power, RLC, Oscillators test a "joule thief" circuit based on a relaxation oscillator |
#055 RelayControlTest | Servo, Arduino quick test to drive a motor with a common relay using NPN switching circuit under Arduino control |
#054 RelayModuleTest | Servo, Arduino quick test of a common relay board to switch a motor under Arduino control |
#024 ResistorTransistorLogic/AND | BJT, RTL, Logic Gates test the basic resistor-transistor logic AND gate |
#023 ResistorTransistorLogic/NAND | BJT, RTL, Logic Gates test the basic resistor-transistor logic NAND gate |
#111 ResistorTransistorLogic/NOR | BJT, RTL, Logic Gates test the basic resistor-transistor logic NOR gate |
#013 ResistorTransistorLogic/NOT | BJT, RTL, Logic Gates test the basic resistor-transistor logic NOT gate (Inverter) |
#112 ResistorTransistorLogic/OR | BJT, RTL, Logic Gates test the basic resistor-transistor logic OR gate |
#221 ResistorTransistorLogic/XOR | BJT, RTL, Logic Gates test the basic resistor-transistor logic XOR gate/XOR |
#124 RFDetectorProbe | RF a simple RF detector mounted in a pen |
#337 RgbLedGlow | LED, Oscillators rainbow glow effects with an RGB LED and OpAmp oscillators |
#169 RGBLedModule | LED, Arduino demo an RGB LED module |
#107 RingCounter | CMOS, 555 Timer test the classic CD4017 walking-ring counter |
#108 RingCounterController | CMOS, Arduino control the classic CD4017 walking-ring counter with an Arduino |
#144 RingOscillator | CMOS/TTL, Oscillators test an oscillator built with a 74LS14 Inverter chip |
#347 RF Connectors | RF, Connectors notes on miscellaneous RF connectors |
#063 RFSwitch | RF, OpAmp simple remote control switch with 433Mhz transmitter/receiver and some analog signal processing |
#064 RFSwitchASK | RF, ASK, Arduino data communications using ASK protocol over 433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver set |
#008 RGBCalibrate | LED Array, Arduino quick test to make sure LEDs are correctly addressable and their color can be set correctly |
#118 RotaryEncoderMethods | Sensor, Arduino finding the best method for reading a rotary-encoder |
#119 RotaryEncoderModule | Sensor, 8x8 LED, Arduino testing a Rotary Encoder module controlling an LED 8x8 display |
#084 RouletteKit | 555 Timer build and examine the workings of a commercial 555 Roulette kit |
#351 RTL-SDR Dongle | SDR, Radio, RF getting started with an R820T2+RTL2832U dongle and open-source SDR software on MacOSX (gprx, CubicSDR) |
#104 Ruby | OpAmp, Audio a version of the runoffgroove Ruby LM386 guitar amp |
#192 Sagrada Família | LED, Kraft a paper model with some LED effects |
#272 Saike909D | Tools, Test Equipment unboxing and initial review of the Saike 909D 3-in-1 hot air rework station |
#260 SaleaeLogic | Tools, Test Equipment, Logic Analyzer checking out a second-hand Saleae Logic (24 MS/s, 8 channel USB logic analyzer - that works on a Mac!!) |
#021 Schmitt Inverter | CMOS/TTL graph the basic operation of the 74LS14 Hex Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Inputs |
#317 SchmittTrigger/BasicDiscrete | Schmitt, BJT test the classic emitter-coupled Schmitt Trigger circuit design |
#172 SCRLatch | SCR, Thyristor exploring the behaviour of low-power silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) |
#042 ServoTest | Servo, Arduino test the positioning accuracy of a servo motor driven by an Arduino |
#041 Shifty | LED, CMOS/TTL, Arduino drive 8 LEDs with 3 pins using a 74HC595 shift register |
#044 SimpleChime | 555 Timer play a sound for a fixed duration when a button is pressed |
#120 SimplePeakDetector | RC test the basic diode-RC peak detector circuit |
#045 SimpleSiren | 555 Timer classic timer circuit producing a two-tone oscillation |
#208 SingleStageTransmitterKit | FM build a simple single-stage FM transmitter kit |
#279 SingleStageTransmitterKit2 | FM build and tweak/tune another simple single-stage FM Transmitter Kit |
#171 SMDPracticeBoards | SMD, CMOS, 555 Timer a collection of notes, kits and resources for hand-soldering surface mount devices |
#096 Smokey | Amp, Audio quick build of a Smokey-like LM386 guitar power amp |
#355 Snow Flake | Kraft, ARM, LED an Atmel SAM D ARM Cortex-M0-controlled LED ornament produced by @LuckResistor and shared with the Boldport Club community as a special project |
#296 SolarPendulum | Boldport, Solar build a solar-powered pendulum similar to the popular "solar wobble/flip-flop toys" on the Boldport QSOP breakout board |
#102 SolenoidControl | Solenoid, Arduino controlling a mini solenoid with an Arduino |
#117 SolenoidDIY | Solenoid, Arduino build and test a basic electromechanical solenoid |
#200 SolenoidMotor | Solenoid a single-cylinder mini-solenoid engine |
#354 SpiderBot | Boldport, Kinetics Boldport Club PissOff mutant offspring .. with spider legs and scuttling drive system |
#016 Square Wave - 555 | 555 Timer, Oscillators using a 555 timer as an astable oscillator to generate a square wave and an Arduino and processing to plot the output |
#039 Square Wave - LM324 | OpAmp, Oscillators using an LM324 OpAmp to generate a square wave (astable opamp oscillator) |
#022 Square Wave - Schmitt | CMOS/TTL, Oscillators using an 74LS14 Hex Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Inputs to generate a square wave |
#061 SRLatch | Logic Gates, BJT Set/Reset latch with BJTs |
#062 SRLatchFlipper | Logic Gates, BJT, Arduino Set/Reset latch with BJTs, controlled and monitored by an Arduino |
#346 SRLatchWithNandGates | Logic Gates, CMOS/TTL Set-Reset latch implemented with NAND gates |
#077 SRLatchWithNorGates | Logic Gates, CMOS/TTL Set-Reset latch implemented with NOR gates |
#222 StairStepGenerator | OpAmp, 555 Timer, Oscillators generate a stair-step waveform with analog components |
#212 StayCreative | Audio, LED an audio level VU meter driving a custom LED sign |
#048 StereoLightTrigger | Sensors, Arduino demo an interrupt-driven method for responding to LDR light threshold triggers |
#185 StirlingEngineHB13 | Kinetics building the Böhm Stirling-Technik HB13 Small Bonsai engine |
#349 stringy/DemoBurner | Boldport, PIC burning a new demo mode for the Boldport Club Stringy, with a Ruby gem for MusicXML conversion to PIC assembler |
#015 StripTease | LED Array, Arduino demo a range of effects on the LED strip |
#123 SuperheterodyneReceiverKit | RF build and analyse a basic commercial radio recevier kit |
#066 Switch - NFET | MOSFET small-signal n-channel MOSFET switch with turn-off delay |
#116 Switch - NJFET | JFET, Arduino switch an independent power source using an Arduino and n-channel JFET |
#032 Switch - NPN | BJT small-signal digital switch with NPN BJT |
#106 Switch - PFET | MOSFET small-signal p-channel MOSFET switch with turn-on delay |
#091 Switch - PJFET | JFET, Arduino switch an independent power source using an Arduino and p-channel JFET |
#033 Switch - PNP | BJT small-signal digital switch with PNP BJT |
#286 SwitchPowerNFET | MOSFET, Arduino low-side n-channel MOSFET switching of large loads with a microcontroller |
#243 Switches | Switches Notes on miscellaneous mechanical switches used in electrical circuits |
#244 Switches/DPDT | Switches all about double-pole, double-thow (DPDT) toggle switches |
#175 SwitchSoftLatch | MOSFET, BJT test a soft-latching power switching circuit |
#320 SyncJKCounter | CMOS/TTL, Digital Logic a synchronous 8-bit counter built with JK Flip-Flops |
#204 TemperatureLoggerTypeK | Sensors, Thermocouple, Arduino simple high-temperature monitor using Type K (differential) and LM35 (cold-junction) sensors |
#074 TestIR | IR, Arduino test raw IR reception with a TSOP1838-type IR sensor and an Arduino |
#361 TFT/Color128x128 | TFT LCD, Arduino testing a 128x128 colour TFT LCD with a couple of different Arduino libraries |
#267 TheCuttle/ScopeTag | Boldport, ATmega, ATmel, Arduino, Digital Pot, MCP42010, Oscilloscope Get the Boldport Cuttle to write its name on a Digital Oscilloscope with an MCP42010 digital potentiometer |
#312 TheMatrix/Firecracker | Boldport, LED, AS1130, Sensors a firecracker simulacrum running on the BoldportClub Matrix |
#302 TheMatrix/GameOfLife | Boldport, LED, AS1130 a simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life on the BoldportClub Matrix |
#307 TheMatrix/KeypadControl | Boldport, LED, AS1130 use a 20-button keypad to write a scrolling message on the Boldport Matrix |
#300 TheMatrix/LedTest | Boldport, LED, AS1130 testing The Matrix (Boldport Club project #11) with @luckyresistor's LRAS1130 library |
#281 ThreeStageTransmitter | FM build an "ugly-style in a can" version of dazaro3's 3-stage FM transmitter circuit |
#071 TinyBlink | Arduino, ATmel a simple blink sketch with an ATTINY85-20PU on a breadboard |
#360 TL431/ShuntRegulator | ** Power, Regulator, Reference** testing a TL431 voltage reference (regulator) circuit with manual course and fine trim |
#137 ToroidJouleThief | Power, RL, Oscillators test a "joule thief" circuit based on a ferrite toroid |
#135 TouchSwitch/555 | 555 Timer test a touch switch circuit based on a 555 timer |
#228 TransistorCurveTracer | OpAmp, 555 Timer, Oscillators simple NPN transistor curve tracer using a Stairstep generator circuit |
#083 TransistorTester | Arduino, BJT use an Arduino to test NPN and PNP BJTs |
#205 TriacDimmer | Triac, Thyristor investigate the operation of triacs and build the basic dimmaer circuit |
#031 Triangle Wave - 555 | 555 Timer, Oscillators generate a triangle wave with 555 timer astable oscillator and RC integrator |
#113 TTLBufferDriver | OpAmp, TTL using an OpAmp as a final buffer stage for TTL or similar circuits |
#059 TwoToneDoorbell | 555 Timer, Oscillators basic two-tone doorbell using a 555 timer oscillator, with n-channel FET for power conservation |
#287 UltrasonicAlarm | 555 Timer, Sensors, CMOS/TTL build an ultrasonic motion alarm with the HC-SR04 module and discrete logic |
#174 UsbNotifier | LED, USB tear-down and demo code for some oldUSB Webmail Notifier devices |
#341 UsbPowerSupplyKit | Power, USB building a USB Wall Wart and taking a look at how they work .. instead of taking them apart or having them blow up |
#145 VariableDutyCycle | 555 Timer, Oscillators a 555 oscillator circuit that allows easy manual duty cycle adjustment while minimising the change to frequency |
#002 Variable LED brightness with PWM | LED, Arduino variable resistor is used to control the brightness of an LED with PWM |
#276 VariableFrequencyRunwayLEDs | LED, Arduino a PWM-controlled variable frequency LED "runway lights" effect using the LM331 and CD4017 |
#163 VariableSawtoothGenerator | OpAmp, Oscillators test a variable-geometry, fixed-amplitude sawtooth wave generator circuit |
#125 VoiceLevelIndicatorKit | LED, Kit build and investigate a commercially available "3-band voice level indicator" kit |
#273 VoltageControlledOscillator | Oscillators, VCO, Varicap exploring varicap diodes (KV1471) and their use in frequency tuning of a Colpitts-style voltage-controlled oscillator |
#328 VoltageControlledOscillator/555 | Oscillators, VCO, 555 Timer a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) using the 555 timer |
#147 VoltageDoublerChargePump | 555 Timer, Power test a voltage-doubling charge pump circuit based on a 555 timer |
#333 VoltageSelfMeasurement | Arduino, ADC self-measurement of an Arduino's supply voltage (Vcc) |
#167 VoltageSensorModule | Sensors, Arduino test a 25V voltage sensor module with display on a 5110 LCD |
#289 VoltmeterAmmeterModule | Sensors test and calibrate a DC Voltmeter/Ammeter panel module |
#181 VoltmeterModule | Sensors test a 3-wire voltmeter module |
#097 VolumeControlPowerAmp | OpAmp, Audio an LM386 fixed-gain audio power amp with volume control |
#164 WatsonLedRing | Oscillators test a Watson 3-LED Ring oscillator |
#197 WienBridgeAudioToneGenerator | OpAmp, Oscillators fixed-frequency tone generator based on a Wien Bridge Oscillator |
#011 X113647Stepper | Stepper, Arduino using the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor and a X113647 Stepper Motor Driver Board with an Arduino |
#283 XorWithNandGates | Logic Gates, CMOS/TTL construct an XOR gate with only an 74LS132 quad NAND gate, and demonstrate its behaviour with an Arduino and Processing |
#265 XYplotter | Arduino, Digital Pot, MCP42010, Oscilloscope draw pictures on a Digital Oscilloscope using an MCP42010 dual digital potentiometer and an Arduino. Of course, the first thing to try is the classic Christmas Tree |