Table of Contents
TASK: evaluate/plot bivariate Gaussian PDF
Input: 2 mean values, 2 variances, correlation parameter.
- PDF class calculates bivariate Gaussian PDF values at each location in the 2D grid.
- Create covariances 2x2 covariance matrix using input variances and covariances, calculated using correlation parameter
- create mehsgrid to be filled with PDF values
- calculate PDF value for each meshgrid cell using Gaussian PDF equation in matrix form
- plot PDF
Input: 2 mean values, 2 variances, correlation parameter, sample size of RV -m.
- Create covariances 2x2 covariance matrix using input variances and covariances, calculated using correlation parameter
- Get eigenvalues, eigenvectors of covariance matrix
- Get 2 × m matrix A, drawing m random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution
- Generate matrix Mu , containing two arrays of mean values of shape corresponding to size of arrays of independent random samples (m x m)
- Get X (2 x m) as,A)+Mu
- plot generated PDF for different correlation parameters
TASK: analyse sea level pressure (SLP) anomalies
Input: HadSLP2 netcdf, 2 variances, correlation parameter.
- Extract December months from netcdf file using xarray, plot the longterm mean SLP field for December
- Extract SLP time series from Reykjavik/Lisbon grid cells
- Plot 2D histogram with Reykjavik/Lisbon time series SLP data on x and y axis
- calulate bivariate normal distribution parameters(mean, variance and correlation) from Reykjavik/Lisbon time series
- generate and plot PDF with estimated parameters (same way as in Ex1)