- North Macedonia/Skopje
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/ozkan-selcuk-1ba7a120a/
It includes studies of the resources I follow to learn about programming. It includes 41 different case studies.
A Gmail Clone which built with ReactJS and Redux. You can sign in with your Google Account, compose a new e-mail and send realtime emails to the project.
A Full Stack Shopping App that i built using ReactJS Redux with full E-Commerce Functionality!!
A Google Clone which built with ReactJS. When you click Gmail button, you will be directed to my other project, Gmail Clone. You can search whatever you want and send realtime emails by clicking Gm…
A Disney+ Clone which build with ReactJS & Redux. You can sign in with your Google Account.
A Slack Clone which built with ReactJS. You can sign in with your Google Account and send realtime posts. Click demo to try it by yourself!
A basic movie rating application which created with using Redux Toolkit, Axios for API calls, React Router DOM for Routing and Node-SASS for my SCSS compile to CSS..
A Facebook Clone which built with reactJS. You can sign in with your Google Account and send realtime posts.
Find your style & enjoy shopping!
A Linkedin Clone which build with ReactJS & Redux.
Twitter Clone built using React, Firebase, Material UI and React Flip Move.
A full E-Commerce Full Stack Amazon Clone which built using ReactJS. You can register, sign in and shop!
A Spotify Clone which built with ReactJS. 3rd party API integration, user authentication, spotify API, responsive design, material-ui, react context api are used to built it.
A Whatsapp Clone which built with reactJS. You can sign in with your Google Account and you can chat in real time.