- North Macedonia/Skopje
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/ozkan-selcuk-1ba7a120a/
release canditate: https://rc.afetharita.com/
Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
It includes studies of the resources I follow to learn about programming. It includes 41 different case studies.
Rust programlama dilini öğrenmek amacıyla oluşturdum. Kitap, eğitim videosu gibi kaynaklardan öğrendiklerimi derleyip toparladığım bir çalışma alanı olarak kullanmayı planlıyorum.
Campaign platform built with Solidity, Hardhat and OpenZeppelin
Lottery platform smart contract built with Solidity
A Full Stack Shopping App that i built using ReactJS Redux with full E-Commerce Functionality!!
A basic movie rating application which created with using Redux Toolkit, Axios for API calls, React Router DOM for Routing and Node-SASS for my SCSS compile to CSS..
A Linkedin Clone which build with ReactJS & Redux.
Frontendmentor Landing Page Challenge