- Generate Service Worker with Offline support (via Workbox)
- Auto inject Web App Manifest
- WIP: Strategies option
- WIP: Meta injection
- WIP: Icons generation for different dimensions
ℹ️ Vite 2 is supported from
, Vite 1's support is discontinued.
npm i vite-plugin-pwa -D # yarn add vite-plugin-pwa -D
Add it to vite.config.js
// vite.config.js
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'
export default {
plugins: [
manifest: {
// content of manifest
workbox: {
// workbox options for generateSW
// sw.js
import { precacheAndRoute } from 'workbox-precaching'
// self.__WB_MANIFEST is default injection point
// vite.config.js
strategies: 'injectManifest',
manifest: {
// content of manifest
injectManifest: {
// workbox options for injectManifest
Check out the type declaration src/types.ts and the following links for more details.
This project is part of my Sponsor Program
MIT License © 2020 Anthony Fu