Please note the now auto generates an att&ck navigator layer, so we will no longer be updating layers here for new Elastic Security releases
The link [] will now redirect to that auto generated layer. However these scripts will remain here for those that want to use them for their own purposes.
Generate an ATT&CK Navigator (AN) [] dashboard layer. Also contains pre-generated layers you can just use.
Just click on:
This script will grab the information from any running Kibana instance.
- cd into this project directory
- run:
npm install
to get all dependancies - run:
node ./main.js -h
Read the printed help on creating a JSON config file; we'll assume you named this file "config".
Note: You could also use npm to install elsec_dr2an as a shell command; here we'll just run the script from the project directory.
- run:
node ./main.js ./config
This script will grab the information from the detection rules github repository. Ensure you have the following shell tools installed: jq, dasel (, git, & bash v3+.
Run the script: .\ > output.json
Navigate to and chose "Open Existing Layer", click on "Upload from local" and select the generated file.
For just a specific rule type run: .\ TYPE > output.json
Copy the scripts to a target system and use as needed.
These scripts are for demonstration purposes only, they do not follow all production deployment recommendations.
Get in touch with me.
No versioning of the script themselves, use as-is. They are writen in a way that they can be used with any post 7.x deployment.
Thorben Jändling <[email protected]>
Many colleagues at!