- shuffle nodules between patients with the same label
- dsb_a04 ?
- luna_c4
- generate blobs: test_seg_scan.py
- probabilities for blobs (fpred): test_fpred_scan.py
- stats over segmentation blobs: evaluate_luna_seg_scan.py
- stats over fpred: evaluate_luna_fpred_scan.py
- generate blobs: test_seg_scan_dsb.py
- fpred: test_fpred_scan_dsb.py
- plot rois as in the final data iterator: plot_dsb_roi.py
- train classifier: train_class_dsb.py (nodule on the border, bad quality) (biggest nodule 32 mm) b8bb02d229361a623a4dc57aa0e5c485 (has 2 series of data) 08528b8817429d12b7ce2bf444d264f9 (half of the lung) 6a145c28d3b722643f547dfcbdf379ae (half of the lung) 5fe048f36bd2da6bdb63d8ff3c4022cd (half of the lung) 51fbac477a3639f983904fc4d42b8c15 (the highest candidate is probably not a nodule)
ssh -X -p 10001 ikorshun@localhost scp -P 10001 /mnt/sda3/data/kaggle-lung/stage1_sample_submission.csv ikorshun@localhost://mnt/storage/data/dsb3/