- Oslo, Norway
Send-STSplunkMessage is a PowerShell version 2-compatible function for sending ad hoc splunk messages to the specified index, source, source type and (list of) Splunk forwarder/HEC URI(s).
Svendsen Tech's CrypTaxCalc is an open-source Coinbase transaction log parser to get the numbers you need for the tax reports ("tax calculator")
Get folder sizes blazingly fast with PowerShell
Svendsen Tech's New-RandomData function generates cryptographically secure or pseudorandom data. Can be used to generate keys and passwords with the -StreamToSTDOUT parameter, and has comprehensive…
Svendsen Tech's PSipcalc mimics the Linux utility ipcalc in PowerShell and shows extensive network information given a CIDR or IP and subnet mask.
Svendsen Tech's Gwmi-Async.ps1 is an asynchronous wrapper around Get-WmiObject, compatible with PSv2, that also handles errors and timeouts gracefully. It is designed to retrieve and collect data f…
RFC (Request for Comments) documents for community feedback on design changes and improvements to PowerShell ecosystem
Use Svendsen Tech's Search-ForLife PowerShell code in an attempt to detect if a server is in use, as part of server lifecycle management/removal/investigation of unknown servers, etc.
The Unofficial PowerShell Best Practices and Style Guide
Planet PowerShell is an aggregator of PowerShell community content. The goal is to provide a convenient RSS feed that contains all of the content generated by community members.
Svendsen Tech's Invoke-PsExec for PowerShell is a function that lets you execute PowerShell and batch/cmd.exe code asynchronously on target Windows computers, using PsExec.exe.
Use Svendsen Tech's Remove-OldFiles function to delete files based on date logic with time granularity ranging from milliseconds to months, and an optional file name regex filter.
Use Svendsen Tech's Get-STDotNetVersion function to get a list of installed .NET Framework versions on (remote) Windows computers. I also added a simple solution for .NET 5+
Svendsen Tech's Benchmark module provides a convenient interface to benchmark and compare execution speed of code blocks containing arbitrary PowerShell code
Use Svendsen Tech's WriteAscii module to produce ASCII art letters from strings, in PowerShell
The official PowerShell documentation sources
Central repository for PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) resources.
Provides PowerShell language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code
Svendsen Tech's PowerShell nmap-like port scanner accepting IPv4 CIDR notation
The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
Get AD group members recursively, tagged with root group DN and direct parent group DN
Download ScriptAnalyzer from PowerShellGallery
Tiny Linux distro that runs the entire OS as Docker containers