Source code for an infectious disease network model published in PLOS Computational Biology, Sep 2020
Implementation in Matlab of a Network-based SIRS model
Network model of the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy to design and investigate regional containment and mitigation strategies
Gallery of Network-Based Epidemic Model Templates for EpiModel
Network Models of HIV Transmission Dynamics among MSM and Heterosexuals
Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics
The companion repository to Computational Modeling of Infectious Disease by Chris von Csefalvay
[KDD 2024] Papers about deep learning in epidemic modeling.
Models of SEIRS epidemic dynamics with extensions, including network-structured populations, testing, contact tracing, and social distancing.
Disease Informed Neural Networks (DINNs) — neural networks capable of learning how diseases spread, forecasting their progression, and finding their unique parameters (e.g. death rate).
Code and data supporting the paper "Impact and cost-effectiveness of the national Hepatitis B immunization program in China: a modelling study", Liu Z, et al.
This is the model structure for the article ‘HPV vaccination is effective and cost-efficient in preventing cervical cancer in HIV-infected women in China: a cost-effectiveness analysis’. It is note…
Course materials for learning how to perform applied cost-effectiveness analysis with R
This was my final project for CMSE 202 during Fall 2021. It studies the spread of a disease through an agent-based model, and compares the results to those from the traditional SIR compartmental mo…
Exploration of the difference of the SIR model between an agent based model (ABM) and the numerical solution.
An Agent Based Simulation of the COVID19 infectivity using the classic SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Removed) epidemiological model in Python.
This repository is meant as a facilitator for all those who want to learn agent based disease modelling using the mesa framework in python. When I started out, there were too few examples for this …
Disease propagation ABM generating SIR, severe cases, and R0 over quasi-time.
A Tutorial for Agent Based Models in Python
Human papillomavirus simulator (HPVsim)
Scripts used for the study on cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination in Switzerland (quadri- and nonavalent vaccine)