Tags: ElvisSuperZhang/export_fig
(3.11) Fixed issue altmany#317 (bug when exporting figure with non-pi… …xels units); potential solve also of issue altmany#303 (size change upon export)
(3.10) Fixed issues altmany#313,314 (figure position changes if units… … ~= pixels); Display multiple versions change-log, if relevant; Fixed issue altmany#312 (PNG: only use alpha channel if -transparent was requested)
(3.09) Fixed issue altmany#310 (hopefully): bug with tiny image on HG… …1; fixed title cropping bug
(3.07) Fixed issue altmany#307 (bug in padding of bitmap images); fix… …ed axes transparency in -clipboard:emf with -transparent
(3.06) * Significantly improved performance (speed) and fidelity of b… …itmap images; * return alpha matrix for bitmap images; * fixed -update bug (issue altmany#302); * added EMF output; * added -clipboard formats (image,bitmap,emf,pdf); * added hints for exportgraphics/copygraphics usage in certain use-cases; * added description of new version features in the update message; * fixed issue altmany#306 (yyaxis cropping); * fixed EPS/PDF auto-cropping with -transparent
(3.04) Workaround for issue altmany#15; alert if ghostscript file not… … found on Matlab path