My name is Eric Rodriguez. I have a background in Computer Science, having recently graduated from Syracuse University. I bring enthusiasm and dedication to my work. I love the process of learning new technologies, meeting new people, and growing as both a person and a developer.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks & Tools: Cloud Firestore (GCP), Git, noSQL, React.js, RESTful APIs, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript
- CodePath: Having been a part of this community for over a year now, CodePath is an amazing. From starting as a student, to now mentoring and helping student software engineers, I'm always looking to pay it forward to this wonderful community
- NYC: I am very fortunate to call this city my home. It is bustling with tech conferences and meetups, so if you are in the area, there is a chance we'll cross paths
- Career Goals: My goal is to have an established role in the software engineering industry, particularly in one that allows me to work on meaningful and impactful projects
- Learning: I am dedicated to my growth, by continually learning and retaining knowledge
I am always eager to meet new people, so feel free to reach out!