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Detecting Genomic Introgressions Among Lynx Lineages

In this repository you can find all of the workflows and scripts I wrote and ran in order to detect introgressed windows in the genomes of Lynx pardinus and Lynx lynx populations.

Selecting Samples

The genomic dataset we used for the introgression scans was comprised of all of the individuals we have sampled from the following populations:

  • Lynx pardinus :

    • Sierra Morena (N=29) = lpa
  • Lynx lynx :

    • Western clade Kirov + Urals (N=20) = wel
    • Eastern clade Yakutia + Primorsky krai (N=19) = eel
    • Southern clade Caucasus (N=12 or N=9) = sel

The populations table has information on how to convert sample names to their population

sample population
sm lpa
ki wel
ur wel
ya eel
vl eel
ca sel

A table with each sample's species, population, original study, sequencing technology, median read depth can be found in the data folder. There I also marked which samples were used in which analysis.

Alignment to reference genomes

Description of how sequencing reads were processed and aligned to the Canada lynx reference genome (mLynCan4_v1.p - GCA_007474595.1; Rhie et al., 2021) are found in reads_qc_and_alignment

Variant Calling using GATK

Genotypes of all the samples were extracted from the individual alignments and joint into a unique VCF file as described in variant_calling

Standard Variant Filtering

The following variants were filtered from the VCF generated during the calling:

  1. Variants from Repetitive/Low mappability regions (defined by the reference genome annotation)
  2. Indels + Non-biallelic variants
  3. Non-variant SNPs (allele frequency = 1)
  4. and 5. Standard quality filters, as GATK standard practices

This was performed in the genomics-a server running a customized script that uses a combination of bedtools, bcftools and gatk.

New version


bash src/variant_filtering/ \
  $ref \
  $invcf \

An additional custom script was then run to extract a table summarizing the filtering process, indicating how many variants are present at the start of each step (e_vars) and how many variants were filtered at each step.

step name e_vars f_vars
0 start 23406903 0
1 low_map 11705070 11701833
2 indel_bial 8910297 2794773
3 invar 7023491 1886806
4 gatk_qual1 6747530 275961
5 gatk_qual2 6596762 150768

The following command was run to generate a BED of SNPs filtered because of low quality

bedtools subtract \
 -a /GRUPOS/grupolince/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter3.vcf \
 -b /GRUPOS/grupolince/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.vcf |
 awk '{print $1, $2-1, $2}' | tr ' ' '\t' \
 > /GRUPOS/grupolince/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/filter_beds/qual_filter.bed

Phasing variants

Phasing of variants will be conducted with a pipeline that first uses WhatsHap v.1.1 (Martin et al., 2016) to create phase sets from individual read and population data. The output of WhatsHap is then passed to SHAPEIT4 v.4.2.1 (Delaneau et al., 2019) that will infer the haplotypes of each sample for each chromosome.

All this is based on what Lorena already ran for the samples mapped to the Felix catus reference genome:

Lorena - Phasing

This was run in the FT3 cesga server

Splitting the VCF

To divide my VCF into single population VCFs and further dividing those into single chromosome VCFs I ran a custom bash script The populations are defined as at the beginning of this md. The chromosomes I decided to keep are the larger ones: 18 autosomes and the X chromosome.

Generate genetic map

To run SHAPEIT4 I also need to provide a genetic map for the SNPs to phase. As we don't have one, we will manually generate a genetic map by multiplying the physical distance in bp between SNPs and genome wide average recombination rate, which is 1.9 cM/Mbp. By cumulatively summing the multiplication of the physical distance from previous the SNP by 0.0000019, we obtain the cM value of each SNP. This approximation is not ideal but it's the only way we can provide a map. To calculate this I wrote a custom script which will output a gmap table for each chromosome, made of 3 columns: position, chromosome, cM (format useful for SHAPEIT4).

Generate Phase sets with WhatsHap

For more precise phasing, we first run the software WhatsHap using the --tag=PS (see link).

Phase sets were generated from the VCF of each chromosome of each population by running in parallel a custom script

pop_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/lynx_genome/lynx_data/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/lp_ll_introgression_populations.txt | cut -f2 | sort -u))
chr_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/reference_genomes/Lynx_canadensis_Ref/big_scaffolds.bed | cut -f1))
for pop in ${pop_list[@]}
  for chr in ${chr_list[@]}
    echo "sbatching whatshap phasing of ${chr} VCF of ${pop}"
    sbatch ${pop} ${chr}

Phase using SHAPEIT4

Because SHAPEIT requires a minimum of 20 samples in order to phase a VCF, we will have to trick it by duplicating the genotypes of our samples. To do this I wrote a custom script based on what Lorena did, that will duplicate the samples of the output of the WhatsHap Phase-Set VCF.

I run it for all of the populations and chromosomes.

pop_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/lynx_genome/lynx_data/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/lp_ll_introgression_populations.txt | cut -f2 | sort -u))
chr_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/reference_genomes/Lynx_canadensis_Ref/big_scaffolds.bed | cut -f1))
for pop in ${pop_list[@]}
  for chr in ${chr_list[@]}
    echo "duplicating whatshap ${pop}'s phase set VCF of ${chr}"
    ./ ${pop} ${chr}

I then need to zip and index each duplicated phase set VCF.

pop_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/lynx_genome/lynx_data/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/lp_ll_introgression_populations.txt | cut -f2 | sort -u))
chr_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/reference_genomes/Lynx_canadensis_Ref/big_scaffolds.bed | cut -f1))
for pop in ${pop_list[@]}
  for chr in ${chr_list[@]}
    echo "zipping ${pop}'s duplicated phase set VCF of ${chr}"
    bgzip lp_ll_introgression_filtered_${pop}_${chr}_ps_duplicate.vcf
    echo "indexing ${pop}'s zipped duplicated phase set VCF of ${chr}"
    bcftools index lp_ll_introgression_filtered_${pop}_${chr}_ps_duplicate.vcf.gz

The data is now ready to be phased using SHAPEIT4. To do so in parallel, I used a custom made script that runs SHAPEIT4 for each population and chromosome combinations. MCMC iterations were set to "10b,1p,1b,1p,1b,1p,1b,1p,10m" as suggested by the SHAPEIT4 manual.

pop_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/lynx_genome/lynx_data/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/lp_ll_introgression_populations.txt | cut -f2 | sort -u))
chr_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/reference_genomes/Lynx_canadensis_Ref/big_scaffolds.bed | cut -f1))
for pop in ${pop_list[@]}
  for chr in ${chr_list[@]}
   echo "sbatching SHAPEIT4 phasing of ${chr} VCF of ${pop}"
   sbatch ${pop} ${chr}

To remove the duplicated samples from the phased VCF I use a custom made script that will also remove any GT that was imputed by SHAPEIT4, that I would like to keep as missing data.

pop_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/lynx_genome/lynx_data/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/lp_ll_introgression_populations.txt | cut -f2 | sort -u))
chr_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/reference_genomes/Lynx_canadensis_Ref/big_scaffolds.bed | cut -f1))
for pop in ${pop_list[@]}
  for chr in ${chr_list[@]}
    echo "removing duplicates and un-imputing GTs from ${pop}'s phased VCF of ${chr}"
    ./ ${pop} ${chr}

The different single chromosome population VCFs for each populations were combined into a single VCF with data from all of the samples and all of the chromosomes using the software bcftools merge (Li 2011) and vcftools concat (Danecek et al. 2011) in a custom script

Additional Filtering

Two additional filtering are applied to the data.

One is based on missing genotype information and is implemented to avoid analyzing variants that are not informative enough and might introduce noise into our results.

The other is based on read depth and is implemented to avoid including in the analysis possible paralogs whose SNP profiles do not reflect real genetic diversity.

Both these filters are population specific. We are aiming to generate VCFs with data from only a pair of populations, in order to identify windows introgressed from one population into the other. This means the SNPs to be filtered out should be calculated for each population independently and then applied only if the population is included in the VCF for the analysis. Three distinct VCFs will be generated, for each population pair we are aiming for, which are the three Eurasian lynx populations always paired with the Iberian lynx one.

This was run in the EBD genomics server.

Calculating filter based on Missing Data

I calculated the number of missing genotypes in each population for each SNP in order to draw a distribution of data missingness across the entire genome. Using a bash script we generate a table. The table can be then read by a R script filter_missing_data.R that will output a summary table and a graph that help visualize how different limits on missing data affect the number of SNPs filtered.


The final decision, based on these results, is to filter out any SNP with 15% or more missing data, which results in a loss of ~5.4% of SNPs in Lynx pardinus, ~1.5% in Western and Eastern Eurasian lynx and <1% in the Southern Eurasian lynx. Higher missing rate in Lynx pardinus is probably given by the combination of the older sequencing technologies used for some of the samples and the relatively low depth of the rest of the samples.

Calculating filter based on Read Depth

Mean read depth in consecutive 10kbp windows along the genome was calculated using the software samtools (Li et al. 2009) in the custom script

pop_list=($(cat /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/lynx_genome/lynx_data/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/lp_ll_introgression_populations.txt | cut -f2 | sort -u))
for pop in ${pop_list[@]}
  sbatch -t 02-00:00 -n 1 -c 1 --mem=1GB ${pop}

The script outputs a bed file for each chromosome of each population, reporting the mean read depth for each 10kbp window. These bed files can be analysed using an R script filter_rd.R, that calculates and plots the distribution of mean read depth values for all windows. Based on these distributions, the same filter_rd.R script will also calculate a maximum depth value and output a bed file for each population with the windows to be excluded based on this maximum depth.

The maximum depth is calculated as the overall mean read depth + 0.5 times the standard deviation of mean read depth values. This ends up excluding ~1100 windows in each population, which correspond to around 0.5% of all windows.

Applying the filters

Before we can divide the phased VCF into the three desired population-pair VCFs, we need to quickly adapt the phased VCF's header, that saw most of the important information stripped away during phasing (will give problems in GATK if we skip this). To "fix" the header we simply copy the pre-phased header, add the few new fields added during phasing, and finally add the phased part of the table:

# take pre-phased header
grep "##" lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.vcf \
 > lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.phased.fixed.vcf

# add info and format added in phasing
grep -E "##INFO|##FORMAT" lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.phased.vcf \
 >> lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.phased.fixed.vcf

# add phased vcf table
grep -v "##" lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.phased.vcf \
 >> lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.phased.fixed.vcf

After this we can use a custom script to split the VCF into the three population-pair VCFs and apply the specific missing data and read depth filters.

Preparing the dataset for Demographic Inference

Identify Genomic Windows

In order to run demographic inference using Oscar Lao's GP4PG approach I need to generate the list of genomic windows on which the analyses will be run. This is done through the script in the Lynx_EA_ABC package. This requires three distinct types of windows:

  1. genes
  2. repeats
  3. callable windows

The list of genomic coordinates for gene and their surroundings (5kbp down- and up-stream) was generated from the GFF3 of the reference genome:

# generate list of genes with 5kbp up- and down-stream
awk -F"\t" '$3 == "gene" {printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $4-5001, $5+5000, $9)}' lc4.NCBI.nr_main.gff3 | awk -F'\t' '{split($4, a, ";"); for(i in a) if(index(a[i], "Name=") == 1) {gsub("Name=", "", a[i]); print $1 "\t" ($2 < 0 ? 0 : $2) "\t" $3 "\t" a[i]}}' > lc4.NCBI.nr_main.all_genes.plus5000.bed

A header is then added to this file and saved as the Canada_Lynx_Genes.txt.

The repeats were marked during the assembly and are contained in a bed file called lc_rep_ALL_scaffold_coord.bed.

Callable windows is the collection of the 18 autosomic and large scaffolds from which we subtract the 10kbp windows that were discarded because of their read depth:

# for each Eurasian lynx population:
for pop in wel eel sel
  echo "generating callable regions of population pair: lpa-${pop}"
  # from the 18 autosomic and large scaffolds
  grep -v "Super_Scaffold_10" /GRUPOS/grupolince/reference_genomes/lynx_canadensis/big_scaffolds.bed |
    # remove high read depth in lpa
    bedtools subtract \
      -a stdin \
      -b /GRUPOS/grupolince/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/filter_beds/lpa_rd_filter.bed |
    # remove high read depth in eurasian
    bedtools subtract \
      -a stdin \
      -b /GRUPOS/grupolince/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/filter_beds/${pop}_rd_filter.bed \
  > /GRUPOS/grupolince/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression/demographic_inference/lpa-${pop}_GP4PG_callable_windows.bed


The script will extract genomic windows from the callable fragments that have the following characteristics:

  • have a size of 20kbp
  • have a distance between eachother of at least 500kbp
  • contain a minimum density of non-gene non-repeat sequence of 0.5

The script will generate the list of windows and subwindows that will be used for Demographic Inference (masked_regions). A manual modification has to be done to the file in order to remove the [ ] brackets enclosing the subwindows.

The number of masked_regions for Demographic Inference for each population pair is:

  • lpa-wel : 2057
  • lpa-eel : 2057
  • lpa-sel : 2057

In theory these windows could be different for each population pair analyzed so I've run it for each. In the end I see that the masked_regions end up being exactly the same so using either file will be good.

As the analysis needs the file to be named masked_regions.txt, I copy the one of the population pair I'm about to analyze to this file name i.e.: cp lpa-wel.masked_regions.txt masked_regions.txt

Create Plink File for Genotypes

To run the GP4PG model I need to have the genotypes in PLINK's BED, BIM and FAM format.

To generate them in a way that will have the information useful for GP4PG (i.e. an ancestral individual and translated chromosome names) I use a custom java script called, located in the Lynx_EA_ABC package, in the source package create_data.

Final QC and sanity checks

I want to check if the selected masked_regions are a good representation of expected genetic variation among my samples.

To extract only the SNPs from the masked_regions, I can give PLINK's option --extract a set-range file. To extract set-range files from the masked_range.txt files I made a python script [] (src/demographic_inference/

python src/demographic_inference/ --masked_regions_file data/demographic_inference/genomic_regions/lpa-wel.masked_regions.txt
python src/demographic_inference/ --masked_regions_file data/demographic_inference/genomic_regions/lpa-sel.masked_regions.txt
python src/demographic_inference/ --masked_regions_file data/demographic_inference/genomic_regions/lpa-eel.masked_regions.txt

I can extract SNPs for these windows only in PLINK's RAW format for easier manipulation:

for pop in wel eel sel
  echo "generating plink files of population pair: lpa-${pop}"
  plink_1.9 --bfile data/demographic_inference/lpa-${pop}.callable_genotypes \
    --double-id --allow-extra-chr --set-missing-var-ids @:# \
    --extract range data/demographic_inference/genomic_regions/lpa-${pop}.masked_regions.plink_range \
    --recode A \
    --out data/demographic_inference/lpa-${pop}.masked_regions_only

I do some sanity checks

  • Number of SNPs per Sequence length - masked_regions vs callable
# callable regions total length = 654'017'849
awk '{sum += $3 - $2} END {print sum}' data/demographic_inference/genomic_regions/lpa-wel_GP4PG_callable_windows.nogenes_noreps.bed

# number of SNPs in callable regions = 2'940'638
subtractBed \
  -a data/vcfs/lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.phased.fixed.lpa-wel.miss.rd_fil.vcf \
  -b data/demographic_inference/genomic_regions/lc4.NCBI.nr_main.all_genes.plus5000.bed | 
 grep -v "Super_Scaffold_10" | wc -l

# callable regions SNP density = 2'940'638 / 654'017'849 = 0.004496265666902311

# masked_regions total length = 24'220'273
awk '{sum += $3 - $2} END {print sum}' data/demographic_inference/genomic_regions/lpa-wel.masked_regions.plink_range

# number of SNPs in masked_regions = 103'439
head -1 data/demographic_inference/lpa-wel.masked_regions_only.raw |
 tr ' ' '\n' | grep -vwE "FID|IID|PAT|MAT|SEX|PHENOTYPE" | wc -l

# masked_regions SNP density = 103'439 / 24'220'273 = 0.0042707611099181255
  • Population Structure in masked_regions

I can look at population structure at loci we're using for the analysis, in order to detect any weird patterns in the way samples are related to eachother.

For this I wrote three custom R scripts lpa-wel.pop_structure_sanity.R, lpa-eel.pop_structure_sanity.R and lpa-sel.pop_structure_sanity.R. These will run PCA on the genotypes of the masked_regions, and generate 3 PC1-PC2 plots each:

  • one with all the samples
  • one with the lynx pardinus samples
  • one with the lynx lynx samples

This way I can check basic relationships among samples and find any possible weird patterns. The scripts are called as follows:

Rscript src/demographic_inference/lpa-wel.pop_structure_sanity.R
Rscript src/demographic_inference/lpa-eel.pop_structure_sanity.R
Rscript src/demographic_inference/lpa-sel.pop_structure_sanity.R

Preparing GP4PG for Demographic Inference

  • Samples for Inference

I want to extract the RAW file of the regions used for demographic inference from the pre-phasing VCF to check each sample's missing data patterns and SNP counts for different SFS bins.

cd ~/testing_ea
plink_1.9 --vcf /GRUPOS/grupolince/LyCaRef_vcfs/lp_ll_introgression_LyCa_ref.sorted.filter5.vcf.gz \
  --double-id --allow-extra-chr --set-missing-var-ids @:# \
  --extract range ~/Lynxtrogression/data/demographic_inference/genomic_regions/lpa-wel.masked_regions.plink_range \
  --recode A \
  --out lp_ll_introgression.filter5.masked_regions

Check missing data of each sample

head -1 lp_ll_introgression.filter5.masked_regions.raw | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "aff" | wc -l
# 115256

while IFS= read -r line; do
    sample=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
    nas=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/[^NA]//g' | sed 's/NA/a/g')
    nas_prop=$(echo "${#nas} / 115256 * 100" | bc -l)
    echo "${sample}: ${nas_prop} %"
done < <(grep "c_lp" lp_ll_introgression.filter5.masked_regions.raw) | sort -nk 2

Check heterozygosity

while IFS= read -r line; do
    sample=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
    nas=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/[^NA]//g' | sed 's/NA/a/g')
    ones=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f7- | sed 's/[^1]//g')
    nas_prop=$(echo "${#ones}" | bc -l)
    echo "${sample}: ${nas_prop}"
done < <(grep -E "c_ll_ki|c_ll_ur" lp_ll_introgression.filter5.masked_regions.raw) | sort -nk 2

Check homozygosity

while IFS= read -r line; do
    sample=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
    nas=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/[^NA]//g' | sed 's/NA/a/g')
    zeros=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f7- | sed 's/[^0]//g')
    twos=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f7- | sed 's/[^2]//g')
    nas_prop=$(echo "(${#zeros} + ${#twos})" | bc -l)
    echo "${sample}: ${nas_prop}"
done < <(grep -E "c_ll_ki|c_ll_ur" lp_ll_introgression.filter5.masked_regions.raw) | sort -nk 2

Check read depth

  • lpa-wel:

  • training: c_lp_sm_0614, c_ll_ki_0090

  • replication: c_lp_sm_0474, c_ll_ur_0202

  • lpa-eel:

  • training: c_lp_sm_0614, ...

  • replication: c_lp_sm_0474, ...

  • lpa-sel:

  • training: c_lp_sm_0614, ...

  • replication: c_lp_sm_0474, ...

  • Build the Models

In the Lynx_EA_ABC package I prepared a demographic model that will be the backbone on which the Invasive Weed Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) will build upon.

The models have the following foundation:

  • coordinates for the space occupied by the two species:
    • upper left (-9, 43), lower right (0.22, 37.58) for Lynx pardinus
    • upper left (0.22, 80), lower right (139.38, 27.78) for Lynx lynx
  • each species' EcoDeme:
    • 1 to 5 TopoDemes
    • 100 to 10000 Ne for each Lynx lynx TopoDeme
    • 100 to 1000 Ne for each Lynx pardinus TopoDeme
    • 10E-6 to 10E-2 among TopoDeme (within EcoDeme) migration rate
  • divergence time among species from 10K to 500K generations ago
  • 10E-6 to 10E-2 among TopoDeme migration rate within the ancestral population

With these prior conditions, I test two distinct models.

The first model is called Island Migration (IM), where a migration rate between 0 and 10E-5 is maintained constantly after divergence among the two species. The second model is called Strict Isolation (SI), where migration after divergence is set to 0. Note that pulse migrations are still allowed to be added by the EA when mutating nodes after each generation of the Invasive Weed, so the concept of Strict Isolation only applies to the model prior.

The models are saved in the and files inside the lynx_ea_abc source package.

  • Hyperparameters of EA run

The package's main class (file that will be executed when running the application) is the file inside the lynx_ea_abc source package.

Following the instructions in the main class the program will:

  • The configuration file (passed to the jar as second argument) is read to define:

    • working_folder: Within this directory you must have the plink bed file, the masked_regions.txt and a folder with fastSimcoal2
    • bed_file: Plink Bed file containing Genotypes to be used
    • fsc_name: Name of the fastSimcoal2 executable
    • fsc_folder name: Name prefix of folder where fastSimcoal2 will be run
    • individuals for training: String of comma separated samples names to be used for training (e.g. sample1,sample2)
    • individuals for replication: String of comma separated samples names to be used for replication (e.g. sample1,sample2)
    • the model to run: needed only if you want to run a model by itself
  • The model to run is either read from the configuration file with Lynx_Model modev = new Lynx_Model(Integer.parseInt(model_to_run)) or all models listed in the file inside the lynx_ea_abc source package are pooled against eachother with Lynx_Model modev = new Lynx_Model()

  • A new EA run is initiated with the information from the configuration file and an index (passed to the jar as first argument)

  • Recombination and mutation rates are defined as RandomTruncatedNormal(9.4 * Math.pow(10, -9), 1 * Math.pow(10, -11), Math.pow(10, -11), Math.pow(10, -7)) and RandomTruncatedNormal(6 * Math.pow(10, -9), 6 * Math.pow(10, -10), 6 * Math.pow(10, -11), 6 * Math.pow(10, -7)) respectively (truncated normal distributions around values identified in Abascal et al. 2016)

  • Define the following Demographic Events that can be added to the model by the EA as mutations with the defined probability (1 for all):

    • Change_Migration_In_Backward: time = from 20 to 500K generations ago; value = from 10E-9 to 10E-2
    • Change_Ne_In_Backward: time = from 20 to 500K generations ago; value = 100 to 6000
    • Extinct_Demes_In_Forward: time = from 20 to 500K generations ago; value = 1
    • Incease_Demes_In_Forward: time = from 20 to 500K generations ago; value = 1
    • Admixture: time = from 20 to 500K generations ago; value = from 0.0001 to 0.5
  • Define the hyperparameters of the EA run:

    • Number of generations (n_generations = 100): number of generations of Invasive Weed
    • Invasive Weed population size (n_pop_EA_size = 100): number of solutions that are allowed to reproduce each Invasive Weed generation
    • Minimum number of offspring (n_min_offspring = 2): minimum number of offspring produced (the solution with lowest fitness)
    • Maximum number of offspring (n_max_offspring = 8): maximum number of offspring produced (the solution with highest fitness)
  • Initialize the Invasive Weed by using the runEA method of the RunnerEA class defined in the file inside the evolutionaryalgorithm_approximatebayesiancomputationultimate (GP4PG) source package with the following arguments:

    • time_lapses (10000): time interval (in generations) between which migration matrices should be calculated by fastsimcoal2
    • probability_of_removing_nodes_vs_adding_nodes (0.8): proportion of times that the Invasive Weed mutation process will add a new event on th node vs removing an event from the node

Remember that if needed the main class can be changed in NetBeans by rightclicking the project folder - Properties - Run - Browse to java file to use as main

  • Configuration Files

In order to create the scripts that will run the GP4PG model and in order to run the model itself I need to create a configuration file with the following information:

  • working_folder: folder where the analysis is run - see below for details on what it needs to contain
  • bed_file: name of the PLINK file where observed data is stored - needs to be in the working_folder
  • individuals_training: name of the samples that will be used during training (one per species in our case)
  • individuals_replication: name of the samples that will be used during replication (one per species in our case)
  • fsc_name: name of the fastSimcoal executable - needs to be in the fsc_folder
  • fsc_folder: basename of the folder where fastSimcoal will be run - each iteration of the EA will be executed in a folder named <fsc_folder>_
  • model_to_run: the integer associated to the specific model to be run, as listed in the script - can be '-1' to use all models in
  • model_name: name of the model that will be run
  • logs_folder: path of the folder where the log file of the run will be stored
  • jar_file: path to the jar file of the Lynx_EA_ABC package that will run the EA

Running GP4PG

For each iteration I want to run the EA algorithm and run GP4PG I create a specific bash script for that iteration using the make_sbatch_model_run_scripts python script, by providing it an integer for the iteration number, the run's configuration file and an output folder where the scripts are stored.

for n in {0..100}
  python src/demographic_inference/ $n config/demographic_inference/ scripts/demographic_inference/sbatch_run_model_LPLL_IM_SI

I also need to prepare the working_folder so that everything needed is available inside it. This needs to contain the following:

  • the plink bed file containing the genotypes from the masked_regions.txt (generated with
  • the masked_regions.txt file containing the selected genomic windows
  • a folder called <fsc_folder>_template where the <fsc_name> executable is stored

I run GP4PG 101 times on different clusters for efficiency:

# 11-20, 49-60, 90-96
# are run on cesga ft3
cd $HSM_csebdjgl/enrico/Lynxtrogression

for n in {90..96}
  echo $n
  sbatch -t 7-00:00 scripts/demographic_inference/sbatch_run_model_LPLL_IM_SI/run_model_LPLL_IM_SI_${n}.sh

On the EBD genomics clusters I make the following modifications to the sbatch scripts to make them work:

# modify paths in configuration and sh files
# to match the corresponding paths in different clusters

# configuration files on genomics copied from cesga ft3 need to change 
# from /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/enrico 
# to /home/ebazzicalupo

for config in $(ls config/demographic_inference/*)
    # Check if the file has already been modified
    if ! grep -q "/home/ebazzicalupo" "$config"; then
        echo "Modifying $config to match local paths"
        sed -i 's/\/mnt\/lustre\/hsm\/nlsas\/notape\/home\/csic\/ebd\/jgl\/enrico/\/home\/ebazzicalupo/g' "$config"
        echo "$config has already been modified to match local paths"

# sh files on genomics copied from cesga ft3 need to change
# from /mnt/lustre/hsm/nlsas/notape/home/csic/ebd/jgl/enrico
# to /home/ebazzicalupo
# all #SBATCH lines need to be eliminated
# all module load lines need to be eliminated

for sh in $(ls scripts/demographic_inference/sbatch_run_model_LPLL_IM_SI/*.sh)
    # Check if the file has already been modified
    if ! grep -q "/home/ebazzicalupo" "$sh"; then
        echo "Modifying $sh to match local paths"
        sed -i 's/\/mnt\/lustre\/hsm\/nlsas\/notape\/home\/csic\/ebd\/jgl\/enrico/\/home\/ebazzicalupo/g' "$sh"
        sed -i '/#SBATCH/d' "$sh"
        sed -i '/module load/d' "$sh"
        echo "$sh has already been modified to match local paths"

Then I run them individually in screens like this:

# 0-5, 26-29, 37-44, 61-65, 73-80, 86-89, 100 on genomics-b
# 6-10, 21-25, 30-36, 45-48, 66-72, 81-85, 97-99 on genomics-a

screen -S run_LPLL_IM_SI_100
cd /home/ebazzicalupo/Lynxtrogression/working/demographic_inference/logs/model_LPLL_IM_SI
script run_model_LPLL_IM_SI_100.log
conda activate lynx_ea_abc
bash /home/ebazzicalupo/Lynxtrogression/scripts/demographic_inference/sbatch_run_model_LPLL_IM_SI/

Analyzing GP4PG results

  • Analyze simulated vs observed SFS patterns

I check how bad our simulations resemble observed data. I extract the SFS cell counts from each round, getting both the observed values and the ones generated by the best scoring model of the run. I do this using the print_csv_from_log_dir python script:

python \
  src/demographic_inference/ \
    working/demographic_inference/logs/model_LPLL_IM_SI \
  > data/demographic_inference/ea_log_sfs.csv

Afterwards I can explore the results in the explore_ea_run_sfs R markdown file.

By looking at the top 10 runs we decided that the simulated results are sufficiently similar to the observed data. The most glaring differences are in the SNP counts of 1/1 cells (where both individuals are heterozygous for the same mutation) and of 1/0 cells (where the iberian lynx is heterozygous for a mutation in the eurasian lynx is homozygous for the ancestral allele). We deem the differences in these counts (although consistent) sufficiently low that the best runs are good enough to continue with further analyses.

  • Top ten runs

The top 10 runs are: 15, 22, 67, 16, 71, 2, 39, 26, 48, 8

I generate a file (BEST) that summarizes the reconstructed model by running the get_best_from_log bash script:

for n in 15 22 67 16 71 2 39 26 48 8
  echo $log
  bash src/demographic_inference/ $log

Run ABC-DL with the best EA runs

Now we are ready to perform ABC-DL for model comparison and parameter estimation using the best scoring models from the EA run. We will be using the Lynx_EA_ABC again package for this.

The package's main class (file that will be executed when running the application) for this part of the analysis is the file, inside the lynx_ea_abc source package. This takes a particular model and generate 10000 simulations for that specific model using the defined priors. The model is defined as an integer in the configuration file. This integer is then passed to the script which will select the MODEL file from which to take the information from (the integer is the position of the selected model in the array of MODEL files).

Based on the summaries contained in the BEST and the PAR files of the 10 best scoring EA runs, I write a MODEL file for each of them in the Lynx_EA_ABC package.

To calculate the ancient migration rate I use the python script


Detecting Genomic Introgressions Among Lynx Lineages







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