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eoracle is a programmable data layer that extends Ethereum Proof of Stake to connect smart contracts with real-world data. To get a basic understand of eoracle, checkout our documentation.


The target contracts consists of two primary smart contracts: EOFeedManager and EOFeedVerifier. The EOFeedManager receives feed updates from whitelisted publishers, verifies them using EOFeedVerifier, and stores the verified data for access by other smart contracts. The EOFeedVerifier handles the verification process, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the price feed updates.


The EOFeedManager contract is responsible for receiving feed updates from whitelisted publishers. These updates are verified using the logic in the EOFeedVerifier. Upon successful verification, the feed data is stored in the EOFeedManager and made available for other smart contracts to read. Only supported feed IDs can be published to the feed manager.


The EOFeedVerifier contract handles the verification of update payloads. The payload includes a Merkle root signed by eoracle validators and a Merkle path to the leaf containing the data. The verifier stores the current validator set in its storage and ensures that the Merkle root is signed by a subset of this validator set with sufficient voting power.


Full list


This is a list of the most frequently needed commands.


Build the contracts:

$ forge build


Get a test coverage report:

$ forge coverage


Run the unit tests:

$ npm run test

Run the integration tests:

$ npm run test:integration

Generate test coverage with lcov report

$ npm run test:coverage:report

Configuration file

Configuration file is located by path script/config/{targetChainId}/{eoracleChainId}/targetContractSetConfig.json

Configuration attributes

  • usePrecompiledModexp - boolean, should be set to true if deployment should be done using precompiled contract, false - if the solidity version of modexp needed to be used (for the chain that don't support precompiled modexp)

  • proxyAdminOwner - the owner of ProxyAdmin smart contracts

  • targetContractsOwner - the owner of core contracts

  • eoracleChainId - id of the child chain

  • targetChainId - id of the target chain

  • publishers - array of publisher addresses

  • supportedFeedIds - array of supported feed ids

  • supportedFeedsData - array with data of the feeds

    • base - address of the base token (erc-20 address or address from Denominations)
    • quote - address of the quote token (erc-20 address or address from Denominations
    • decimals - rate decimals for the feed
    • description - feed description
    • feedId - id of the feed


For all deploy scripts to work, you need to set configuration file and .env file with the following environment variables

  • PRIVATE_KEY - private key of deployer
  • OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY - private key of the contracts owner (needed for Setup core contracts and Deploy feeds adapters)
  • RPC_URL - rpc url of the target chain
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY - key for verification
  • EORACLE_CHAIN_ID - id of the child chain

Deploy core contracts

Deploy core contracts EOFeedManager and EOFeedVerifier

$ npm run deploy

Setup core contracts

Run the setup for core contracts (calls setSupportedFeeds and whitelistPublishers passing supportedFeedIds and publishers from configuration file)

$ npm run deploy:setup

Deploy registry adapter

Deploy the adapter (EOFeedRegistryAdapter)

$ npm run deploy:adapters

Deploy feeds adapters

Deploy the adapter for configured feeds (deploy EOFeedAdapter per each feed specified in supportedFeedsData in configuration file)

$ npm run deploy:feeds


This project is licensed under MIT.