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EpiDoc: Epigraphic Documents in TEI XML |
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EpiDoc is an international, collaborative effort that provides guidelines and tools for encoding scholarly and educational editions of ancient documents. It uses a subset of the Text Encoding Initiative’s standard for the representation of texts in digital form and was developed initially for the publication of digital editions of ancient inscriptions (e.g. Inscriptions of Aphrodisias, Vindolanda Tablets). Its domain has expanded to include the publication of papyri and manuscripts (e.g. Papyri.info). It addresses not only the transcription and editorial treatment of texts themselves, but also the history and materiality of the objects on which the texts appear (i.e., manuscripts, monuments, tablets, papyri, and other text-bearing objects).
Latest Release of all EpiDoc code: 9.5 (April 2023)
- EpiDoc Guidelines: recommendations for markup of transcription, descriptive features, etc. (About)
- EpiDoc Schema: the TEI-derived schema against which EpiDoc XML should be validated
- EpiDoc Reference Stylesheets: for transforming EpiDoc XML to HTML, text or ODF
- EFES: a low-barrier EpiDoc publication platform
- About EpiDoc
- Learn EpiDoc: events, tutorials and summer schools
- Markup List: email list for discussions, questions, and help with EpiDoc issues
- Other mailing lists:
- EnCoWS: Encoding Complex Writing Systems in TEI/EpiDoc
- Ancient-People: for discussion of SNAP and other prosopographical projects
- Epigraphic Ontology: for discussion of ontology, LOD, etc. for epigraphy, and especially relationships with EpiDoc and EDH data.
- EFES Users: technical support group for users of EFES
- Software and Tools for working with XML and EpiDoc
- Example Projects and Files
- EpiDoc on Facebook
Scholars and students of antiquity who are new to EpiDoc and the idea of text markup are encouraged to read Charlotte Roueché and Julia Flanders’ Introduction for Epigraphers.
To cite this website, please use the following information:
Tom Elliott, Gabriel Bodard, Hugh Cayless et al. (2006-2022), EpiDoc: Epigraphic Documents in TEI XML. Online material, available: <https://epidoc.stoa.org/>