#Crypt Crypt is a system for centrally storing FileVault 2 recovery keys. It is made up of a client app, and a Django web app for storing the keys. You will also need to download and install the webapp.
##Changes in this version
- 10.7 is no longer supported.
- Improved logging on errors.
- Improved user feedback during long operations (such as enabling FileVault).
##Client The client is written in Pyobjc, and makes use of the built in fdesetup on OS X 10.8 and higher. An example login hook is provided to see how this could be implemented in your organisation.
- If escrow fails for some reason, the recovery key is stored on disk and a Launch Daemon will attempt to escrow the key periodically.
- If the app cannot contact the server, it can optionally quit.
- If FileVault is already enabled, the app will quit.
- Install the package
- Install the Django webapp
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/FVServer ServerURL "http://yourserver.com"
To disable the network check (for example, in environments when the network isn't available until the user has authenticated):
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/FVServer NetworkCheck -bool NO
, the binary Crypt uses to enable FileVault needs to be run as root. You will need to devise your own way of running this, whether it is via a LaunchDaemon or a LoginHook.
##Acknowledgements Many thanks to my lovely employers at pebble.it for letting me release this, and thanks to Greg Neagle and the other contributors at Munki for having code that I could borrow.