- credentials : true if user information is entered otherwise false
- email : Email address of user
- password : Password of user
- sourceFile : Location of file to send
- sourceFolder : Location of files to send
- destinationUrl : DocGuard file analysis address
- outputPath : Location where the obtained outputs will be written
- threadSleep : Expected time between operations in seconds
- DocGuard-Desktop.exe --credentials false --sourceFolder C:\Testuser\Arge\Office\Mix --destinationUrl https://api.docguard.net:8443/ --outputPath C:\Users\Testuser\source\repos\DocGuard-Desktop\DocGuard-Desktop\ --threadSleep 2
- DocGuard-Desktop.exe --credentials false --sourceFile C:\Testuser\Arge\Office\Mix\serversidetemplateinjection.pdf --destinationUrl https://api.docguard.net:8443/ --outputPath C:\Users\Testuser\source\repos\DocGuard-Desktop\DocGuard-Desktop\ --threadSleep 2
- DocGuard-Desktop.exe --credentials true --email [email protected] --password streAmer* --sourceFolder C:\Testuser\Arge\Office\Mix --destinationUrl https://api.docguard.net:8443/ --outputPath C:\Users\Testuser\source\repos\DocGuard-Desktop\DocGuard-Desktop\ --threadSleep 2
- DocGuard-Desktop.exe --credentials true --email [email protected] --password streAmer* --sourceFile C:\Testuser\Arge\Office\Mix\serversidetemplateinjection.pdf --destinationUrl https://api.docguard.net:8443/ --outputPath C:\Users\Testuser\source\repos\DocGuard-Desktop\DocGuard-Desktop\ --threadSleep 2
For sample output, created a file named sample_output.json. Before a scan, you can control how you get the output.