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Sample Skeleton Projects

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These projects are basic and easy to execute implementations of some of the popularly used frameworks and libraries out in the market and can be used to jump start your coding time by simply forking these projects or using them as reference and then building your application on top of them. The implementations range from advanced MVC frameworks such as Struts to small testing libraries like JUnit or pyUnit (python).

Note: Projects not listed in the index table below are either in development phase or in debug mode and are not be relied on yet.

To detach module: In order to use a submodule as an isolated project, use the following command on your terminal

[./~]$ curl -s -L | bash -s <module_name> <target_directory>

and the required parameters as explained below

  • module_name : The name of the module to extract, this should exactly match the directory name of original modules in the code base
  • target_directory : Destination directory where to place the extracted out module

So e.g if you need to only work on JPA project, the command will look like

curl -s -L | bash -s JPA /home/user

Language: Java

Description: A blank runnable web project based on the struts2 MVC architecture. The project comprises of a sample action class that will return success and display the resulting view (jsp file). The project can be run on any application server. Basic configurations including struts and log4j are also added for reference

How to run: Import the project as a maven project, build the war file using maven and place the war in the tomcat webapps folder. Once deployment is complete by tomcat, the sample MVC can be viewed at the URL http://localhost:8080/Struts2HelloWorld/sample/GreetAction. Another added feature is the support for the Struts REST plugin to add support for rest based web services. A sample rest controller can be called at the URL http://localhost:8080/Struts2HelloWorld/rest/employee.xml which will return a list of all the users in xml format. For JSON based response, the same URL can be used by replacing the extension .xml with .json

Language: Java

Description: A blank runnable web project based on the struts (The struts1) MVC architecture. The project comprises of a sample action class that will return success and display the resulting view (jsp file). The project can be run on any application server. Basic configurations including struts and log4j are also added for reference

How to run: Import the project as a maven project, build the war file using maven and place the war in the tomcat webapps folder. Once deployment is complete by tomcat, the sample MVC can be viewed at the URL http://localhost:8080/StrutsHelloWorld/helloWorld.action

Language: Java

Description: A beginner level application implementing the jacoco maven plugin to cover code coverage of the JUNIT test cases within the application

How to run: Import the project as a maven project, run mvn clean test and jacoco will create a site project inside {proj.dir}/target/site with multiple files. Open the index.html in any browser and you can view and browse to the various classes and test cases and get a visual representation of the code coverage of the test cases written

Language: Java

Description: An entry level application implementing the RESTEasy service of JBOSS.

How to run: Import the project as a maven project, build the war file using maven and deploy this war in tomcat or Jboss application server. Once deployement is successful, you can view the service by opening any browser and navigate to the url http://localhost:8080/RestEasyService/rest/greet/hello/Tenka. For running integration tests, you can run the command mvn verify. Integration tests will be run using an embedded jetty server that is configured to be part of the maven build cycle.

Language: Java

Description: An entry level MVC application built using the JSF framework.

How to run: Import the project as a maven project, build the war file using maven and deploy this war in any JEE application server (Glassfish4 recommended). Once deployement is successful, you can view the landing page by opening any browser and navigate to the url http://localhost:8080/JSFHelloWorld-0.0.1/welcome_page.xhtml

Language: Java

Description: Basic implementation of how to create configure and use the logging capabilites provided by log4j.

How to run: Checkout the project to any directory and on the command prompt type mvn clean test and it will execute the test cases and a log will get printed on the console and the same log will be redirected to a log file namely myApp.log located at ${project_home}/logs. The key point to understand is how to use the configuration file that is read by the log4j library. This file is located at src/main/resources/

Language: Java & Scala

Description: Basic implementation of creating an MVC application using the Play framework.

How to run: Perhaps the most easy to use/configure MVC framework out there. To run the application, you need to have Play installed and available on the classpath. Once installed, checkout the project, and while standing inside the directory of the PlayHelloWorld, run the command play and you will enter inside the play terminal. Next, just type in run and play will compile and deploy your application on an embedded jetty server and you can view your application using the url http://localhost:9000 or http://localhost:9000/HelloWorld (routes have been set for both URLs)

Language: Java

Description: Basic implementation of creating an XML SOAP web service using Axis2. Note that this is just a web service implementation, to consume the web service, use any web service client like SOAPUI or you can create your own.

How to run: To run the project, checkout and deploy the war on tomcat7 application server. The wsdl will be available at the URL http://localhost:8080/AxisWebserviceHelloWorld/services/CalculatorService?wsdl.

Language: Java

Description: Basic implementation of how to create, deploy and then retrieve a stateless session bean using the EJBs API via JNDI.

How to run: There are two parts on how to execute the project. First we need to build the project with mvn clean install. Next, copy the built war file into the deployements folder for the application server (project has been optimized and tested against wildfly8.2). Once deployed, now we need to retrieve this EJB via JNDI. For this, run the main method in the class com.sample.client.StandAloneClient. You can see the logs printed in the server logs.

Language: Java

Description: Basic workflow of how to implement the Hibernate implementation of JPA. Hibernate is one of the powerfull, scalable, flexible and most used ORM framework used in the software industry. To understand the difference between JPA and Hibernate, the best possible description is the statement; "JPA is the dance and Hibernate is the dancer".

How to run: Checkout the project and execute the MainRunner class that is located inside the package com.main. The application uses HSQLDB( for carrying out CRUD operations so no DB is required to run the program, although you can direct it to your Database by simply changing the hibernate.connection.url in hibernate.cfg.xml. This is the configuration file used by hibernate to connect to your DB.

Language: Java

Description: A dummy implementation of the Jsoup library to parse html documents.

How to run: Checkout the project and execute the command mvn clean test. Basic parsing have been implemented as Junit cases. Also there is a main method in the class that shows how to parse and retreive information via Jsoup for a particualr Html page on the web

Language: Java (JDK8)

Description: A skeleton implementation of an MVC application using the Spark framework. Another simple and easy to implement MVC framework that can be used to expose a set of REST calls quick and easy. Comes with an embedded server so no deployment is required.

How to run: Checkout the project and execute the command mvn clean test. Then simply run the main method located at com.sampl.main.MainRunner and the server will load up at localhost:4567. Navigate to the URL localhost:4567/helloWorld and you will see the logs in the console as well as a sample text being returned from the exposed method

Language: Java

Description: Basic implementation of an MVC architecture based on raw Servlets and JSPs.

How to run: Checkout the project and execute the command mvn clean install. Deploy the generated war file in any application server (Tomcat 7) and then navigate to the page http://localhost:8080/Servlet30HelloWorld/helloServlet and you will be greeted with a message from a compiled JSP.

Language: Java

Description: Basic implementation of a java applet.

How to run: Checkout the project compile the class at the root of the project using the command javac Once compiled, execute the command appletviewer myapplet.html and the default applet viewer application shipped with the JDK will load up and execute the applet.

Language: Java (JDK7)

Description: A word count example of how MapReduce works. You need atleast a single node Hadoop cluster already setup before running this example.

How to run: Checkout the project and run mvn clean install to build the jar. Once jar is built, copy it to the Hadoop cluster and execute the command hadoop jar MapReduceHelloWorld-0.0.1.jar com.sample.client.ClientRunner /test_data/a_sample_file.csv output. The result of the word count will be written in the output directory on the configured HDFS.

Language: Java (JDK8)

Description: Basic implementation of an MVC structure and web services using Spring Boot

How to run: Checkout the project and run mvn spring-boot:run to run the main method. Once ready, open the browser and navigate to the page http://localhost:8080 and the greeting message will be printed on the screen. For parameter based web service, hit the url http://localhost:8080/hello?name=John and the paramter will be passed to the controller and greeting message for John will be printed on the browser.

Language: Java

Description: Basic implementation crud operations on mongo via JAVA

How to run: Checkout the project and run mvn clean test to run the test cases. Application uses an embedded mongo instance that is initialized on runtime on a random port. All test cases are run on this mongo instance.

Language: Java

Description: Basic implementation of the Javalite framework

How to run: Checkout the project and run mvn process-classs to first execute the instrumentation plugin. Next run mvn clean test and the http library will run some test cases where basic get and post requests are tested. To execute the orm part, first execute the sql script located at src/main/resources/person_modes.sql to create the table in a Mysql database. Afterwards, run the class com.sample.orm.MainRunner and the ORM will perform basic crud operations.

Language: Java

Description: Basic implementation of the Apache Wickets framework

How to run: Checkout the project and run mvn clean install to create the war file. Next, deploy this war to any application server of your choice and navigate to the url http://localhost:8080/WicketHelloWorld and you will see the greetings page rendered.

Language: Java

Description: Ready to use implementation of the Dropwizard framework

How to run: Checkout the project and run mvn clean install to create the jar file. To start the application run the command java -jar target/DropwizardHelloWorld-0.0.1.jar server src/main/resources/my-app.yml and then navigate to the url http://localhost:8080/greet and you will see the greetings JSON returned from the API.

Language: Java

Description: Ready to use implementation of Ebeans

How to run: Checkout the project and run mvn clean install to create the jar file. The application uses HSQLDB( for carrying out CRUD operations so no DB is requiered to run the program. The test case com.test.human.CrudTest demonstrates basic usage.

Language: Java

Description: Ready to use implementation of the Pippo framework

How to run: Checkout the project and run the class com.sample.pippo.Init. The application will serve a HelloWorl message at localhost:8338/. Alternatively the application can also be depolyed to your favourite application server. Run mvn clean install to create the war file and deploy to tomcat e.g. http://localhost:8080/Pippo-0.0.1/ will serve the same class.

The project is open for contributions from everyone. If you want to contribute to the project, the best way is to

  • Check the issues page to see if any pending issue is left and fixable
  • Fork the repo
  • Add documented and tested code
  • Open a pull request to the master branch
  • Once reviewed, the pull request will be merged
  • will contain information of runnable projects ONLY. All other projects are either in dev or testing phase and such projects are not to be relied on yet.

Its always best to open a issue and discuss its possibility before writing up the code. I am always open for suggestions. Feel free to contact me or contribute to the project.


A collection of skeleton projects to help start development quickly



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  • Java 94.6%
  • HTML 3.9%
  • Other 1.5%