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QCircuitNet Dataset

QCircuitNet is the first benchmark dataset designed to evaluate the capabilities of AI in designing and implementing quantum algorithms from the perspective of programming languages.

Key features of QCircuitNet include:

  1. Comprehensive Framework: A general framework which formulates the key features of quantum algorithm design task for Large Language Models, including problem description, quantum circuit codes, classical post-processing, and verification functions.
  2. Wide Range of Quantum Algorithms: Implementation for a wide range of quantum algorithms from basic primitives to advanced applications, with easy extension to more quantum algorithms.
  3. Validation and Verification Functions: Automatic validation and verification functions, allowing for iterative evaluation and interactive reasoning without human inspection.
  4. Training Potential: Promising potential as a training dataset through primitive fine-tuning results.


πŸš€ Benchmarking Workflow

The workflow of our benchmark is illustrated as follows:


🌲 Directory Tour

Below is an illustration of the directory structure of QCircuitNet.

πŸ“‚ QCircuitNet/
β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Oracle Construction/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Quantum Logic Synthesis/
β”‚   β”‚   └── Contains textbook-level and advanced oracles.
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Problem Encoding/
β”‚       └── Oracles encoding application scenarios.
β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Algorithm Design/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Quantum Computing/
β”‚   β”‚   └── Contains universal quantum computing algorithms.
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Quantum Information/
β”‚       └── Includes tasks related to quantum information protocols.
β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Random Circuits/
    β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Clifford/
    β”‚   └── Random circuits with Clifford gate set.
    β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ Universal/
        └── Random circuits with universal gate set.

Each subdirectory contains algorithm-specific data. For instance, the directory structure for Simon's algorithm under "Algorithm Design" is as follows:

πŸ“‚ Algorithm Design/
β””β”€β”€πŸ“‚ Quantum Computing/
    β””β”€β”€πŸ“‚ simon/                            # All data for the Simon's Problem
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„              # Dataset creation script
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„           # Qiskit generation code
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„      # Post-processing function
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„                # Utility functions for verification
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„         # Verification function
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„ simon-description.txt         # Problem description
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„ simon-verification.txt        # Verification results of the data points
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ full-circuit/                 # Raw data of quantum circuits
        β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ simon-n2/
        β”‚   β”‚   β””β”€β”€πŸ“„ simon-n2-s11-k11.qasm # Full circuit for a concrete setting
        β”‚   β””β”€β”€πŸ“‚ simon-n3/
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„ simon-n3-s011-k001.qasm
        β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„ simon-n3-s011-k101.qasm
        β”‚       └── ...                   
        β””β”€β”€πŸ“‚ test-oracle/                  # Extracted oracle definitions
            β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ n2/
            β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ trial1/
            β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„        # Oracle definition as a .inc file
            β”‚   β”‚   β””β”€β”€πŸ“„ oracle-info.txt   # Oracle information (such as key strings)
            β””β”€β”€πŸ“‚ n3/
                β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ trial1/
                β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„
                β”‚   β””β”€β”€πŸ“„ oracle-info.txt
                β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“‚ trial2/
                β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„
                β”‚   β””β”€β”€πŸ“„ oracle-info.txt
                └── ...                   
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„ simon-n2.qasm                 # Algorithm circuit for model output
        β”œβ”€β”€πŸ“„ simon-n3.qasm                 
        └── ...                           

πŸ“œ Example

In this subsection, we provide concrete examples to illustrate the different components of QCircuitNet. We use the case of Simon's Problem throughout the demonstration to achieve better consistency. For further details, please check the code repository.

Problem Description

The problem description is provided in a text file named {algorithm_name}_description.txt. Below is an example template for Simon's Problem:

Given a black box function f: {0,1}^n β†’ {0,1}^n. The function is guaranteed to be a 
two-to-one mapping according to a secret string s ∈ {0, 1}^n, s β‰  0^n, where given 
x_1 β‰  x_2, f(x_1) = f(x_2) iff x_1 βŠ• x_2 = s.

Design a quantum algorithm to find the secret string s. The function is provided as a 
black-box oracle gate named "Oracle" in the file, operating as:

    O_f |x⟩|y⟩ = |x⟩ |y βŠ• f(x)⟩

The input qubits |x⟩ are indexed from 0 to n-1, and the output qubits |f(x)⟩ are 
indexed from n to 2n-1. For the algorithm, provide:

1. The quantum circuit implementation using QASM or Qiskit.
2. The post-processing code run_and_analyze(circuit, aer_sim) in Python, which simulates 
   the circuit with AerSimulator and returns the secret string s based on the simulation results.

Generation Code

The following is the Qiskit code to generate a quantum circuit for Simon's Problem. The file is named {algorithm_name}

from Qiskit import QuantumCircuit

def simon_algorithm(n, oracle):
    """Generates a Simon algorithm circuit.

    - n (int): number of qubits
    - oracle: the oracle function

    - QuantumCircuit: the Simon algorithm circuit
    # Create a quantum circuit on 2n qubits
    simon_circuit = QuantumCircuit(2 * n, n)

    # Initialize the first register to the |+> state

    # Append the Simon's oracle
    simon_circuit.append(oracle, range(2 * n))

    # Apply a H-gate to the first register

    # Measure the first register
    simon_circuit.measure(range(n), range(n))

    return simon_circuit

Algorithm Circuit

The OpenQASM 3.0 file stores the quantum circuit for specific settings. Below is an example for Simon's algorithm with n = 3. This file is named {algorithm_name}_n{qubit_number}.qasm.

include "";
include "";
bit[3] c;
qubit[6] q;
h q[0];
h q[1];
h q[2];
Oracle q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3], q[4], q[5];
h q[0];
h q[1];
h q[2];
c[0] = measure q[0];
c[1] = measure q[1];
c[2] = measure q[2];

Post-Processing Function

This Python function simulates the circuit and derives the final answer to Simon's Problem. The file is named {algorithm_name}

from sympy import Matrix
import numpy as np
from Qiskit import transpile

def mod2(x):
    return x.as_numer_denom()[0] % 2

def solve_equation(string_list):
    """Solve A^T * X = 0 mod 2 for the null space."""
    M = Matrix(string_list).T
    M_I = Matrix(np.hstack([M, np.eye(M.shape[0], dtype=int)]))
    M_I_rref = M_I.rref(iszerofunc=lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    M_I_final = M_I_rref[0].applyfunc(mod2)
    if all(value == 0 for value in M_I_final[-1, :M.shape[1]]):
        result_s = "".join(str(c) for c in M_I_final[-1, M.shape[1]:])
        result_s = "0" * M.shape[0]

    return result_s

def run_and_analyze(circuit, aer_sim):
    n = circuit.num_qubits // 2
    circ = transpile(circuit, aer_sim)
    results =, shots=n).result()
    counts = results.get_counts()
    equations = [list(map(int, result)) for result in counts if result != "0" * n]
    prediction = solve_equation(equations) if len(equations) > 0 else "0" * n
    return prediction

Oracle / Gate Definition

The oracle is defined in the file, which is used for algorithm design tasks.

gate Oracle q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3], q[4], q[5] {
  cx q[0], q[3];
  cx q[1], q[4];
  cx q[2], q[5];
  cx q[2], q[5];
  x q[3];

Oracle Information

This information is stored in the oracle_info.txt file and provides additional metadata for the oracle, such as the secret and key strings. Below is an example for Simon's Problem with n = 3 and test case 2:

Secret string: 100
Key string: 001

Verification Function

The following function checks the correctness of the generated model. The file is named {algorithm_name}

from simon_utils import *

def check_model(qasm_string, code_string, n):
    """Check the Simon model."""
    with open(f"test_oracle/n{n}/trial1/", "r") as file:
        oracle_def =
    full_qasm = plug_in_oracle(qasm_string, oracle_def)
    circuit = verify_qasm_syntax(full_qasm)

    if circuit is None:
        return -1
        exec(code_string, globals())
        aer_sim = AerSimulator()
        total_success, total_fail = 0, 0
        shots = 10

        for t in range(1, 11):
            with open(f"test_oracle/n{n}/trial{t}/oracle_info.txt", "r") as file:
                secret_string ="Secret string: ([01]+)",
            circuit = transpile(circuit, aer_sim)
            prediction = run_and_analyze(circuit.copy(), aer_sim)
            if prediction == secret_string:
                total_success += 1
                total_fail += 1
        return total_success / (total_success + total_fail)

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        return -1

Dataset Creation Script

This script creates the dataset from scratch, generating the circuits, extracting gate definitions, and ensuring dataset validity. The file is named {algorithm_name}

import argparse

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        "-f", "--func", 
        choices=["qasm", "json", "gate", "check"],
        help="Function to call: generate qasm, json, extract gate, or check dataset."
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.func == "qasm":
    elif args.func == "json":
    elif args.func == "gate":
    elif args.func == "check":

πŸ“ˆ Data Proportion

The following charts provide an overview of the proportion of different data types within the QCircuitNet dataset.

Algorithm Design


Oracle Construction


Random Circuits


βœ‚οΈ Hierarchical Sampling

To provide users with an intuitive view of the dataset content, facilitate display on GitHub pages, and comply with GitHub's policies regarding file number and size, we performed a hierarchical sampling of the dataset. Random sampling was employed to minimize bias inherent in manual selection, thereby maintaining the dataset's diversity and representativeness.

The sampling process is implemented via a function named hierarchical_sample, which processes the dataset's root directory and handles subdirectories based on their specific structures. The sampling methodology for each main directory is detailed below:

  1. Algorithm_Design

    This directory contains two subdirectories: Quantum_Computing and Quantum_Information.

    a. Quantum_Computing

    The Quantum_Computing folder includes the following subdirectories:

    • bernstein_vazirani
    • deutsch_jozsa
    • generalized_simon_multi
    • generalized_simon_ternary
    • grover
    • phase_estimation
    • quantum_fourier_transformation
    • simon

    Each of these subdirectories contains files named algorithmname_n{}.qasm (e.g., bernstein_vazirani_n{}.qasm), where algorithmname matches the folder name. From each subdirectory, we randomly sampled 10 files to retain.

    Additionally, each subdirectory contains a test_oracle folder, which further contains n{} subfolders (with varying counts). For each test_oracle folder, we randomly sampled 10 n{} subfolders to retain. Within each retained n{} folder, if the number of trial{} subfolders exceeds 5, we randomly sampled 5 trial{} subfolders to retain and deleted the rest.

    b. Quantum_Information

    The Quantum_Information folder includes the following subdirectories:

    • ghz_state

    • quantum_key_distribution

    • quantum_teleportation

    • random_number_generator

    • superdense_coding

    • swap_test

    • w_state

    • ghz_state: Contains files named ghz_state_n{}.qasm (for n from 2 to 133). We randomly sampled 10 files to retain.

    • quantum_key_distribution: Contains subdirectories named qkd_n{} (for n from 20 to 50). We randomly sampled 10 qkd_n{} subdirectories to retain. Each qkd_n{} folder contains files named qkd_n{}_trial{True/False} with corresponding .qasm and .txt files (e.g., qkd_n47_trial1_False.qasm and qkd_n47_trial1_False.txt). For each retained qkd_n{} folder, we randomly sampled 5 trials to retain, where each trial consists of four files:

      • qkd_n{}_trial{}_True.qasm
      • qkd_n{}_trial{}_True.txt
      • qkd_n{}_trial{}_False.qasm
      • qkd_n{}_trial{}_False.txt
    • quantum_teleportation: Contains a test_oracle folder with trial{} subfolders. We randomly sampled 5 trial{} subfolders to retain.

    • random_number_generator: Contains files named qrng_n{}.qasm (for n from 1 to 133). We randomly sampled 10 files to retain.

    • swap_test: Contains files named swap_test_n{}.qasm (for n from 1 to 20). We randomly sampled 10 files to retain.

      Additionally, there is a test_oracle folder containing n{} subfolders (number varies). We randomly sampled 10 n{} subfolders to retain. Within each retained n{} folder, if the number of trial{} subfolders exceeds 5, we randomly sampled 5 trial{} subfolders to retain and deleted the rest.

    • w_state: Contains files named w_state_n{}.qasm (for n from 2 to 133). We randomly sampled 10 files to retain.

      Additionally, there is a gate_circuit folder containing files named w_state_n{}.qasm (for n from 2 to 133). We randomly sampled 10 files from this folder to retain.

  2. Oracle_Construction

    This directory contains two subdirectories: Problem_Encoding and Quantum_Logic_Synthesis.

    a. Problem_Encoding

    No sampling was performed on this folder; all contents are retained.

    b. Quantum_Logic_Synthesis

    This folder contains the following subdirectories:

    • bernstein_vazirani
    • deutsch_jozsa
    • diffusion_operator
    • generalized_simon_multi
    • generalized_simon_ternary
    • grover
    • simon

    Each subdirectory contains subfolders named algorithmname_n{} (e.g., bernstein_vazirani_n{} for n from 2 to 14). For each subdirectory:

    • If the number of algorithmname_n{} subfolders exceeds 5, we randomly sampled 5 subfolders to retain.
    • Within each retained algorithmname_n{} subfolder, if the number of items (files or subfolders) exceeds 5, we randomly sampled 5 items to retain.
    • If the contents of an algorithmname_n{} subfolder are themselves subfolders, we applied the same rule recursively: if a subfolder contains more than 5 items, we randomly sampled 5 items to retain.
  3. Random_Circuits

    This directory contains two subdirectories: clifford and universal.

    a. clifford

    Contains subdirectories named clifford_n{}. We randomly sampled 10 clifford_n{} subfolders to retain.

    • Within each retained clifford_n{} folder, there are multiple I{} subfolders. We randomly sampled 5 I{} subfolders to retain.
    • Within each retained I{} subfolder, we randomly sampled 5 pairs of .qasm and .txt files to retain. Each pair consists of the corresponding .qasm and .txt files (e.g., clifford_n6_I100_4.qasm and clifford_n6_I100_4.txt).

    b. universal

    Contains subdirectories named universal_n{}. We randomly sampled 10 universal_n{} subfolders to retain.

    • Within each retained universal_n{} folder, there are multiple I{} subfolders. We randomly sampled 5 I{} subfolders to retain.
    • Within each retained I{} subfolder, we randomly sampled 5 pairs of .qasm and .txt files to retain. Each pair consists of the corresponding .qasm and .txt files (e.g., universal_n6_I100_4.qasm and universal_n6_I100_4.txt).

By applying this hierarchical sampling procedure, we significantly reduced the dataset size while preserving its diversity and representativeness. This makes the dataset more accessible and manageable for users and ensures compliance with GitHub's file size and number policies.

πŸ”Š Download

We host a demo version of the dataset on this GitHub repository to illustrate its structure and provide sample data. For the complete dataset, please download it from Google Drive.


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