Ethereum block and transaction explorer. See the app -t
Made for the aragon hiring challenge, it lets you explore ether transactions and blocks on the ethereum blockchain through these features:
- See stats about the latest 10 blocks (total difficulty, total gas used, etc)
- Search a block by its number
- Visualize information about a block
- Visualize the ether transactions on a block (with pagination)
- Visualize information about a particular transaction.
The app was kept slim; it's made with:
- React
- Aragon UI (sadly not the @next version, as it's not properly documented yet)
- React-router
- react-testing-library
- react-spring (animations!)
- web3
- styled-components
- sentry for catching errors
The eslint and prettier configs were taken from the aragon client repo to match how Aragon members write code.
- any images needed
__tests__ folder
- presentational components
- Container Components, same as Views in this case
- any minor utilities used
Before you run yarn start
or try to deploy the app, for making web3 able to connect to infura (if you don't have metamask) you must provide an .env file with the following environment variable:
: Infura's websocket endpoint with your project id appended.
If you want to be able to catch errors with sentry, provide this env var as well:
: Your sentry's DSN.