The Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension lets you carve out a separate box for each of your online lives – no more opening a different browser just to check your work email! Learn More Here
Available on
For more info, see:
- node 7+ (for jpm)
- Firefox 57+
- Fetch the locales updating the git-submodules:
git submodule init && git submodule update --remote --depth 1 src/_locales
- Install the web-ext tool.
- Run
web-ext run -s src/
. This launches Firefox and installs the extension automatically.
This tool provides some additional development features, such as automatic reloading.
- Fetch the locales updating the git-submodules:
git submodule init && git submodule update --remote --depth 1 src/_locales
- Open the
page in Firefox. - Click on
This Firefox
. - Click on Load Temporary Add-on.
- Select
Here is a video that demonstrates how to do this.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run all tests:
npm run test
Only run the linter:
npm run lint
There is a timeout test that sometimes fails on certain machines, so make sure to run the tests on your clone before you make any changes to see if you have this problem.
The src/_locales
directory is a git repository like any other, so to make changes to the messages:
Make whatever changes you need in
as you work. -
cd src/_locales/en
git branch message-updates-yyyymmdd
git push -u origin message-updates-yyyymmdd
You can then open a pull request from the message-updates-yyyymmdd
branch to
the l10n repo main
- Bump the version number in
- Commit the version number bump
- Create a git tag for the version:
git tag <version>
- Push the tag up to GitHub:
git push --tags
- Upload the
to AMO
Finally, we also publish the release to GitHub for those followers.
- Download the signed
from the addon versions page - Make the new release on
- Use the version number for "Tag version" and "Release title"
- Release notes: copy the output of
git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%h %s" <previous-version>..<new-version>
- Attach binaries: select the signed
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