Create visual node-based UI with Tkinter!
Scientific papers are coming out TOO DAMN FAST so we need a way to very quickly extract useful information.
ALIEN is a CUDA-powered artificial life simulation program.
A minimal Python library to facilitate the creation and manipulation of DICOM RTStructs.
Unofficial Pytorch implementation of Deep Compression in CIFAR10
GLIDE: a diffusion-based text-conditional image synthesis model
Unofficial implementation of Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks. ( in PyTorch
Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors (IJCV2022)
Official PyTorch implementation of StyleGAN3
cryptography firmware for the Tablet secure communication system.
[IROS 2021] BundleTrack: 6D Pose Tracking for Novel Objects without Instance or Category-Level 3D Models
The material-ripple directive for Vue that actually works
A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them.
A Face detector for anime/manga using OpenCV
Official tensorflow implementation for CVPR2020 paper “Learning to Cartoonize Using White-box Cartoon Representations”
My LaTeX templates, bibliography file, etc.
📝 A text file containing 479k English words for all your dictionary/word-based projects e.g: auto-completion / autosuggestion
Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation (CVPR 2019)
Simple rANS encoder/decoder (arithmetic coding-ish entropy coder).