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Parapets edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Inventory Interface Information Injector (I4) wiki!

I4 is a framework that makes it possible to manipulate the information that appears in SkyUI's item menus, as well as inject new icon art.


Configuration files live in SKSE\Plugins\InventoryInjector. Each configuration file should correspond to an active mod in the load order. So for example, if your mod is called MyMod.esp, you should create your I4 configuration as SKSE\Plugins\InventoryInjector\MyMod.json.

The format of the JSON config looks like this:

  "$schema": "",
  "rules": [
      "match": {
        // Properties to match the objects this rule applies to
        // ...
      "assign": {
        // Custom data that will be assigned to matching objects
        // ...
    // Additional rules follow
    // ...

The $schema property is supported by some text editors, such as Visual Studio Code, to validate the file against a JSON Schema specification, as well as provide auto-completion while editing.

For information about match specification, see Matching.
For information about assign specification, see Assigning Data.

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