... or in need of a time travel machine.
Works with python 3.7 ... not tested below that version
Install from sources
pip install -e .
Or build the package:
python setup.py bdist_wheel sdist
and install it:
pip install dist/pyggl-0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Well, sometime it come to be quite boring to use the UI from toggl (free version). So for a long day or many days of work on a single task ... one command, upload the CSV and done.
NB: there is plenty of nice scripts working with Toggle API, but I like writing CSV files ... and it works with any other tool who allow you to import data from Toggl ;-)
Get help : pyggl --help
Ho BTW it'll append rows to an already existing csv.
By default, pyggl
read default configuration from current directory from a
file name pyggl.conf
. For exemple:
Email[email protected]
Description=A dummy task description
period_per_day = 8-12,14-18
Command line argument take precedence over this file. You can for exemple use one file per project with these defaults:
Email[email protected]
Project=Takeover the world !