This is a simple Tractive GPS tracker API wrapper to make multiple types of requests to Tractive and recieve data on your account and pet(s).
const tractive = require('tractive');
Check if Tractive has authenticated:
Return true if successful and connected or returns false is not connected.
Check if Tractive has authenticated:
Returns true if the tractive.connect() is successful and connected.
tractive.isAuthenticated() ? true : false;
tractive.getAllTrackers().then(function(trackers) {
trackers = [
Gets a defined tracker and returns its latest report data along with address.
tractive.getTrackerLocation("ABCDEFGH").then(function(tracker) {
tracker = {
time: 1669530259,
time_rcvd: 1669530274,
sensor_used: 'GPS',
pos_status: [ 'STATIONARY_FIX' ],
latlong: [ -30.234736, 129.16563 ],
speed: 0,
pos_uncertainty: 14,
_id: 'ABCDEFGH',
_type: 'device_pos_report',
_version: '4daf8f322',
altitude: 121,
report_id: '00000000000000',
nearby_user_id: null,
power_saving_zone_id: null,
address: {
street: 'My Street Road',
house_number: '10',
zip_code: '0000',
city: 'Anyville',
country: 'AU',
full_address: 'My Street Road 10, 0000 Anyville'
// Turn on live tracking
tractive.liveOn("ABCDEFGH").then(function(tracker) {
tracker = {
active: false,
started_at: null,
timeout: 300,
remaining: 0,
pending: true,
reconnecting: false
getTrackerHistory(trackerID, from, to) // 'from' and 'to' are Date() functions or timestamps (in ms).
getTrackerLocation(trackerID) // Get the latest report that the tracker uploaded.
getTrackerHardware(trackerID) // Get the latest hardware report that was sent. This includes battery levels.
liveOn(trackerID) // Turns on live tracking
liveOff(trackerID) // Turns off live tracking
LEDOn(trackerID) // Turns on LED light
LEDOff(trackerID) // Turns off LED light
buzzerOn(trackerID) // Turns on buzzer sound
buzzerOff(trackerID) // Turns off buzzer sound
Created by Weblutions
Disclaimer This personal project is maintained in spare time and has no business goal. Terms and logos related to Tractive are respective of their holders. This is not maintained or created by Tractive. However, Tractive you're welcome to have the package name if you ever have an official API 💖