<PackageReference Include="SteamOid2" Version="*" />
Library for integrating with Steam's Open-ID provider in .NET, as described here: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/auth#website.
Available for .NET 9.0
using SteamOid2;
using SteamOid2.API;
// A DI constructor is also available using IConfiguration in the .NET and .NET Standard targets.
ISteamOid2Client client = new SteamOid2Client("http://localhost:8001/", "http://localhost:8001/openid/login");
Redirect user to
; -
The user will log in, then a request will be sent to the backend at the callback URI.
to see if the returned Status is successful. -
Send a POST request to
to ask Steam to confirm that the Steam ID provided was actually logged in to (from the backend). -
to check that the response from the POST indicates a valid login session.
If you're seeing Error
when you try to log in from Steam, make sure the realm domain name is the same as the callback domain name.
For .NET 5+ assemblies, there is no benefit to strong-named assemblies. The runtime does not validate the signature, nor does it use the strong-name for assembly blinding.
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