- Mostly Philly, with ocassional NY and a splash of BOWASH
- FarMcKon.net
Python library for loading and using triangular meshes.
Hook scripts for using gerrit with github or gitlab
FarMcKon / dcpu16py
Forked from jtauber/dcpu16pyA Python implementation of Notch's DCPU-16
FarMcKon / DCPU-16-Examples
Forked from jtauber/DCPU-16-ExamplesExample Code for Notch's DCPU-16 Instruction Set
Example Code for Notch's DCPU-16 Instruction Set
A Python implementation of Notch's DCPU-16 (complete with assembler, disassembler, debugger and video terminal implementations)
A printing dispatch engine for 3D objects and their friends
FarMcKon / skeinforge
Forked from bmander/skeinforgeSkeinforge converts STL files into gcode files
This is a place to host some of the dandies.org scripts for updating and expading
Simple python tool to check for changes in static webpages
Program and tools so a BugBase can program a bugduino module via tcp/ip
An Arduino IDE tool for uploading code to a Bugduino connected to a BugBase
Instantly transfer files between Dropbox accounts using only their hashes.
Gitmarks 2.0. is a peer to peer bookmarking tool.
Hilary's bookmarks - see http://github.com/hmason/gitmarks
Skeinforge converts STL files into gcode files
Slushpile for handy fragments of script that don't fit anywhere else