- Notice these codes are written before taking Machine Learning couse and mastering Numpy and so I might edit them ASAP.
This is a sample implementaion of the "Neural Networks and Deep Learning". The Neural-networks-and-deep-learning package is the very basic implementation and the Neural_Network_Scikit package is the Neural Networks and Deep Learning implementation using scikit_learn and scipy libraries.
To work with the implementaion of Neural Newtwork using Scikit_learn , you have to consider num_samples as the number of rows and num_features as the number of columns of a matrix that will be the input matrix with the shape (num_samples, num_features). To Simplify reading the matrices' shapes, let num_samples be N and num_featrues be p. then matrices that will be used in MLPClassifier will have theses shapes:
- X -> N * p
- w -> p * first_hidden_layer_nurons_number
- y -> N * 1
- b -> N * 1
where w and b are weights and biases matrices that you can see in the simple implementation version. aslo the point is that hidden_layer_sizes used in the number of hidden layers excluding the input and output layers. So if we need 2 hidden layers we will use a tupple (x, u) with x as the number of nurons in first layer and so on.
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- scipy
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