Advanced Android call recorder with helpful features and stylish user interface.
SpX Call Recorder is an advanced call recording application which allows you to record all your telephony calls automatically.
- On/off incoming & outgoing automatic call recording (including calls from private numbers)
- Built-in audio player for listening to call recordings easily
- Correspondents photos and display names instead of phone number
- Ready to use search functionality - by contact name or phone number
- Additional information for each record (file info, SIM info, network info, etc...)
- Delete records (with their recording files) functionality
- Choose between internal and external storage for recording files
- Different audio sources - Select preferred audio source
- Different output formats - Select preferred output format
- Different audio encoders - Select preferred audio encoder
- "Vibrate" on call recording start & stop option (enabled by default)
- Automatically "Turn on speaker" option (disabled by default)
- "Max up volume" on call recording start and revert in-call volume to previous level on recording stop option (enabled by default)
- To ensure proper application work, do not use Spx Call Recorder in conjunction with other call recorder application.
- Some devices and Android versions do not support call recording. Enabling "Turn on speaker" option from application "Settings" (which will automatically turn on speaker on recording start) or turning speaker on manually can reroute correspondent audio to your device microphone and fix this issue.
- Google Play Services (Version 4.3.1)
- Firebase Analytics (Firebase Core v17.2.0)
- AdMob (Firebase Ads v18.2.0)
- Consent information dialog about ads & privacy policy (EU consent v1.0.7)
- Realm Database (Version 5.12.0)
Most of the icons used in the application are vector icons (XML files) from the Google Material Design icon pack.
Google Material Design icon pack URL:
Material icons are delightful, beautifully crafted symbols for common actions and items. They are open source distributed and free for everyone (to use).
If you have any questions, problems or recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. Email: [email protected]
This project is released under the Apache License v2.0. See "LICENSE" file for further information.