Single Header library for interacting with a Nintendo Entertainment System controller using an Arduino microcontroller.
This library can be used to get informations about what buttons are pressed on a connected NES controller pad. You can use this to control your Arduino projects using one or many NES controller.
This library is a single header library which means that you just have to #include it into your project. However, you have to add the implementation of the functions used into one of your C/CPP/INO files. To do this you have to add #define K15_NESPAD_IMPLEMENTATION before the #include. e.g: #define K15_NESPAD_IMPLEMENTATION #include "K15_NESPad.h" in ONE of you C/CPP/INO files.
This library uses 3 pins to interact with any given NES controller. 2 pins are used for output (latch and pulse) and 1 pin is used as input (data). I implemented this library following the great article from Tresi Avrizo about how the controller works. The article can be found using this link:
Basically the library sends several signals via the pulse pin to prompt the controller to send signals via the data pin which indicates whether a given button has been pressed or not. For any series of pulse signals, a latch signal has to be sent first.
The pins for the latch, data and pulse signal have to be digital pins.
K15_NESPad nesPad;
void setup()
//Setup the library.
//pulePin, latchPin and dataPin are all digital pins.
int pulsePin = 8;
int latchPin = 7;
int dataPin = 12;
K15_NESInitPad(&nesPad, pulsePin, dataPin, latchPin);
//Intial Serial Monitor so we can use Serial.println
void loop()
//Get the button state from the controller
//Check which buttons have been pressed
if (K15_NESButtonPressed(&pad, K15_NESPadButton_A))
Serial.println("A pressed!");
if (K15_NESButtonPressed(&pad, K15_NESPadButton_B))
Serial.println("B pressed!");
if (K15_NESButtonPressed(&pad, K15_NESPadButton_Start))
Serial.println("Start pressed!");
if (K15_NESButtonPressed(&pad, K15_NESPadButton_Select))
Serial.println("Select pressed!");
if (K15_NESButtonPressed(&pad, K15_NESPadButton_Left))
Serial.println("Left pressed!");
if (K15_NESButtonPressed(&pad, K15_NESPadButton_Right))
Serial.println("Right pressed!");
if (K15_NESButtonPressed(&pad, K15_NESPadButton_Up))
Serial.println("Up pressed!");
if (K15_NESButtonPressed(&pad, K15_NESPadButton_Down))
Serial.println("Down pressed!");
This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not recognized, you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy and modify this file however you want.