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🤒 Predicting Influenza 🤒

Developed by 💻:

Special thanks to 🥰:

  • Ricardo Rios, your experience and knowledge have been invaluable to our progress.

About 🤔:

This project analyzes data on suspected COVID-19 Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) cases from Brazil's e-SUS Notifica system in 2024. Using classical AI models, including KNN, Decision Tree, MLP, Perceptron, K-Means Complete Link, and a Bayesian Classifier, the project preprocesses the data and compares the performance of these models.

Resourses 🧑‍🔬:

  • Data preprocessing;
  • F1 and recall methods comparison;
  • Comparative ROC curve graph;
  • Silhouette analysis for unsupervised methods;
  • Dendrogram for the complete link method;

Results 📈:

The best prediction methods were the decision tree and MLP. Unsupervised methods did not perform well in creating groups of sick and healthy individuals.

SuperVised Models:

Table 1 - Results comparison between methods.

Método F1-Score (Avg) Recall (Avg)
K-NN (n=5) 0.7025 ± 0.0087 0.7392 ± 0.0116
Árvore de Decisão (max_depth=5, min_samples_leaf=10) 0.7422 ± 0.0116 0.8359 ± 0.0259
Class. Bayesiano 0.6655 ± 0.2047 0.7392 ± 0.2380
Perceptron (iter=200) 0.5858 ± 0.2347 0.6998 ± 0.3720
MLP (iter=300) 0.7472 ± 0.0135 0.8258 ± 0.0195

Figure 1 - ROC Curve comparison graph.

Non-SuperVised Models:

Método Jaccard Silhueta (Avg)
K-Means (n=2) 0.2951239424104527 0.5853294620160377
Complete Link (n=2) 0.31986874200238724 0.48111038632360703

Figure 2 - Silhuette for K-means.

Figure 3 - Silhuette for Complete Link.

Dependencies 🚚:

The project dependencies are described in ./dependencies/requirements. within the repository.

For installing dependencies more quickly, you can run the following command at terminal, inside the clonned repository:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install -r ./dependencies/requirements.txt

How to contribute 🫂:

Feel free to create a new branch, fork the project, create a new Issue or make a pull request contact one of us to develop at Predicting Influenza.

Licence 📜:

Apache V2