An Android routing library for Kotlin based on Naviganto and heavily inspired in HTTP protocol url schema; also, do you remember the name of that Forerunner facility? yeah
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
repositories {
maven { url ''}
dependencies {
compileOnly 'javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:1.2'
compileOnly 'com.squareup:kotlinpoet:0.5.0'
def NVersion = '0.8.5'
implementation "org.firezenk.kartographer:annotations:$NVersion"
implementation "org.firezenk.kartographer:animations:$NVersion@aar" //android only
implementation "org.firezenk.kartographer:library:$NVersion"
implementation "org.firezenk.kartographer:processor:$NVersion"
Kartographer consists of 5 main classes:
which is in charge of navigate between views (Activity
that contains the desired route.@RoutableActivity
to use auto-routes.Routable
the interface that is implemented for each of our customRoute
Additionally, two custom exceptions are provided for make the debugging easier:
launched when not found a path parameter that we need.NotEnoughParametersException
which is launched if the route has not received all the necessary parameters.
Kartographer needs keep track of the Context
, so make sure to inject it with the initialisation like:
val monitor = ContextMonitor()
Kartographer(application, monitor).debug()
- Move to a new route:
kartographer next route {
target = ViewRoute()
params = mapOf("key" to value, ...)
anchor = parentViewGroup
animation = CrossFade() //optional
- Back to the prev route, by overriding your Activity's onBackPressed method:
kartographer backOnPath {
- Return to last known route:
kartographer last(placeholder)
- Replay the last route on a path:
kartographer replay(path)
@RoutableActivity(path = ..., requestCode = ..., flags = ...)
class SampleActivity : AppCompatActivity{...}
// or
@RoutableView(path = ..., requestCode = ...)
class SomeView : FrameLayout{...}
all parameters are totally optional, another way to create routes is create your own custom routes inheriting from Routable.class
defines the context of the navigation flow (but if you've a lineal navigation then, you don't need it).requestCode
in case you need to receive a response intoonActivityResult
this will be your request code number.flags
only for Android Activities, in order to add the launch flags to the Intent.
On every view you will have all the route params simply calling the payload
val myParam: Int? = kartographer.payload<Int>("myParam")
and bundle
method for Android's activities:
val myParam: Int? = kartographer.bundle<Bundle>()?.getInt("myParam")
- At your activities:
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
kartographer.sendResult(requestCode, data)
- At your views:
kartographer.subscribeForResult {
// do something with the result (it)
Also your RoutableView
needs a requestCode
Kartographer has 3 predefined transitions between screens (also the transition is totally optional), but you can easily create your own by inheriting from RouteAnimation.class
- No, it is not contemplated the use of fragments, although it is possible (see
sample) - I recommend to use auto-routes because is safe, saves coding time and you can avoid to use
- User
if you need to clear all the navigation history - You can find all the available functions documented here
- For more info an samples, see