Custom interface picture loading module, which supports Glide and so on.(自定义接口的图片加载工具module,支持 Glide等)
An awesome slidingmenu which has flexible elastic
RethinkDB adapter for Casbin
Custom Date Picker Dialog.(带有全日历图表and滚轮选择日期的dialog)
Alphabetic list on the right side to select first letter to locate ListView. (右侧26个英文字母列表的可根据首字母定位的ListView)
Hand-painted hexagon view or hexagon hexagon layout is composed of n button. (手绘正六边形视图or由n个按钮组成的正六边形布局)
Custom Toast extends android widget Toast. (自定义Toast,继承自android.widget.Toast)
Custom round or rounded ImageView image. (自定义圆形or圆角图片ImageView)
Input email text when @ is written email address will be auto completed. (自动下拉关联邮箱列表)
Custom EditText with delete button which can be clicked to clear the letters.The letters are already inputted in the EditText. (带有自动显示删除按钮的EditText,点击后可清空已经输入的内容)
SeekBar with the custom user interface. (自定义UI样式的可选进度条)
toggle button like in IOS original system.(仿IOS原生的toggle button)
Vertical TextView, text from down to up .(竖版的TextView,文本从下往上展示)
Custom Horizontal ListView.(自定义的支持水平滑动的ListView)
Choose custom chart component, which supports multiple specified folder pictures and supports full screen display and to delete the selected images. (自定义选图组件,支持多选指定文件夹的图片,支持全屏展示和删除已选图片)
tracking ball which has dynamic effect. (展示带有动态效果的轨迹球)
Android Dialog which has fade-in and fade-out animation. (带有淡入淡出动画的Android Dialog)
The clock is painted by canvas, with a hour,minute and second hand.(手画的时钟,带有时、分、秒针)
Hand-painted ruler ,inch and cm for the unit , is identified by the middle of the two red line to measure the width of the articles. (手绘直尺,以inch和cm为单位的,可以通过中间的两条红线来确认要测量物品的宽度)
Infinite loop photo wall, which support sliding around.(无限循环照片墙,支持左右滑动)
Java & Android Network Module(JAVA网络、Android网络操作:包括网络请求、WebView相关、常用第三方框架OkHttp&Volley)