Releases: Flandre923/JustPump
Releases · Flandre923/JustPump
一个简单的模组用于具有类似于软管滑轮的功能,在自动模式下可以抽取下方液体,当前下方液体超过10000格之后视为无限,还有范围抽取模式,抽取指定范围内的所有液体。和 填充流体模式,在指定的范围内填充流体。
A simple MOD is designed to function similarly to a hose pulley. In automatic mode, it can draw the liquid below. When the liquid below exceeds 10,000 units, it is considered infinite. There is also a range - extraction mode, which can extract all the liquid within a specified range. Additionally, there is a fluid - filling mode, which fills the fluid within a designated range.