All the non-ore changes from the original OresAPlenty
- Changed stack-size for logs to 64, nuggets to 400, firewood to 64, ingots to 256, beeswax to 64, and honeycomb to 64.
- Skeps will drop more honeycomb when harvested as well as the skep itself.
- Terra Pretta is a little more common
- Makes Iron smeltable in the crucible. Steel is unchanged.
- Makes the mining bag larger to fit all the new ore.
- Redwood and purple heart trees are more common (this is a common deleted feature)
- Lava is bucketable, just don't burn down your house like I've done 3 times.
- Grass will spread, however a common side-effect is deserts have a single block of dirt over the sand. Suggestions on a fix?
While the mod changes quite a bit, you can EASILY customize/remove features you disagree with. I named the files in patches directory to match their function.
i.e. givemeredwoods.json changes tree generation or lavabucket.json makes lava bucketable...
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