A mod for Vintage Story https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/5920
Edit hidden values.
Read all of this, it's important.
After you install the mod and open any world with it the mod will generate a config file found in ModConfig directory.
The default values are the exact same as the vanilla game. So unless you edit those values there will be no change at all.
I was not able to find a set of values that actually changed what I wanted to change. If you find values that actually work, let me know and I'll update the mod with those new default values.
A few basic rules to follow:
- ONLY set values to powers of 2. For example: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc.
- Do NOT use highly extreme values as I have no idea what might happen.
I made this mod because what I was going after was making Rock TYPES change more frequently. I was tired of granite or andesite oceans spanning thousands of blocks. Tyron pointed me to the RockStrataScale and RockStrataOctaveScale values but wasn't sure which to change and what direction (up or down). I tested setting each one to a high value and then low value, then setting one high AND one low...
Then I added the RegionSize edit to see if that was causing the issue with no effect there either.
So, in the end, I have no idea what editing any of these 3 values (up or down) does as I saw no obvious difference to world-gen even when setting them to extreme values. If you find the sweet spot values that do, let me know.
Feel free to browse my changes and submit requests, changes, or issues. If you have a solution to a specific issue, please submit a pull request. Please do not repost a slightly tweaked version of my mod. I have plenty of modding tutorials on my YouTube channel.
If you want to support me on any of my projects, please consider being a patron. https://www.patreon.com/flexiblegames