NIF bindings to libical for Elixir.
This library is still a WIP, but works well for basic calls to libical's recurrence iterators.
Excal requires that libical (and its development headers) be present on your system, and that it's at least version 3.0.0.
You can easily install libical
using Homebrew on macOS:
brew install libical
Homebrew provides the latest version, as of this writing, which is 3.0.4
Use favorite package manager to install libical
(may be named slightly differently depending on distro), or maybe libical-dev
if you're using a Debian based distro like Ubuntu.
NOTE: Make sure you're getting at least version 3.0.0
. Anything below will prevent Excal from compiling.
I'm not currently aware of how to get this working on Windows, but if someone wants to try and let me know how, I will add instructions to this readme.
The package can be installed by adding excal
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:excal, "~> 0.3.2"}
Documentation can be found at