Klabot is a really useless Discord Bot created using DiscordJS and quickDB
- NodeJS v16.9 or higher
- DiscordJSv14
npm install discord.js @discordjs/voice sodium
- QuickDB
npm install quick.db
- Discord-Music-Player
npm install discord-music-player
+npm install @discordjs/opus
You also need a file named config.json
with your token from the Discord Developer Portal,the file should look like this:
note: clientId and guildId just used for register the commands with the commands.js script, for more info check out : https://discordjs.guide/interactions/slash-commands.html#registering-slash-commands",
"token": "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE",
"clientId": "CLIENT_ID_HERE",
"guildId": "GUILD_ID_HERE"
For the assets you need to place them on a folder called assets, name the image as liK.png, or change the name on the source.
You need to register the slash commands to the client, for more info check the guide Registering slash commands
Klabot has a system that will play an audio on A voice channel when someone joins B voice channel, also, in the text channel from channel B, a message will apparear to move the user from channel A to channel B For use this, Klabot needs 2 voice channels: Channel where the bell audio will be played ( A channel ), and the channel where the bot will be looking if someone is in ( B channel)
For set this channels you can use the bell and door commands, example:
/set door #voiceChannel
/set bell #voiceChannel
If you want to update the channel ID you can just run the door/bell command again.
You don't need to provide the channel ID in this case, just provide what type of channel you want to remove (bell or door).
Klabot provides a way to send your favorite messages to a specified channel, to do this you need to specify the channel where all the favorite messages will be sent.
You can do that with the command /set favmessage #channel
/set favmessage #channel
The favorite message are those that have an reaction with the pill emoji 💊
If you want to remove the channels ID, you can use the deleteid command, example:
/unset #channel
This will delete the channel ID from the quick.db database. note: the '#' is no needed, it's just an example
You can reproduce music and YouTube videos with the player commands like: /play
, /skip
, /resume
, /stop
, /pause
- Move from quickDB to MongoDB
- Handle all events in individual files