- Warsaw
(UTC -12:00) - https://floressek.com
- https://orcid.org/0009-0000-5568-6984
- Pro
SQL-Translator Public
Forked from 22skowron/SQL-TranslatorThe application showcases how natural language queries can be translated into SQL with a help of a LLM and executed against the relational database, allowing for intuitive information retrieval wi…
Quizzer Public
Create and take quizzes on any topic, dynamically generated from text or PDF content using AI
terminal-app Public
This project is a personal portfolio website designed to mimic a terminal/command-line interface. It offers a unique and interactive way for visitors to explore information about me, my skills, pro…
Gabona-sql-translator Public
Forked from ardium-pl/Gabona-sql-translatorSimple web application created for the management board of GABONA company in order to alleviate the retrieval of key information from the internal database. The app has a simple interface which (af…
Scheduler-WAT-v2-2024 Public
This project is an automated scheduling system built using Flask. It scrapes schedule data and integrates it with Google Calendar to create and update calendar events dynamically. For the server ve…
Haggle_comp Public
This repository serves as the central hub for our collaborative data science project based on a Kaggle competition. Our team of data scientists is working together to tackle a real-world problem by…
Bid_scraper Public
A comprehensive system for scraping and analyzing tender data from ezamowienia.gov.pl using multiple scraping strategies and data processing pipelines.
ClimbingBetaBrakes Public
Climbing Route Creator is a desktop application that helps climbers create, share, and discover climbing routes. Currently in production!
MailAnalyzer Public
Email Analyzer is a email analysis application written in MAUI that leverages AI to provide deep insights into your email communications.
Gmail-extractor Public
Script for extracting information from emails to be then processed using OCR, fitted to custom JSON and presented in Google Sheets, version on master is to be deployed on railway
MED Public
Niniejsze repozytorium zawiera materiały i rozwiązania z laboratoriów realizowanych w ramach przedmiotu Metody Eksploracji Danych. Celem zajęć jest zapoznanie się z różnorodnymi technikami analizy …
FunctionProgrammingLab Public
Functional programming approach to movie data analysis and visualization.
Outlook-automatization Public
A TypeScript application for fetching emails from Microsoft Outlook using Microsoft Graph API.
Computer_Simulation_Basics Public
This laboratory focuses on implementing and testing various random number generation methods and probability distributions using Java. The implementation includes a custom random number generator a…
concurrentLab_algorythms Public
Codes from Concurrency Labs and a project that simulates a tourist attraction in a salt mine, implementing concurrent programming principles to manage visitor movement and resource allocation.
Azure-db-RAG Public
RAG for the Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore on Azure deployed on WhatsApp
R-machine-learning Public
This repository contains advanced APIs using the Plumber package in R, containerized in Docker. API is a series of advanced data analysis and machine learning functions.
IO_automatic_fuelstation Public
Shared project for Software Engineering - project planning
Artificial_Intelligence_lab Public
Content from the AI laboratory
Theory_of_crypto_lab Public
Code for random assignments in Theory of Cryptology
Embedded_system Public
Final project for embedded systems. In C using REGX52.h and AT89C52 microcontroller
Lift_siemens Public
Project for the Intro to Automation
NoteItDown Public
Final project for Object Programming in C++
Database_online_auction Public
Database Final Project
Web-crawler-gc Public
Using python's webcrawler to gather data regarding academic schedule and importing it to google calendar
Hanoi_tower Public
Some coding for Data Structures and Algorythms
Language_model_interface Public
Spring break project for easier access to 'ollama' language models.
Portfolio Public
Forked from safak/next-animated-portfolioLearning React and trying to make a portfolio website.