gnina (pronounced NEE-na) is a fork of smina, which is a fork of AutoDock Vina.
gnina is not recommended for production use (yet) in molecular modeling tasks. However, it is suitable as a platform for researching structure-based deep learning approaches as described in our paper.
Reminder: gnina is not yet intended for production use. However, if you would like to evaluate it or use it as a research platform, please subscribe to our slack team.
If you find gnina useful, please cite our paper (hopefully more to come):
Protein–Ligand Scoring with Convolutional Neural Networks
M Ragoza, J Hochuli, E Idrobo, J Sunseri, DR Koes. J. Chem. Inf. Model, 2017
link arXiv version
apt-get install build-essential git wget libopenbabel-dev libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libhdf5-serial-dev libatlas-base-dev python-dev cmake librdkit-dev python-numpy
Follow NVIDIA's instructions to install the latest version of CUDA. Note we are in the process of transitioning to CUDA 9.1.
git clone
cd gnina
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
The program will not build in a computer with a gpu with computer capability < 3.5 unless you force a different architecture. The program will compile but will not run in that computer due to the GPU architecture difference.
Add the EPEL repository
sudo yum install epel-release
Follow NVIDIA's instructions to install the latest version of CUDA. Or:
sudo rpm -i cuda-repo-rhel7-9.1.85-1.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum clean all
sudo yum install cuda
Install dependencies
These are necessary to build RDKit, Caffe, and gnina.
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
sudo yum install boost-devel.x86_64 eigen3-devel.noarch protobuf-compiler.x86_64 protobuf-devel.x86_64 hdf5-devel.x86_64 cmake git wget openbabel-devel.x86_64 openbabel.x86_64 leveldb-devel.x86_64 snappy-devel.x86_64 opencv-devel.x86_64 gflags-devel.x86_64 glog-devel.x86_64 lmdb-devel.x86_64 readline-devel.x86_64 zlib-devel.x86_64 bzip2-devel.x86_64 sqlite-devel.x86_64 python-devel.x86_64 numpy.x86_64 atlas-devel.x86_64 atlas.x86_64 atlas-static.x86_64
Install cmake 3.8
The cmake installed by yum in CentOS 7 (cmake version produce a lot of error. Is better if you use an updated version.
cd /home/$USER/bin
tar -xvf cmake-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
export CMAKE_HOME=/home/$USER/bin/cmake-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64
Install RDKit Release_2017_03_1 and compile gnina
Install RDKit
Is better if we keep everything inside the gnina directory.
cd /home/$USER/bin
git clone
cd gnina
tar -xvf Release_2017_03_1.tar.gz
cd rdkit-Release_2017_03_1
export RDBASE=`pwd`
mkdir build
cd build
If you are using anaconda python the you need to check that all the python variables are set correctly or set them manually.
export ANACONDA_PY_HOME=/home/$USER/(anaconda2 or miniconda2)
make install
If you are using your CentOS python
cmake ..
make install
Fix RDKit Libraries
Compiling RDKit will add the name of the package to the library.
ex. (UBUNTU Package) != (Compiled in CentOS)
We need to make additional links to resemble the UBUNTU names.
cd $RDBASE/lib
for i in $(ls -1 *.so.1.2017.03.1); do name=`basename $i .so.1.2017.03.1`; namef=`echo $name | sed 's/RDKit//g'`; ln -s $i ${namef}.so.1; ln -s ${namef}.so.1 ${namef}.so; done
Continue with gnina compilation
We need to set the variable for the ATLAS libraries.
Use for serial libraries or for threaded libraries.
Also, we need to set the variables for the HDF5 compilers to avoid a conflict with the provided by anaconda python.
If you are using anaconda python the you need to check that all the python variables are set correctly or set them manually.
cd /home/$USER/bin/gnina
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$ANACONDA_PY_HOME/bin/python -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$ANACONDA_PY_HOME/include/python2.7 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$ANACONDA_PY_HOME/lib/ -DAtlas_BLAS_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/atlas/ -DAtlas_CBLAS_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/atlas/ -DAtlas_LAPACK_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/atlas/ -DHDF5_CXX_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/h5c++ -DHDF5_C_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/h5cc -DHDF5_DIFF_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/h5diff ..
make install
If you are using your CentOS python
cd /home/$USER/bin/gnina
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DAtlas_BLAS_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/atlas/ -DAtlas_CBLAS_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/atlas/ -DAtlas_LAPACK_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/atlas/ ..
make install
If you are building for systems with different GPUs, include -DCUDA_ARCH_NAME=All
Scripts to aid in training new CNN models can be found at and sample models at
The input layer should be a MolGridData
layer. For example:
layer {
name: "data"
type: "MolGridData"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TRAIN
molgrid_data_param {
source: "TRAINFILE"
batch_size: 20
dimension: 23.5
resolution: 0.5
shuffle: true
balanced: true
random_rotation: true
random_translate: 2
root_folder: "/home/dkoes/CSAR/"
This layer performs GPU-accelerated grid generation on-the-fly which means it can apply random rotations and translations to the input (essential for training). The input file (TRAINFILE) contains an example on each line, which consists of a label, a receptor file, and a ligand file:
1 set2/297/rec.gninatypes set2/297/docked_0.gninatypes # text after a hash is ignored
1 set2/297/rec.gninatypes set2/297/docked_1.gninatypes
1 set2/297/rec.gninatypes set2/297/docked_2.gninatypes
1 set2/297/rec.gninatypes set2/297/docked_3.gninatypes
0 set2/297/rec.gninatypes set2/297/docked_4.gninatypes
0 set2/297/rec.gninatypes set2/297/docked_5.gninatypes
Althoug the receptor and ligand can be specified as any normal molecular data file, we strongly recommend (for training at least)
that molecular structure files be converted to gninatypes
files with the gninatyper
executable. These are much smaller files
that incur less I/O. Relative file paths will be prepended with the root_folder
parameter in MolGridData, if applicable.
The provided models are templated with TRAINFILE
arguments, which the
script will substitue with
actual files. The
script can be called with a model and a prefix for testing and training files: -m models/refmodel3/refmodel3.model -p models/data/csar/all
This will perform cross-validation using the alltrain[0-2].types
and alltest[0-2].types
Note that refmodel3.model
requires the file models/refmodel3/ligmap.old
to be in the current directory.
There are quite a few options to
for modifying training:
usage: [-h] -m MODEL -p PREFIX [-n NUMBER] [-i ITERATIONS] [-s SEED]
[-t TEST_INTERVAL] [-o OUTPREFIX] [-g GPU] [-c CONT] [-k] [-r]
[--avg_rotations] [--keep_best] [--dynamic] [--solver SOLVER]
[--lr_policy LR_POLICY] [--step_reduce STEP_REDUCE]
[--step_end STEP_END] [--step_when STEP_WHEN]
[--base_lr BASE_LR] [--momentum MOMENTUM]
[--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--gamma GAMMA] [--power POWER]
[--weights WEIGHTS]
Train neural net on .types data.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
Model template. Must use TRAINFILE and TESTFILE
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
Prefix for training/test files:
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
Fold number to run, default is all
Number of iterations to run,default 10,000
-s SEED, --seed SEED Random seed, default 42
How frequently to test (iterations), default 40
Prefix for output files, default <model>.<pid>
-g GPU, --gpu GPU Specify GPU to run on
-c CONT, --cont CONT Continue a previous simulation from the provided
iteration (snapshot must exist)
-k, --keep Don't delete prototxt files
-r, --reduced Use a reduced file for model evaluation if exists(<pre
--avg_rotations Use the average of the testfile's 24 rotations in its
evaluation results
--keep_best Store snapshots everytime test AUC improves
--dynamic Attempt to adjust the base_lr in response to training
--solver SOLVER Solver type. Default is SGD
--lr_policy LR_POLICY
Learning policy to use. Default is inv.
--step_reduce STEP_REDUCE
Reduce the learning rate by this factor with dynamic
stepping, default 0.5
--step_end STEP_END Terminate training if learning rate gets below this
--step_when STEP_WHEN
Perform a dynamic step (reduce base_lr) when training
has not improved after this many test iterations,
default 10
--base_lr BASE_LR Initial learning rate, default 0.01
--momentum MOMENTUM Momentum parameters, default 0.9
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
Weight decay, default 0.001
--gamma GAMMA Gamma, default 0.001
--power POWER Power, default 1
--weights WEIGHTS Set of weights to initialize the model with
The DUD-E docked poses used in the original paper can be found here.
We will make additional datasets (beyond what is available in models/data available as they are requested. Feel free to contact us.
In some cases it may be desirable to incorporate additional grid-based input
into the training data. In this case it is necessary to pre-generate
grids from the molecular data and user-supplied grids with gninagrid
and use
the NDimData
input layer.
layer {
name: "data"
type: "NDimData"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TRAIN
ndim_data_param {
source: "TRAINFILE"
batch_size: 10
shape {
dim: 34
dim: 48
dim: 48
dim: 48
shuffle: true
balanced: true
rotate: 24
Similar to the MolGrid layer, TRAINFILE contains an example on each line with a label and one or more binmap files generated using gninagrid
1 CS12.48.19.binmap.gz CS12_0.48.18.binmap.gz
0 CS12.48.19.binmap.gz CS12_1.48.18.binmap.gz
0 CS12.48.19.binmap.gz CS12_2.48.18.binmap.gz
0 CS12.48.19.binmap.gz CS12_3.48.18.binmap.gz
As an example, imagine we want to incorporate three additional grids, cdk_gist-dipole-dens.dx
, cdk_gist-dipolex-dens.dx
, and cdk_gist-gO.dx
into the input.
We would run gninagrid
gninagrid -r rec.pdb -l CDK2_CS12_docked.sdf.gz -g cdk_gist-dipole-dens.dx -g cdk_gist-dipolex-dens.dx -g cdk_gist-gO.dx -o CS12 --separate
Since --separate
is passed, this will produce separate receptor (which includes the user provided grids) and ligand files:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dkoes dkoes 8404992 Apr 28 12:55 CS12.48.19.binmap
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dkoes dkoes 7962624 Apr 28 12:55 CS12_0.48.18.binmap
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dkoes dkoes 7962624 Apr 28 12:55 CS12_1.48.18.binmap
The receptor file has 16 channels for the regular protein atom types and 3 for the provided grids. The grid dimensions, resolution, and positioning is determined from the provided grids (which must all match). To save (a lot of) space, the binmap files can be gzipped:
gzip *.binmap
Note that it is up to the user to ensure that the dimensions (including total number of channels) of the input files match the specified dimensions in NGridLayer.