Those are my bspwm dotfiles, hope you find something useful here ^^
Specific rices configs and colorschemes are here and general configuration files are here. You will need both.
I hope you understand everything here. 😉
Here are some details about my setup:
- WM : bspwm 🎨 4 changable themes/mode!
- DM : getty 🌼 minimal DM!
- Shell : zsh 🐚 with oh my zsh framework!
- Terminal : kitty 🐱
- Panel : polybar 🍧 using nerd fonts glyphs as icons!
- Compositor : picom ✨
- Notify Daemon : Dunst 🍃 minimalism!
- Application Launcher : Rofi 🚀 apps & sidebar menu!
- File Manager : Thunar 🔖 customized sidebar & icon!
- Text Editor : nvim 💻
[WARNING!]: These are my personal config files, executing these scripts will overwrite several files in your system, only execute these in case you have a backup of your files.
mkdir -p ~/Documents/git-lab && git clone ~/Documents/git-lab/dotfiles && cd ~/Documents/git-lab/dotfiles
You can install one of them by running the setup executable.
Installing necessary packages:
[WARNING!]: Support for Arch Linux based systems only (installation via pacman).
./ <ARG>
may be:
pacman - installs necessary packages from pacman
aur - installs necessary packages from AUR and external sources
themes - installs .themes, .icons, .fonts, wallpapers and necessary/personal scripts
You can also do:
may be:
rice - installs <RICE_NAME> rice
all - installs all at once: pacman packages, aur packages, GTK themes, etc. And finally installs <RICE_NAME> theme if this argument was passed
may be:
nord - Classic Nord look
pink-nord - Pink Nord look
pink-nord-alternative - Based on Fleon look
gruvbox - Classic Gruvbox look
solarized-dark - Solarized Dark look
horizon - Based on VS Code Horizon Theme
doombox - Doom version of gruvbox
example: all pink-nord
(this command would install all necessary packages, themes, icons and would install pink-nord rice)
You can try to install all at once by using "all" argument, however I'd install it one by one in case any installation fails. I'd follow this order: pacman, aur, themes, rice.
dracula - Classic Dracula look