A simple todo-list cli program.
Currently the program saves the tasklist in the current working directory. This will most likely change in the future.
Just use cargo
cargo install --git https://github.com/FraI3mega/todo-list.git --locked
Almost all of the below operations can be used with names of the task or the index numbers.
Adds a task/s to the tasklist. You can specify the time left in minutes, hours or days.
# Adds a task named "Write a better README" without a deadline
$ task-list add "Write a better README"
# Adds tasks named "Refactor the code" and "Fix EOF bug"
$ task-list add "Refactor the code" "Fix EOF bug"
# Add a task named "Clean up the code" with a 3 day deadline
$ task-list add "Clean up the code" -t 3d
Removes a task from the tasklist.
# Removes the task named "Clean up the code"
$ task-list remove "Clean up the code"
# Removes the second entry from the tasklist
$ task-list remove 2
Removes only the done tasks.
# Removes th edone tasks from the list
$ todo-list remove-done
removes all the items from the tasklist
$ todo-list clear
Marks a task/s done
# Marks task "Refactor the code" done
$ todo-list done "Refactor the code"
Does the opposite of done
. It marks the task as not done yet.
# Marks task "Write a better README" undone
$ todo-list undone "Write a better README"
Exports the tasklist as markdown
$ todo-list markdown