- 🔬 Senior Machine Learning Engineer with 7+ years of experience in computer vision, deep learning, and AI solutions.
- 🌱 Passionate about ML, IoT, edge computing, and AI research.
- 🚀 Built a real-time computer vision system that scaled to 1000+ cameras, reducing cloud costs by 30%.
- ⚡ Developed and optimized deep learning models for large-scale people detection.
- 🏗️ Led the transition to serverless ML deployment using AWS Lambda & Triton Inference Server.
- 🔍 Fraud detection & prevention using XGBoost, FastAPI, and Celery.
- 🖼️ Face recognition, verification, and alignment using Azure Cognitive Services & DeepFace.
- 🤖 Web scraping automation for image dataset generation with Selenium & Celery.
- 🔎 Developed PackageDNA, an open-source tool for software package analysis.
- 🛡️ Built DIARIO, a security tool that scans and analyzes documents for threats.
- 🌍 Led Aldara, a social network intelligence framework for analysts.
- 📊 Automated Google Ads campaigns with an NLP-based keyword generator.
- 📡 Built a real-time data gathering tool for the Google Ads API.
- 🌦️ Weather Sensor Fault Detection using ML techniques.
- Cómo engañar a las apps que usan Deep Learning para la detección de melanomas
- Las primeras vulnerabilidades oficiales en Machine Learning, así, en general
- Pensando en ataques a WAFs basados en Machine Learning
- Adversarial Attacks, el enemigo de la inteligencia artificial (II)
- Adversarial Attacks, el enemigo de la inteligencia artificial
- Generación de datos artificiales (Data Augmentation)
- Inteligencia artificial para contrarrestar a la inteligencia artificial (DeepFake)
- Ciencia de datos aplicado a la astrofísica
- Analizando los subtes de Buenos Aires