A collection of string operations that I have found useful time to time.
- PadCenter: Centers a string in a defined column width with padding on both ends.
- PadCenterCrop: Centers a string in a defined column width with padding. If the string is wider than the defined column it would be centered in the column. Then cropped on both ends to maintain column width.
- PadLeftCrop: Text in the defined text column would be right justified and added padding on the left up to column width.
- PadRightCrop: Text in the defined text column would be left justified and added padding on the right up to column width.
- Replace: Returns a new string in which all occurrences of all Unicode character in an array with the specified Unicode character.
- Replace: Returns a new string in which all occurrences of all substring in an array with the specified Unicode character.
- Replace: Returns a new string in which all occurrences of all Unicode characters in an array are replaced with the specified Unicode characters in an array at the same element index.
- FirstCharToLowercase: Returns a new string in which the first character in the string is set to lower case.
- FirstCharToUppercase: Returns a new string in which the first character in the string is set to upper case.
- EscapeIllegalChars: Remove all escape and illegal characters in a file name.
- Remove: Returns a new string in which the specified characters from the current string are deleted.
- Remove: Returns a new string in which the specified substrings from the current string are deleted.
- ToTitleCase: Converts the specified string to title case.
- StringToStream: Return a converted string to a stream.
- StreamToString: Return a converted stream to a string;
The source code is written in C# and targeted for the .Net Framework 4.0 and later. Download the entire project and compile.
Once you have compiled the project reference the dll in your Visual Studio project. Then in your code file add the following to the collection of using statement.
using Ekstrand.Text;
Strings used in code samples.
private const string _s1 = "Jacuzzi";
private const string _s2 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [consectetur adipiscing elit]. Curabitur pretium {varius} pharetra. Donec luctus nisl non massa tincidunt @#&^% dapibus.";
private const string _s3 = "UnsafeFileName\"<>?|\\/:.cs";
private const string _s4 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
private const string _s5 = "torem ipsum dolor sit amet";
private const string _s6 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet foo, consectetur adipiscing elit foo. Curabitur pretium foo varius pharetra. Donec luctus foo nisl non massa tincidunt foo foo dapibus.";
Example 1. PadCenter: Center string inside a defined column size. spaces would be padded to edge of column.
string result = _s1.PadCenter(11,'#');
Console.WriteLine("String column: ###########");
Console.WriteLine("PadCenter: {0}", result);
String column: ###########
PadCenter: ##Jacuzzi##
Example 2. PadCenter: If text is wider than given column width it would return the string.
string result = _s1.PadCenter(6, '*');
Console.WriteLine("String column: ******");
Console.WriteLine("PadCenter: {0}", result);
String column: ******
PadCenter: Jacuzzi
Example 3. PadCenter: If text is odd length in an even length column then it would be centered with left justified.
string result = _s1.PadCenter(8, '#');
Console.WriteLine("String column: ########");
Console.WriteLine("PadCenter: {0}", result);
String column: ########
PadCenter: Jacuzzi#
Example 4. PadCenterCrop: If text is wider than given column width it would center and crop any characters outside the column on both sides.
string result = _s1.PadCenterCrop(5, '#');
Console.WriteLine("String column: #####");
Console.WriteLine("PadCenterCrop: {0}", result);
String column: #####
PadCenterCrop: acuzz
Example 5. PadCenterCrop: If text is odd width and the column is even width it would center, with left justified, and crop any characters outside the column.
string result = _s1.PadCenterCrop(6, '#');
Console.WriteLine("String column: ######");
Console.WriteLine("PadCenterCrop: {0}", result);
String column: ######
PadCenterCrop: Jacuzz
Example 6. PadLeftCrop: Text is wider than text column it would be cropped on the left.
string result = _s1.PadLeftCrop(6, '#');
Console.WriteLine("String column: ######");
Console.WriteLine("PadLeftCrop: {0}", result);
String column: ######
PadLeftCrop: acuzzi
Example 7. PadRightCrop: If text is wider than defined text column it would be cropped on the right.
string result = _s1.PadRightCrop(6, '#');
Console.WriteLine("String column: ######");
Console.WriteLine("PadRightCrop: {0}", result);
String column: ######
PadRightCrop: Jacuzz
Example 8. String Replace: Replace each item in the character array with a given character value.
char[] ch = new char[] { '{', '}', '[', ']' };
char chn = ' ';
string result = _s2.Replace(ch, chn);
Console.WriteLine("StringReplace \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", _s2, result );
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [consectetur adipiscing elit]. Curabitur pretium {varius} pharetra. Donec luctus nisl non massa tincidunt @#&^% dapibus.
NewText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit . Curabitur pretium varius pharetra. Donec luctus nisl non massa tincidunt @#&^% dapibus.
Example 9. String Replace: Replace each item in the character array with the corresponding by array index character array values;
char[] ch = new char[] { '{', '}', '[' };
char[] ch2 = new char[] { '?', '!', '*' };
string result = _s2.Replace(ch, ch2);
Console.WriteLine("StringReplace \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", _s2, result);
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [consectetur adipiscing elit]. Curabitur pretium {varius} pharetra. Donec luctus nisl non massa tincidunt @#&^% dapibus.
NewText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, *consectetur adipiscing elit]. Curabitur pretium ?varius! pharetra. Donec luctus nisl non massa tincidunt @#&^% dapibus.
Example 10. String Replace: Replace each item in the string array with the corresponding replacement string.
string[] ch = new string[] { "non", "}", "elit", "]" };
string chn = "@";
string result = _s2.Replace(ch, chn);
Console.WriteLine("StringReplace \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", _s2, result);
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [consectetur adipiscing elit]. Curabitur pretium {varius} pharetra. Donec luctus nisl non massa tincidunt @#&^% dapibus.
NewText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [consectetur adipiscing @@. Curabitur pretium {varius@ pharetra. Donec luctus nisl @ massa tincidunt @#&^% dapibus.
Example 11. First character to lower case: Replace the first upper case character
string result = _s4.FirstCharToLowercase();
Console.WriteLine("FirstCharToLowercase \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", _s4, result);
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
NewText: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Example 12. First charcter to upper case: Replace the first lower case character to upper case.
string result = _s5.FirstCharToUppercase();
Console.WriteLine("FirstCharToUppercase \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", _s5, result);
OldText: torem ipsum dolor sit amet
NewText: Torem ipsum dolor sit amet
Example 13. Replace Escape and illegal characters from file name string.
string badStr = _s3;
badStr = BuildUnsafeFileName(badStr);
string result = badStr.EscapeIllegalChars();
Console.WriteLine("NoEscapeIllegalChars \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", badStr, result);
OldText: ����
NewText: UnsafeFileName.cs
Example 14. String to Stream
String str = _s4;
Stream sm = StringUtil.StringToStream(str);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(sm, Encoding.Unicode);
string result = sr.ReadToEnd();
Console.WriteLine("StringToStream \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", _s4, result);
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
NewText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Example 15. Stream to String
String str = _s4;
Stream sm = StringUtil.StringToStream(str);
string result = StringUtil.StreamToString(sm);
Console.WriteLine("StreamToString \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", _s4, result);
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
NewText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Example 16. Remove Characters
char[] ca = new char[] { 'a', 'p' };
string str = String.Copy(_s6);
string result = str.Remove(ca);
Console.WriteLine("RemoveCharacters \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", str, result);
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet foo, consectetur adipiscing elit foo. Curabitur pretium foo varius pharetra. Donec luctus foo nisl non massa tincidunt foo foo dapibus.
NewText: Lorem isum dolor sit met foo, consectetur diiscing elit foo. Curbitur retium foo vrius hretr. Donec luctus foo nisl non mss tincidunt foo foo dibus.
Example 17. Remove Substrings
string[] ca = new string[] { "foo", "." };
string str = String.Copy(_s6);
string result = str.Remove(ca);
Console.WriteLine("Remove Substrings \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", str, result);
Remove Substrings
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet foo, consectetur adipiscing elit foo. Curabitur pretium foo varius pharetra. Donec luctus foo nisl non massa tincidunt foo foo dapibus.
NewText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit Curabitur pretium varius pharetra Donec luctus nisl non massa tincidunt dapibus
Example 18. ToTitleCase
string str = String.Copy(_s6);
string result = str.ToTitleCase();
Console.WriteLine("ToTitleCase \nOldText: {0} \nNewText: {1}", str, result);
OldText: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet foo, consectetur adipiscing elit foo. Curabitur pretium foo varius pharetra. Donec luctus foo nisl non massa tincidunt foo foo dapibus.
NewText: Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Foo, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit Foo. Curabitur Pretium Foo Varius Pharetra. Donec Luctus Foo Nisl Non Massa Tincidunt Foo Foo Dapibus.
MSDN-style code documentation can be found here. Initial release into the wild.
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are always welcome.
Fred Ekstrand email: [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.