Clasp is a high-level (or will be high level), statically typed programming language. It supports pointers and (eventually) polymorphism.
var <varname>: <type> [= <initialiser>];
fn <fname> ([<arg-name>: <arg-type>]): <return-type> { ... }
print(i + 1);
Clasp is still in early development. As such, it doesn't support a lot of things (string, function returns) yet. Watch the github for updates when I add features.
Documentation is coming soon.
My goal for Clasp is to reach a level where a Clasp interpreter could be written in the language (easily). This includes strings, classes and polymorphisn, file I/O, and a lot more.
Still being in school, I don't have all day to work on the language, so it may come slowly. But I will not stop until I'm happy with the language.