Some simple point cloud processing projects base on pcl, matlab, open3d, etc.
- Point cloud clustering in multi methods for lazor point cloud data.
- Voxel sample and euclidean cluster
- Super voxel cluster
- K-means
- Region growth
- DBScan
- Tools
- cpp, pcl
- python, open3d
Measuring the error of mechanical parts.
- Project points to triangle mesh.
- matlab
Measuring the size of machine parts.
- Detect circles in the machine parts.
- c++, pcl
- Visualizing
- Visualizing the point cloud by distance to camera or distance to plane detected.
- Tools
- python, open3d
- Compressing
- Compressing the point cloud by octree
- Tools
- c++, pcl
- Read a mesh and transfrom it to scaned slices.
- c++, opencv
- Calculate the intersections of a plane and a triangle mesh
- Filtering and ICP merge for several tooth point cloud
- Poission meshing
- Simple UI
- Tools
- python, open3d