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FrozenArcher's Dotfiles && Dotfile Manager


  • An awesome dotfile manager dot
  • Neovim nvim/
  • i3 + i3status-rust config/i3
  • hyprland config/hypr/
  • waybar config/waybar/
  • kitty config/kitty/
  • picom (vanilla picom) config/picom/
  • fontconfig config/fontconfig/
  • zsh (ohmyzsh) home/.zshrc
  • xorg environment home/.xprofile
  • xorg.conf etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
  • tmux home/.tmux.conf

NOTE Files under sysfiles-backup are config files for my own laptop, and are not tracked by dot.

About the Dotfile Manager

The dot script is a dotfile manager that helps manage configuration files across multiple systems.

To use the script, you can call it from the terminal with one of the available arguments:

  • (No argument) - This is equal to calling dot all and will update both user and system configuration files.
  • a|all - This updates both user and system configuration files.
  • u|user - This updates only the user's configuration files.
  • s|sys|system - This updates only the system's configuration files.
  • c|clean - This deletes all dotfiles. You can specify whether you want to delete user, system, or all dotfiles by passing user, system, or all as an argument.
  • h|help - This displays a help message and usage information for the script.
  • t|status - This displays information on the status of the repository.
  • d|diff - This displays information on any differences between the current configuration files and the repository.

In addition to these arguments, there are also several options you can use:

  • -p|--pretend - This runs the script in pretend mode, where no changes are actually made to the filesystem.
  • -v|--verbose - This enables verbose output, providing more detailed information on the actions being taken by the script.
  • -n|--no-backup - This disables backup creation when updating or cleaning dotfiles.
  • -r|--recover - This recovers deleted dotfiles from the backup directory when cleaning.

Installing Everything

Installing desktop environment dependencies:


paru -S ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-lxgw-wenkai ttf-lxgw-neo-xihei ttf-lxgw-fasmart-gothic ttf-twemoji

Common stuff

paru -S sed wget zsh kitty pavucontrol network-manager-applet udiskie blueman caffeine-ng fcitx5-{im,chinese-addons,lua} lsd bat unzip lolcat

Theming stuff

paru -S lxappearance qt5ct kvantum kvantum-theme-dracula-git dracula-gtk-theme candy-icons-git papirus-icon-theme capitaine-cursors

X stuff

paru -S feh xorg-xrandr picom xfce4-power-manager xfce4-screensaver pasystray 

Wayland stuff

paru -S waybar fuzzel

Neovim dependencies

paru -S npm go fd ripgrep nodejs clang stylua

Installing tmux:

paru -S tmux
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

Then enter tmux:


Install plugins by pressing prefix + I.

Installing oh-my-zsh:

sh -c "$(wget -O-"
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

Please install omz before dotfiles. Otherwise, after installing omz, you need to run dot again to overwrite .zshrc created by the ohmyzsh install script.

Installing dotfiles:

git clone [email protected]:FrozenArcher/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles

The default repository location is $HOME/dotfiles, and the dot script will be linked to $HOME/.local/bin/dot.

If you wish to change these locations, you can set environment variables DOT_REPO and DOT_TARGET_DIR when running the install script.

Remember that DOT_REPO is the location where you have cloned the repository.

env DOT_REPO=/path/to/repo DOT_TARGET_DIR=/path/to/target ./install

If the install script is run directly, the two variables will be set to their default values.


After installing, please add the DOT_REPO environment variable to your shell's profile and add the above DOT_TARGET_DIR to your PATH. By default, DOT_REPO is set to ~/dotfiles in .zshrc in this repository.

Changing default shell to zsh:

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Setting up your wallpaper:

both .fehbg and hyprpaper will look up ~/.wallpaper as your wallpaper, so link your favourite wallpaper to ~/.wallpaper:

ln -sf /path/to/wallpaper ~/.wallpaper


  • clean up waybar config
  • import scripts from my old dotfile repo
  • write all dependencies in a file


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